
Submission to Australia's Senate Excess Mortality 2024

This is my submission to Australian Senate Excess Mortality lodged 17 May 2024 & accepted only as correspondence which means it is not published & is a way the appalling APH get to censor info getting out about their culpability in criminality.  I tried to upload the information about this submission as I always do to Social Media after I posted it but I was continually censored from doing that. My submission like all my other submissions the first of which started 27 May 2020 directed people to the information that Covid19 was a total hoax & that it was ramped up from the start by people linked to  Democrats & NSA. This was a crime from the very start. I am happy to give my info to anyone freely & respond to questioners for research. I have no political ambitions & my motivation as a wheely is only that we get a good health & welfare system. Read on.......... Submission by Tracey Hoolachan to the Excess Mortality inquiry 45pgs I am fully qualified ...