Census Damned If You Do & Fined if You Do Not.

This is a submission I did against changes that the Liberal Govt wanted to push through just prior to Covid19. It now has relevance for all Australians. Census has included the changes requiring former Australian Defence Force personnel to identify themselves. 5 th January, 2020 To the Reviewing Committee, Re: Proposed Amendments Details of the Census and Statistics Amendment (Statistical Information) Regulations 2019 Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission. I wish my submission to be public, but to have only my address/email withheld for security reasons. I believe I have both the personal and qualified experience to make my submission worthy of inclusion as I: - (a) served in the Australian Defence Force; (b) am a wheely for life above knee amputee and was also carer of a frail aged prior; (c) have experience of computers (old programming) for networked/large entities in the workplace as snr bookkeeper for...