Submission to Australia's Senate Excess Mortality 2024
This is my submission to Australian Senate Excess Mortality lodged 17 May 2024 & accepted only as correspondence which means it is not published & is a way the appalling APH get to censor info getting out about their culpability in criminality.
My submission like all my other submissions the first of which started 27 May 2020 directed people to the information that Covid19 was a total hoax & that it was ramped up from the start by people linked to Democrats & NSA. This was a crime from the very start. I am happy to give my info to anyone freely & respond to questioners for research. I have no political ambitions & my motivation as a wheely is only that we get a good health & welfare system. Read on..........
Submission by Tracey Hoolachan to the Excess Mortality inquiry 45pgs
I am fully qualified to make the observations
herein. All my Robodebt & Covid19 observations were made within the scope
of my qualifications & experience in accounting & as a certified SES
emergency. At no time have I profited in
any way & my research is self-funded. My Royal Commission submission on
Covid19 was reviewed “brilliant” by Sanjeev Sabhlok a PHD in Economics &
Bachelor of Science Physics & Chemistry. I have an IQ recently tested as
143 confirming my high 5 on 5x5 uni entrance tests was not a fluke. My Diploma
of Accounting includes the module Budgeting & Forecasting & I modelled
Covid19 quantitatively & correctly in real time after teaching myself
diagnostic medicine in a week & identifying a benchmark (flu/pneumonia). Initially
my primary research sources were the World Health Organisation (WHO) & Australian
& Qld Govt health websites. I’m not a member or attached to any political
party as I’m a long-term swinging voter. I have never promoted the purchase of
any pharmaceutical products or herbal supplements for Covid19. I have never
profited in any way from Covid19 or Robodebt. I have only suggested healthy
unbranded antibacterial antimicrobial food & drink from products available
in supermarkets, sunshine for vitamin D & free from the garden dandelion
tea to detox for a healthy heart. I am
not anti-vaccines & in fact have recently had a tetanus shot. Despite
published, my submission to the PM & C allegedly unbiased Covid19 inquiry,
was heavily censored & given the submission no. 1984. Meet your “independent” committee & just
below it is a post of mine that was censored as misinformation of a George
Orwell quote to remind you where a whole lot of Nazis are taking this country.
Accordingly, befitting my conspiracy theorist 1984
tag by PM & Cabinet I have decided to drag AFP rats back in the cage with
me too. Let’s really rumble because I know
how to bite back. I’m just fine & dandy with my “1984” submission number
that has been allocated to make it easier for Facebook to censor people using
the unconstitutional misinformation & disinformation. It affords me the opportunity to open with
what caused the biggest disruption to people’s quality health availability
misinformation or disinformation censorships. An exert of a George Orwell post being censored as misinformation that I
submitted to the “INQUIRY INTO SOCIAL
I don’t have to show what the number of Excess
Death is to prove murder & conspiracy to commit murder has occurred. I only
have to show that one death has eventuated from the distribution of the alleged
“vaccines” & that the inoculation was never needed at all. I intend to
prove that below. The adverse vaccine
events report already evidences that in excess of 1 death has occurred from the
Covid inoculations that were a response measure to what I put to this inquiry
was a health fraud. Whether the numbers of that Adverse
Events report are real, understated or overstated is immaterial. Once I
prove that Covid fraud has occurred & I will, the existence of the Adverse
Events report itself evidences either murder by an unnecessary inoculation has
occurred or a fraudulent report by public servants has been raised misusing
information to create health disorder affecting the reputation of existing
vaccines. Ergo a crime has occurred either way.
The degree of that crime manslaughter or premeditated is for Courts to decide.
If the information I provide AGAIN today is misused, buried again, or an
attempt to defame me again is done that would be deemed concealing evidence of
a crime & in a Court political posturing does not win the day.
I am going to prove beyond all reasonable doubt of
any thinking person that WHO committed fraud with an intent to harm Australians
particular English-Speaking children on a mass scale has occurred at WHO’s
behest & they should be deemed international terrorists. Further that they
were abetted/corrupted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) who was intent on
causing an economic shockwave for the financial benefit of their Davos forum allies.
Both entities should be immediately defunded & a legal action be made
against them for fraud, misrepresentation & consideration given by a
qualified person on whether actions taken constitute possible insider trading, in
order to recover any monies already expended.
Any politician or public servant who has ever been connected to them
should be considered under treachery legislation & removed.
In order to hold your attention in the first few pages,
I am going to start by pointing out that manslaughter is on the table. That is
not a threat. It is a reality borne out
by the collusion of Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA) &
Behavioural Insights Team UK (BIT) & State Govts & revelations from Matt
Hancock’s evidence day that SPI-B apologized for creating a climate of fear
beyond the evidence “Exaggerated & cooperated with creating a climate of
fear beyond the evidence” to UK govts Coronavirus Lessons Learned inquiry)”.
The collusion extended to Australia as those lockstep traffic light nudge
reactions prove. Refer Q1013 in the
picture putting manslaughter on the table.
UK Secretary Hancock’s text messages showed he was
deciding when he was going to announce another fraudulent variant in order to
ramp up provision of health products. A lot of countries should be angry that
instead of their health depts supplying health products based on their
country’s needs a foreign country’s politician was deciding what their need
should be to suit the needs of his own country’s uptake. Australian health dept
had to know that this was occurring & knew they were misusing public funds
with allocations to Covid19 which was rated number 38th cause of
mortality in Australia. When health
funds & resources are misused & wrongly allocated it creates longer
wait lists & treatment for other more serious health concerns. That causes Excess
Deaths. In Australia the hoax saw Allied Health that includes cancer
diagnostics & Elective Surgery that includes heart surgery on hold for a
medical nothing.
There is no doubt from the synchronicity of response measures
across UK & USA that this was a global PsyOps event where the countries
were using each other to Nudge a false reality that Covid19 was a real health
threat. I am fully aware that PM & Cabinet’s Behavioural Economic Team
Australia (BETA) were running “Nudge vs Superbug” during the pandemic. Considering Nudge had previous failures in
both health & the unlawful Robodebt, it beggars’ belief any experimental
health psychology with a failed health history would have been if Covid19 was a
real health threat. In UK’s Coronavirus Lessons Learned inquiry evidence from
Matt Hancock SPI-B that incl’s Sage’s Behavioural Insights Team UK (BIT UK is
now Nesta) that work with BETA are reported to have apologised as they “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to
create a climate of fear beyond the evidence” Q1399 & Q1400. Same inquiry the questioning of
Dominic Cummings put manslaughter on the table in Q1013.
Inter country collusion can be validated also by
Matt Hancock’s testimony with his global management of the Traffic Light Nudge
at Q1401. Countries responses were being deemed by what colour list they were
on Red Green or Amber. The public servants standard Robodebt response of “I
didn’t turn my mind to it” won’t cut it this time.
A lot of public servants were getting frequent
traffic light nudge updates reminding them they had ceded control to a foreign
country to determine health response measures. They would have had to turn
their mind to it every time they looked at their colour of the day. There was
never any real threat here.
I was a health & welfare advocate years pre
Covid19 & yet I don’t remember ever hearing about WHO or WEF before. I have
run surveys on Twitter at various times & only 1 person has ever responded
saying they’d heard of them, but didn’t know from where. There have been a lot of unethical psychology
games going on in Covid19 & it is difficult to know what’s real or
not. It makes no difference. If no-one
can remember them or anything they have done, what are we paying millions
for? Fake epidemics like swine &
bird flu ain’t gonna do it.
In any emergency an initial assessment or reconnaissance
is done. The purpose is to determine both the scope of the emergency &
resource needs. This is done by an emergency warden who is experienced in
emergencies because they are calm enough in emergencies not to panic. As this was an alleged emergency health event
& I completed the SES wardens’ course I have the skills to do the
reconnaissance of Covid19. I doubt any
was done by the Dept of Health & further that it was because they knew it
was a preplanned exercise. Others qualified in medicine will no doubt raise
issues with the alleged Covid19 “vaccines” to account for Excess Deaths.
I will raise the total failure to perform an emergency reconnaissance which
show there was no need past 22 Jan 2020 for medicine to even be in the novel
Covid19 Wuhan room. No responses were
ever needed & they most definitely have led to Excess Deaths because of the
withdraw of medical treatment for anything but the Covid19 hoax.
Though I was immediately awake to the overblown ramp
of Covid19 my first real attention was drawn to it like everyone else 23 Jan
2020. This was when Wuhan Hubei’s border went up in China for a viral disease
in their cold & flu season. After
years of going to doctors to be told, “It’s viral there’s nothing we can do.” The
reason nothing can be done with viral diseases is they mutate too fast &
those mutations are almost always milder.
Why did anyone all of a sudden think there was something that could be
done? Before you were given any time to consider the unreality like a magician,
they gave you the distraction of a hospital built in record time while games on
numbers they had stuffed up were being corrected.
I had been looking for something to keep up my
skills in modelling & Covid19 despite the hype at my quick glance Coronavirus
in China’s cold & flu season had very low numbers. I did not think this
would be a long show. When they kept going, I suspected initially it was a
cover for something else namely Ebola as I’d been watching reports. Ebola is a
known deadly disease. Try finding a
Situation Report for Ebola!
Even very early Jan 2020 I could see people that
were asking questions on Twitter were all being steered by trolls/BOTs to 2x
doctors. I started looking into their posts.
To find what that something else was.
The first was Dr Eric Feigl Ding this doctor was
dangerously intent on creating panic. The modelled figures he used were total
garbage. Not only did the figures not factor the disease start from a possible patient
zero (necessary for the exponential modelling he was using), Ding’s figures
failed to realise exponential modelling is useless for a viral disease in any
population because people have different levels of immunity due to
comorbidities. Exponential modelling needs a static field of study to get an accurate
result. It is impossible to achieve that in health & certainly not on a
global scale because only 10% of the world’s population are in the Southern
Hemisphere. There are island nations,
differing no.’s of country entry points, trade partners & differing
economies to name a few data disruptions.
I started correcting his figures in the comments. Unless you are a
researcher like me few read the reply comments on social media. I figured this
was the best way to get info out to other researchers that something was off
the mark. Even few researchers would have read Ding’s early tweet feeds in
their entirety. Those that did quickly realised he was totally out of his
depth, didn’t know what he was tweeting about & just creating wild crazy
panic. One tweet feed had 40 tweets of gibberish the last of which told you he
had no qualifications in immunology. I knew that immediately. I don’t care how
many alleged credentials his data modelling sources had they were flat out
useless. I later realised Ding was a former US Democrat candidate. Me & others
credit him with starting the panic. I saw that trolls were also directing
people to him & Grayson on Twitter.
Dena Grayson was the other doctor Twitter trolls directed
people too. Lo & behold she’s also a former failed Democrat electoral
candidate. Grayson was calmer than Ding
but unethically withheld key details that would have dispelled panic. Even in the early days of Covid case numbers
for a virus that been unquarantined for 5+ weeks from patient zero mid Dec 2019
until 23rd Jan 2020 (Wuhan border day) in China’s 1,44B population were
pathetic. The first thing any doctor would do is look up coronavirus if commenting.
Even Jan 2020 the information was publicly out there that coronavirus had
hundreds of harmless strains one of which is the common cold. Instead, she had
a lot of too early to tell comments & told nothing that may dispel the
panic. My reply says it all. Note my data source here at the bottom for
numbers. It is not WHO but a news channel. That is because WHO had not
published the days situation report for 25 January 2020. In fact, WHO filled in the blanks after it
had played a lot of naughty games.
Senate Covid had the information on Ding &
Grayson in my submission lodged to them 27 May 2020. It also had screen
captures of the trolls like @Shelhol that were
directing the Covid curious to Ding & Grayson. @Shelhol & friends started
toiletpapergate that caused the panic in our grocery stores. Their tweets
between themselves showed they were behind planning some of the bizarre
measures like the elbow handshakes. They
were so cocky patting themselves on their backs that almost all the world was
in a state of shock & brainwash they were boasting & planning all the
measures in open Twitter. I was wide awake.
As other Qld non-essentials were being encouraged to spring clean their
homes, do home reno’s & dig a veg patch (probably for Schwab WEF’s new
owners because they told us we will own nothing, eat bugs & be happy about
it) between modelling & researching for my entertainment I tracked the
@shelhol has unsurprisingly now made its Twitter
account that showed he was in regular communique with Grayson &
@thespybrief protected & deleted a lot of its earlier posts connecting
him. The spy brief is ex National
Security Agency. In the tweets below (screen captured 15 May 2024) you’ll note
Grayson uses the term “hanging” & “strangulation” I lost my first Twitter
account still permanently suspended, for quoting the Clint Eastwood movie “Hang
‘Em High”. It must be different rules on Twitter if you’re a US Democrat with
former NSA mates (are they ever “former”?).
Senate Covid rejected a submission that was: - 1. 100%
medically correct; 2. Included an accurate forecast model & logic on the
Covid situation to within 12 deaths per flu season (my estimate of 55 first
year it was 43) lodged months before ABS confirmed my estimate was reasonable;
& 3. were given details of who ramped up a hoax hysteria & panic. It
was rejected November 2020. I gave every
opportunity to the Secretary of that appallingly biased Senate Covid19 inquiry
to accept my reviewed submission to Royal Commission to correct the trajectory
of disaster APH was on with inoculations that were never needed at all. It
is my opinion that the information presented & rejected in Senate Covid
crossed the line of criminality on mishandling information. Further that as deaths from the alleged vaccine
injuries were for an overblown hoax & fraud that every death direct &
incidental in Covid19 should be interrogated as to whether they were victims of
the hoax accounting for the high Excess Deaths numbers. Note the last sentence in the comment in the
second picture below”. I can show that WHO attempted to hide missing data.
Below is a tweet I did the same day from one of my
2x Twitter accounts that are still permanently suspended because I am a
“dangerous” “1984” social media poster that told the truth calling out the low death
numbers of Covid19. This tweet was based on data I obtained from Situation
Reports the WHO website the day after the borders went up. China’s population
is more than 55 times Australia’s population.
I included my link source from WHO (in blue). I maintain that at this
time the Situation Reports were still being published 1 day behind & my
tweet was referring to data from 24th Jan 2020. Note I put my
source link as WHO (in blue) & the number of deaths was 28. Now WHO reports
state the Situation Reports published on the 24th Jan 2020 were for
the 24th Jan 2020. That is a lie.
Now the report for the 24th show that there are only 25
deaths accredited to the alleged Covid19. The data has changed from the
original published Situation Report that was still being published 1 day behind
at this time. The data WHO now reports for the 25th Jan 2020 published on 25th
Jan 2020 is 41 deaths which marries with the news report in the picture of
the tweet to Dena Grayson above when no WHO report had been published yet &
was the reason, I used an alternate source to WHO Situation Reports. I chose
China because it was a Chinese outbreak & they were the communication
source at ground zero.
The earliest reference of that 41-death number
though, came from Bloomberg rag. The day before WHO published the numbers it
now alleges were for the 25th Jan 2020 & published on 25th
Jan 2020 Bloomberg’s rag was publishing the 41 dead number. Majority owner Michael Bloomberg was a
Democrat Presidential Candidate until 4th March 2020. The data was not WHO’s data we were looking
at that ramped up a pandemic it was the US Democrats & probably for
electioneering & other nefarious purposes. WHO lied to the world, changed
its data & attempted to aid the pre-selection of a US President partnered
to the World Economic Forum (WEF). WEF’s
Klaus Shwab who has boasted, “We penetrate the Cabinets”. This was a clear
attempt to penetrate the highest office in USA that holds Presidential veto.
USA is a major 5 eyes defence partner & a lot of people in APH helped this
There was a lot of changes done like that in
Covid19. Information changed to suit the narrative that Covid19 was real when
really it was only fraud to get jabs in arms for unethical pharmaceutical
companies Pfizer & Moderna major shareholder Blackrock whose Chairman &
CEO is Fink on WEF’s Board of Trustees. 28
or 25 deaths the number of deaths was ridiculously low for Armageddon to be
ramped up. What it shows though is that with all the millions thrown at WHO it was
incapable of even doing any emergency data after being activated (20 Jan 2020) &
on the ground 4days before 24 January 2020. It was unable to keep count of 25
or is it 28 dead bodies. Teachers & school bus drivers do a headcount of
more than that in less than 5 minutes in rooms full of moving children. A
highly deadly A-symptomatic super spreader with surface life can travel a long
way in 4 days. WHO fraudulently has overstated its capabilities to acquire
Australia’s membership & has clearly misappropriated the millions given it,
if that is the best it can come up with.
The alleged 1st wave cluster was from
the Wuhan market & presented at Wuhan hospital 30 Dec2019. Early Feb 2020
China reported the results of surface life tests showing viable transmissible
surface life 9-14 days. At a later time, CSIRO confirmed a 14-day surface life
but that has now changed again. With a 30 Dec 2020 start. That puts an already
incubated to transmissibility phase patient zero as 15/16 Dec 2020. The disease
though also incubated in Patient Zero. Ergo potentially a longer period that
Patient Zero was out infecting people.
It should also be remembered that the first to succumb to virus are the
aged & those with comorbidities as they are immune compromised. They have
shorter incubation cycles as low resistance.
This means there was potentially faster incubated transmission cycles in
early wave periods. WHO’s Situation
Report No. 1 was published 21 Jan 2020. It was based on data from 20 Jan 2020. 16
Dec 2019 to 20 Jan 2020 is 35 days. 35 days divided by 14 days gives us 2.5
incubation cycles. Coronavirus have been
known to affect cats & dogs & the only research I could find January
2020 on coronavirus was in animals. That
study suggested a cycle of a 28days & ergo in that 35-day period still at
least 1 full incubated transmission period from patient zero to WHO’s 20 Jan
2020 monitored data. Even if there was no human data freely available early in
Covid19, this was available for a rough guide.
Aussies go to health experts Doherty’s Institute should have known this
because Peter Doherty’s Nobel prize was as a bird vet. With at least 1 full incubated
cycle completed using the animal guide, 2.5 using a human guide &
potentially more incubated cycles of immune compromised by 23 Jan 2020 when the
Wuhan Hubei borders went up even if it was real (& it wasn’t) the disease
was already out & birds & bats will do what they will do fly over the
borders. Any WHO emergency disease expert supposedly looking for the source of
the first cluster which was suspected from a live animal market would have
known that coronavirus infects animals. They outright lied & bunkered down
on ridiculous bat & later bat & pangolin rubbish. WHO was doing nothing
but being spoon fed from Bloomberg & others & Doherty was corrupted by
his involvement in labs doing unethical & illegal gain of function
Doherty’s like almost all the featured submissions
in Senate Covid19 were a collection of overblown estimates. Jack Ma Ping
Insurance had given Doherty’s 3M to ramp up the inoculation. Dead bodies from a
poorly tested listed poison & gene therapy that the public purse picks up
the compensation bill for is a whole lot cheaper for an insurance company than
it having to foot the bill for total permanent disabilities in an aged
population. Take a good look at the gold standard modelling done by Doherty’s
below that I supplied in my rejected Senate Covid submission as a warning. It
shows Doherty’s could not even double entry reconcile up to 60. Ask yourself
why any credible inquiry would give prime time to feature “experts” that can’t
count up to 60. These are the maths
geniuses that deemed the PCR lollipop stick you’ve had shoved up your nose was
the gold standard way of saying Covid19 even exists in Australia. By the time I submitted to the Royal
Commission Disability Feb 2021 I was able to show Doherty’s were reading PCRs
in a complete contradiction to WHO guides.
At a later time, Doherty’s did another report on Covid19 for govt &
Jack Ma, the result boosters, boosters & more boosters. Of course, Covid19
believers can hold the faith ignore their $3M unbiased report & do a chant
of support for their big farmer sponsored miracle cure of garlic in a bottle.
farmer sponsored miracle cure of garlic in a bottle.
There is no doubt World Health Organisation (WHO)
were aware of Covid19 as early as 31st Dec 2020. WHO issued a press
release 5th Jan 2020 identifying the alleged Covid19 as “Pneumonia
of unknown cause” based on China’s data from 3rd Jan 2020. By 20th
January 2020 WHO were heavily active on Covid19 verified by the existence of
Situation Reports that weren’t even used in Ebola. A lot of people on social
media were panning people raising the low death risk numbers saying China could
not be trusted. This was propaganda to
ramp up the fraud. My data & observations were based on WHO’s own data
& based on it being followed by them since 31st Dec 2019 if they
are worth the millions they’ve had off us they should have been up to speed
nearly 3 weeks later. They weren’t as
the games on data above validates. NB:
Remember @shelhol’s tweet mate @PneumoniaWuhan very few people were looking at
pneumonia on Twitter.
This was a coronavirus viral disease strain in
China’s cold & flu season. Every year there are there are thousands of
strains, variants & mutations, sub variants of coronavirus. Coronavirus
mutates fast & almost always milder. 20th January 2020 when the
data was being gathered for Situation Report no.1 (published the following day)
it was 21 days after the first Wuhan cluster hospital presented. At that time
there were only 6 deaths with no medical histories. At 2 deaths a week in a population of
1.4Billion the hysteria was just absurd.
By Situation Report no.2 published 22nd
Jan 2020 WHO reported that on the 21st Jan 2020 there were no more
deaths accredited to Covid19. However, files of 5 of those 6 histories were at
hand & 4 had pre-existing comorbidities that were a factor. So, 22 days
after the first Wuhan cluster went to hospital we were talking at best (we
don’t have the history of the 6th patient) 2 only Covid19 deaths in
22 days of WHO monitoring (1.57 incubated transmission cycles & possibly
more). 2 only deaths since patient zero 16th December 2019 37 days
(2.64 incubation cycles & possibly more due to the immune compromised).
Hubei is a populated region of over 59M with a
busy train network. This virus was allegedly spread A-symptomatically & had
surface life. Had this been a real threat the disease would have been all over
China with a whole lot more than 309 confirmed cases. This was an alleged virus that when it
actually had symptoms, they were the exact same symptoms as good ole flu with
pneumonia. Nobody, but nobody in China would have been bunkering down in the
first 3 weeks before the Wuhan border close if they thought they had just a
cold. When WHO’s own observations in data shows at best only 2 only deaths in
37 days (5.28 weeks) a lot of people in the Australian Health Department should
have been asking a lot of questions about the allocation of resources to what
was a medical nothing.
As at 22nd
January 2020, the day before the Wuhan Hubei borders allegedly went up 23
January 2020 WHO was in possession of information that showed at a worst case
scenario there were only 2 deceased in over 5 weeks from patient zero from the
alleged novel quickly mutating Coronavirus Covid19. Covid was never a pandemic
based on these numbers.
By Situation Report No. 3 it
is pretty clear WHO was acting nefariously. When you have an initial death
cluster of 6 & a clear intent on showing the results of case histories as
evidenced by 5 of the 6 case histories reported in Situation Report no. 2 what
would you be expecting to see in Situation Report no. 3? Obviously something
about the case history of the 6th patient. If you are trying to
guage the severity of risk in a predominently healthy population & there is
only 1 healthy person & 5 with comorbidities from the original 6 it is
unlikely that there was any risk at all to most of the population when
coronavirus almost always mutate milder. Situation Reports 1 (data from the 20th)
& 2 (data from the 21st) were published the following day, but
data from Situation Report 3 is from the same day 23 Jan 2020. The Situation
Report data for the 22nd Jan 2020 is gone with no explanation about
why there was a change to published data dates. Further there is no mention of
the case file of the 6th original death cluster. Without the details
that the 6th patient being shown as comorbidity free there is
nothing to prove that the alleged Covid19 original strain ever transmitted
deadly as the 1 confirmed case with no comorbodies could have been patient zero. When you analyse the data on the Situation
Reports it shows there is a full days data missing. You only realise that when
you read each report which most people won’t do & auditors don’t have time
to do. So we get a covering weblink to the webpage that looks honky dory, but
when you consider the contents you realise that data that is critical from
activities on the 22nd Jan 2020 has gone missing. It is my opinion from a great many highly
questionable actions WHO withheld the details of the 6th patient
& WHO attempted to conceal their sleight of hand with the distribution
format change.
The Situation Report data
should have been closely considered by the Therapeutic Goods Authority (TGA)
headed by Skerritt & Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) a Committee
Ministerially appointed & funded by Dept of Health & The National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRCA) who report annually
to the Minister for Health, the Dept of Health & the Health Ministry at the
very least on a federal level. Without proof that there were 2 deadly cases of
the original strain from the original presenting cluster there was absolutely
no proof at all when the symptoms were an exact match for pneumonia &
influenza that this was a disease that was capable of person-to-person deadly
transmission. WHO would have known that. A lot of people in our Stateside
health & welfare depts would have known that too. Every epidemiologist
trying to predict spread using exponential modelling in govt health depts would
have been looking at both the case numbers & the death numbers &
inserting them into a bar chart with daily totals to tweak their qualitative
models. Every quantitative modeller like I was should have been looking in
detail at the first few days for a death number pattern point & severity
benchmark. A lot of people in govts
should have noticed the missing details & games.
I taught myself diagnostic medicine across a week
because I realised immediately exponential modelling was useless. Because I
decided it had to be done quantitatively & there was no history for a novel
disease my thought was, I would model the symptoms & then find the bench
mark for deaths by the worst symptom. Even before I had seen the Pneumonia of
an unknown cause press release, I knew pneumonia was a factor because I saw an
early case that reported vomiting. The
more I looked at the symptoms the more I was convinced that using flu/pneumonia
as my benchmark would be a good fit.
There were symptoms that did not fit loss of smell, taste, the famous
Covid hair & the Covid dreams. All
have been found to be symptoms of post-traumatic stress. I used flu as my guide
& referred to past news reports of prior flu seasons to establish
benchmarks of good & bad flu seasons. We had morbidity reports in 2017 that
showed pneumonia was also in with the flu morbidity statistics. But in 2018
that was changed at WHO’s whim.
As the flu
seasons assumed a 90-day period I ran a 90-day model & just updated the
data daily in the boxes. Though initially I was doing this for fun & to
practice my graphic MS Paint skills I retained this simple format because it
could have been done anywhere in the world with just a pen paper &
maths/calculator. By a simply pro rata of China’s Covid19 deaths to population
& a comparison to our prior flu seasons it showed Covid19 was never a bigger
threat than flu. I did not change the
format at all until the cycle had completed because a lot of people had started
following it & you never change a method in the middle of an emergency
because you do not have the time to train people on new methods. My estimate at
the end of the 90 days for Australia was 55 per cold & flu season. This was
lodged in my Senate Covid submission 27 May 2020. As at 31st August
2020 the data shows when correctly worked the number per ABS for Australia’s
Covid19 deaths was 43 (I was 12 out). As at 31st July 2021 two flu
seasons late ABS had raised a special report on just Covid19 reports from death
certificates the number was 103 for 2x almost complete flu seasons (2 x 55 =
110 I was 7 out). Given to Australian
Senate at enormous expense of $0 as I self-funded my $2 calculator.
I was following Covid19 very
closely from 23 January 2020 & was doing rough models to keep my hand in.
There were no reports out of WHO across the long Australia Day/Chinese New Year
weekend that spanned from 25 January 2020 to 27 Jan 2020. I tweeted about
the lack of Reports. It was one of the tweets I managed to screen
capture before my Twitter account was permanently suspended for telling people
the truth. Covid Senate had access to
that original link May 2020 & had they checked that link they would have
had to have known the implications that WHO had filled in blanks that just were
not there January 2020.
Look again at just the “increase
of” death data in the quick analysis of WHO’s first 14 days of reporting
above. You see top to bottom that there
is obviously a difference between the first 6 deaths from the first report
& the 305 on 2 February 2020. These reports though were not the start of
the alleged “pandemic”. It had been going 36 days before from patient zero.
Report 2 data shows there was no increase on the original 6 deaths & 4
really shouldn’t have been there at all due to comorbidities & there’s no
details of patient 6. In the balance of the 12 WHO days there is a jump of 303
deaths accredited to the novel Covid19 under WHO’s watch when without their
close watch across 37 days only 2. WHO was in the picture overseeing Covid19 as
a press release shows from 3 January 2020. If this was a disease capable of
exponential modelling there would have been a gradual increase of deaths across
those 37 days but there was nothing. Yet despite this early trend & lack of
data evidencing that exponential modelling was cr*p, WHO kept encouraging it because
they were purposefully with intent ramping up a hoax.
Have yet another look at
the death figures & remember the social distancing measures Australia got
due to exponential growth modelling. This data is all over the place &
there is the gap of data on the 22nd Jan 2020. If this disease had
been exponentially growing there would have been a consistency in the increase
rate of deaths. This data should have been screaming to everyone that
exponential modelling was useless & something was very wrong with the information
coming out of WHO. We have days across
this 14 day analysis where there is no change in death numbers. Days when we
have less deaths than the day before. If
this was a highly deadly super spreader we would have seen a similar ratio
pattern of growth in deaths when it entered new countries via the usually more
populated port cities (Hubei population 59 M). The data does not show anything
like that happened. Exponential modelling was totally wrong to use from the
outset for a global disease. Only 10% of the world’s population are in the
entire Southern hemisphere. Many countries are islands. There was never going to be an equal
exponential growth as a lot of propaganda merchants were lying to the public
& frightening them. All of the media was focussed on cases cases cases
because had they focussed on deaths with what was at best 2 in the world’s
population in over 5weeks, had they focussed on recoveries they wouldn’t have
kept the fear up. This was fraud &
it used unethical persuasive psychology to induce countries to buy an
inoculation they never needed & victims to have a poorly tested by
Doherty’s Institute PCR/RATs & get a poorly tested experimental listed
poison they never needed either.
As at 29 February 2020 per
WHO’s Situation Report 40 now & 96.088% of Covid19 deaths in China
were still in Hubei province. The alleged deadly novel disease Covid19 did not
even spread inside China. WHO called a global pandemic 11 March 2020. 11 days
after it had to know there was absolutely no spread other than the fear it had
ramped up itself. Note how I underlined the word now
WHO & Australian govts
kept everyone focussed on cases cases cases but not on the ages of people
dying. Nor on the recoveries. Nor on the reinfections aka recurrency events
because that would have reduced inoculation uptake of what is being revealed
now to be gene therapy. I raised my concerns about it being questionable a
virus & really gene therapy in my submission to Royal Commission Part 2
lodged Feb 2021 that Senate Covid got a copy of. They kept pushing the PCR test. Doherty’s
Institute are implicated in the lab leak theory cover up. They alleged they
grew the original virus in their lab in January 2020. Doherty’s also tested
& gave that PCR its gold standard rating. So Doherty’s had a PCR test that
was checking their own supposed home grown virus. Trouble is China had not
released a sample of what they believed was the original strain early Jan 2020
& this came out in an interview. Further WHO changed what was the early
strain much later June 2021 & it was covered by John Campbell so everything
Doherty’s told us was highly questionable. When I lodged to Royal Commission I showed
Doherty’s were not even reading the test within the WHO guidelines. The test was never designed for testing
Covid19 in isolation. 2x foreign Courts proved it could not even distinguish
between juice & the alleged virus and more.
But the unethical psychologist
kept everyones focus on the cycles argument instead of whether the tests were
ever needed in the first place.
The PCR tests were always
for genetic testings & that is really why all those freezers had to be
minus 80 degrees. That should have told a lot of medical scientist that the
jabs for jobs could not possibly be vaccines at the storage temperature they
had to have. People went in good faith
to get a PCR test for a disease to find their DNA was being stolen off them
& used for other purposes. Considering Jack Ma of Ping Insurance donated $3
Million to Doherty’s Institute & knowing that the genetical family history
is financially beneficial to any insurance company a lot of questions should be
asked as to who has been the receiver of that stolen property obtained without
the fully informed consent of the PCR test subjects & where it has gone.
A lot of people should be asking why we were all
told to ignore the real experts in virology like Luc Montagnier RIP, the real
experts in pharmacology like ex VP of Pfizer Yeadon, the real experts in
Immunology like the 30yr experienced Dr Binder. A lot of people should be
asking why the Australian peoples owned national emergency broadcaster ABC
partnered with RMIT who were grant funded by Victorian Govt in RMIT ABC Fact
Check on Twitter & Facebook in order to censor us questioning. If we are
entitled to get a second opinion, if we have to respect native medicine that
includes smoking ceremonies & bone shaking then why if we are white
European decent are we prevented from our way which is asking a friend first. “How do you do?” “How are you?” By what
bloody right in social media do a bunch of Hitlers think they have the right to
censor as misinformation our centuries old ritual practices of asking &
discussing our medical problems with friends offline or online. This unholy partnership empowered people with
less than a single morning or afternoon session of a Fact Check course to
censor the real doctors & medical experts with years of study &
experience. If I was to credit anything that was the most harmful thing in
Covid19 accounting for the Excess Deaths it was these indiscriminate
unqualified censorships that when challenged with the real facts they refused
to correct (I tried). Potentially every single person that had the listed
poison & gene therapy treatment (it is not a vaccine) has the right to
pursue a legal case (harmed by side effects or not) because they never got the
full information to give informed consent.
Not only was the correct Covid19 information
censored, but decades of subliminal good life saving training for bystanders
was unwound & made unappealing. Things
like resuscitation as the real misinformation of encouraging bystanders to
leave people to die instead of actually trying to do some DRABC or Do the 5’s. It is a shining example of what we will get
from any misinformation or disinformation legislation to allegedly protect us.
In reality they bent over backwards to protect the financial interests of
Victorian Labor who funded RMIT with a $50 Million grant. They bent over backwards at every chance they
could to withhold the correct information that would result in the harm of
thousands of Australians.
In Scotland’s Covid Inquiry it has been revealed
there was a blanket instruction of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) people allegedly
infected with Covid19. In UK also doctors were putting DNR on disabled peoples’
files without their knowledge. One of my censored tweets on Facebook was
circulating a St John’s Ambulance free resuscitation chart. That blanket stretched a long way & we
need to know what was happening here. We have “Sudden Death” heart attacks
making the news regularly now. Who is going to treat them medically if there
are blanket Do not Resuscitate notices?
The public that has been brainwashed by videos of crisis actors falling
over in the streets being treated by medics garmented/masked to the hilt as
bystanders jump away. Do you see that encouraging people to step up? What will
be the effect of removing resuscitation techniques? Can you see how many few
people would be capable of even trying to do something if they haven’t been
exposed to techniques in places like social media? Decades of Do the 5 for
drowning victims, DRABC for accident or med event soft public training has been
wasted by Covid19 hoaxers that have brainwashed 4 generations into being the
bystanders that refuse to give assistance in an emergency. The fact this scum,
are being enabled to slink off quietly when they will be responsible for
Premature Deaths into the future from patients left to die untreated is
breathtaking. We are entering into an
aging population & the extent of the hoax has to be publicly & loudly
exposed so people that have been Nudged useless can do a brain reset.
Just a reminder Victorian Labor were found guilty
of human rights abuses by the Ombudsman Glasser over the Towers & their
Victorian Stasi like police force were just found guilty of unlawful
violence. But wait there’s more…
Every day Dan Andrews faced the media with his
donut hole in his story days. Dan
Andrews blatently lied by deception to Victorians with his information that
Covid19 was more deadly than flu. Covid19 started as “Pneumonia of an unknown
cause”. It always was treated as Covid19 plus that pneumonia in the death
statistics & that is evidenced by Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
data on Covid19 deaths up to 31st August 2020 released October 2020.
When Dan Andrews compared Covid19 to the flu he never included pneumonia
because WHO had split pneumonia from influenza in morbidity recordings in 2018.
With Andrews long history as a Health Minister, he knew what he was doing, when
he did not exclude also the pneumonia cases from the Covid19 numbers he was
presenting in his comparison. Dan
Andrews daily committed fraud by deception.
He was not comparing flu to Covid19. He was comparing flu to Covid19
plus pneumonia. My prediction of a worst-case scenario of 55 for a flu season
was based on a correct quantitative modelling & was only 55. The real
figure excluding obvious things for just Covid19 across the full country was
about 43. The second year for Australia & after 2 x 55 cold & flu
seasons showed 103 deaths per ABS statistics bade on only Covid deaths. I was
only 7 out across 2x years. The data
shows Dan Andrews was lying when he said the Covid 19 was more deadly than the
flu even with pneumonia included in both. 2017 was acknowledged to be a bad flu
There was no doubting those death figures 29 Feb
2020 that showed there was no spread in China.
At the same time as I was putting out the information at the end of
February showing that the figures were all bullsh*t Sanjeev Sabhlok was telling
Victorian govt the same thing using his own data analysis. He is the Victorian
Finance & Treasury man that quit in Covid 19 over the lockouts. He released
one of his memo’s showing he gave the information to his superiors in Victorian
govt that something was wrong 28 February 2020. Because he left very publicly
& went to the media there is no way that it wasn’t a topic of discussion at
the illegal National Cabinet.
Despite there being absolutely no: - 1. visible spread verified by the 96%
containment of China’s deceased in Hubei; 2. No provable transmission of a
deadly disease to healthy people from the first 6 deceased; 3. Incredibly low
no.’s of deaths; 4. Ridiculous A-symptomatic positives inflating the case
no.’s; 5. Symptoms an exact match to influenza & pneumonia in China’s cold
& flu season; 6. A lot of games going on with numbers, incredibly on 11
March 2020 WHO unbelievably declared a pandemic for an influenza like viral
disease. This in itself was novel fraud because there was never at any time prior
any WHO consensus on what an influenza like pandemic was.
Reminder January 2020 was no ordinary time
period. We were allegedly in Bushfire
Australia recovery. Bushfire Australia tally was 42 deaths reported to
parliament (33 Morrison & 9 Piper), Per Monash University “BURNS
REGISTRY OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (BRANZ) ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20…Forward….Forty patients with severe burn injuries as a result
of these bushfires were admitted to specialist burns services around the
nation” no
doubt there were hundreds being treated for minor burn injuries & then
there’s the thousands with lungs compromised by bushfire smoke of up to 12
months & thousands with PTSD after losing homes & livelihoods. Did
anyone see WHO direct resources to our Bushfire Australia alleged real
When Australia enrolled as a member & paid its
multi-million-dollar annual dues that was so it would provide services as
promised & promoted in a health emergency. Health falls under s51 it is not
“good government” to spend millions of dollars for a rainy-day health emergency
when it is actually the cause of the rain.
Everyone was looking at the wolf in sheep’s clothing 7,450km away in
China due to WHO’s propaganda diversion. Who in the Australian Health Dept was
still was looking at the real emergency the burnt sheep in our paddocks because
this was about fleecing us.
WHO is a membership organisation & public
purse expenditure has been made to this organisation that is the subject of
constitution s51xxiiiA a referendum agreed oversight. Its membership can only
have been financially acquired if the purpose of the expended membership dues
was for “peace, order & good government”. I am amazed with the total
amnesty clauses within their constitution they have any place of control in
Australia at all. Seems to me no “order” for WHO & let’s not forget those
vaccine contracts all with amnesty is no “order & good government” that
gets dished out to Aussies themselves.
Somehow a whole lot of Commissions & add-ons
like WHO have sprouted up to try & undermine the Constitution & expand
the powers of Parliament (& the Governor is part thereof) that are
Constitutionally given. The only justification would be was if the public were
getting the same level of service for less money, but it’s not & it
certainly didn’t get any real service from WHO in Bushfires Australia.
were a number of nasty psychology tests I saw playing out on Twitter before
Covid19. OK Boomer to test how easy it would be to target a vulnerable group
& whip up hatred against them. There were a number of waster topics that
shouldn’t have seen a lot of media focus eg The Sports Rort Health Secretary that
has sent a clear message to everyone what little evidence there will be after
they dump their books. There were a number of ridiculous terrorist media
campaigns eg Strawberry Field’s for ever where a disgruntled needle sticking
farmworker became a terrorist for the media, We All Live in an Invisible
Russian Submarine invading UK (if you can’t see it how did they know?), They
Call Me Mellow Yellow Bananas & a prison in USA & more. There were also a number of games with
digital aging of old Sci-Fi actors. As
recently as a week ago I was tracking a group that I believe are connected to
77th Brigade in UK but also are linked to Australia from the speed
of known Aussie trolls responding to them.
traitorous scum in our govts have traded their political threats names for
targeting by foreign countries govt entities & in order to keep their own
unlawfulness concealed. Whistleblowers & truth speakers have been branded
as conspiracy theorist & “dangerous” & the total slime have been doing
it to ramp up a need for Misinformation disinformation legislation for the
interest for harmful entities to Australia WHO & WEF. Now I’m pretty sure people like me deserve a
bloody big apology from govt & compensation for the loss of our social
enjoyment & defamation.
The hoax of Covid19 being a real health threat
should have been suspected as early as 23 January 2020. My opinion is they did
not just suspect it was a hoax at this early date, but our health officials all
knew it was a hoax & it had been preplanned. The selection of Jane Halton
who was involved with Bill Gates’ Event 101 plandemic to do the independent
review on Covid19 is a strong indicator of this for Australia before
considering other factors like that very public Sports Rort waste of time that
focussed on health secretaries that delete notebooks (ergo evidence). With our
26Million population when have we ever had health Armageddon predicted on 28
people with cold & flu in our cold & flu season? This was 28 people
aged & with comorbidities in China’s 1.4Billion population in their cold
& flu season.
Not one single protocol was satisfied for WHO to
call a pandemic. It was a fraud & considering the timing was intent on
causing serious harm to Australians because of Bushfire Oz.
Dot point 1 The data missing from
the first 6 deaths proves that WHO never validated deadly transmission. We kept hearing of a variant of concern but
there were many mutations & unless deadly transmission could be proved
there was no outbreak that was deadly whatever flu or Covid sticker is put on
it. The PCR test that validates the
presence of Covid19 has been proven in 2x Courts to not be fit for purpose. It
tests positive to live & dead virus, cannot identify differences in strains
& tests positive for everything from oil to Magafulli’s fruit juice. RATs
own paperwork shows it is only a presumptive test. The unreliability of the
tests alone should void this as a deciding pandemic indicator without a
supportive other factor. But wait
there’s more. A whole lot of lies were told to Aussies about the tests being
specifically for the “novel” Covid19 strain. WHO itself acknowledged after a
newspaper had targeted their information that the original genomic data was
completely different than what was originally given.
Dot point 2 There had to have been
strong robust immunity or we would have been looking by 20th January
at everyone in Wuhan Hubei infected after a full incubation cycle had occurred.
All those alleged A-symptomatic infected people & mostly mild cases either
validated strong immunity or poorly functioning false positive tests either one
of these options debunks a pandemic outbreak claim. No-one in the health
department looked at China’s second post flu season data. 6th July
2020 to 6th July 2021 there were only 201 deaths (ignoring ages
& comorbidities) accredited to Covid 19 in a population of 1.4Billion of
mostly uninoculated people. The fact that they were still mostly all alive in
China, the Covid19 real Ground Zero after multiple 14-day incubation cycles
should have told Australian health officials that duh there may be natural
immunity or duh this disease isn’t as deadly as we first thought.
Dot point 3 At best there were 2
deaths of the novel disease in over 5 weeks that is a low morbidity. In fact,
it was downgraded to not HCID by UK Health 13th March 2020 because
it was not a high consequence infectious disease. By WHO’s own protocols 2009 in order to call a pandemic a disease has to
cause serious illness & high morbidity.
Covid never did either as the low number of Chinese deaths in the
situation report 40 above proves. Worse WHO fraudulently presented the figures
in its Situation Reports to nudge fear of those making a quick judgement. Note
how the only box represented in 10K lots is the population. 2797 cold & flu
like deaths in cold & flu season from a population of 59170000 isn’t so
scary is it. Senate Covid19 was warned about this game playing with marketing
psychology & this screen capture of WHO’s dashboard was included. 14weeks
in & only 13 deaths some of which were imported & the Australian health
dept hid from Australians that these deaths were with Covid19 not because of
Covid19. When Australian Bureau of Statistics started to recognise Covid19
separately on its morbidity order list Covid19 was rated the 38th
place getter. The allocation of any special resources based on that number
should have seen a lot of people hauled over the coals. The real excess death
numbers will affect this country for years to come. People that were suffering
breathing difficulties with undiagnosed asthma resulting from Bushfire Oz smoke
inhalation & a fear of being diagnosed Ebola Corona. People that were put off from getting cancer
diagnostics because they were frightened of getting Covid. People that were
refused Allied Health & Elective Surgery when both were put on hold for the
38th place getter.
Dot point 4 above of WHO’s 2009
protocols in order to call a pandemic a
key indicator is that a disease “Spreads easily from person to person” aka is a
super spreader Covid19 was never a super spreader. Even by Who’s Situation
Report 29 Feb 2020 & despite the Hubei borders being open until 23 Jan 2020
from a patient zero start of 15 December 2020 96% of Covid19 deceased were
still in Hubei. Ergo 2.5 months later this 14day incubation/surface life
alleged disease had not even spread in China.
WHO hid critical health
data & ramped up a fraud in January 2020 based on nothing. They pushed
punitive unproven measures like social distancing, masks, lockdowns all more
harmfull than the hoax disease. They continued to hide & lie about natural
immunity being robust in Jan 2020. The continued to weaken the criteria of the
definition of what was a positive case to the point a person with a hangover
could be deemed Covid19 positive. But of all the criminal act they did rolling
out a poorly tested listed poison & then hiding from english speaking
countries only that it should not be given to children was the worst racist
debase act I have ever seen from any alleged health & welfare entity. The committed heinous fraud
& that should void any immunities.
Conclusion: - Repeat WHO & WEF should be immediately defunded &
an application lodged against them for Crimes Against Humanity in the
International Criminal Court. Anyone in APH associated with them must be
removed immediately
I have submitted to many inquiries on Covid now & I’m happy to
submit links to these to anyone on request.
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