Senate Covid19 Submission 2022
This was my last submission to Senate Covid19 as it was to wrap up just after the election. I did not waste much time on it as you can see because I knew after watching the most crooked Senate inquiry I have ever seen the truth would get rejected. The inquiry was nothing but a bipartisan whitewash. It finished & I got my reply as you see at the bottom of the page from Radcliffe who featured unfavourably in the update. She examples clearly that the foxes are in charge of the hen house. It was at least accepted as correspondence but quite frankly that is garbage in light of the findings within the update showing criminality & manslaughter. It is overtime our public servants were dragged to their legal obligations under the Administration Acts instead of spending their time in the Parliamentary Prayer Booth & partying with pollies. 6 th April, 2022 Senate Committee for Covid19, Department of the Senate PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canbe...