Submission to the Preparing for, & responding to, future pandemics & other international health emergencies
These are my responses to the 3x questions 1. How can international cooperation be improved to more effectively prevent, prepare for, and respond to, future pandemics and other international health emergencies? Answer: Ensure there is no corporate funding at all. Charge each & every country an annual membership fee of the same rate per head of their estimated population payable from their treasuries not by corporate or private entities. If they are too poor to pay they are not members at all & mismanaging their treasuries by not collecting enough revenue from their citizens or rorting/wasting their national resources. Remove the existing WHO Board in its entirety & have a congress style Health UN with every country represented by a fully qualified infectious disease human medical doctor or the countries health chief. No former employee of pharmaceutical companies allowed & a signed agreement that the member cannot work for pharmaceutical companies after. They have show...