22/02/2022 I lodged my Royal Commission update this is the portion that relates to COVID-19. The original submission can be found on this site









Update to Part 2 on COVID-19


Introduction, Recap & the Status


Nuts & Bolts – Natural Immunity, Reinfection, Hotspots, Mutations & Plandemic


COVID-19 PCR & Other RATs Tests


COVID-19 Vaccines


Big Pharma Is the Watch Dog for Big Pharma


The UK Influence – The GasLight of DNR’s without Consent


The USA Influence


The China Influence


Queensland (Qld) Beautiful One Day Medical Apartheid the next


Australian Media’s 30 Pieces of COVID-19 Silver


Behavioural Insights/Economics & Nudge


World Health Organisation


World Economic Forum


Medical Censorship in Social Media


Universities Behavioural Economics, Genomics Etc


Law & Not “Good Order” Australian COVID-19 Style


Covid 19 Update Conclusion

3.0.0 Introduction

3.0.0(a) Part 3 of my Royal Commission will firstly update Part 2 COVID-19 & Part 1 Carers. Then I’ll cover my disability abuse from hospitals in Qld to DHS NDIS.

 3.0.0(b) I declare with benefit of time to check (it was rushed out to try & beat the unnecessary vaccine), I am aware of only 1 error in Royal Commission Part 2 (RC P2).  I put 6m instead of 6’ for the sneeze distance. The section should read “2.3.5(c)(ii) What is the health purpose of social distancing at 1.5Metres when sneeze droplets can travel over 6 feet (1.8288Metres)”. My original health conclusions in both the Senate submission 27 May 2020 & RC P2 are now all substantiated as correct at this time. 

3.0.0(c) As I lodge Part 3 of this submission updating COVID-19, I am a disabled wheelie living in Queensland branded “non-essential”. I’m branded a lesser human with restricted movements, because I am unvaccinated with a dangerous experimental vaccine that doesn’t work & locked in Australia.  I’m branded vermin by the Qld health department whose staff think it is okay to depict me as rats & mice in their diagrams. I’m aware that countries across the globe have been working to a behavioural insight traffic light system & depending what colour list Australia is on will determine my fate e.g., UK applying Do Not Resuscitate without medical consent.  Fortunately, unlike January 2020 when I was a lone voice there are now millions of people in Australia & across the world that are now awake to what has been going on & more wake up every day.  I am more convinced than ever that my biggest abusers & the biggest threat to the health & well-being of all Australian’s are the major parties who have held our Govts & Opposition, State & Federal for years.  When you look at all the moves in health & welfare, they have been bipartisan right back to 1943 with the National Welfare Fund & all of them have been misappropriating our entitled health & welfare for years.  With the aging population they all have less revenue to cover expenditure & the level of corruption of our Govt & Opposition Parties was about to be uncovered. They have supposedly emptied our treasury to buy an emperor’s new clothes virus protection for COVID-19 that barely exists.

 3.0.0(d) After over 20years of nothing being done with terrible reports Royal Commission Aged & Disability were convened.  Even when we get a good Royal Commission like the Aged nothing is done.  Same with the Royal Commission banking – no one is charged. What are the odds anything will happen after the Royal Commission Disability Abuse?  The problem is what it has always been, the major parties are rotten to the core & bought by their donors.  People would be surprised that the only reference to parties in the Constitution is not in relation to political parties.  Parties should have no place in Australian Parliament House (APH) at all.  The lower House is the House of Representatives – representatives of the people that is.  With all the Party leadership changes & infighting the Parties have forgotten that.  The upper House is the Senate nicknamed the House of review. Our structure designed of UK’s replaced the House of Lords (freehold land owners) with a Senate to represent landowners because we can all own land in Australia.  The Parties that have no place in our Constitution have corrupted that process though. We have preferential voting for which a referendum was never held (unlike UK & it failed there) & we vote direct for Parties & since 2016 in both Houses. So, we now have the potential for no real House of review if a Party (not even recognised in the Constitution) holds both Houses.  I’m reminded of the OK to be white vote when the Liberal National Party had a text message of how to vote. An unseen single texter, effectively a Party dictator told all their Party Senators how to vote.  Cross benchers are about the only voices giving debate now & usually to empty rooms, because when “Representatives” & Senators don’t have to choose how to vote they don’t need to hear arguments.  When both wings are bipartisan voting the same on issues it doesn’t sound like the democracy our Constitution promises does it?

 3.0.0(e) After decades of the major Parties bipartisan working towards the McClure Report, a report panned by the public, we now have crooked COVID-19. Australia’s Border lockdowns starting on the day the amalgamation of Depts completed & the day our Sickness Benefits ended. It is all about the Parties survival at our expense. Pressuring the vulnerables to have a dangerous experimental vaccine. To hide the Parties have been misappropriating our health & welfare for years as they enriched their donors.   It is all about the Parties survival at our expense.  Using 5yo’s as test bunnies for a vaccine already known to be unnecessary for them by the numbers to hide the total unlawfulness of their actions. It is all about the Parties survival at our expense.  Lockstep with foreign entities promoting the use of DNR without consent to cover up the blatant neglect of vulnerables that has been occurring for years – a perfect solution or should I say a Final Solution.  It is all about the Parties survival at our expense. 

3.0.0(f) On 8th February, 2022 people started arriving in Canberra from all over Australia- to camp out at EPIC park in Canberra by 12th February, 2022, over a million people were there chanting, “Sack the lot of them!”  Ordinary Aussies have had enough of their bipartisan debauchery, lying, cheating, stealing, murdering & no accountability.  They have had enough of public funds being used to finance their donors & the media that covers up their unlawfulness & dirty backroom deals with internet tech companies.  They have had enough of their country being destroyed under their feet & being sold bit by bit to foreign interests.  They have had enough of our health & welfare money being used to finance everything but health & welfare.   We are about to enter an aged population & our treasuries have been emptied by these bipartisan crooked thieves.  It is overtime for the people in places that are paid to defend us, to stand up & do their bloody jobs.

 3.1.0(g) It is with these thoughts I have prepared my update to Royal Commission Part 2 submission (RC P2) re COVID-19 & I am taking no prisoners. 


3.1.0 Update to Part 2 on COVID-19

3.1.0(a) Introduction, Recap & the Status

3.1.0(a)(i) When I prepared my RC P2 re COVID-19 I didn’t think an update would be necessary. Here we are another lengthy submission. Another winter has passed & still more ridiculous COVID-19 cases, cases, cases. Threats of more punitive lockdowns, masks, contact tracing, social distancing, mandates for an experimental vaccine & now medical apartheid & passports. All unwarranted medical interventions without fully informed consent & all straight out of WWII Nazi fascist playbook. These measures are all evidenced as being seriously harmful now, but no stopping our major Parties State & Federal. As people wake up to a mutation/variant being a con, they just create another overinflated threat more deadly, than we proved the last strain was. We’ve survived Avalon aka fairyland. Delta a big psychologically malevolent “Dark Triad” causing mental, physical & financial harm. Now we are at Omicron an anagram of moronic & a translation O = zero + micron=small (millionth of a metre).  

 3.1.0(a)(ii) Sections herein are not a sequential timeline, but where dates are relevant, they are noted within paragraphs. The sections provide further corroboration, updates & new revelations to my former dispersions.  I intend to continue recording as my record to contribute to the Crimes Against Humanity Actions being mounted worldwide.  This will be my last submission to RC Disability Abuse & Neglect unless the Commission deems otherwise. I have tried everything I can to bring to light the farce that has gone on in Australian health, but when Australia is prepared to okay a vax to 5yo’s, that have Buckley’s chance of ever getting or dying of COVID-19 the corruption in Australia is so entrenched it can’t be stopped from within.  I’m aware of one failed attempt already to lodge an International Criminal Court action for Australia related to COVID-19. I intend to try to bring an action there also including Robodebt, Cashless Welfare Card & more of the other health & welfare nasties.  I’m not sure how successful I will be, but I do know I have to at least try.  As the world’s most locked up country, we will be the polar extreme in any country’s court room spectrum that focuses on the behavioural economic assault done in COVID-19.  Win or lose my case it will be one of only a few from Australia, but will put our data on international record for other countries use.  Other countries are all folding from within on COVID-19 as the level of corruption is revealed & their politicians are charged.  In Australia, the snakes have had decades of corruption & media protection.  After the Robodebt cover up & no-one charged it is blatently obvious that won’t happen from inside our country. 

 3.1.0(a)(iii) Due to all the COVID-19 Court cases & investigations, World Health Organisation (WHO), Govts & tech companies globally have been deleting & removing data. The Qld Govt Archivist “resigned” when told to remove data.  Previously under the Abbott Liberal Govt, the National Library of Australia was pressured with budget cuts to remove items.  Twitter, Facebook & You Tube likewise have been trying to censor content.  I cannot guarantee links will still be there & have included more pictures accordingly. I have some downloads of the referenced materials should the Commission need them. You will see a lot of fact checker posts through-out. They’re relevance, is to show an abhorrent level of news censorship within social media that needs regulation in the interest of health. I have long been an advocate for free, fair, respectful speech, but I am not convinced the social media companies are self-regulating themselves appropriately. The social media companies are not allowing democratic debate on any political matters & as they have identified health as a major political issue, because of COVID-19 that will have long term effects for disability care.

3.1.1(a) Nuts & Bolts

3.1.1(a)(i) Natural Immunity - In RC P2 in various places incl. 2.4.2(b)(xii) Ref Yeardon & 2.4.2(b)(xii) Ref Monotti I noted my belief people already had & could build up their natural immunity as a highly viable measure against COVID-19.  Also, in 2.3.5(c)(iii) & 2.4.2(a)(ii) I noted some of the dangers of COVID-19 responses in harming that natural immunity. 

·         In 2020 the first thing Qld Govt & their health officials did was separate “essential” & “non-essential”. As a “non-essential” I had to self-isolate under the threat of a fine. I was given no care in my home & even had a letter forbidding me communicating with the bin man. Food deliveries were almost non-existent & what was received lacked fresh food despite me paying more for it. I now believe it was purposely done with premeditation to lower the natural immunity of those deemed “non-essential”. Govt chose its expendables, weakened their immunities even more & then released them at the start of cold & flu season so non-essentials would have a higher cold & flu infection risk with their now lower immunity. Govts State & Federal in Australia created the curve of the non-essentials to generate a greater panic for the vaccines & tests.

·         10 May 2021, World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report on Natural Immunity conceding there is natural immunity for COVID-19 1.  Fair Work Australia (FWA) Commission considered this data in their Determinations of Fair Work Commission Appeal Decision s.604 - Appeal of decisions Jennifer Kimber vs Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd (C2021/2676) presided over by 3x Commissioners57 -  Determination 143 In a scientific brief prepared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) dated 10 May 2021 on COVID natural immunity, the WHO found that “within four weeks following infection, 90-99% of individuals infected with [COVID] virus develop detectable neutralising antibodies”. 

·         In the Senate Covid inquiry Senator Roberts asked CMO Kelly, What is the risk of being infected by a vaccinated person who has COVID compared with an unvaccinated person with COVID?” CMO Kelly’s response Well, it’s lower. I’m not sure I can give you an exact amount. I think Professor Murphy earlier talked about the issue and also Senator Colbeck, about the issue of transmission and how the vaccine affects that. We’re getting more information, and it seems like there is a definite influence on transmission, decreasing transmission somewhere between 30 and 60% less likely.” Fact: - An unvaccinated person may have natural acquired immunity. The WHO 10 May, 2021 validates this. When 99.98% of the world’s population were likely exposed to COVID-19 by the end of 2020 if the disease was as described an asymptomatic super spreader (& they were not flat out lying to inflate the threat), they already had natural immunity. That means they were equally likely to be protected by that natural immunity before the shots & booster. However, in the tests for the vaccine on the healthy under 55year olds the non-risk group, the vaccines could only show a 90-95% effectiveness. Potentially a drop of nearly 10% in effectiveness (99.85%-90%). The question that should fairly be asked therefore, did the vaccines actually reduce protection?  That would mean they are more likely to catch COVID-19 & as it is more likely to spread symptomatically then it is the vaccinated & not the unvaccinated that statistically should be the greater risk. Additionally, had this been a genuine threat the vaccinated would have assumed the promoted protection from the vaccine, the second shot & the boosters.  As the symptoms were the same as a common cold, they are more continued to have continued to spread the virus in the community with all the COVID-19 “breakthrough” infections because they trusted what they were told by the vaccine companies. The unvaccinated developing symptoms would mostly have assumed it was a cold, but been more likely to be more cautious with spread just in case. My science from Dr Gerry Quinn Post-doctoral Researcher in Microbiology and Immunology who in response to the statement8, ‘It’s much safer for your immune system to learn how to protect itself through a vaccine, than by catching the virus”…….. said,In the case of SARS-CoV-2 and the associated vaccines, we simply do not know whether this is true. If it may be untrue, it categorically should not be included in a government health messaging campaign as a statement of fact.” 

·          natural immunity is now shown by an Israeli study to be 7x more effective than the vaccines. Per physician & USA Senator Rand Paul in questioning of US Sec. Becerra "Are you familiar with the Israeli study that had 2.5Million patients & found that the vaccinated group was actually 7 times more likely to get infected with COVID-19 than the people who got Covid naturally"59;

·          Former VP of Pfizer Mike Yeadon has been speaking out about natural immunity for over a year now26.

·         This link Bloomberg (that helped ramp up COVID-19), conceding natural immunity for Delta is better.54 Far too late!

·         Dr John Campbell a UK nurses’ trainer in video has raised data from a large study of 52,000 high exposure health workers at Cleveland Clinic Health System in Ohio. He has observed that the vast majority of people were protected by natural immunity15..

·         Mobeen Syed is CEO of Drbeen Corp, California, a modern online medical education marketplace. Syed a medical doctor’s finding that there are indications from bone marrow of "lifelong memory cells" for lifetime immunity with natural immunity from COVID-1925.

·         Dr John Lee retired Professor of Pathology9.  Dr Lee has a BSc and a PhD in physiology at University College London, and a medical degree subsequently specialising in pathology. Immunity – people who have the virus ‘on board’ (detectable) but never develop symptoms. This category used to be referred to as “immunity” or “healthy people”.  And on the subject of a-symptomatic superspreading which is far more credible than WHO’s approach “Pre-symptomatic - people who are in the incubation period of real disease and who go on shortly to develop symptomatic illness. For one to two days these people can transmit the virus to others and account for a maximum of 7% of spread.” And “A respiratory virus needs associated symptoms in order to be clinically relevant. One year ago, this belief would have been universally accepted by the wider medical community.”133

·         Bill Gates at Munich Security Conference: "Sadly the virus itself particularly the variant called Omicron is a type of vaccine, creates both B cell and T cell immunity and it's done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines." Note the post uses COVID-19 keywords “vaccine” “virus” “variant” “Omicron” & yet it gets no WHO rider placed underneath.·          

3.1.1(a)(ii) Genome/DNA Sequencing – In numerous places in RC P2 I raised the unethical use of genome sequencing.

·         In COVID-19 the DNA genome sequencing was gathered, kept & data passed on to others for purposes unrelated to COVID-19 without the fully informed consent of PCR test participants who took the test under the coercion of a fraudulently created panic of COVID-19. Some of the recipients exposed already include universities & Qld police24..   I would point out that this data could be deemed stolen property & possessors of any data related to the same as being in possession of that aforesaid stolen property.

·         The change in the original genome sequence a year & a half after patient0 as discussed at 3.1.1(b)(vii) dot point 3.

·         As aforesaid 3.1.1(f)(xxx) Premier Anna Palaszczuk ramped up the need for testing while withholding her own father Henry Palaszczuk’s business interests in genetic data storage

·          A number of universities across the world have been taking & keeping your DNA/genome data for other purposes under the guise of COVID-19 testing. While the ability to sequence – effectively, read – the human genome has gained much attention, researchers have been quietly working to use the same techniques to track and analyse diseases”21. Quietly is not getting fully informed consent!

·         Herein at 3.1.1(d)(v) Wesfarmers Centre for Vaccines and Infectious Disease link to Telethon Kids via ex-Deputy Liberal Leader Julie Bishop who is also a Member of the Human Vaccines Project modelled after the Human Genome Project.

 3.1.1(a)(iii) Recurrency aka reinfection is now confirmed. In my Senate COVID-19 submission 27 May, 2020 I showed the threat was low & recurrency was already occurring in China Wuhan Hubei. This was reiterated in RC P2 section 2.1.4.  It was rapid recurrency as it was within 5 months of the first clusters emergence. At RC P2 section 2.1.3 I provided the section of my Senate COVID-19 submission on Wuhan lockdown timings in the box conclusion. Also that the purpose of the lock-downs were unmerited. When you accept that there were 4.7 fortnightly incubation cycles you realize the lockdowns were not logical.  If the disease could be stopped by lockdown that would have occurred across the first two cycles.”  For a super spreader to still be spreading in a hard lockdown zone with new infections emerging it was not a mortality threat or they’d all be dead & was recurrent.

·         In UK Ministerial Statement: Covid-19 update BSL Version presented by Matt Hancock Monday 14 June 2021 at 2021 at 20:59:29 to 21:00: 3617 a former chief whip says of getting to zero Covid “indeed that’s not possible”. Matt Hancock says, “but it’s absolutely clear based on all the clinical advice that I’ve seen, that a goal of eradication of this virus is not possible. Indeed, there’s one bit of this country that tried it for a bit in the summer and um found it to be impossible”.

3.1.1(a)(iv) Contact Tracer APPs – In RC P2 section 2.3.5(d)(ii) I raised the CovidSafe corrupt APP.  After the failure of the Commonwealth rort, Qld introduced its own APP. So now Qlders have ultimately paid from 2x public purses to tag themselves like prisoners.  The Qld contract tracer APP is already being promoted as being “lawfully” accessed by police44. This is being mandated by Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction (No. 21). How is this lawful? The Australian Constitution Section 109 “Inconsistency of laws - “When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.”  The Federal law always supersedes State on inconsistency.  It is unlawful for the use of the CovidSafe APP to be used under the Commonwealth Australian Privacy Act 1988 Section 94H “Requiring the use of COVIDSafe 2(c) to refuse entry to: - (i) premises that are otherwise accessible to the public; or (ii) premises that the other person has a right to enter”.  So, how is it lawful for State Govts to use them. Contact tracing is internationally against human rights, but who cares about that when you have anal retentive twits in AHRC who couldn’t care less if people are put in a gas oven as long as it is legislated. Its use can’t be forced if there’s a safety risk & as COVID-19 has mentally harmed 5yo children to the extent they are phoning helplines the safety threshold has been well & truly been crossed.  From my personal experience at the library, I can confirm it is being used to discriminate against people & non-compliance is being enforced by the Qld police.

3.1.1(a)(v) Masks – In RC P2 at section 2.3.4(b) I raised there was no evidence masks work. 

·        ---- Dr. Byram Bridle has done an experiment wearing 5x lowcost masks showing glasses fogging up with respiration. It sinks any argument that the masks that Govts & health depts have been mandating work in any capacity against COVID-19 & validates glasses are a good way to detect breathing (a suggestion I made that got me the Facebook fact check spam rating).49.  

·        ----A large peer reviewed study has now been done reported in the Journal of American Medical Association finding that masks on children in a short period of time increased the CO2 levels 6x the acceptable level for adults45. The study found that “masking children was legitimately dangerous” (quote Tucker Carlson).  This study was done on children, but in Australia, as I reminded in RC P2 due to the severe bushfires our lungs & blood oxygen levels were already compromised due to the smoke.

3.1.1(a)(vi) Hotspots - Of course, there’s all the horror “hotspots”.  As at 11 June 2021 per Qld Govt Covid-19 Hotspots page4 Australia had 31 hot spots: -   Banyule City; Bayside City; Boroondara City; Brimbank City; Cardinia Shire; Casey City…. The list goes on & on. 

Common sense would determine, that if in one city (Wuhan) directly exposed to the same asymptomatic, super spreader with surface life & the vast majority survived by natural immunity COVID-19 was not a threat. The entire Northern hemisphere was exposed before COVID-19 for to Australia & overwhelmingly survived? By 30 Dec 2020 the entire world had been exposed by their cold & flu seasons & 99.98% survived by natural immunity. There are no hot spots. Coronavirus really does equal cold!

3.1.1(a)(vii) Mutations & Variations –

·         Delta Variant – This was publicised as the deadliest risk. Originally it was called the India variant, but it was outed as a total con.  The Indian dead bodies being burnt is a normal practice, because they believe in reincarnation & the poor cannot afford extravagant funerals.  The dead in the street were really street sleepers. After the India variant was outed as a total hoax on social media the Indian Govt declared the whole thing was rubbish & sent out a statement to that affect33.  Shortly after WHO rebranded the variants to Greek letters & the India variant was change to the Delta variant37.

·         In the Financial Times Bill Gates YouTube clip127 to be discussed further it starts the switch on the term mutations to variations.  It downplays the horror mutations we were having thrust down our throats before we signed up to those advance agreements to Big Pharma.  Now we just have variants.  This is because COVID-19 is & always was recurrent aka reinfectious like other members of the coronavirus family.  If Big Pharma was not stopping multiple horror mutations with their unnecessary vaccines people would ultimately wake up that they have been conned, demand another cure & perish the thought demand Govts get their money back.  Already the road is being laid for an easing out with comments like COVID-19 will ultimately be treated as like the seasonal flu.  This is a behavioural economic tactic called reduction.

·         CMO Kelly using the variants to push for even more boosters, There will be a need for boosters into the future particularly in relation to the variants of concern of which there are four now that have been designated by the World Health Organisation.”Almost all Australians not already highly immune compromised had survived the original COVID-19 & the 4x “variants of concern” if it was an asymptomatic super spreader.  The push for more boosters is an admittance he knows the disease has reinfection & if it has reinfection that means he is advocating turning Australians into a pin cushion for nothing.  Australians had 353,341 mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by 30 June, 202010.  How many boosters does CMO Kelly suggest we have? 

 3.1.1(a)(viii) Plandemic

·         Dr David Martin has put together 2x videos on the history of COVID-19 planning going back to the 1990s with patents95.

·         These pictures show the Vaccine Passports were planned in Europe in 2019.

3.1.1(b) COVID-19 PCR & Other RATs Tests

3.1.1(b)(i) In RC P2 at 2.3.6(d) I queried if anyone knew how to read a PCR test.  I raised the WHO notice 14 January 2021 WHO to “clarify information previously provided by WHO”. Mike Yeadon has done an excellent video with Fuellmich where the pharmaceutical companies have been using poorly qualified people to do the PCR tests in UK150. Considering our pop-up booths, it is fair to say we probably have a problem in Australia too.

3.1.1(b)(ii) PCR tests have now been found useless for detecting COVID-19 in 2x countries Courts Austria & Portugal.  Austria - “The judge found that exclusive reliance by Austrian health authorities on PCR and antigen test results to justify their actions, was not sufficient epidemiological justification in the circumstances.” 32   Portugal - The PCR test “is unable to determine, beyond reasonable doubt, that a positive result corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus”, said the Lisbon Court of Appeal.”29


3.1.1(b)(iii) President Magufuli of Tanzania who had a chemistry PHD abandoned Covid-19 testing after his own trials allegedly showed fruit juice and engine oil testing positive for the virus.”31

3.1.1(b)(iv) Despite a WHO advice “clarifying” previous advices on incorrect settings which were clearly being misinterpreted as I showed in RC P2 and 2x Courts & the President of another country finding the PCR tests were rubbish for detecting COVID-19 the Facebook fact checkers Reuters have continued to pump out fact checks discrediting anyone questioning the accuracy of the PCR tests. The fact checkers are promoted as being independent, but in reality, most are aligned news agencies who get billions in advertising from Big Pharma ($6.58b in 2020114). This fact check they did was on an article that questioned the validity of PCR tests among other things. It was from Reuters who are supposedly independent, but are part of Thomas Reuters one of the largest news agencies in the world. They misuse their independent positions as fact checkers & target all articles from independent newspapers on social media to increase their own news market share.  Then of course there is the influence of their advertisers. It doesn’t matter if an article is correct, they are financially motivated to discredit it & when they do that Facebook punishes & defames the people who post the article.

3.1.1(b)(v) Dec 31, 2021, CDC withdrew its request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel. These tests have never been put under the scrutiny they really should have received. Instead, they have a new batch of rubbish tests RATs.  As an emergency use authorisation with a test status, they don’t have to perform. The biggest most useless & dangerous piece of medical apparatus can be purchased without legal consequence to manufacturers.  As a lymphedema wheelie still in staph recovery reliant on medical devices that worries me a lot. Which of the devices used on me had experimental status without my knowledge in the last few years?


3.1.1(b)(vi) The Australian Govt is conning Australian people & businesses into buying Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) tests themselves. If the people buying the tests earn enough, they should be able to claim that back off their tax, as if it is a cost incurred for work.  Many though now with casualised employment won’t earn enough to pay much tax so the burning question is will this be a separate claimable tax expense?  At over $800 per year for a single use mask I’m predicting a whole lot less revenue going into treasury for a worthless piece of plastic that doesn’t work.  Businesses will claim it as a business expense. 


3.1.1(b)(vii) This picture was on a TGA PDF brochure now inaccessible after I posted the info online on RATs ifu 34503. The RATs tests don’t work either & even their own information shows that.  The brochure lists a dozen “Sample Requirement Limitations” on the TGA guide including, ”a positive result doesn’t guarantee infection”. Dot point 2 before of the limitations “This is a presumptive test only and requires confirmation of positive results by a PCR laboratory and clinical care”.  This is clearly an inaccurate test & being checked hidden in a backroom by another test already withdrawn from use in other countries.  Neither of the tests work to detect COVID-19 so what are they testing for?  Only total medical administrative incompetents would think buying 2x failed tests would result in a more accurate result. It is nothing, but a thieving rort for foreign interests & forcing low-income earners & small businesses to buy these worthless pieces of plastic sold at inflated prices with price gouging protections only after 100% mark-up & sending their genetic material for testing for unknown purposes is outright criminal.

3.1.1(b)(viii) FOI to the Victorian Dept of Health & Human Services 5 May 2020. “there is currently no test available that positively identifies COVID-19 in a living human”.  In RC P2 s2.3.6(a)(i) Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) “Available evidence on the performance of COVID-19 tests mainly comes from symptomatic patients, and their clinical role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear”. “ 


3.1.1(b)(ix) There was no purpose for PCR test use to detect COVID-19.  The only thing the PCR tests have been doing is stealing peoples DNA without their fully informed consent.  Doherty’s grant of $3.2M from Jack Ma was raised at RC P2 2.4.1(a)(ii).  Since October 2018 Jack Ma has had insurance interests through Ping Insurance99.  One thing that would give you an edge on policies is having the full genetic family history of policy applicants.  Considering Doherty’s Institute were given the job of testing the PCR test’s capabilities for COVID-19 by the federal health dept this was a major conflict of interest.  In my opinion anyone in possession of the tests or data therefrom not using it purely for the purpose of testing/reporting on the presence COVID-19 could be deemed to have been in possession of stolen property.


3.1.1(b)(x) WHO had to be dragged kicking & screaming to admit the settings & reading of PCR tests were flawed in its 20 Jan 2021 notice.  The Federal & State Govts are continuing down the same path.  With dramatically less positive COVID-19 tests, from the discredited PCR tests, Govts must know they are in the middle of a major cock-up & caught up to their rorting necks.  People go & buy the RATs tests themselves & then give the results to the Govt effectively asking them to do the tests. This would make a case showing fully informed consent to do the tests almost impossible.  I would say this is more about covering their crooked *rses from prosecution. 

3.1.1(c) COVID-19 Vaccines

3.1.1(c)(i) In February 2021, when I lodged RC P2 there wasn’t much information about the vaccines, but I did make very clear I believe that COVID-19 was not a threat & measures trying to stop it were pointless.  That includes vaccines, lockdowns, masks & social distancing.  In my Senate submission lodged 27 May 2020 & in RC P2 at 2.1.3, I reproduced a blocked section showing the virus progression in the Hubei Wuhan Chinese lockdown based on the 14-day incubation/surface life.  It showed that lockdowns “were not logical”, because the disease could not be stopped. 

2.4(b) Also that the purpose of the lock-downs were unmerited.

When you accept that there were 4.7 fortnightly incubation cycles you realize the lockdowns were not logical.  If the disease could be stopped by lockdown that would have occurred across the first two cycles.” 


3.1.1(c)(ii) After 4.7 cycles of 14 days in the Wuhan lockdown zone, the very fact that people were still mostly alive & still reporting a high number of new cases, meant the alleged disease had to be either recurrent aka reinfectious, but it wasn’t a high incident infectious disease (HCID).  The low numbers of deaths, age/comorbidities of the Chinese, plus the data from the initial heat tests validated later by CSIRO showed the virus’ disliked heat.  Whether COVID-19 is real or just a figment of faulty testing, it was not a highly lethal disease & most likely a seasonal virus. With the symptoms the same as a cold & flu & deceased numbers so small without comorbidity factors, questions should be should be asked, why this was not treated as yet another cold variant.  Assuming accuracy of tests, in the Wuhan lockdown zone, by the end of Feb 2020 the following were the option possibilities of survivors in the lockdown zone:

·                     No survivors – This option is implausible as there were still a high number of cases reported by WHO at the end of February 2020; OR

·                     Survivors with complete long-lasting immunity & of a disease with no variants - In which case once hit by the virus that would be it – never again. This option is implausible, because there would have been no new cases by end of Feb 2020 & there were already whispers of reinfections in the media; Also, we have had all the alleged variants; OR

·                     Survivors born with inherited natural immunity – this was alleged the emergence of a “novel” virus consider for a moment it wasn’t. If it was severe enough to threaten a species then it is logical a species would evolve to protect itself.  It would also be logical that the younger of a species would be born with the greatest natural protection.  If you look at mortality ages, they have increased dramatically in last century alone & mostly not by natural evolution e.g., pacemakers, heart bi-passes etc. Natural evolutionary protection would not have anticipated a need to offer protection longer than 50years.  It would account for why the protection was the greatest & deceased numbers lower the younger people are. Take polio there are reports of Post-Polio Syndrome in old age. This was plausible; OR

·                     Survivors with long lasting natural desensitising immunity to a recurrent aka reinfectious disease & its variants– just as we can be desensitised to food allergies by gradual exposure in ever increasing quantities, our antibodies would help us to desensitise us to COVID-19 with each exposure & reinfection. As we age, we become more sensitive to some foods. The increased prevalence & severity of infections could be related.  By the end of February, there were already reports of reinfection cases.  This was plausible; OR

·                     Survivors with long lasting natural immunity to the original disease but not its variants - Within a family unit, individual members, each could have been infected with different strains of COVID-19 at the time of lockup if the disease mutated fast. This was plausible because this was a member of the coronavirus family of which we have the common cold that is known to mutate quickly. There was also over a month from patient0 to the lockdown. Plenty of time for thousands of mutations to be circulating already in that month.  It is also possible to catch more than one strain of cold at a time (coinfection) & as children & parents have different association groups e.g., schools, work it is highly likely they were subjected to various strains.  Then there is the high potential of other new strains being created & circulated within a lockdown family unit. This could account for why there was still a high number of presents classified COVID-19 by clinical diagnosis. Immunity reducing the impact would be gained by the Cowpox to Smallpox theory, but the disease would continue to be recurrent aka reinfectious. 


3.1.1(c)(iii) The only way to confirm which of Option 3, 4 or 5 was in play would have been if the first cases of reinfection were tested to see if the reinfection was the same as the first strain.  I doubt this was done unless symptomatic ignoring the alleged potential a-symptomatic factor.  Additionally, WHO intervened changing from laboratory testing to clinical diagnosis.  The resulting conclusions that should have determined response were the same though. It could not be stopped by lockdowns; 

3.1.1(c)(iv) I’ve used the term alleged disease a few times.  A lot of emphasis has been placed in social media in COVID-19 being real or not real.  The fact is it does not matter.  The reason people have failed to stop the common cold is it mutates too fast. The original strain is done & dusted. The focus should have been on whether COVID-19 was fatal or not to the vast majority & it never was.  Right from the start cases, cases, cases, but not numbers of deceased, comorbidities of deceased, ages of deceased. At the start no emphasis was ever on the numbers of people recovering. Instead of restarting stats at year end they have continued to add them together. The focus has & still is on driving up case numbers to keep people frightened. When health includes mental health that is unconscionable medicine.  If the alleged “novel” disease does exist, then based on the data of mortalities only from COVID-19 (& not with COVID-19 & a whole range of comorbidities) should have deemed COVID-19 was treated just as another minor seasonal cold/flu strain.  I’m an individual with: - far less formal training in medicine (advanced first aid); far less experience with the Australian health bureaucracy; no access to other experts to roundtable; I had limited health data available in the public domain, not even library access; and almost NO financial resources, I was able to arrive at that conclusion that response measures were unnecessary & would have a poor chance of success in a relatively short space of time & for absolute certainty by the end of February, 2020. In my opinion what has gone on in all the health depts State & Federal was sheer negligence at best & corruption at worst.

 3.1.1(c)(v) In my Australian Senate submission lodged 27 May 2020 & RC P2 I showed COVID-19 was not a valid threat. My Senate submission was lodged prior to vaccine acquisition & my Royal Commission submission just prior to the vaccine roll-out. In the UK Govt inquiry Coronavirus: lessons learnt” hereinafter referred to as “the UK Inquiry”, questioning of Matt Hancock 10 June 202116, the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviour (SPI-B) are reported to have apologised as they “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to create a climate of fear beyond the evidence.  Psychologist are being investigated by regulatory bodies in UK for what’s been described as a military grade cyber-attack on their own citizens. Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA) operating inside Prime Minister & Cabinet Office is working with Behavioural Insights Team UK (BIT) that is part of SAGE. The threat of COVID-19 was never real for COVID-19.

3.1.1(c)(vi) In the final report of the UK Inquiry they discuss lockdowns at questions 80 & 82 they were very clear by 12th March 2020 that “It’s not possible to stop everyone getting it”. If one person can get it, it is logical one person can spread it.  The concept that it could be stopped if rea; by a vaccine when it was seen to recurrent aka reinfectious & mutating too fast was just ludicrous.

3.1.1(c)(vii) Different vaccines recommended for different age groups & now pushes to vax children, who aren’t remotely threatened by the virus. Really? The frail aged are over the Mayo Clinic’s 60yo risk threshold for Deep Vein Thrombosis14 & those residential death camps we use to call nursing homes have had residents immobilised by strapping them to their beds & doping them up to their eyeballs for yonks.  These are the groups more than probably likely to have pre-existing blood circulatory issues due to loss of mobility.  How much medical nous is there left, to say if the vaccine only had a conceded possible 90% success rate ergo 10% fail rate in a perfectly healthy group, then there is likely to be a higher risk in groups of frail aged & disabled people.  Why were they pushed to get a vaccine with blood clots as a side-effect in the first instance?


3.1.1(c)(viii) In RC P2 s2.4.2(b)(xii) I covered Dr Mike Yeadon former VP at Pfizer warning about the vaccines.  Yeadon has continued to research COVID-19 & speak out about the danger of the vaccines.  He has now added his name & information to the Reiner Fuellmich Crimes Against Humanity Class Action. Dr Yeadon to Fuellmich 7th January 2022144“I made an assumption which I was entitled to make. That the same stuff from a given manufacturer is in every single vial, the little glass vaccine vial.  I believed & was entitled to believe, that within a fraction of a percent, we have the same consistent quality & purity in every single injection & therefor the observed variation in the behaviour of people must be down to something just as I have suggested [concentration of spike proteins in some people in some areas].  Unfortunately, we are now absolutely certain, that it’s not the same stuff in every single vial & that means criminal acts are being committed we will come onto that…”.  [I had to set up an accounting package once for a health company.  As part of that process, it involved establishing an inventory system that included batch lots.  If a customer has a problem with a product it is noted, but if more than one customer has a problem & they track back to the same batch the rest of the batch can be recalled in a hurry. Just like when Coles or Woolies does a product recall.] ….” I stumbled across a couple of people independently who’ve been doing their own analysis of the VAERS data base.  What they were doing & no-one else seemed to have done it, was they were pulling the vaccine batch or lot number.  It might be 8 digits 6 digits, a mixture of alpha numeric symbols & em comparing the profile of adverse events, comparing one lot to another lot to another lot of the same manufacturer.  And their expectation would be a scattering of adverse events across all of the States & all of the lots.”  [This expectation would be because if the same formula was used in each area there would be a few people that had adverse reactions from e.g., from allergic reactions.]  But they didn’t find that.  This person found that something like 90% of the adverse events were associated with less than 10% of the lots.” ….” It’s not the same stuff”.

3.1.1(c)(ix) 26 August 2021 NH World-Japan reported that Japan’s Health Ministry withdrew 1.63 million Moderna vaccine doses manufactured in Spain from its roll-out linked to a batch number.


3.1.1(c)(x) As recently as 25 June, 2021, I was still seeing new warnings added to COVID-19 vaccines.30 Even as I write this section (16/8/21) I am hearing of FDA issuing black box warnings on vaccines for increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis. It doesn’t take much nous though to know that a vaccine with long symptoms couldn’t possibly have been tested for even a 9-month pregnancy, let a child’s growth stages.  We know it wasn’t even tested on the risk group over 70-year-olds & those under 18.  Australian politicians & health depts have been lying to us that the experimental vaccines are safe.

3.1.1(c)(xi) Despite side-effects & increased risks still being seen, almost all my early fact checks related to vaccine warnings from medically qualified sources were rated false or misleading. These Facebook fact checkers on all occasions had absolutely no medical, welfare, data analysis or emergency management qualifications or lesser experience than the doctors & experts making comment.  Two of my four fact checks branded false were German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi & Geert Vanden Bossche who has as a doctorate in virology, and worked for vaccine companies. Bossche was a former head of the vaccine development office in Germany ergo clearly not anti-vax. Sharing his information on natural antibodies being better than a vaccine for COVID-19 got me my 5th violation nudge “Missing Context” from Facebook “independent” fact checkers.  What the Geert Vanden Bossche targeting by Facebook shows, is that they clearly don’t care if the vaccine is safe or needed at all only that Big Pharma is protected. All unnecessary medical procedures come with risk.  I’m not seeing any sign of ethical behaviour from Facebook or its fact checkers.  

3.1.1(c)(xii) An expert committee set up by Norway's government to evaluate AstraZeneca's and Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccines said that both should be abandoned over risks of rare, but serious side effects.134

3.1.1(c)(xiii) Robert Malone who was, if not the first, one of the first to make observations on mRNA exogenous translation through the ribosomal system into a protein. “mRNA vaccines force your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs”; “there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives”.  He was an inventor of the technology; what would he know about how it reacts? Clearly nothing, because Facebook’s fact checker rated his comments false & banned him.  This fact checker has an appalling record of fact checking false all COVID-19 real experts warning people about the vaccines based on their own poorly qualified/experienced opinionated & biased reporters93. In another clip he warns about the vaccines, censorship & the disinformation from our global health agencies86. In the referenced video he discusses mainly Moderna.

3.1.1(c)(xiv) Kristi Leigh interview with Edward Dowd former BlackRock portfolio manager. “Then around November [2021] a friend of mine in the biotech industry pointed out to me that the all-cause mortality end point had been missed by Pfizer in the original trial & I said whoa, what, what. I didn’t hear that. When did that come out? It kind of slipped out in some foyer requested documents they requested that they missed that end point? What does that mean for your audience? What that means is, simply, in the vaccine group, there were more deaths than in the placebo group. And what you need to understand is that normally in the drug approval process, at the FDA, if you fail that end point, you do not get approved.”168


3.1.1(c)(xv) The unsurmountable cruncher for me was shortly after the airing of Drs Martin & Fuellmich sky chat July 202146.  Therein Dr Martin showed the gene sequence to have been patented in 2002 (18years before COVID-19).  Shortly after it was aired after Washington Post raised some anomalies in WHO’s stories, WHO wants us to now believe that all the original details we were told was wrong & it was all one big dream sequence we imagined. The original virus really started in another place, in another time & with another viral/genomic sequence.  WHO now correcting the record (after) & noting there was a case a week before the new estimated start date now on 8 December, 2019, & 3 of the first 13 early cases were from across the river in Wuchang in the Jiangxia district & it’s a different original virus/genomic sequence. Dr John Campbell uploaded to You Tube a video on 17 July, 2021, in which he notes he filmed it 16 July, 2021 (ref point is 17:47-23:3)52. This is fascinating, because the first hospital cluster was supposedly 30th December 2019. Surface & incubation life supposedly had a maximum stretch of 14 days (heat tests confirm that).  At a case a week that is not the super spreader threat we were told it was.  You would have to wonder exactly what viral/genomic sequencing the Doherty testers have really been testing for when the Hubei version was not the original strain. Further all those vaccines that we were told were specially encoded with the original genome sequence of the virus must have all been coded to the wrong viral genome sequence, but they continued to roll them out & force their use.

3.1.1(c)(xvi) The British Medical Journal Paul D Thacker interview with Pfizer whistle blower Brooke Jackson, the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.”166

3.1.1(c)(xvii) In the referenced link is the current Pfizer CEO Albert Boula a Greek veterinarian145 “We know that the three...two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection if any. The three doses with a booster offer reasonable protection against hospitalization & deaths. “…”We are working on a new version for vaccine version 1.1 let me put it that way, that will cover Omicron as well…”. Coronavirus mutates too fast.  By the time any vaccine is ready there’ll be a new variant.  By 30 June, 2020, you had already survived 353,341 mutation events of the SARS-CoV-2 virus-90.  Would you buy into anyone selling you 353,341 shots, boosters, patch doses or tablets in 6 months for a disease without a high consequence death rate?


3.1.1(c)(xviii) Fair Work Australia (FWA) commissioners placed in a Decision (113e) “That side effects exist is not a conspiracy theory”. This will give a small indication of the level of censorship & defamation, me & others have been subjected to, as we have tried to get warnings out.  Facebook fact checkers didn’t agree with the Commission’s ruling so removed it calling it spam. It got me yet another one of my Facebook blackmarks for circulating it enough to restrict my group.

3.1.1(c)(xix) Qld Liberal Senator Gerard Rennick’s page posted a brief in newsclips of the propaganda & backtracking of the politician’s on COVID-19 efficacy. As the efficacy reduces, they just roll in another booster & out pops another mutation to keep people scared & diverted from all the breakthroughs”101.


3.1.1(c)(xx) The pharmaceutical companies’ data on the vaccines Australian Govt websites all show signs of behavioural economic persuasive marketing massaging.

·         Note below the use of persuasive behavioural economics marketing on what should be an unbiased Govt advisory link.  First you have to actually catch COVID-19.  On Australia’s statistics based on ABS statistics unless you are very frail aged with comorbidities that chance is miniscule.

·         The positive PCR tests have been found to be flawed & misread as I showed in RC P2 & been run at cycle levels too high. Their statistics are more than probably totally flawed.

·         That 42K in 1Mil in the picture below is a falsely inflated number for an Australian study to frighten people into getting the vaccine. At the Worldometer Australian population of 25.883Mil, that would equate to over 1Mil test cases & Australia has only just past 151K positive tests across 1year 10mths now (as at 21 October 2021).  The deceased from those positive test cases an even smaller number again not even at 1.5K. Of this 1.5K their comorbidity & frail age indicators are in the overwhelming majority. So, we are nowhere even close to the threat being put forward in this report. If we give credence to that a-symptomatic super spreader disease theory we were all infected by 23 January 2020, when the borders finally closed in Wuhan (39 days after patient 0). We were still getting plastic wrapped air freight long after this date with surface life). It’s a bad apple to orange comparison to make an unnecessary & dangerous vaccine look good.

3.1.1(c)(xxi) How many people do you think died of just COVID-19 in Australia? In over a year & a half since China’s patient zero?  Try 103 (One hundred & three only) as at 31 July. Still scared?  Here’s the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data of COVID-19 mortalities up to 31st July 2021, which covers 2 flu seasons & Avalon fairyland.70 Per ABS a TOTAL of 103 COVID-19 ONLY DEATHS from Patient zero approx. 15 Dec 2019 to 31 Jul 2021 19.5 months.  No mention of their ages. Just a reminder I estimated 55 deaths to COVID-19 for 1x flu season in my Senate Covid submission reproduced at RC P2 2.1.8(d)(i) – 55x2 =110.  Govt & the Opposition State & Federal have stolen our freedom, privacy, human/civil rights & mentally harmed 25.67M Australians for just over 1x COVID-19 death per week.


3.1.1(c)(xxii) 29 September 2021 (10mths later) 2020 “Causes of Death, Australia”146 statistics report was released showing “COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death (898 deaths)”. This 898 deceased figure, is of course not just COVID-19, as I showed in RC P2 section2.1.7 on an early dated release. It does not remove the comorbidities that have been included in with COVID-19 to try & inflate the threat.  As you can see in s3.1.1(c)(xix) when comorbidities are removed by the deceased figure of 103 as at 31 July 2021 the number sharply decreases.  Sadly, I can’t tell you what leading cause of death position COVID-19 really sits at.  Normally ABS only lists the top 20 causes of death.  They deserve a big thumbs up for going the extra mile to even recognise a 38th place getter.  With all the people in that top 20 that had their care put on elective surgery/diagnostic test holds due to COVID-19 I hope they have a new category next year

“Neglected due to COVID-19”.

3.1.1(c)(xxiii) Senator Rennick published this info on his Facebook page100. No-one can find any studies on pregnant women in the public domain & they were not in the original test group.  The likelihood is if there was ever a study it is highly unlikely it was a large study or we would know about it as they would have had to have advertised for participants.

3.1.1(c)(xxiv) After 1 year of vaccines the Qld health website still doesn’t have an ingredient list on the COVID-19 vaccines as clear as I can get see on an 80cent can of baked beans 102.  Here is Qld Health’s latest page.  If I ask for ingredients, then I want ingredients. If I want an explanation of the risk factors related to each ingredient then I want that explanation.  I do not want a list that tells me Meat/Poultry, Dairy, Carbohydrates, Fruit & Veg, Fats with an example of an ingredient that it is like a T-bone steak. If we are paying top bloody dollar in advance of a result, with Big Pharma’s liability protected let’s see what we are paying. I want to assure myself I am not being sold the same ole chopped liver flu shot at rib fillet prices. 

3.1.1(c)(xxv) All the vaxes are experimental & none of them have been tested long term The vaccines own test data proves the vaccine are not better than natural immunity.  The death statistics show the safety compares poor to the normal flu vaccine for side effects.  Currently, I’m seeing many reports of people vaxed still getting COVID-19 positives & the vaxed are still being told in UK to wear the unnecessary masks.  What exactly is that vax doing, because the death stats were almost non-existent (survival rate 99.98%) on this supposed virus.  You should think about that even if you don’t get the vaccine.  Red Cross in some countries and that includes our national blood bank, are allowing those vaccinated, with what is still an experimental vaccine, to donate their blood after only 1 week.  Japan hasn’t been accepting blood to its bank, but you’ll never know that unless you do a lot of digging because has fact checked the warning posts advising them as “misleading”128.

3.1.1(c)(xxvi) WHO’s directive English version 15 Nov 2021 still current as at today’s date 12 Jan 2021 gives no general recommendation for ANY children other than high risk & then only 12-15yo's.89

3.1.1(c)(xxvii) WHO’s interim statement 24 November 202197 (& I note this date is months after TGA’s approval of the vaccine for 12-17yo’s shows no Emergency Use Listing Procedure (EUL) approvals for children.

3.1.1(c)(xxviii) Fair Work Australia (FWA) Commission who considered the data in their Determinations. Fair Work Commission Appeal Decision s.604 - Appeal of decisions Jennifer Kimber vs Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd (C2021/2676) presided over by 3x Commissioners Determination 113e "There are side effects to the COVID vaccines that are now known. That side effects exist is not a conspiracy theory."57   


3.1.1(c)(xxix) All I have found is a whole lot of data that makes me frightened about the entire structure under which any & all our medications are being approved. When you really go digging on those “safe” COVID-19 vaccines they are a horror story in the making. 45% of vaccinated have side effects up to 1% side effects that are serious enough to warrant medical attention.

3.1.1(c)(xxx) The 45% (44%+1%) at 3.1.1(c)(xxvi) didn’t strike me as being a low percentage of reported adverse events. Whilst the 44% may not have been significant enough to warrant a doctor physically treating, we cannot dismiss that 44% called to report a significant change & were obviously given telehealth advice to self-treat their reported symptoms.  Some people would not have reported mild symptoms.  I went looking for a bench mark guide on severity for drugs. This was posted on 15 Sep 2015147 before COVID-19 & the original link within it to the WHO source data is gone (unsurprising as I have personal experience of WHO moving & deleting a lot of data). I have accepted the data at face value as this is a dot org site.  Accordingly, when 1 in 10 side effects rates a very common side effect, I’d say when over 4 out of 10 (44%) have side effects we have a very big problem with the COVID-19 vaccines.

3.1.1(c)(xxxi) Some of the “rare” side effects are death from myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) can develop after vaccination, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS). Don’t forget the original pharmaceutical test groups were under 55yo healthy individuals & they still only showed a success rate of 90-95%.  That though is a far better percentage for marketing than 45%.  What should also be remembered, is the data at 3.1.1(c)(xxvi) was based on a prioritised roll-out to vulnerables who were pushed to get the vaccine first. The COVID-19 death statistics show the young & healthy bodied collectives with fitter immune systems have about as much chance of getting hit by lightning than dying of COVID-19. There is no reason they would need the vaccine in the first place.   How do you improve the 45%?  Roll-out to younger groups who don’t need the vaccine but have a higher success percentage of 90-95%.  Unethical companies would do it to keep the gravy train rolling.  This would work is the original tests were completed properly, but as this British Medical Journal shows that is arbitrary166.  We were sold a product promoted as having a 90-95% success rate.

3.1.1(c)(xxxii) Consider the percentages in the picture at 3.1.1(c)(xxvi).  This is a Govt site & I should be looking at impartial data.  Look at how they use a bold typeface to direct your attention to a positive statement on the vaccine “over half the participants report no side effects”. 44% of the people have reported negative side effects.  It is hard to determine. what the exact percentage is, that relates to the less than 1% seeking medical attention after, but as it registers, we can assume it must be over 0.5% & has been rounded up to the 1% as recognized. The 44% + the 1% = 45% of side effects & 55% those that suffered no side effects.  It doesn’t say 45% had side effects & then explain the breakdown each gets a separate line.  Our round the 5c shopping brains would register 45 as 45, but as 44 many would round if down.  This report wreaks persuasive marketing designed for lazy/busy administrations that only read an executive summary.


3.1.1(c)(xxxiii) Worldometer’s estimate of our population as at 19 October 2021 of 25,882,814 & the original target was 80% full vaccination so we are talking 20,706,251 fully vaccinated as their initial stated goal.  3.1.1(c)(xxi) 44% of negative side effects, we have 20,706,251 x 44% = 9,110,750 people with adverse reactions & 20,706,251 x .5% = 103,531 at the lowest case estimate of people with severe reactions enough to warrant the need for further medical treatment & potentially for life if they still have it – what a goal!   NB: I opted for the lower .5% spectrum pole to allow for early roll-out figures being mostly aged/disabled & the reduced impact of a harmful vaccine on age collectives physically more capable to survive an attack. 


3.1.1(c)(xxxiv) I’m already seeing behavioural nudging on social media about just isolating the vulnerables & vaccinating them.  When the vaccines were found not to work by Pfizer’s CEO’s own admission, why did Australia keep vaccinating anyone else with statistics for side effects this bad.  The spin on a new vaccine being developed for Omicron is just that. Replacing one experimental vaccine we know doesn’t work, for another experimental vaccine & going through it all again. That is just plain stupid for anything but Big Pharma’s profit line. In Australia we have now had Omicron in our summer season (clever trick for a mutation of an original virus that was tested in China & at CSIRO & found to fair poor with heat).  Are you going to lock people away from others all seasons in nursing homes for the rest of their lives? Hell, just shove us back in the attics!



3.1.1(c)(xxxv) We were first told one vaccine, but “breakthroughs” so it didn’t work. Then 2 vaccines, but “breakthroughs” so neither worked. Then a booster, but “breakthroughs” so neither the vaccines or the booster worked. Now Israel is up to 4 boosters.  Big Pharma is pushing for vaccines every 4 months (a vaccine for all seasons & quarterly budgets).  This is a vaccine whose need was never warranted by the numbers.  It is highly questionably manufactured & offers “limited protection if any.  Big Pharma is getting filthy rich of this hoax.  John Nichols in his book Coronavirus Criminals and Pandemic Profiteers…”in February 2021 Pfizer announced it expected to take in $15 Billion for the year a quarter of their profits for COVID-19 vaccines.” 92 Not bad profit for something that doesn’t work, is it?  In RC P2 at s2.4.6,  15 March 2020, I raised that COVID-19 picked & chose which summer season it turned up in. “I’d really have to be in Avalon (fairyland) to credit a virus can pick which season year it wants to appear.”  The vaccines & boosters have had so many “breathroughs” now Big Pharma realise that poor budget govts will ultimately just get the boosters before cold & flu season, which will slow their gravy train. So, they’ve ramped up the fear.


3.1.1(c)(xxxvi) As a lymphedema staph recovering wheelie amputee, I am in the highly vulnerable cohort, that was pressured to take the vaccine first (I didn’t & won’t). Someone has even given my private contact details as a disabled person to harass me more than the television, radio & social media with text messages to get the vaccine.  3.1.1(c)(xxvi), it does not escape me that the 55% side effects means Govts have known for a long time the vaccines were more likely to do me harm than good.  Despite Govts knowing that behavioural economist had “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to create a climate of fear beyond the evidence, they have continued to harass the vulnerable into getting the vaccine & boosters & threatening us with the medical apartheid reprisals, while knowing it had a 45% side effect risk & a 100% COVID-19 protection failure rate. At those percentage that is a premeditated intention to do me harm.


3.1.1(c)(xxxvii) I note the Royal Commissions interim report banked in the vaccination of health care workers of disabled vulnerables. As it was an interim report & it is a rapidly moving situation & with hindsight, considering all the breakthroughs I respectfully suggest the Commission reconsider its position & the following: -


·         I am anti-COVID-19 vaccination & pro natural immunity for COVID-19.  I based my position on real not exaggerated behavioural economic science. Your interim report removed my choice to choose & trust my natural immunity as a method to deal with COVID-19.  Consider if we ignore the poorly recorded & represented data on all the “breakthrough” infections from the first, second & boosters & accept the propaganda that the vaccinations actually do work for a minute. How can I get natural immunity carers my main close contacts are all vaccinated? If I am always kept away from people by unsocial distancing?

·         The vaccinated expose vulnerables to the same risk, because the shots
& boosters do not stop transmission.  They do not work as evidenced by all the breakthrough infections needing more & more boosters.
Emerging data suggest that Delta could spread more readily than other coronavirus variants among people vaccinated against COVID-19.” “People who have a Delta virus and happen to have ‘breakthrough’ infections can carry these really high levels of virus, and can unwittingly spread the virus to others,” says David O’Connor, a virologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.”83

·         If m/f carers can be matched on rosters with m/f care receivers & wards can be separated based on which flu virus is present, why is it so hard to match pro/anti COVID-19 vaccinated care givers with pro/anti COVID-19 care receivers & wards? 

·         Low paid care staff usually casualised labour were never going to have a dangerous experimental vaccination for a virus that is not a real threat. This has caused many care workers to leave crashing the care system even more.


3.1.1(d) Big Pharma Is the Watch Dog for Big Pharma

3.1.1(d)(i) I just do not believe that across the multiple health professionals in the vaccine companies, our health committees/departments State & Federal & Ministers State & Federal with their resources failed to arrive at the same conclusions as me by the end of February 2020.  When you consider the UK Inquiry’s quote “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to create a climate of fear beyond the evidencethere can be no doubt the low-level risk was not known.  Without considering the high probability that this was a pre-planned emergency event, a fair & reasonably case could be made that health committees, health depts & Govts were erring on the side of caution from the start up to the end of February 2020. After that date almost all their actions should come under scrutiny for criminality.  Starting with attempting to defraud the public purse. The push to purchase the vaccines & tests wasting health budget money was for nefarious undisclosed reasons.  I would argue that, that fact alone should void any contract as they were generated as part of a fraud. Big Pharma’s vaccine suppliers should not be protected from the full extent of the law. 


3.1.1(d)(ii) This is & always was a fraud ramped-up initially on virtually nothing. When I started recording there were only 28 deaths of people with comorbidities as my tweet 25 January 2020 reproduced in RC P2 Section 2.1.2.  Further I believe it is arguable that the vaccine companies’ failure to disclose what should have been an obvious inability to produce a vaccine for a virus that was mutating so quickly or reinfectious. This was critical information & with Big Pharma’s advantageous links to ATAGI & in turn TGA that information should have been disclosed prior to any contractual agreements.  This information is something that with their experience in disease & vaccine manufacture should have been blatantly obvious & evidences them as complicit.  Failure to disclose risks of the vaccine to recipients many of whom have had adverse effects means recipients of those vaccines did not have full information enabling them to give medically informed consent experimental status or not.  Every vaccine & booster in that circumstance is a wounding & I put it to you a criminal act.  Vaccines with adverse effects given under that circumstance were done in the commission of a crime & should be treated accordingly in law. When Australia contracted the pharmaceutical companies, we had every right to expect professionals.  A 45% side effect percentage, varying contents & a 100% failure rate on stopping contracting alleged COVID-19 transmission is not even close to the 90-95% success rate we were told the vaccines had – why are we paying them & why is the Govt not suing them for the harm done?


3.1.1(d)(iii) So what has the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) been up to?  Despite all the adverse effects the TGA headed by Skerritt a Doctor of Philosophy, who has a Bachelor of Science heavily based in the agricultural industry approved the unnecessary vaccines for children as young as 12yo 4th Sep 2021 (last year). Pfizer & Moderna are 2x USA companies & here’s what USA experts think about the vaccines. This Fox Business article date is 3 January 2022 (this year) … "FDA is bypassing it’s scientific advisors to authorize boosters for all kids 12-15 next week. This is unconscionable – undermines the integrity of the FDA's standard process! Please require FDA to put this authoriz [sic] before the VRBPAC advisory comm for a vote!" Dr. Marty Makary, chief of the Johns Hopkins Islet Transplant Center and Fox News contributor, tweeted Saturday. "74 What is “unconscionable” is Big Pharma’s conglomerate TGA has been using Aussie kids as their test bunnies since September 2021 & lying to all of us about the safety of the vaccines.  Govt has got the Australian Army to do the roll-out. I wonder whether the new Millennium diggers envisioned stabbing Australia’s own toddlers & teenagers under threats of loss of education loss79 as being part of Defence.


3.1.1(d)(iv) COVID-19 is a typical Australian pass the buck health play. In Senate, Skerritt TGA passed the buck to Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) for his expertise on the vaccines for 5y.o.’s rolled-out 10 Jan 2022.  ATAGI’s mouthpiece at Senate was Dr Christopher Blythe. Blythe was replaced as co-chair of ATAGI a few weeks after his appearance 31st December 2021109.  Australian Labor’s Senator Gallagher did her usual appalling job of chairing the Senate COVID-19 inquiry & wafted over Blythe’s other hat the one with his conflict-of-interest. I went looking.  Blythe is a co-director at Wesfarmers Centre for Vaccines and Infectious Diseases. Here's a real shot in the arm… StatInvestors reported based on 2017 share data BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Ltd are a major shareholder in Wesfarmers Ltd.  They are also reported to be major shareholders in all the vaccine companies Pfizer, Merck, AstraZaneca, Johnson & Johnson.  So, instead of an independent watchdog for medications, we really have had BlackRock approving BlackRock. Labor in one year alone got a $110K donation from Wesfarmers.  I’m sure if you go looking as Blackrock & Vanguard pretty much own everything now, thanks to the bipartisan ALP & LNP crooks’ electoral donations, this will be the same across the board. I can’t imagine we’ll hear a peep about this from our media whore PM Morrison.  After all, he’s been one big ad for BlackRock Wesfarmers Bunnings with things like building his Wendy house & all that fake propaganda on ABC using Bunnings as the backdrop.  All these committees are a curtain covered maze to create the illusion we are getting an independent review of medications while hiding their alliances to Big Pharma & their political donations. 

3.1.1(d)(v) I can’t even find a website for Wesfarmers Centre for Vaccines and Infectious Disease & excepting for its Association to Telethon Kids that got a $5million foundation grant from Wesfarmers Limited77.  Telethon for Kids is Chaired by ex-Deputy Liberal Leader Julie Bishop who also is a Member of the Human Vaccines Project & she is the Fisher Family Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Centre for Science and International Affairs.  The Human Vaccines Project was modelled after the Human Genome Project which makes all that genome data stolen without fully informed medical consent under the guise of that fear coerced COVID-19 testing all the more interesting.  I’ll be discussing the Belfer Centre further.  I’d be more convinced about Ms Bishop’s interest in health if I didn’t know she defended the asbestos criminals.  Blogs about Wesfarmers Centre for Vaccines and Infectious Disease are also thin on the ground. I did though find a joint research paper on influenza that accredits this Centre. The paper features Kristine K McCartney who has been doing unbelievably well from Govt grants in COVID-19 & has been under questioning for same in the NSW Courts. Remember my comment about any other Scottish names in RC P2 section2.6.2(e) – who’d have thunk.  Another research partner Sanjaya Senanayake.  Coincidentally, he was the Professor I credited with being the only one very quick out of the block with logical COVID-19 information in the Mama Mia article in RC P2 Section 2.4.1(a). Also, one of the research partners listed is a Paul Kelly. Coincidentally, this is the same name as our new Chief Medical Officer. Aside from a burning desire to ask if it is him, I’d be asking how we have a situation where the Committees are full of people who would obviously have a conflict of interest in decisions.  Yet another name off this Wesfarmers funded research paper Allen C Cheng stands out as there is an Allen Cheng coincidentally who is the co-chair of ATAGI.  Both Blythe & Cheng were replaced from their roles as co-chairs 31st December, 2021. This was shortly after I made the pictured video post on 9 December, 2021109 & made sure it went a lot of visible places on Facebook. This is a deck shuffle & to be blunt I am just not satisfied that the entire structure should be replaced. In the video also is the part where Blythe concedes that the clinical trials had only low numbers. So, Aussie Kids have been pushed to have a vaccine based on small clinical trials, with no long-term data & based on his Wesfarmers pre-bought observations.

3.1.1(d)(vi) Blythe in Gallagher’s Senate questioning about the experimental poorly tested roll-out to 5yo’s “we have looked at the safety data in this age group very carefully”75. What data source is that exactly Blythe? In 3.1.1(c) there is an abundance of data from reputable sources. In light of his alliance to Wesfarmers & swift departure after making his opinion known, I want to know exactly what data Dr Blythe bases his opinion on, that the vaccine is safe or necessary to give to any children?  He certainly could not possibly have considered long term effects of giving vaccines every 4 months to children for the rest of their lives & that is what we are up to now.


3.1.1(d)(vii) Telethon Kids coincidentally, pops up with the RC P2 rogue’s gallery also. It is in a "Thrive by Five" Bright tomorrow parenting collaboration with Twiggy Forrest's Mindaroo Foundation. Remember Mindaroo Forrest’s personal charitable Foundation uncommissioned supposedly bought a whole load of dodgy Covid masks & despite this being a charitable foundation doing good works for the community, the reason it gets tax concessions the LNP Govt repaid him $212Mil for buying the dodgy masks. "Thrive by Five" plan to nudge brainwash your children in the formative years with the APP for more Mindaroo credits. Who needs pre-schools, when you can help finance the brainwashing of your children, for after politics jobs for politicians?  Like for example ex Labor SA Premier Jay Weatherill now in situ at Mindaroo. Just a reminder Forrest proudly advertised his each-way bet when he donated to both LNP & ALP electoral coffers before the last Federal election81.


3.1.1(d)(viii) As at 16th February, 2022, in Senate questioning ATAGI167was still doing its level best to drag out answering questions. After a drawn-out session, ATAGI conceded they can’t confirm whether or not the vaccines stop transmission.  These vile scum, have given their nod to 5-11yo getting a vaccine that doesn’t work evidenced by the breakthrough infections on older groups & Pfizer’s own admissions & they clearly have no evidence at all they work for anything.

3.1.1(d)(ix) A sting done by Project Veritas171.  Christopher Cole FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative “So, you’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID-19] vaccines”. “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies, they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year, to hire & keep the reviewers to approve their products”.  You don’t need three guesses to realise who gets the pay off in Australia.

3.1.1(d)(x) “Sonic Healthcare gave $533,500 to the Liberal Party between 2011 and 2017, with $450,000 of the cash going directly to the federal branch, Australian Electoral Commission records show.” Sonic got the contract to deliver the coronavirus injection & failed to meet the Phase1a delivery by a mile. It has received $312Million worth of contracts since the LNP Coalition came to power.  Then there’s the subsidiary companies that include Melbourne Pathology to deal with all those coronavirus deaths98. It announced a profit in the final six months of 2020 of $678 million – up from a profit of $254 million over the same period in 2019.”  You just had to guess that genetics would be in this equation too.  Sonic Genetics from their about page “launched in 2014, is one of the most significant initiatives introduced by Sonic Healthcare”.  It’s looking to me like the public health purse is being screwed & not for “good order” right now.


3.1.1(d)(x) I’ll point out at this juncture that the High Court in UK has found Government PPE ‘VIP’ lanes for politically connected suppliers ‘unlawful’ thanks to a Court case raised by the publicly funded Good Law Project94.   The question must be asked if our system is based on UK’s & health is covered by section 51 of the constitution & must be for “good order” how come Govts electoral donors e.g., Twiggy mining Forrest whose personal foundation Mindaroo, got $212 Million for dodgy masks & Sonic $$ for failing to meet Phase deliveries were lawful?

 3.1.1(d)(xi) TGA has been preventing Australian health professionals giving any information warning Australians about the vaccines.  11 hrs after I posted a blog about a nurse being deregistered for an anti-Covid whistle blow, ABC announced Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) relaxed guidelines for medics giving private advice to patients. They were just conning Australians again.  The loosening was that medics could not raise their concerns about the vaccines in the media only in private with patients.  While whistle blowers are still gagged TGA or should I say Big Pharma has dominated the media with a totally biased pro-vaccine material so people do not know anything about the vaccine problems.  People are getting their vaccines from pharmacies that only get paid if they sell the vax.  You would have to be stupid to think they are going to be warning people off taking the vax.  How many doctors, pharmacist etc are going to be successfully unwinding 2yrs of pro-Covid brainwashing in a 10minute at best pre-vax session they get paid for. 

 3.1.1(d)(xii) Excepting SKY News main stream media is non-existent on anti-Covid news. ABC has virtually no anti-Covid vaccine information & every 2 minutes promotes the vaccine.  Most of the people going to those vaccine booths are those that have not had access to full information & they are not going to unwind a year & half propaganda in a quickie session. Are they really going to ask a doctor about risks they probably don’t even know of because of the ridiculous level of censorship?  These are the same doctors that have been brainwashed by behavioural economic Nudge vs Superbug Federal Health Dept & subjected to peer pressure to comply thanks to pro-Covid rampers.  Are the on-contract medics, going to have access to medical histories in pop up booths? Others are there because they have jobs that have mandated it. At no time in my lifetime have I seen companies enabled to threaten people with no jab no job. It is discrimination based on health & considering Govts appalling treatment of disabled I know exactly where this is going.

 3.1.1(d)(xiii) How many doctors are going to be giving even valid medical exemption certificates when they know other doctors’ offices have been raided for giving out what Govt deems too many? In USA doctors have been receiving nudge letters warning them off giving exemptions (mark point 5:00 EP1691 of the Dan Bongino Show107) & it wouldn’t surprise me if the same has been done in Australia.  It fits exactly with the history of actions done previously with an attempt to reduce Opioids under Nudge vs Superbug to be discussed further.  You are not going to get enough info freely in a quick doctors’ appointment to unwind over 2years of lies – it is that simple.  These are the same Doctors & nurses already shown to be highly susceptible to nudge peer pressure brainwashing Prof McLaws peer pressure nudger wrote a paper on (refer RC P2 2.6.2(b)).

3.1.1(d)(xiv) In addition to the TGA preventing Australians getting information the

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) the national organisation responsible for implementing the National Registration & Accreditation Scheme across Australia have been threatening health professionals too.   This news release 9 MARCH 2021111. “There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice” is clear. This appalling agency has been threatening doctors on advising against vaccination.  Most patients had no “medically informed” consent in light of AHPRA’s threats.

3.1.1(d)(xv) Liberal Senator Gerard Rennick, who has also been defying his Party to speak out about COVID-19, sent a request for information on “informed consent” & their reply 14 January 2022113 well after the vaccine had been rolled-out shows they knew their obligations under “informed consent”.  AHPRA’s actions accordingly, indicate a clear intention to do harm to Australians by threatening the patients’ health practitioners from providing what may have been a safer option for them.     

3.1.1(d)(xvi) When Rennick queried the power of AHPRA to threaten health professionals’ registrations for speaking out in the same 14 January 2021 response113 they advised they are acting under authority of the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman office that has set up its own “National Law” for health regulation for regulation outside of Commonwealth Law112. The Constitution Section 51xxiiiA is very clear that health is Commonwealth’s jurisdiction & power was given to members to make laws in that effect. That amendment was as a direct result of the 1943-6 National Welfare Act referendum changes.  In 1953 National Health Act 1953 was established & according to my observations that Act is still in force & there is no mention of an Ombudsman anywhere in it.  Accordingly, how could an unmentioned in law person have the right to set up any ‘National Law’?  It was not Section 51 “good order” to remove the power of control from the people’s elected representatives, the people who paid for their health & voted for a referendum that said it be constitutionally managed by their elected representatives.  Whilst the oversight could of course be given to an Ombudsman unless the vehicle is visible as to how the Ombudsman got the power to by-pass the Constitutions allocation of power to act, smacks of being the act of traitors.  For any Ombudsman to then in turn set up a structure enabling the Ministerial Council of Queensland as lead jurisdiction to take the controlling reins & effectively be able to shut down health practitioners across all Australia was not just extremely constitutional bad order but dangerous incompetence. When you consider Qld is the State that regulates & monitors doctors so poorly it has epic examples like Dr Death Patel, Australia is in real trouble if Qld is the poster child for health regulation. 

 3.1.1(d)(xvii) In my opinion all of these entities should have all statutory power removed from them in the real interest of public health & at the earliest possible time.  I’d go further, in light of the vaccine deaths & adverse effects the entire committees should be referred for investigation for criminal charges. It does not pass any pub test that these committee members have conflicting interests.  They are nothing but a conglomerate maze of self-interest Big Pharma companies approving themselves & getting the public purse to pick up their damages.  LNP & ALP are both responsible for letting this set up eventuate.  The LNP & ALP should not be left out of any criminal investigation noting the donations.  Australian Medical Options Party have comprised a list of conflicted committees’ members on vaccine passports that gives a good perspective on conflicted interests in the entities.  The list they compiled is a drop in the bucket91

 3.1.1(e) The UK Influence – The GasLight of DNR’s without Consent

3.1.1(e)(i) As aforesaid in the UK Inquiry Coronavirus: lessons learnt” questioning of Matt Hancock 10 June 202116, the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviour (SPI-B) are reported to have apologised as they “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to create a climate of fear beyond the evidence”.  But wait there’s more…

 3.1.1(e)(ii) Hancock’s question from the UK Inquiry “Q1401” shows it doesn’t matter if Australians or for that matter any country’s people are immune or if COVID-19 was no threat voiding the necessity of a vaccine. The only thing that matters is what colour list a country is on …. red, green or amber.  To quote Hancock it’s all about the “common mission”.  I’m not seeing anything that has been of benefit for UK or Australia’s people & in fact most countries in the English-speaking world are rebelling against their Govts implementing the mandate actions. So, what colour equals ripe for the picking?

3.1.1(e)(iii) According to Q1401 Hancock’s actions were based on the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), which is a pretty poor attempt to deflect the blame, when you consider UKHSA was formed by him on 18 August 2020.  What is fascinating though is this newly established “health” body in UK is headed by Ian Peters who was formerly Chief Executive of British Gas.  This makes both my Senate Covid 27 May 2020 submission reproduced in RC P2 at 2.4.2(b)(v) where I noted the heavy involvement of mining & all those unpopular gas contracts signed as we were all COVID-19 locked up, a veritable page turner.   If you can tear yourself away from the Wuhan lab leak, Bat Caves & the Bat Lady that is.


3.1.1(e)(iv) In the UK Inquiry Hancock also dodged questions on hospitals repeatedly refusing to admit patients from care homes & applying Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) without medical consent to disabled people up & down the country16.  I have clipped the portion below & also key segments of the oral evidence transcript, because unsurprisingly the information seems to keep shifting on the UK govt website.  In Australia, we have hospitals putting Allied Health & Elective Surgery on hold at the drop of a hat, applying medical apartheid & refusing to accept unvaccinated patients so medical workers can practice their COVID-19 dance routines. I’m not thinking we are on the Green List right now.  The UK is not alone in its treatment of the mentally disabled. In an old people’s home in Berlin, Germany soldiers accompanied by medics, force injected mentally disabled residents against their will allegedly with the COVID-19 vaccine. Of the 31 people vaccinated 8 died shortly after the vaccine165.

 3.1.1(e)(v) In the UK Inquiry final report released 12 October 2021 at Section 22 Do not attempt CPR” notices were issued inappropriately for some people with learning disabilities”….. “The disproportionately high mortality rates that people with learning disabilities and autistic people have suffered throughout the pandemic has highlighted the health inequalities faced by this group”.  Govts protecting the vulnerable others in COVID-19 right there!

3.1.1(e)(vi) The Daily Mail UK has been following this72. In  “The DNR orders were reportedly offered following 'concerns about the pressure on the NHS' - but it has left families confused and 'upset'.” Research last year also found that do not resuscitate orders were being placed illegally on the medical files of adults with learning disabilities.”  What a way to reduce the pressure on the health service hey?  MPs responded by ordering an urgent review into the ‘appalling’ practice, calling for it to be brought to an end by Christmas. Hancock’s questioning on the DNR’s were raised in June & the UK Inquiry released its report mid-October 2021. What does it say that they gave a 2.5 month or more heads up to stop murdering mentally disabled people instead of jumping straight on it? Qld Opposition leader is pushing for a Royal Commission into the Integrity of the Qld Govt.  Saturday 12 Feb 2022, he announced a 4th independent statutory officer whistle-blowing Director of Forensic Disability Services protects the care of people found unable to face court.152

3.1.1(e)(vii) From the Daily Mail UK - 12 July 2020  on UK drug supply of the drug Midazolam The number of prescriptions for a powerful sedative that can kill the frail doubled at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, raising fears it was used to control elderly residents in stretched care homes – or even to hasten their deathsOfficial figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in April compared to previous months.149 And on 22 April 2020, Many medications used to sedate and immobilize people put on ventilators and to treat their pain are the same drugs that states use to put inmates to death. Demand for such drugs surged 73% in March.”150    I came across a PDF of a letter regarding finding of a comparison in Midazolam use (in mg): April–May 2019 versus April–May 2020 In France, the COVID-19 pandemic and its inherent containment had dramatically modified the management of cancer patients. Colon and breast cancer screening national programs had been suspended…… Due to the dramatic and sudden decline in the number of surgical procedures for cancer management, an overall reduction in the use of midazolam was expected. However, we observed the opposite effect.”  Both the Daily Mail articles feature pro-life activists, which may bias the article, but 3x countries in light of the DNR revelations is something that should not be dismissed.


3.1.1(e)(viii) In RC P2 Section 2.3.5(d)(iii) I asked what were Australian’s being cyber prepared for with people collapsing in the street?  In RC P2 I showed the link between the Behavioural Insights Team UK (BIT) the “nudge theory” proponents & our very own Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA) in PM & Cabinet.  Australia (predetermined by the coloured list it is on) has been lock-step with UK.  The vaccine was initially just pushed on the Australian vulnerables.  Had the vaccines not been harming below mortality age healthy people with the greater roll-out up & down the country now, who would have noticed all the premature deaths of disabled & aged. Who has checked Australia’s DNR’s?


3.1.1(e)(ix) Dr Peter McCullough, at mark point 15:2055, “You know what they did in Australia, they put on the books early in April, a new rule, it says if a doctor attempts to help a patient with COVID-19 & in prescribing an out-patient medication & the medicine was of interest then hydroxychloroquine, that doctor could be punished with imprisonment.” Again, who has checked Australia’s DNR’s?


3.1.1(e)(x) A study based on deaths in residential care showed the ratio of premature deaths per 1000 had been rising across 2000-2013.   As we were starting to move into the aging population, towards the end of this period, we should have seen a reduction that indicated preparation was being done69.  From what I’ve seen of the Liberal & National Party coalition (LNP) budgets that started with the infamous Abbott/Hockey budget, instead of preparing for the aging population they prepared to bomb the health system & Covid19 was the detonator. Australian Labor Party was there all the way bipartisan before during & now after.


3.1.1(e)(xi) I’ve seen many media reports claiming there was no difference in suicides in Australia during Covid19. When viewed over a longer period with all the ramification factors I do not believe this will be correct just based on logical assumptions.  During the first periods of COVID-19 Newstart aka Jobseeker was doubled with the Coronavirus Support Allowance.  There were also better strategies introduced to deal with homeless accommodation. Access to alcohol was limited. Mental health should have potentially seen a vast improvement across the board from these strategies alone.   However, though it will be slower to be seen in statistics there will be a levelling by the people who have lost their jobs & businesses in Covid19 from the unwarranted lockdowns & the human rights abuse jobs for an experimental jab. Formerly working & earning these are the people most likely to have qualified for loans & home mortgages.  While initially draw downs on their superannuation policies would cover shortfalls when asset reserves are gone, they are a ticking time bomb & the continuation of the mandates offering them little prospect for job recovery is not good.  There is also a definite imbalance between youth suicide statistics & reports of increased calls to lifeline etc from children as young as 5yo.  Then there is the likelihood of an increase in online home-based gambling. 


3.1.1(e)(xii) The intent of the propaganda in COVID-19 discouraging people from aiding people dropping dead in streets, non-provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to carers & the prevention of first aid information being shared on social media shows the level of the cold bloodedness in the planning of COVID-19. The brainwashing that brought on the DNR’s was aimed at all of us.  Below is my 18 June 2021 blog in last year’s cold & flu season. I shared a resuscitation first aid tip I got from a Qld ambo in my first aid rescue training. It’s for checking breathing without having to put your face near a possible virus infected mouth. It’s easier than listening for shallow breathing under heavy winter clothing. My one-off blog tip included a link to a free resuscitation chart from a reputable group NSW St John’s Ambulance. I note before opting for the St John’s Ambulance chart I checked WHO’s website. There was not one single paper or video on resuscitation on WHO’s website.  My one-off post was fact checked by Facebook as spam.  You’ll note Facebook nicely tells me to get stuffed about having decisions reviewed.  My “understanding” now is I have multiple wrong fact checks like this & I’ll never get them Facebook reviewed.  As long as I have lots of blackmark fact checks Facebook keeps my group that puts out the correct data & reasonable scientific conjecture on COVID-19 at the back of their Facebook bus & restricts access & visibility of it. In Court Facebook was forced to admit its Fact Checks were just “opinions”. They missed unqualified & we are talking medicine & emergency response here & Facebook was aiding & abetting the DNR agenda. Lawful? I doubt it.

3.1.1(e)(xiii) Dominic Cummings appearance to the UK Inquiry for questioning was 2 May 2021Cummings was chief adviser to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Dominic Cummings described Hancock “as a serial liar, stupid, criminal, disgraceful”.   Cummings missed richer.  Hancock financially gained as a 15% shareholder in Topwood. His sister Emily Gilruth is a director in the company that in 2019 got a COVID-19 contract out of National Health Services3. Among other things it specialises in the secure shredding of documents, which is convenient because Hancock resigned from his position as Secretary of State Health shortly after his appearance at the UK Inquiry. The official media story is that he was caught very socially un-distancing himself from a staffer on camera.  In Australia, we’ve had our own Australian Parliament House (APH) sex scandals to keep us diverted.  Everything from rapes on desks, prayer booth turned into a sex parlour & now Tudge Tudge wink wink kicks in beds. Over & above COVID-19 we have had other phantom threats thrown at us. Russian cyber actors, terrorist even aliens.  The obvious question to ask is, were we being played by the same UK fiddle? It is hard to know if the videos of Hancock or anyone else for that matter were real.  I have shown in RC P2 ABC under Ita, news has degraded to the point it has been creating its own online propaganda & that’s before we consider the defamation cases.

3.1.1(e)(xiv) As Hancock had his “common mission” with a lot of British Gas instead of his portfolio health, Cummings related his experience of March 2020, as like the movie Independence Day.  He puts the majority of the blame at Hancock’s feet. In the UK Inquiry Cummings is non-committal on the question of manslaughter charges, because he doesn’t “know what the laws and rules are”With Australia’s 3 months heads-up to cold & flu season & data from multiple countries to establish COVID-19 was not a valid threat by that time, I think it is fair to say, we should be looking at the “laws & rules” for first degree murder here.

 3.1.1(e)(xv) In the UK Select meeting held with witness Dominic Cumming 26 May, 2021, in question Q1058 the Chairman asked, why a simple model was not done comparing the deaths to population2.  I did that model for Australia uploaded it to Twitter within a few days of Wuhan borders going up after researching the disease & finding a comparable bench mark based on symptoms.  I put that model out on Twitter daily to complete a typical flu season average of 90 days with daily observations & submitted it to Senate to get it rejected in November 2020.  It was rejected only after it was proven to be a fast accurate method for the situation. In Australia the panic was created & the Senate COVID-19 has the same whiffs of another Labor steer the narrative session, like they did in Robodebt.  

3.1.1(e)(xvi) In UK Cummings Select meeting, Cummings refers to his only access in meetings to a whiteboard & a calculator on his phone.  My simple model could’ve been done anywhere with just a pen, paper, maths & a history of diseases.  Australia, was rebuilding from bushfires Jan 2020. As a country of disasters does no one think that the sheer snobbery of presentation needs to be stomped out.  In posing question Q1058 the UK Inquiry Chairman shows he learnt from experience, that big, slow & expensive doesn’t always beat simple, fast & cheap.  In Australia at APH they have learnt nothing. They are still trying to pretend they did nothing wrong.  I can accept failure as human & forgive it, but I do not have to accept or forgive negligent incompetence on the salaries they are on & neither should any other Australian.  76 ignored AAT rulings on the unlawfulness on Robodebt says no more chances156.  Sound familiar……

3.1.1(f) The USA Influence

3.1.1(f)(i) I’m sure I am going to disappoint bat cave/lab enthusiasts, but what I’m looking at in this direction just keeps sending people in circles & diverted from looking at the makeup of the actual COVID-19 deceased.  Whilst with all the drama of Gothic city it is a show stopper it is doing the same job as the behavioural economist keeping us confused. First, we had a Wuhan wet market vender selling an endangered pangolin infected with an even rarer COVID-19 virus at bargain basement prices. Then we had the Wuhan lab leak. Then when the virus wasn’t found at the market another story was floated, that a farmer had a dime a dozen bat, in a cage over the very expensive pangolin. Then back to the bat cave with infected Wuhan miners.  Then back to the wet market with Wesfarmers ABC showing us shots of an Asian eating a bat later found to have been taken pre-Covid in another country.  Now we are back to the Wuhan lab. Some simple facts. Bats stink & you can smell them with a cold half a mile off.  Pangolin are nocturnal so vision in a dark cave is no problem.  Pangolin look like an ant eater having a bloody big schnoz. If a pangolin was anywhere in the equation, it would have had to have had no sense of smell before it went in to a smelly bat cave. I think its safe to eliminate pangolin before we are sent round in circles again. But wait there’s more.…. We got email – Fauci’s that is…


3.1.1(f)(ii) Before I outline more information for the bat enthusiasts consider that Australia’s loudly announced deceased figures when comorbidities were removed was death by COVID-19 only of 103 after 19.5 months.  UK are now looking at their figures of death only by COVID-19 rather than death with COVID-19 plus co-morbidities & finding a dramatic drop in their real death by COVID-19 deceased.  USA needs to come down to Earth, do the same & get the real no.’s of what they are dealing with instead of chasing bats in the Wuhan lab belfry for possibilities.


3.1.1(f)(iii) 2013 Dr Ralph Baric approached Shi Zhengli & had a scientific exchange. In mid Dec 2019 2 weeks before we knew there was a problem [31st Dec 2019 when China was reporting the first cluster at the hospital], Dr Baric signed a confidential Govt deal with Moderna, “the NIH appears to be transferring technology but what they are clear is mRNA Coronavirus vaccine candidates developed & jointly owned by NIAID & Moderna”. The deal was signed 2 weeks before. They signed the deal with the doctor who happened to be a partner with the Bat Lady [Shi Zhengli] in the Wuhan lab …. These are the same group of people that in the end of January begin to shut down & begin to smear anyone who’s looking into the lab leak theory”157&158.  “EcoHealth Alliance and Daszak have been working with Shi Zhengli, a virologist at the WIV, for more than 15 years. Since 2014, an NIH grant has funded EcoHealth’s research in China”.  By yet another amazing coincidence Daszak was part of the team sent to investigate the lab leak theory159.

3.1.1(f)(iii) Republican US Senators are calling out their health dept public servants over their illegal funding of Gain of Function (GOF) lab experiments in Wuhan64.  Fauci is being grilled by Republican Senators for funding GOF experiments in the Wuhan lab, but we can’t call them GOF because Dr Fauci changed the definition of what GOF is.

3.1.1(f)(iv) Tucker Carlson at Fox was the first anchor-man I saw pushing for an investigation into the lab leak theory. Do I credit COVID-19 is the result of a Wuhan lab leak? I merit it being more credible for getting a cheaper answer.  I for one, am not up to paying for a nice big holiday for our health depts touring the Chinese countryside looking for a pangolin.  Or to fatten their meal allowance budget in the Wuhan wet markets hunting down 2yr rancid pangolin meat7.   USA have done an awful lot of extreme interventions to hide detection of their links to Wuhan & that cover job would have had to have had Govt support.  This doesn’t shout to me that USA are the innocent party: -

·       === Fauci’s investment in the lab doing highly unethical research & in another country.

·     === Cass Sunstein’s “nudge theory” being applied against the interest of the information getting out.

·=====Clear involvement of Liberal Democrat failed political candidate doctors & Bloomberg ramping up the terror at the start of the event.

·    === Twitter & Facebook both American Social Media companies literally attacking users raising reasonable questions.  Main Stream news virtually dead in the water on what was promoted as a health issue. 

3.1.1(g) The China Influence

3.1.1(g)(i) I’m sure I’ll disappoint Bat Cave enthusiasts, but if China thought it had anything it had to cover anything up it could have simply just tagged the relatively small number of COVID-19 cases flu in winter.  I’m still struggling with the notion China’s Govt was involved in any capacity at all on the cause. 


3.1.1(g)(ii) Consider the timing of when COVID-19 first presents occurred in the Wuhan hospital. It was weeks before the Chinese New Year when hospitals may have had staff on holidays, before the New Year revellers rush.  This would account for a shortage of medics qualified in diagnostics.  First reports were reportedly from an online chat between medical students seen by media.  Students make mistakes.  Add the tests being not fit for the purpose & set at wrong cycle levels.  Mistakes happen.  I can understand watching how everyone jumped on China, why they would be defensive about sharing data.  Let’s be realistic in Australia it took months & months before we saw any modelling of data from Govt.  Who jumped on them?


3.1.1(g)(iii) Despite USA’s Senators putting their hand up to Fauci funding GOF research at the Wuhan lab & UK’s behavioural economic team SPI-B admitting to overblowing COVID-19 somehow this according to our politicians is all China’s fault. This is so the politicians can avoid the scrutiny of their own actions signing up to the Trans Pacific another terrible trade agreement that China who were our biggest trade partners are not signatory to. Goodbye the wine industry, barley growers & a lot more & let’s not forget all that cheap disability equipment & PPE.


3.1.1(g)(iv) What is very off though, is the change in the original virus genome sequence as discussed at 3.1.1(c)(xiii).  That this has not seen a lot of media attention beggars belief. 


3.1.1(g)(v) China’s data though has shown some interesting statistics that validate not just natural immunity as present, but also robust once acquired.  From the start of patient zero mid-Dec2019 to 6 Jun 2020 (approx 6mths) China reported 4645 COVID-19 deceased per WHO situation Report no. 138.  Most of these deceased were frail aged & had comorbidities. This 6-month period up to 6 Jun 2020 included 1x cold & flu season. On 6 June 2021 approx. 1.5yrs since the start of COVID-19 Our World in Data reported China had only 4,846 deceased5.  I note I used this data because WHO ceased providing updates to situation reports on China which is astounding in light of monitoring reinfection & the effect of natural immunity build.  4,846 total dead mid Dec2019 to 6Jun2021 minus 4,645 total dead 6Jun2020 to 6Jun 2020 equals only 201 deceased. In the same country with increased freedoms only 201 people across China’s population of 1.4Billion died accredited to COVID-19 for an entire year spanning 6 June 2020 to 6 June 2021. In this period the majority of Chinese were not vaccinated & had less restrictive COVID-19 measures than the Wuhan lockdown etc.  A study led by Dr. Rafael Harpaz of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found 3% of people had immune deficiency12. The tiny percentage that the Chinese 201 deceased are, to their 1.4 billion population yells, that even those with compromised immune systems must have acquired or already had immunity to COVID-19 in the first season it appeared. The highly contagious & scarry Delta variance started 20 December 202051. There were only 201 dead in a population of 1.4 billion in an unvaccinated period that includes China’s winter.  Does that sound like it is a bigger threat? No! One factor could account for the drop in reported numbers.  WHO advised of PCR test cycle level adjustments.



3.1.1(h) Queensland (Qld) Beautiful One Day Medical Apartheid the next.

3.1.1(h)(i) The main stream media espouse that Qlders have it good compared to other States. In Qld the grass is always browner on the other side of the locked border. In Victoria, supposedly the most locked up State, they have been suspending MP’s that don’t want to show vaccine papers62.   In Qld we have only one parliamentary House & neo-Nazi fascist dictators are in control. I ask when does a bigger cage mean I am less of a prisoner. 

3.1.1(h)(ii) Before we give any credence to all the lies about COVID-19 being a medical State of Emergency lets understand what we are really talking about in Qld. In over 2 years, as at 10 January 2022, there was a sum total of 11 deceased attributed to COVID-19. 13th January, 2022, Qld supposedly had its worse day ever of 6 deaths from Omicron, when really the deceased were aged between 70 & 90.  By 20th January 2022 we were in to whopper territory with the Acting Premier Deputy Premier Stephen Miles Dr Stephen Miles was the former Qld Minister for Health & Minister for Ambulance Services 12 Dec 2017 - 10 May 2020.  He is another Dr of Philosophy & has a Bachelor of Arts placed in a Ministerial position in a field he was totally unqualified & useless in.  After his disastrous performance in his portfolio’s, it beggars belief he got to be Deputy Premier. Until you consider he is starring with Palaszczuk in the calls for a Royal Commission.  I’ll be submitting to that Commission if it ever gets off the ground. 

3.1.1(h)(iii) Qld Health have lied continually about the threat of COVID-19 to the Qld Health system.  They even took time out from practising their dance routines, to sign up & take on the additional health care of Norfolk Islanders in this supposed State of Emergency where hospitals were overwhelmed. While Qld disabled got no care at all in COVID-19, in the interest of the USA’s Govt Pacific domination plan, Qld Govt put its hand up to take over the health care of the tax haven Norfolk Island.  These people that paid no taxes to Australia until 2016, are going to get the health care Queenslanders haven’t been getting in the interest of USA.  Remember our defence pact is to consult with us not defend us & so far that intel has cost us billions hunting down weapons of mass destruction across the Middle East that never existed, bats & pangolin for COVID-19 that never existed & had us signing up to billion-dollar submarines for a threat that probably doesn’t exist either.  This Island situated half way between Australia & New Zealand was seen as a key defence region.  In fact, in February 2020, as Australians were suffering from the lack of bushfire post disaster support & COVID-19 shortages & lockdowns, our Australian Defence Force gave the island a desalination plant.10 God forbid they should have to buy bottle water off one of our Australian suppliers, who will have lost mega dollars when offices locked down.  Or pay tourist boats sat idle & pay for the cartage to the Island. 

 3.1.1(h)(iv) When you consider the fear was unethically ramped up by behavioural economist State & Federal in Australia that were colleagues with the bunch that “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to create a climate of fear beyond the evidence we have been saved by no-one & from nothing.  There was never any State of Emergency in Qld for COVID-19 other than on paper.  All the actions by the Qld Govt have been an abuse of authority & punitive mental assault on Qlders for the benefit of foreign countries. 

 3.1.1(h)(v) I am struggling to find any lawful mechanisms by which Qld has any right to act in any capacity other than health treatment & certainly nothing that gives it the right to fine any person or business.  The Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) Directive for COVID-19 was a declaration first created 18th March 2020 under the pretence that it was a disease with pandemic potential.  There was no definition within the Act of pandemic & indeed WHO had no official definition of what a pandemic is.  “IT IS NOT A PANDEMIC” - it is therefore a zero & the potential of anything times by a zero is zero.115

3.1.1(h)(vi) A potential threat claim was only warranted in January 2020 when COVID-19 was an alleged “novel” invader. By March 2020 it was no longer a potential threat. 13 March 2020 UK Health Committees were already downgrading it to not a high consequence infectious disease (HCID).  In May 2020, The Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) Variation (Extension) Instrument 2020 was created, but that does not change that it was never at any time after the end of February 2020 under any of the directives a potential threat an emergency. At 2.4(a) of my Senate Covid submission lodged 27 May 2020, I noted, “I was able to answer if COVID-19 was not the health threat it was built up to be conclusively by February 29, 2020.”

3.1.1(h)(vii) In RC P2 at s2.4.6 I was very clear “By the end of Feb2020 Australia’s Govts State & Federal should’ve known COVID-19 was not a threat & was a winter virus”.   Independent of me Sanjeev Sabhlok in another State Victoria, using his own calculation methods arrived at the same conclusion at the same time as me. 31 July, 2021 Sabhlok released his emailed memo dated 28 February, 2020, to the Victorian Govt on Facebook warning them their measures were overblown for the COVID-19 risk.  Accounting & maths are precise sciences.  With their resources other Govts should have come to the same conclusion as me & Sabhlok State & Federal. In light of the public manner Sabhlok left in September 2020, I just find it unbelievable incompetence at best & criminal negligence at worst that his data & reason was not discussed at National Cabinet.

3.1.1(h)(viii) The minute the Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) Directive was given COVID-19 or coronavirus, which I note would cover all mutations, was a national emergency. There could not be just a state emergency, because that would be a constitutionally inconsistency per s109. When 'a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid'.  All power was with the Commonwealth & in order for States to show they had any power to act in COVID-19 they had to have & be able to prove they had been given an instrument of delegated power. 

 3.1.1(h)(ix) If COVID-19 was a biosecurity threat that warranted the activation of the national Biosecurity Act 1995 then the duty of care & line of command was already established under the Australian Constitution Section 119.  It was the Commonwealth responsibility to protect States & not vice versa. There is nothing in Section 119 that defines the type of invasion. A virus is an unwelcome invader capable of affecting healthy bodies before we consider the Wuhan lab theories & the possibility it was a manmade threat.  The Commonwealth failed its Duty of Care to States residents. “The Commonwealth shall protect every State against invasion…”.  How was ANY power ever delegated to any States?  

3.1.1(h)(x) The National Cabinet was found unlawful September 2021. No formal minutes were taken or approved as a true & correct record. Secretaries’ notebooks can be disposed of (sports rort) without consequence. There is no evidential quality record of meeting discussions. Accordingly, there’s no legitimate basis seen, by which States can have been delegated ANY right to act independently in any capacity in the farcical COVID-19 national emergency. The Human Biosecurity declaration for COVID-19 was created linked to the Biosecurity Act 2015 wherein only 2 people could delegate powers to States & as this is alleged a human biosecurity threat the Federal Health Minister is on point.  All the powers to create the Biosecurity Act 2015 & the directives therefrom as a health matter had to stem from the constitution s51xxiiiA.  Section 51 is clear that power to enact is only given to Govts for “good order”. The size of the anti-COVID-19 demonstrations across the country is such that it validates none of the actions were for ‘good order’. Additionally, the very fact that we have a new political party whose platform has been primarily anti-COVID-19 & it boasts membership exceeding Govts coalition Parties & the Opposition ergo likely to create political landscape disorder validates COVID-19 laws were not in ‘good order’.

3.1.1(h)(xi) Press Releases from the health minister, extending the COVID-19 Human Biosecurity directive as required every 3 months after September 2021, when the National Cabinet was found unlawful are the only vehicle that would proclaim a delegation occurred. There was nothing.   If at any time “domestic violence” was of a measurable level warranting any punitive responses, Qld Executive had a duty of care to apply to Commonwealth for protection from same. They did not. The fines therefore were not for an emergency control measure, but were an abuse of power the Qld Govt did not have in the first place.  Where was Qld States power to inflict punitive mask, vaccine, lock down & forced medical experimentation mandates on people that were peacefully exerting their right to refuse to be part in medical experiments? Nowhere!  All the States have been doing their own thing on responses.  There were no coordinated actions across States of “Response” actions.  This bears out that Qld Govt’s actions were not from delegation from Commonwealth or other States or all States would have had the same “Response” actions at the same time.  Their actions were their own & unlawful, because this was no State of Emergency ever.

 3.1.1(h)(xii) In Qld they created the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020.  Consider s13 Regulation-making power to modify statutory time limit” part (5) “A regulation made under subsection (2) may have retrospective operation to a day not earlier than 19 March 2020”. Ergo the Act was directly in “Response” to the activation of the Biosecurity Act 2015 directive for COVID-19 on 18 March 2020.  Qld’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020 is yet more confirmation that this was an alleged national emergency not a state emergency. Below is a clip from a press release COVID-19 emergency measures extended for a further three months from Federal Govt Health Minister Greg Hunt dated 10 June 2021. No part of this shows me that Federal Govt EVER made any determination delegating powers to State to act in any capacity for COVID-19 only that it “continues to consult with States & Territories”. That raises very big questions in how the Qld Govt has been able to get away with using the police force & in my opinion abusing citizens & businesses & why the Police Commission has gone along with this farce of law.

3.1.1(h)(xiii) On 17th Dec 2021 in Qld State, the Palaszczuk Govt introduced a fascist medical apartheid in the name of a supposed COVID-19 emergency. In addition to removing access to public facilities including hospitals, because of being unvaxed, they are threatening private businesses with deregistration if they serve the unvaxed.  The Qld Govt is using the police to intimidate & bully me & others.  The fines they give to businesses that serve me & other unvaxed are inciting discrimination & criminal violence against us in the community.  Before COVID-19 this was an offence.

3.1.1(h)(xiv) The Govt’s mandates for the unvaxed includes public facilities. Hospitals were originally included. Unless I had a medical condition severe enough to warrant hospitalization or agree to let myself be Big Parma’s vaccine test bunny & now a RAT’s test bunny, I am denied hospital visits.  As a visitor, I have no access to Allied Health which they regularly put on hold now in COVID-19.  This has changed again & probably because more people have been hurt by their insane mandates & is suing them.  We are members of the public & therefor a shareholder in any & all public owned or leased facilities e.g., hospital. Health care is a prepaid constitutional right & ergo the Qld Govt continually destabilising the regularity of what should be an inalienable service constitutes a theft & deprovision of our entitled commonwealth rights by the Palaszczuk Qld Govt.  

3.1.1(h)(xv) I refused to get a My Health Record, because it’s a privacy shocker. If I turn up at a pop-up vaccine booth, as a lymphedema wheely with a compromised circulatory system & blood pressure that goes up & down am I going to get the anti-vax info I should get in light of the blood clots without access to my file? How about the getting the info from even my own doctor who has been publicly threatened with deregistration by TGA & AHPRA? Get real!


3.1.1(h)(xvi) There have been so many lies, threats & displays of utter incompetence now that I do not trust the hospitals & doctors anymore to even give me a flu vaccine. Every cold & flu season we have been told there’s a new vaccine for the expected strains.  In Australia’s case our flu season is after the Northern Hemispheres so we can see what flu season they had & whether Flu A or B was worse.  What I’ve never thought about till COVID-19 is how they have been predicting the flu shot for the Northern Hemisphere in the first place. When I consider the games played in COVID-19 & how our drugs have been approved that makes me worried about what I have been reminding people to have for years. How many times have we heard of people getting the flu after the flu shot?


3.1.1(h)(xvii) During COVID-19, even before Qld Govt introduced its medical apartheid some chain distributors were targeting wheelies in their coffee shops. Coffee Club Northpoint, that did not take my order for half an hour, the counter staff knew I was there & cleaned a table. I finally got attention after another customer watching on, pointed out loudly that I was there. Then they rudely demanded my name & details for a take away coffee. I used to have lunch once a week at another Toowoomba Coffee Club. All Coffee Clubs have lost my business forever saving me about $50pf.  How about McDonalds Grand Central that told me they were cleaning a coffee machine & I said I didn’t mind waiting the half an hour & proceeded to do puzzles. Then after waiting for half an hour & the machine was cleaned wouldn’t serve me even an instant coffee & the managers response was because I was abusive. I reported this to the Grand Central security who later confirmed they had me on camera quietly doing the puzzles. I sent a complaint to McDonalds & got no response – every single McDonalds has lost my business forever. $12pw lost custom – I purchased a flask.   

 3.1.1(h)(xviii) Since the medical apartheid, treatment of wheelies has been even worse than it has been all during COVID-19.  Me & another wheely were removed & threatened with the police by the staff at Michel’s Kmart Plaza Toowoomba for the simple crime of being unable to be vaxed with a vax that doesn’t work anyway for a disease that is not HCID.  This establishment’s seating is roped off in the middle of a shopping centre that unvaxed can attend. Somehow the airconditioned air on one side of the rope is different to the air on the other side of the rope.  No other patron was approached & at no time was I asked my vax status, before I was told to leave because I unvaxed.  When I objected the staff member threatened me with the police, because I was not wearing a mask.  We were seated, & eating & drinking food we had mistakenly bought from Michel’s Kmart Plaza Toowoomba.  It won’t ever happen again.  23 January, 2022, another 2x coffee shops prevented me & a more senior Stand In the Park wheely friend entrance, because we are unvaccinated & will not use the contact tracing check-in APP. Her son had the vax & a bad reaction.  From their apologetic manner it was due to the threat of the repercussions & fines from Qld Govt if they serve unvaxed.  The result is the same though we don’t want the vax & won’t interact with the Covid measures & they have lost our business & we will influence the decision of others in our group.  Potentially jobs will be lost, GST & income tax will be lost, as now we’ll take our coffees in a flask. Govt has cut its own throat.  This will not change our minds on vaccine uptake one bit, but means I will be adding to my human rights complaint against the Govt.

3.1.1(h)(xix) When I drink coffee in a coffee shop that is a peaceful assembly for a common purpose to socialise.  Right of peaceful assembly is a human right no. 22(i).  Why then has Qld Govt been using police to intimidate & arrest coffee shop owners that will not discriminate against the unvaxed peacefully assembling.  The Palaszczuk is fully aware of this section, because it has been enabling unvaccinated union leaders into all venues for peaceful assembly & freedom of association including sensitive ones.162

3.1.1(h)(xx) There are a few independent coffee shop owners that have been defying the Qld Labor Govt’s discriminatory medical apartheid mandates.  In Toowoomba Bar Wunder is one of these.  On New Year’s Eve some people met at the premises to show solidarity. (I couldn’t go because of maxi-taxi transport reliability). Despite it being their premises, Bar Wunder owners had to have a private party out in the street, because supporters & friends were barred entry by 4 police. The police were not finished there though. Despite no laws being broken or people would obviously have been arrested, Qld Police are now investigating the party.  This is nothing less than police harassment, persecution & a total abuse a police resource.  Police Commissioner Katrina Carroll profiles as being previously in Fire & Emergency. As someone that was in emergency rescue, I have no hesitation in going on record & stating she must be totally incompetent if she considers 7 deaths in 2 years is a State of Emergency (the no. of Qld COVID-19 deceased at the time the medical apartheid started).  Her enforcement of the jobs for jabs mandates on even her own police force, threatening peoples’ livelihoods for an experimental vaccine, is the worst public decision I have seen from a police official or emergency responder ever.  At 1am in the morning of the 15th January 2022, the owners of Bar Wunder were arrested in their home by police & took to jail for breaching the Public Health order & failing to discriminate against the unvaxed.  The lengthy persecution this bar has been put under has been widely unfavourably publicised by the bought media.  This of course intimidates other establishments into complying & discriminating even more against the unvaxed. I am aware from social media of 2 other business owners that have also been arrested.  That is what the Qld police left do now. Bully, intimidate, fine & arrest people using the COVID-19 hoax as the excuse.


3.1.1(h(xxi) When I protest peacefully on a public footpath in the open air not impeding traffic or pedestrian flow for a common purpose, I have that international right of human assembly. So, tell me why on 3 occasions now police have turned up to intimidate us.


3.1.1(h)(xxii) It is less “favourable” for me with my medical conditions to take the vaccine. At no time was the vaccine ever pharmaceutically tested on people with any comorbidities other than possibly obesity.  Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) Section 5(1) because of the disability, the discriminator treats, or proposes to treat, the aggrieved person less favourably than the discriminator would treat a person without the disability in circumstances that are not materially different.”  Whilst the vaccines are alleged to have been tested safe for healthy people under 55, the circumstances are “materially different” because they were never tested on people with medical comorbidities. They are forcing a vaccine with conceded blood clotting issues on me with poor circulation exampled by lymphedema & the wheelchair. Just the very fact I am in a wheelchair missing a leg should be a very big Qld Health “contraindication” that I have blood circulation problems.  Anyone that spends 2 minutes googling blood circulation & wheelchairs can establish that. Qld health is negligent in not automatically providing a list of obvious “contraindications” – No ifs, buts or maybes.  I should not have to breach my privacy to apply for an exemption.

 3.1.1(h)(xxiii) I have Hobson’s choice”-

·         cede under duress my article 6(a) of UNESCO Universal Declaration of Human Right to withhold my informed medical consent & take a dangerous vaccine that doesn’t work & was never tested on people with my comorbidity

·         OR

·         refuse to take the experimental questionably approved vaccine, disobey the mask & check-in APP mandates (the latter 2 which were unproven scientific measures & fall under Article 6(b)) under threats and have my access to the community removed & limited - all violations under Article 6.

3.1.1(h)(xxiv) I allege the measures relating to the medical apartheid discriminately targeting the unvaxed group & including the limited access to hospitals have been undue menace with an intent to cause me & others serious mental & physical harm.  I allege the perpetrators have & are committing criminal offences not limited to Part 5.4 – Harming Australians sections 115.3 & 115.4 of the Criminal Code Act 1995. The conduct of the medical apartheid was instigated with the influence of behavioural insight alliances outside of Australia namely Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) UK & WHO.  I can & will show herein a history & culture of recklessness endangerment in behavioural economic nudge practices being applied in Govts in Australia.    At no time have I indicated in any manner that any of the measures & restrictions were wanted or warranted. They were all against my free will.

3.1.1(h)(xxv) The Qld Labor Govt legislation COVID-19 Emergency Response Act gives the Govt the power to override all legislation. NB: 4(1) excepting the Human Rights Act 2019.  So effectively they can make up any laws they want abuses & unless we can prove Commonwealth law trumps them, we are stuffed.  They are literally abusing that power & are recreating Hitler’s dreamland.  COVID-19 was NEVER a health emergency, but a hoax. Patient0 for the alleged deadly super spreader COVID-19 started mid-Dec 2019.  As at 7 Nov 2021 Qld had a total of only 7x COVID-19 deaths in almost 2 years.  The only emergency is the Qld Labor Govt are dangerously incompetent. The Qld Labor Govt has continued to ramp up irrational fear of COVID-19 with no just cause from the start.


3.1.1(h)(xxvi) As for those human rights, the Palaszczuk Govt lied to Qlders when they told us they were introducing legislation to secure our human rights.  The intention was to try & remove our international human rights & give themselves a get out of jail clause. In the Qld Human Rights Act 2019 there is a section namely 43 that overrides all our human rights at the whim of any of their fraudulent State of Emergencies for health.  The acts committed by the Palaszczuk Govt against Qlders & others have been criminally unlawful & I would draw attention to Article 29(3) internationally These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” The Qld Govt can take its gaming of the human rights laws & shove them where the Qld sun don’t shine.

3.1.1(h)(xxvii) Every Sunday 10-11am I go to my local Stand in the Park & protest against passport & vaccine mandates, which I believe are a breach of our human rights.  My regular maxi-taxi drivers have been forced to get a vaccination I don’t believe is even necessary. I lose my regular weekday driver from Monday 14 February 2022. He had 2 jabs, but said he is not getting another.  He has got another job instead.  The mostly foreign drivers with strong accents are forced to wear a mask & the combination of their accent & mask means I can’t understand a bloody word out of their mouths when they wear them.  Aside from this reducing my human connection with the drivers, they give me safety warnings e.g., to hold on when they are going over speed bumps.  Politicians take their masks off when they speak to be understood. What sort of lunacy would gag maxi-taxi drivers, who may need to warn passengers if they are about to make an emergency stop? One of my weekend maxi-taxi drivers refuses my tips for pushing me the extra distance when I go to Stand in the Park.  He considers it “important work”. He is frightened of speaking out because of his visas. At the park I protest with former NDIS carers, nurses, teachers & other first responders who have lost their jobs because they won’t have the vaccine.  Some of their protest signs are against the passports, Check-In APPs & some for freedom & liberties. My sign says simply “My Voice says My Choice”.    These people are a cross-section of political parties from right to left & they are probably the last people on earth like me I would have expected to become passionate anti-Govt protestors.  Our group has been continually growing because more people are waking up to what has been done to them. We are mixed sexes with children to seniors, multi-cultural/races, multi-religious, democratically tolerant of all parties & tolerant of disabilities.  We are all now being discriminated against despite achieving what every society should aspire to have full social inclusion.  We are the unvaxed.

3.1.1(h)(xxviii) My second Human Rights complaint rightly places the blame for my alleged discrimination at the feet of Govt & the Health Dept. I’ve lodged 2x formal complaints to the Qld Human Rights Commission & judging by the 6-month wait list I’d say human rights are being trashed in Qld as well as nationally.  I will be lodging a third this week.  I have placed the context of my second complaint online, because I believe Qlders & indeed the world should see what is going on in Qld Govt.  I formally submit a link to the text of the second submission68.  

3.1.1(h)(xxix) The Qld Govt for years has resisted all measures to encourage wheelies in the community.  From uncrossable roads to unusable railway stations to p*ss poor legislation for adequate toilet access in public access places for wheelies.  They have bent over backward to make us feel unwelcome in the community & now they have outdone themselves.  In COVID-19 they used the time we non-essentials were locked up, to attack us even more.  I got everything from an unannounced Dept of Housing smoke alarm check when I was half naked (still waiting for a response from that complaint), ridiculous demand to mow my lawn as mower companies were on restrictions (& should be done by NDIS anyway) & threats of thousands of dollar fines for not moving my wheelie bin (their job previously but these are COVID-19 times).  The only thing extra this non-essential vulnerable got from Qld Govt was more lying press conferences saying they were giving me & other vulnerables a lot of help. They made us the scapegoat of the “Keeping Others Safe” antagonism & did absolutely nothing extra for us.  I have yet to speak to any wheelie in Toowoomba that said they got any extra care in COVID-19 from the Qld Govt.  I did get a text message 1 Feb 2022 (this year) from Qld Health “to make sure people with disability have the opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19”.  So, I know I am on the “disability” list & there was nothing else to get off Qld Govt, but a vax that could kill me.

 3.1.1(h)(xxx) Of course, I can opt out by going to a doctor brainwashed by Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA), threatened by TGA & AHPRA not to give me any advice that goes against Big Pharma’s vaccine sales pitch & apply for an exemption.  I could do that if I didn’t know Biosecurity Officers have been raiding doctor’s offices & stealing peoples full medical file breaching their medical privacy to check if exemptions are valid. It’s yet another nudge to frighten other doctors from issuing people with exemptions.67

3.1.1(h)(xxxi) My first complaint to Human Rights was when Toowoomba Library tried to get me arrested, because I refused to let them breach my privacy with questions additional to my membership. Or be tracked like a prisoner with the Qld Check-in APP. 29 October 2021, I was honest & admitted I had not used the Qld Check-In APP at the library reception. Despite me politely stating that I considered it was a safety risk to many library staff, which is an exemption under Section Part 2 11e & Part 3 20e of Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction (No. 29) current direction active date 8 October 2021 & a lot of other reasons, my access was prevented.  I note Toowoomba was not even a COVID-19 hot zone that day & there were no checklist requirements for libraries anywhere that day. After I gave the police the law, they gave me their card & I was referred by the police to Human Rights. Police responded to the libraries call within 20mins. I was discriminated against, threatened, denied access to a public facility & liberty withheld for 20minutes by the head librarian & other staff & I get a business card with a referral to a commission that effectively has put me on hold for 6 months.  In Qld under Palaszczuk & a sympathetic Toowoomba Regional Council, it doesn’t matter what the laws are anymore.  Daily requirements or not I freely admit I would not have complied with the Check-In APP that I consider an invasion of my private movements. My local library is also the law library. Even before the medical apartheid, I have been prevented access from the resources that enable me to establish the written law & research precedents for legal actions.  The course of my justice & other anti-COVID-19 vaccinators has been barred, because we are opposed to COVID-19’s unwarranted measures.  The Queensland Human Rights Office sent me a letter saying they could find nothing wrong with these actions. Currently we are in the middle of a medical apartheid & this useless lazy bunch of wasters have done nothing to defend Queenslanders – Sack them All!

3.1.1(h)(xxxii) As the world is waking up to the hoax & removing restrictions the Palaszczuk Qld Labor Govt has been increasing them.  They have just rebranded their fascist directives & now call them “Public Health and Social Measures linked to vaccination status Direction”.  Here is Direction (No. 3) dated 8 February 2022 it shows that the Qld Govt has totally removed access to public facilities for the unvaccinated from libraries. As an unvaccinated person I can go to a brothel & get a non-therapeutic massage, go to a casino drink grog & gamble, but I am banned from a library a place of learning & going to cafés & not increasing the drink driving road toll.  They are mentally warped individuals.

3.1.1(h)(xxxiii) The Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) Emergency Requirements – Public Health Contact Information) Determination 2020 is no longer in force.  If an Act is repealed 16 May 2020 over a privacy amendment how come in October 2021 in the State of Queensland that same privacy in Public Health Contact Information doesn’t apply & I can have the police phoned to address me for not using the Qld Check-In APP. Federal trumps State. 

3.1.1(h)(xxxiv) The Qld Govt has given itself the COVID-19 right to change legislation, but not change it in the Act itself.  We have to vibe what our laws are now.  Here is Qld Govt webpage effectively telling me that it doesn’t matter what is in the Act on cessation dates, they can make it up as they go along. Note it doesn’t say what Acts are affected & there is no link to even a list of what legislation is affected.  Note that there is no link to anything showing me what legislation is in force to enable extensions66.  If we cannot see the laws, how do we know what was in force at any given the time. 


3.1.1(h)(xxxv) Let me be very clear, I’d be terrified of going to Toowoomba Base Hospital (TBH) as anything, but a visiting allied health/emergency room patient able to crawl out of there if necessary.  I went to TBH just before COVID-19 in 2019 & conditions were so bad I signed myself out & reported the poor lack of care & access to toilets for wheelies in the wards. I attended TBH on 25/26 Sep 2021 following a phone call from a TBH social worker to visit an elderly wheely who had given my number.  Despite being there at the hospital’s request, they held me up, because I would not use the Check-in APP.  After getting through the reception security, I saw the staff were almost all mask less (photo on request). The high needs “patient” was in bed still in her own clothes from the night before & had not even had a bed bath. The security gave me a visitor badge I had to wear while I was there with the date. They are now making the unvaxed wear yellow stickers. I’m not sure if they are star shaped as this was in a blog, but it would not surprise me. One experience I had just after my right leg amputation was, I refused to stand on my left leg for a physio. I had been advised by the only doctor who checked out my left leg not to stand on it. Half an hour later approx. 25 medics including the boss entered my room to try & bully me into standing on the leg. When I said I had refused because the doctor told me not too. He didn’t believe me until after he’d checked with the doctor who confirmed what I said. They got a podiatrist to check my foot. She determined that I should not stand on the foot for a month. If I had stood on my foot, I would have probably lost all the skin from the heel meaning I would have bled out or would have needed to do a skin graft.  Not one person at that hospital apologised for my treatment. At TBH they really are all in it together. There was only one good ward Rehab & that has now gone.

3.1.1(h)(xxxvii) I went again to TBH in an ambulance for a physical emergency 23rd Dec, 2021.  I was told on entry to TBH, that unless I put on a single use mask, that has absolutely no medical benefit for COVID-19 I’d be denied care & they’d call the police.  A single use mask has 3-4hrs life was never replaced in 3 days ergo actually harmful. On day 3 after appalling physical treatment across over 2day & being continually lied to that an amputee mobility hoist was coming, so I could go to the toilet & have a shower, I had to self-transfer into a wheelchair on a leg seriously compromised with an infection requiring an internal drip & with 2 arms both bruised & swollen by failed cannula insertions, to make an escape.  At that time to no avail, I had made 2x calls to Ryan’s Rule & the police in a vain attempt to try & get help.  Day 2 I’d had a maxi-taxi driver bring me a wheelchair because you can’t take your wheelchairs in the ambulances & I could see what was happening.  If my leg had been strong enough to transfer day 2, I would have been out of there.  When they realised, I was trying to leave & had video of my care, this ward staff phoned the maxi-taxi company & lied to them that I was not allowed to leave the hospital.  Let me be crystal clear they attempted to withhold my liberty with absolutely no lawful right, because they were worried about the poor level of care, they had given me getting out.  I had the good sense to have hospital security intervene outside the front of the hospital & knew exactly what the law is.  Despite a detailed report the Govt has done absolutely nothing in over 2 years to improve the condition for wheelies in health care at TBH. The health ombudsman & Crime Stoppers have these complaints. The Ombudsman referred me back to the same person that did nothing last time (I have the details) & to date I have only had one letter notifying me they will look into it giving themselves 35 days.  It takes 5 minutes to pick up a phone & phone security who would have a record or Black & White Cabs.  I’ll be following this up with the Crime & Misconduct Commission if I don’t like what I see.

3.1.1(h)(xxxviii) Restricting access to public facilities like hospitals & libraries is a Constitutional s51(xxxi) acquisition of my property on unjust terms.  Section 109 the Australian Constitution “When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.”  Seems to me there is a pretty big inconsistency with State law & by denying my access & free movement the Palaszczuk is outright stealing my share ownership of public assets.

3.1.1(h)(xxxix) A few weeks ago at Stand in the Park we discussed establishing a safe house network for children to run to, away from their schools. The State Govt has put doctors inside schools & we believe as the ones left are compliant & brain nudged, they are criminally capable of stepping over the line & using the unnecessary & still experimental vaccine without parental consent. Now Qld Govt has mandated masks for children. Most of the world now concede masks don’t work, are socially & mentally harmful & yet the Qld Govt is inflicting them on children that have almost no chance of dying of COVID-19.  We no longer believe children are safe at all in Qld schools & many are setting up a home-schooling network with the help of teachers unemployed, because they exerted their human right to not have the vaccine. 

3.1.1(h)(xxxx) At no time were any of the Qld State border closures & demands for tests, vaccines & quarantines lawful for interstate visitors. In fact, they are a direct fly in the face of Section 117 of the Australian Constitution, because none of the measures were compulsory for resident Qlders. Whilst foreign visitors could have been subjected to the same, people travelling from one State to another should have been protected by s117. The Qld Govt has therefor ordered the unlawfully wounding of large numbers of interstate travellers & returning Qlders with their invasive tests & vaccine mandates.  

3.1.1(h)(xxxxi) There was absolutely no biosecurity emergency risk ever as discussed in RC P2. The Qld Response Act to the Covid non-existent threat has been renewed until after Christmas Day.  This is no thanks to the actions of Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young now the Governor General & His Hon Paul de Jersey AC CVO who is the former Governor General. That Young who has participated in the unwarranted health abuse of all Queenslanders now gets to be Governor General is atrocious. That she was enabled to make decisions on vaccines as the Chief Health Officer when her husband was on Pfizer’s gravy train is a conflict of interest that just doesn’t pass any pub test.  Despite an atrocious show in the health dept Young was appointed the Qld Governor General.  Incompetence & potential corruption gets rewarded in Qld.

3.1.1(h)(xxxxii) Premier Anna Palaszczuk who at the moment is fending off numerous calls for her to resign after the resignations of Senior public servants over her integrity - great recommendation136. Palaszczuk has a major conflict of interest herself with COVID-19.  All those PCR tests, that have only been stealing peoples DNA without fully informed medical consent, play right into the financial field interest of her father. Henry Palaszczuk is the Chairman of the gene-data storage and sequencing organisation GTA.  It started less than 6months before COVID-19.  This foundation is in partnership with three other foreign entities that include Hubei Mingde Investment Group (Yes, the same Hubei)60.

3.1.1(h)(xxxxiii) 4 October 2020, 7 announced the Qld Labor Party has reportedly invested State money in a deal to produce needle free vaccines153. With Vaxxas.  There webpage “about page”164 tells me Vaxxas is targeting initial applications in infectious disease and oncology and has forged collaborations with leading global organizations in vaccine commercialization, including Merck/MSD, the United States Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”  Just by another unbelievable coincidence the chairman of the Board of Vaxxas is called Paul Kelly also (refer 3.1.1(d)(v)).  This Paul Kelly got his Bachelor of Medicine from University of NSW & his history is heavy in genomics. Paul joined the OneVentures team in 2009, as a co-founder of OneVentures' first fund in 2010, after spending 15 years in the UK and USA (mostly in Boston, MA). Paul served as CEO of Gemini Genomics (Nasdaq:GMNI), one of the world's first clinical genomics companies, which he co-founded in 1995 to discover and commercialize novel gene-based diagnostic and therapeutic targets… He then served as President and CEO of Orchid Cellmark (Nasdaq:ORCH) at that time the world's leading provider of genetic testing services in both the UK and US……Paul authored over 100 scientific publications, largely in genetic epidemiology of common metabolic disorders”


3.1.1(h)(xxxxiv) When you start scratching the surface on this deal it just plain stinks.  Medicinal patches for the slow-release patches for medications is not new. They have been giving out morphine patches for years. Does no-one consider it was just plain stupid to invest in patches for an mRNA vaccine that is experimental & the real need for an mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 should have been done & dusted by the end of February 2020 by the numbers & certainly well before October 2020.  The low number of COVID-19 only deaths by October was low & as we had no vaccine at that time & there was obviously present a high incidence of natural immunity for the alleged super-spreader. Why on earth did we need a vaccine or patch. When there have already been rumblings of having to test for natural acquired immunity before vaccination for safety, with Kelly & indeed Henry Palaszczuk’s interests this deal just wreaks.  On the topic how many freezers did we buy & where are they?


3.1.1(h)(xxxxv) Note the quote in my blog “Would you get a Jab for Cash”.  In Qld Palaszczuk & D’Ath offered tickets to a football game. Brisbane Times 23 Sep 23, 2021161, But the scheme came partially undone after it emerged the government was not allowed to offer people incentives for their first dose of the vaccine, and could only offer the passes to people who had their second dose. Though anyone who had already received a ticket would be allowed to keep it.”  You can only have full access to the community if you have a jab that may be your first one. That is an incentive. You can have continued employment or get a job if you have a jab. That is a coercive incentive for that first vaccination & sacking people is not letting them keep what they have already received but unjustly punitive.  The TGA advice less than 4months before their jobs for jabs & medical apartheid prove the Qld Govt was aware what they were doing was wrong.

3.1.1(h)(xxxxvi) Amazingly despite all the closed businesses I walk past in shopping centres unemployment is not a problem & we are doing great if we believe the media.  The shops aren’t empty of customers, because they lost their jobs in COVID-19 & have no money to spend.  They just look empty, because people are socially distanced 100metres apart inside them.  Unemployment is not a problem.  Everyone wants more staff - casual part-time that is. A single hour’s work means you are a low-income earner instead of unemployed.  Pre-COVID-19 there use to be a lot of mentally disabled people were employed as trolly boys at my local supermarket. Now all these jobs are done by able bodied people.  The mentally disabled are the vulnerable & we have to keep them COVID-19 safely unemployed.

 3.1.1(h)(xxxxvii) The restrictions they are putting on businesses to prevent them serving unvaccinated people in my area are just plain dangerous.  Despite an availability the unvaccinated have trouble getting a doctor & pharmacy access. When people like me need to dress a lymphedema sensitive leg, I need to be able to see/feel the dressings not a picture of them online. 

 3.1.1(h)(xxxxviii) Even when shops are willing to serve unvaccinated, I can’t get in a lot of them now.  Since COVID-19 shops in Qld have been able to stack things all the way up aisle centres or place stands reducing the width to smaller than a standard door preventing wheel-chair access. Shops that were difficult to get in before COVID-19 are now impossible. Even before the medical apartheid was an issue, this COVID-19 measure deprived me of my right as a disabled person to access open to the public businesses & get basic provisions.  The reason we have free & open aisles is in a smoke-filled room in a fire, obstacles that prevent a quick evacuation are a danger.  You would think that the Police Commissioner whose portfolio advises she has a history in Qld Fire & Emergency Services would know that - Welcome to Covid Unsafe.  In case you missed it, yes, I am questioning her alleged abilities.


3.1.1(h)(xxxxix) I took this photo before the 17th December 2021, Medical Apartheid.  It is a play area for children in Toowoomba Grand Central. This was when the fascist State Govt banned children from playing in parks.  Note how they have added a second barricade.  That is to protect the COVID-19 signs.  They care more about the health of a piece of paper than the mental health of children.  One father is reported on social media to have taken the sign down at his local park to let his child play in the playground. He took it home & put it in his bin.  He was reported to have been charged by police.  Was the story real or another behavioural economic propaganda story I don’t know, but I do know the real mental effect the report had on individuals & the response that followed.  No-one can doubt this is abnormal.

3.1.1(h)(xxxxx) At Toowoomba Grand Central instead of Carols by Candlelight we had a socially distanced band set so far back behind the rope barricade it may as well have been a recording.  For viewers pleasure instead of the band, we got to read a whole lot of propaganda posters to remind the audience to: - check-in if standing for longer than 5 minutes, maintain social distancing; and not to inadvertently dance (banned) in the jubilation of the musicians being on key.  Oh, Come All Ye Faithful to see the behavioural economist nudge posters.  To the left of the roped entrance their neo-Nazi idea of “A Perfect Christmas”.  A masked & ergo not drinking his usual whisky Santa (probably due to all those hotel & bar lockdowns).  A child aptly socially distanced on the other side of the room. Rudolph like Qlders must have got the stick, because there is no Paul Keating carrot in this picture.

3.1.1(i) Australian Media’s 30 Pieces of COVID-19 Silver

3.1.1(i)(i) Recapping we have

·         COVID-19 UK players on Govt record that they “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to create a climate of fear beyond the evidence”;

·         the UK behavioural economist cyber terrorist operating with the nudgers BETA. from inside Australia’s PM & Cabinet;

·         unlawful DNR’s in UK;

·         dangerous vaccines questionably approved;

·         PCR & RATs tests that don’t work;

·         a lock step colour coded system of countries outed in UK’s hearings;

·        Fauci dodging questions on Gain of Function (GOF) lab leaks, which would account for why 96% of the deceased were still inside the Wuhan lockdown zone end of Feb 2020


3.1.1(i)(ii) You would think we would have had a news media frenzy in Australia. Well, no actually.  Our major media players were given an incentive for COVID-19 to be a real highly lethal super spreader. This was all thanks to a sweet bonus in the form of a Commercial Broadcaster (Tax Transmitter Licence Tax Rebate) Rules 2020, rebate Feb2020-2021. As long as COVID-19 was real, the gravy train would potentially have kept getting them savings in the form of a 100% transmitter licence tax rebate.


3.1.1(i)(iii) This is the media that got all those handouts when we switched from analogue to digital.  Remember all the promises of more programs with Free TV & all we got was a bunch of shopping channels & reality tv.  All the main stream commercial media channels ratings were nose-diving before COVID-19, because who wants to watch ads 24-7.  We are asked to credit that in COVID-19 when everyone was locked up & prisoners to their tv or computers, despite having a captive audience, media needed a COVID-19 financial boost, because of the loss of advertising revenue.

3.1.1(i)(iv) The picture below is a sample of what we are paying for.  This is a snip of a video taken on a private cell phone of the Canberra Exhibition Ground protest starting to gather in the week before EPIC 12 February, 2022. People from all over Australia travelled to Canberra & are camped out to beg the Governor General to sack the entire Parliament. None of the major news channels or Ita’s Wesfarmers ABC have covered this. Senator Alex Antic commented on the lack of media coverage153. Why is the public purse funding private news entities that are clearly censoring our content for their own political interests? 

3.1.1(i)(v) By Saturday 12th February, 2022, over a million people were at EPIC.  Some people from my Stand in the Park group went, but we still had a large group people that couldn’t go at the park on Sunday. They are still camped at EPIC protesting the mandates for forced experimental vaccines, passports, lockdowns, masks, medical apartheid the list goes on & on.  In short, all the things Hitler & the fascist Nazis tried to pull before they exterminated the Jews. The media echoed by the AFP in a Senate inquiry estimated this to be a few thousand right wing conspiracy theorists. Again, why are we financially supporting poor journalism & with that kind of poor acumen from AFP, I can fully understand why the mostly peaceful crowd were regularly chanting “Sack them All”.

3.1.1(i)(vi) Many of the media groups who qualified for the rebate also had links to Australian fact checkers.  In addition to pumping out atrociously false propaganda in the form of & I use the term loosely “news” features, they have been having their allied fact checkers over fact checking their independent media competitors.  Most of the independents didn’t qualify for the grants. They have been defaming them with false, misleading, & ridiculous missing in context & spam tags to make their corrupt reporting look valid.  The rebate ceased February 2021, but by that time the true nature of COVID-19 hoax was out.  As accomplices to what is being called Crimes Against Humanity it is not hard to imagine why they are continuing with the pro-COVID-19 narrative.  In 2020 according to Kantar Measured Media108 Big Pharma spent $6.58Billion on media advertising.  When media groups are funded by commercial advertisers & big pharma is a serious advertising sponsor enabling them to fund/participate/align themselves in any capacity to health fact checkers is just plain ludicrous.

 3.1.1(i)(vi) I use to listen to ABC Radio 24/7. I turned it off permanently, because I was sick to death of listening to it embarrassing itself in its incompetent reporting. Every 3minutes plugs for a dangerous vaccine.  Ita’s Wesfarmers ABC is a disgrace to emergency broadcasting & the public purse is paying for dead air in my house now. Reiner Fuellmich has been collating evidence proving COVID-19 is a hoax for well over a year now. The only reference of him on ABC 2x bad fact checks.   In fact that is the only media space, they give to anti-COVID-19 unless they are giving air space to those attacking the citizens that feed them as anti-vaxers, far right extremist. There are over 50,000 medical professionals & experts that have signed the Great Barrington Declaration calling out COVID-19 for the fraud it is. On ABC website there are only 2 posts that mention  this group of over 850K people 42K of which are health professionals/specialists that are anti-COVID-19.  The worst though was their disgraceful eulogy of Luc Montagnier the AIDS discoverer. 


3.1.1(j) Behavioural Insights/Economics & Nudge

3.1.1(j)(i) This section is reproduced from my human rights complaint no.2.  Dr Mackay was formerly an Adjunct Professor at Griffith University & is now holding a supervising Scientist role in Queensland Health: -

“Dr Ian Maxwell Mackay - I encountered Mackay on Twitter, because he had poorly researched COVID-19. He missed an early reported media case mentioning the symptom vomiting, which suggested pneumonia was present in COVID-19 cases. I corrected Mackay & provided him the media reference.  In ABS COVID-19 mortality stats as at 31 August 2020 released October 2020 showed pneumonia was a comorbidity in 54% of COVID-19 deceased. Attached is Mackay’s own Twitter Pinned Tweet. His Risk Reduction Diagram Version 4.3 which resembles Swiss cheese & a mouse trap. Any respectable risk reductionist would reasonably ask (& disclose why) there were so many failed prior versions. Mackay’s a shining example of “Nudge Theory”, & why the hierarchy of Qld Health should be sacked & a new Governor found immediately.

·         Per Mackay, it’s not the lockdowns causing untold mental harm just the fact they are called lockdowns & they should be rebranded as “orders”. Others like me would call his multi-pronged response, a list of punitive & dangerous measures based on little proven science.  A real emergency response requires keeping people calm & inciting them to anger is counter-productive. Mackay’s an adjunct associate professor Child Health Research Centre & Faculty of Medicine at Qld University, yet to him human health is just treating humans as vermin.

·         Whether Mackay realises it or not his model is “Nudge Theory”. The Controller is the Go Green Person barking “orders” to his two groups. “Nudge Theory” removes ethics from any model & affords the Controller the illusion of a win at all cost without consequence.  Group1 is the COVID-19 mouse going away from the Controller supposedly avoiding the new order “social responsibilities”. This is better known as running for your lives. Group2 are those in the light cheese zone of “shared & personal responsibilities” – the brainwashed.

·         Note bottom left of the picture the naughty corner. The mouse that won’t conform is finally blocked & isolated.  That’s me. I’m what Mackay calls a “Misinformation Mouse”.  I of course disagree & say I am a Miss Information Mouse.  I tried to warn Mackay that COVID-19 was not the threat it was being made out to be. He blocked & censored me (just like Twitter & Facebook have been blocking & censoring anyone actually questioning the lack of COVID-19 science). His final message a childish mem that said “I was so wrong”. Who’s looking good now? The fundamental difference between us, is that I think his science deserves to be seen. So, the science really can be followed & everyone is afforded the “right of self-determination”. The right to decide whether they have Swiss cheese or any cheese they prefer. 

·         In COVID-19, the big stick is prodding people to use an unnecessary poorly tested vaccine & to roll up their children’s sleeves as the Go Green Version 4.3 Person Ordered.  Just as the modified text is unseen, the instrument wielding the prod is unseen. When you finally realise there’s only one Go Green Person giving orders & everyone else is trapped in a maze, it dawns we’re being played by a fascist Dictator. On that day, if the Miss Information corner is still there, it will look pretty good.”


3.1.1(j)(ii) In 1961 Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram wanted to investigate whether Germans were particularly obedient to authority figures as it was an explanation for the Nazi killings. He used 2 groups of people.  Group A were actors who were in on the test & only acted as participants & Group B were the real participants in the experiment.  He created pairs one from Group A & one from B.  The real participants in Group B asked questions of the actors in Group A.  When the Group A member got an answer wrong the Group B participant would shock them at increasingly stronger intensity levels with the highest level a fatal shock61. The study found that the two thirds of group B the real participants would continue to shock people to a fatal level. In Australia for many years the psychologist just replaced the actors in Group A with real human customers in the Dept of Human Services (DHS) aka Social Services & Health.  In Robodebt, it didn’t matter whether we were innocent or could prove we were innocent.  The mentally sick & twisted Group B Dept cohorts have just kept attacking us even more.  I will never be in the cohort because I resisted their assault. A Centrelink Senior Officer admitted in a review that he knew I was innocent, but unless I agreed to let him breach my privacy, I would have a long, drawn-out review. This was the rules of the Go Green creeps in Centrelink hierarchy.  Even after I won at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, they still made me fight to get the money they unlawfully took off me back.  Then they tried to set me up for another fake Robodebt.  They kept me in the cheese maze simply because my number came up. 76 AAT winning cases showing it was unlawful but they did not care they just kept turning up the shock buzzer.  Now the same fascists are coming for all Australians. This experiment is well known so I’m struggling to believe the BETA nudge psychologist were not aware of it.

 3.1.1(j)(iii) The “Rubber Band Snap Technique” is a psychology trick, where people place a rubber brand on their wrist & flick it as a reminder. Every time the brainwashed, who were stupid enough to download the Qld Check-In APP flick it, they’re also being reminded of the COVID-19 emergency.  For some though that reminder is of them losing their job as they were “non-essential”.  In Victoria alone the age reported November 2021 200K were still out of work103.  So, when they flick that APP, aside from being tracked more than a day release prisoner from jail is tracked, they are being reminded of a time that caused them utter financial turmoil.  How possibly can it be psychologically healthy to continually remind people of a low point in their lives. In my opinion Govt has purposefully been using the flick APP to incite violence against vulnerable people in the community. I’m not buying that the APP & sanitation stations are for health. The unhealthiest place in a shopping centre is the well-used public toilets off the Food Courts & they seem to have missed the need for regulations on provision of even a basic bar of soap lately. 


3.1.1(j)(iv) When I considered Hancock’s response in Q1401 what stuck out to me was “the red, amber and green lists”. I found it implausible that within a dept it was not abbreviated to something like traffic light lists.  So, I went looking for why he had avoided using the term.  All across the world they have been using variations of Traffic Light responses for COVID-19 responses.  This type of synchronicity is too much of a coincidence. It is a behavioural economic "Nudge Theory" technique called Traffic Nudge79. It is just another behavioural insight nudge control. They are programming public servants & people across the world to blindly follow their directions at the flick of a light switch.    Consider Hancock’s “Common Mission” & Australia’s term “Common Operating Picture”

·         Australia's common operating picture - the weekly TRAFFIC review.

·         Mexico TRAFFIC Light Monitoring System

·         New Zealand The TRAFFIC lights (COVID-19 Protection Framework)

·         UK's UK's TRAFFIC light system for international travel


3.1.1(j)(v) I showed in Part 2 of my Royal Commission that “nudge theory” had not even been tested in health in a confined health setting until 2016.  This link is to BIT UK’s conference BX2018 Journey 3 – Taking Nudges to Scale151 on the AusGov DPMC page.  In the Journey 3 you don’t even get in 3 minutes before you realise the speaker Dr Rory Gallagher is worried about the success result of running a nudge exercise in a room full of people let alone across the world’s population. Why would you amplify the scale of failure? “Rory leads the BIT’s work across Australia and the Asia-Pacific”.80 “They're all a bit high risk high reward”. These are the words of a gambler & not the sentiment words of someone likely to bring the constitutionally requires “good order” management. 

3.1.1(j)(vi) Another of the choice topics at BX2018 the International BIT’s conference – “Journey 4: Morality, Decision Making & compliance – Navigating moral wriggle room.”151 The Public Purses State & Federal have paid this bunch of quacks with their experimental “Nudge Theory” to gamble with our health funds.  There is no wriggle room in health you either get it or potentially die quicker from not getting it.  There is no wriggle room when Australians’ health care is a constitutional entitlement that Australians have paid for. There is no wriggle room either for misappropriation, mal-administration & manslaughter they are crimes. 

3.1.1(j)(vii) Before COVID-19, Govt used the nudgers to aid & abet the Robodebt debt collectors by removal of helpline numbers from unlawful debt letters to further mental assault Robodebt victims (of which I am one) – That was not wriggle room it was a crime & it spectacularly failed with alleged suicides. Before COVID-19 Govt also used the nudgers in Nudge vs Superbug to brainwash doctors to under prescribe antibiotic medications to severely ill patients.  I lost my leg from staph infection that couldn’t be controlled in the hospital with the antibiotics supplied just after these letters had gone out to nearly 5000 doctors. I continually had to fight to get my opioid medication (the only pain medication that works for me with paracetamol). I am just not convinced this bunch of unethical, immoral gamblers, were not already trialling opioid nudge letters right from the start in June 2017 as they raised the potential same in their 2018 report.  University of NSW was already sending out blurbs about the threat of opioids in 2017.  This review by UNSW was just prior to my leg amputation.  What I am sure of though, is former CMO Murphy had to do an apology letter106 to address the opioid letters that went out in 2018.  The Health Dept deemed doctors were over-prescribing pain medications & sent them a letter to threaten them.  They were treating terminally ill patients.  There’s no mention of whether an apology went out to the deceased patient’s families who no doubt watched their families dying in agonising pain in his open letter.  Or whether they were even told their family member was part of a medical experiment in removing pain medication.  That was not wriggle room it is crime reckless endangerment likely to occasion shock & cause premature though admittedly in terminal cases inevitable death. I can say that because it is basic first aid. Response from doctor(s) to Murphy’s apology & “Nudge” – “academic justification for a rubbish project with junk methodology and junk outputs”.  Considering we have 2x large scale spectacular trial failures of the application of “Nudge” in Govt health & welfare administration, it was not wriggle room, but sheer criminal negligence that Govt enabled the running of “Nudge vs Superbug” in any capacity in 2020 in Australia in what we were told was a real pandemic.

3.1.1(j)(viii) Note the overhead projector on the picture below. “1. Doing good can free people to be bad”.  Really? Isn’t the moral “good” path the one that says, “it is how you play the game”?  Winning a notch on a bedpost is worth nothing if the legs that hold the bed up are degraded underneath.  After 2 spectacular strikes with Opioid & Robodebt nudges then bushfires PM & Cabinets, Health & Welfare Depts & BETA were out by the count.  When you consider Insight 2 “People are more likely to cheat when it is their “last chance” it has been hardly surprising in COVID-19 they have been going for gold on cheating & lying to us.  Bookies should be giving a million to one odds, for “Nudge Theory” having success in anything after the COVID-19 stunt & I’d be putting my money on the Govts throwing the nudgers under a bus to save their own skins, because internationally the game is up.

3.1.1(j)(ix) In RC P2 s2.6.2 I raised a high involvement with the use of behavioural economist "nudge theory" & University of Sydney attacking & ultimately getting me & others blocked on Twitter for putting out the correct COVID-19 information.  Australia’s BETA nudgers operating out of the Dept of Prime Minister & Cabinet, have very clearly links to University of Sydney via Prof Robert Slonim.  Slonim is from the School of Economics (not health) at the Uni. To quote the BETA teams announcement “BETA is excited to be expanding our academic collaboration over the next six months by partnering with Professor Robert Slonim83. This will expand our research capability and academic linkages while Professor Michael Hiscox briefly steps away from the role to return to Harvard for the second half of this year.”  Professor Robert Slonim is from the School of Economics (not health) at the Uni.153


3.1.1(j)(x) 8th November, 2018, there was a joint AES & AMSRS Qld Symposium on behavioural insights65.  Qld Govt’s Community Insight’s Team is linked to UK’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) & also PM & Cabinets Behavioural Economic Team Australia & when it started in NSW Govt it is pretty clear there are a number of States & Federal Govt employees that have been brainwashed or are being peer pressured into compliance. 


3.1.1(j)(xi) Following a quote from Prof Slomin School of Economics Uni of Sydney news article 29 April 2020, How behavioural economics insights can aid COVID-19 compliance. Again, a licence is given to behave dishonestly to achieve what the Controller perceives is a benefit. When the Controller creates their model they will lie, cheat & do anything else because pride means they will never accept that the model they designed is flawed & the benefits are not relevant to anyone but themselves…..

"Nobel Laureate in economics, Gary Becker, offered a rational explanation to understand cheating, lying, stealing, non-compliance and other illegal dishonest behaviour: it’s a trade-off between costs and benefits. If the likelihood of getting caught and the ensuing penalties are low relative to the benefits, then we should expect people acting rationally to behave dishonestly.


However, extensive research suggests that people experience moral and psychological costs associated with behaving dishonestly that dramatically limits their dishonest behaviour compared to Becker’s ‘rationally dishonest’ person. Abeler and colleagues (2019) note that these constraints on dishonesty may derive from our own intrinsic moral compasses and how others view us. Despite these moral costs, dishonesty, as well as non-compliance remain an issue, suggesting some people find ways to override moral constraints on dishonesty and disobey the rules."


3.1.1(j)(xii) When behavioural economist nudgers don their control hats they make their own rules on what is good & bad.  They are so pompous they have given themselves the right to override our medical informed consent because they are the “nudge controller” & we are their vermin lab rats.  They are so blind they can’t see it’s them are the ones non-compliant.  It is them that have lied about the benefits of masks, social distancing & the experimental vaccines.  The health departments Federal & State overriding our laws with their fake health emergency have enabled the behavioural economist to run rampant.  Further they have been doing this guided by behavioural insight operatives of 2x foreign countries who have been having a feeding frenzy at Australia’s expense.


3.1.1(j)(xiii) Now you have been given info on traffic light nudge & training, that teaches that “Doing good can free you to be bad” look back at Mackay’s Version 4.3 diagram again at section 3.1.1(j)(i). The Red stick, the Amber Cheese & the Green Man.  Mackay knows the red stick should equal Stop. While he has a nice big entrance hole to let people into his cheese maze, he blocks off his socially distanced exit hole with the red stick. Note how he lines up the exit holes across the first 3x cheese slices. In his whole maze of 12 slices, there are only two holes big enough for the mice to get through at easy to reach heights & both of these are in the section that agrees with his notion of what social responsibility is. Mentally he registers it is a Go Green Man.  But note there are no mice by its side.  Whether they meet or don’t meet his idea of social responsibilities there is no-one gets out of the maze. All are kept in the amber zone for further orders. He will never stop the games because his pride wants him to be the no. 1 Go Green Man & you can see how he treats people that openly disagree with him banishment (misinformation corner).  Ultimately it is logical the games will become more punitive, because as people learn the rules if they disagree with them & can’t get out by going backwards, they will find ways to get round the rules or openly defy them.


3.1.1(j)(xiv) Look at the mouse closest to the Go Green Man in Mackay’s diagram at s3.1.1(j)(i).  I’ve nicknamed it Moses. It has chewed its way through the wall. Instead of over-exerting itself & jumping through any more of Mackay’s Swiss cheese hoops, it has obeyed the rule of the “common mission” to get to the other side by feeding itself on the cheese along the way.  Whilst getting the energy it needs to stay strong as it progresses, it has opened up a hole big enough for other vermin to easily follow it. When it gets to the Go Green Man it will have plenty of grateful escapee vermin loyally by its side. And so, Moses parted the cheese & said let my vermin go.  For a man that prefers to give “orders” Mackay’s Go Green Man will never willingly let that happen. It is logical it will throw more & more punitive challenges at the vermin.  Ultimately it will lead to its own demise. The Pharoah in Exodus came undone by people who had spent so long in the Amber zone of slavery they could play the game better with a new leader. The Egyptian Pharoah’s pride in continuing to hang on to power & failing to concede he was wrong led to his complete demise. It is a lesson that has been repeated many times in history.  Power is always given from below.  When we look at the Great Pyramids, we do not see the erosion at the top. More & more pieces will fall away unless nurtured till finally the top will be unsupported altogether & fall. Such is the demise of all at the top that underestimate the power from below.


3.1.1(j)(xv) The people that had the most experience & opposed the lack of science behind the vaccines & COVID-19 measures are the ones who have been put in the Misinformation Corner blocked & defamed as tin foil hat crazy conspiracy theorist. Jabs or Jobs mandates have just been the mechanism by which our best, brightest & most experienced have been removed from positions authorities for more like Dr Mackay.  In an unlawful bipartisan coup d'état by our major Parties, they have destroyed our first responder networks with the vaccine mandates. They have undermined the public service.  All this has been done for their foreign donor interests. 


3.1.1(j)(xvi) Let’s be very clear Cass Sunstein who is the co-author & creator of “Nudge Theory” with Richard Thaler & Sunstein’s wife Samantha Power are all operatives of a foreign power USA. Albeit allied by defence treaty to Australia.  Even allowing them to have such an overwhelming controlling influence within our home-based public service departments like health & welfare is an appalling show of home defence.  Additionally, all have clear ties to Obama & the Liberal Democrats who I spotted ramping COVID-19 from the start aided by Bloomberg in January 2020.  When you consider how quick Afghanistan fell under Biden this may have further Australian Defence military implications. 

3.1.1(j)(xvii) Jeffrey Zients who has gone on to work for Biden’s COVID-19 Transition Team was on Facebooks Board until May 2020117.  That is well after the panic had been ramped up on COVID-19.  Zients previously served in a number of economic policy roles in the Obama administration, but has had a long-time love fest going on with Cass Sunstein head nudger from RC P2 who was a “friend and former colleague of Obama, whose wife was an Obama rah rah girl. So, I am not a bit surprised that I am making similarities in the programming & use of those blackmarks to the Cass Sunstein “nudge theory”.  Either Government or Opposition failed to check with US intelligence, whether COVID-19 was all a pre-election game, or they did check & we got a weapons of destruction response on bad intel again.

 3.1.1(j)(xviii) When I get the same patterns happening across two different entities Twitter & Facebook, I don’t just look for a partnership, but also an umbrella. Both of these sites as I will show are reading from the same playbook & are harmfully targeting Australian citizens & I believe with the active participation of APH.  Both social media sites have been divided into two groups on health Covid & anti-Covid & the people getting warnings & blocks are the anti-Covid sound familiar?  Yes, it’s another Cass Sunstein “nudge theory” model. Lo & behold small world Cass Sunstein “nudge theory” creator, has been a featured speaker at the Belfer Center where Twitter’s playbook comes from & his wife Samantha Power is on the faculty there. 


3.1.1(j)(xix) In RC P2 at 2.1.9 I stated” Nudge Theory” steps are like self-hypnosis the full extent of the damage done should get a very big spotlight.”  This is the transcript of an excerpt from the AJ Roberts Show an interview with Children’s Health Defence Senior Lawyer - Anna De Buisseret63 "The expert evidence of the psychiatrist & the psychologist who have been analysing the Mindspace Document, they've been analysing the messenger from the media etc. Em… they've been analysing the Stephen Hawkins Foundation Document & they have said & I quote & I summarise, that not a single person in the UK is able to give the informed consent due to the military grade psychological warfare that’s been conducted on them. Now… let alone children. Now what that means is that no consent that has been obtained is lawful or legal. What that means is that every person who's been injected, even though they appear to have given their consent have been battered they've been assaulted they've been wounded. So, any deaths, any injury, that's a criminal act. This is very serious. These are the biggest Crimes Against Humanity ever committed in the history of humankind".


3.1.1(j)(xx) In RC P2 s 2.5.3(g), I provided the Commission with information that showed BIT UK was working with BETA. The assumption that 70, 80 or even 90% vaccine uptake can ever be deemed common law acceptance of COVID-19 is a fool’s folly.  Australians have likewise been subjected to that same “military grade psychological warfare” & likewise have been wounded. Australia is no longer a country of convicts. We deserve the same justice being afforded to other countries.

3.1.1(j)(xxi) In Jan 2022 the term “Mass Formation Psychosis” was used by Dr Robert Malone.  The Google search of the term “broke the internet”.  Author of the United States of Fear Mark McDonald notes Malone’s term to be a mishmash of his term “Mass Delusion Psychosis” & that of Prof Mattias Desmet’s term73 “Mass Formation”.  I am not qualified in this area & can only make personal observations, but all have missed the interplay of the clearly active “Nudge Theory”, its use of peer pressure & its uptake by multiple countries Govts & synchronisation of messaging across multiple countries.  People are individuals & in COVID-19 were locked in their individual homes. Through their individual devices making their individual choices of channels/computer sites, the illusion was there, that as individuals they had their own power of decision making & arrived at their own choice on the reality of COVID-19 & the effectiveness of measures.  I came out of the Qld Australian self-isolation for non-essentials (with threats of fines) in March 2020.  The first day of freedom I went to the supermarket.  People were already in a psychosis that had to have occurred in their homes as individuals & not as a “Mass” generated like a crowd or mob mentality. I saw winding guide ropes for queues leading up to walls instead of shop entrances.  Multiple people followed the guide roped paths all the way up to the walls & reversed back after they almost hit the wall.  People behind the queue leaders followed the same pattern. While I watched no-one warned others in the queue behind them that the guided path was to a dead end. Their individual pride had them conceal their foolishness from others on the same false guided path. Pride cometh before the Wall.

 3.1.1(j)(xxii) The “Mass Formation” occurred after the psychosis had already set in.  They were herded into the “Mass”.  The domination of the media by certain politicians & the public service hierarchy repeating the same one liners “keeping people safe” & “we’re all in this together” became the human guiding light that herded the people into the “Mass” & created the “Nudge Theory” Group 1. Those that resisted were automatically “Nudge Theory” Group 2.  It is only when you accept that there was a synchronicity across multiple countries using the same language & responses that you realise this was planned & not a natural psychosis that evolved from an economic environment or developed social culture. Home is a place most feel the safest.  Look at the groups that have been targeted. Churches where believers already have a God & a united community. Sports teams where team power & unity is above all else.  Bars particularly in UK where the “Regulars” hold together the patrons in their own social community.  This was a coordinated assault on society where people were attacked in the places & with people they felt the safest. Where will they ever be able to consider to be safe again, unless the perpetrators of this cyber assault are removed & held to judicial account? If this was a serial killer law enforcement & Govt would be hounded by the press to track down the killer.  That is what society expects to restore “good order” so they can feel safe again.

 3.1.1(j)(xxiii) Even now they are using the behavioural economist evidenced by the traffic light nudges. The culpable politicians & public service hierarchy have been using the behavioural economist to try & deflect the blame onto the innocent public.  It was our fault the lockdowns didn’t work because we protested en mass.  What kind of lunacy would ever consider lockdowns & social distancing both measures long accepted as punitive strategies & why we have prisons would work?  It was our fault the masks didn’t work?  This was a pre-planned vicious attack on citizens across the world & the politicians & the public service hierarchy who planned this should be in jail.    The “Nudge Theory” Controllers aka our political leaders aided by their financial drivers their donors created the “Mass Formations”. They created them & like the hypnotist’s pocket watch have had people mentally swinging dividing them for 2years…essential & non-essential…. masked & unmasked…. tested & untested…. Moderna & Pfizer….APP or no APP…. vaxed & unvaxed….jobs or jabs…. compliant & non-compliant. 

 3.1.1(j)(xxiv) Below is a screen capture the latest behavioural insights adjustment from UK a result of Manchester Uni’s grant - “Motivating People to Self-Isolate”.  Because the lockdowns have been found to be harmful to mental health, they want to brainwash people to happily be their own jailer82.  This is so they can’t be personally sued or deregistered for unethical use of psychology.  Aren’t they precious?  You can imagine the effect this will have on the mentally incapacitated patients.  Those still alive that is.  Imagine the people regularly exposed to psychological counsellors without alternatives who are under State Care.  We just lost another watchdog of these patients in Qld, because they are dissatisfied with the integrity of the Qld Govt.  In the old normal we used to encourage people to get out of their homes & termed people that locked themselves up agoraphobic.  

3.1.1(j)(xxv) Behavioural Insights UK & Australia’s BETA that created most of this disaster for Australia aided & abetted by our corrupt politicians & public service hierarchy now want us to buy into “Build Back Better”86.  How long is this build going to take exactly? The lazy rorting politicians in Australia have had over 20years of reports of failure they have avoided on the old order Health & Welfare system.  They have had 2years now in COVID-19 & are still lying through their teeth about the lack of a threat from COVID-19. Watch in this link how Behavioural Insights race over the “job insecurity for many workers” & that 70% of employers will be “downsizing offices” because that doesn’t fit with the “Attractive” part of their Easy Attractive Simple Timely (EAST)88. Why would you trust any group so deceptive to be involved in any better world order build or rebuild?

 3.1.1(j)(xxvi) I have recently come across a 2007 paper, Roundtable proceedings that the Productivity Commission convened on the topic Behavioural Economics and Public Policy at the Sofitel, Melbourne on 8 and 9 August 200713At Page 13 there was a test case in this report showing when some doctors were given a choice of two new medications (just like the new multi-Covid vaccines) it had a negative affect & it interfered with doctors’ judgement & they prescribed none.  "Apparently, the difficulty in deciding between the two medications led some physicians to recommend not starting either."  After Murphy had just given apologies re opioids, alarm bells should have been set off everywhere reminding people about this warning on behavioural economics use in health. 

3.1.1(j)(xxvii) They have had doctors & patients in Australia, tossing up continually between two new vaccines none of which anyone can see the ingredients of, for what they have been telling Australians is a new deadly virus that isn’t deadly & has all the same symptoms of flu & pneumonia.  I found this document on the Govts site under research for behavioural economics.  It shows a behavioural economic experiment where doctors faced with the difficult choice of choosing between 2x new drugs didn’t prescribe any.  I allege Govt agents BETA inside the PM & Cabinet’s Office had to know what the effect of offering 2x different new vaccines would have been on both the population & the doctors prescribing them for a novel disease. That BETA knew it would cause indecision & that it shows a wilful intent or sheer negligence to interfere with all patients seeking medical protection. Supposedly Govt has advance bought a whole lot of a new vaccine (ergo more expensive vaccine than common ole flu vaccine), while nudging people out of actually getting it. We only have the nudged-up figures of BETA to go off that people have been vaccinated or an item code check of the item code that with all the poor security can be easily manipulated for a quick audit.  Exactly what have we really bought, what quantities from who & for whose financial benefits exactly, because this wreaks of being a massive fraud.

3.1.1(j)(xxviii) Most Australians would be horrified that in addition to their State & Federal Govts using behavioural economic teams to influence their behaviour foreign cyber players e.g., Public Good Projects Vaccination Demand Observatory have been brainwashing them stupid also to take the vaccine & get it from the “vial to the arm”. I can see from PGP’s website that much clearer than the link to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in para 3 is the very clear link to Merck Pharmaceuticals whose Director of Public Partnerships Diana Acosta MPP is on their Board148.  They have been creating the BOTs & internet crawlers to troll people who oppose them.118 The Observatory was founded by Joe Smyser who is reported to have partnered with Google & Facebook.

 3.1.1(k) World Health Organisation

3.1.1(k)(i) Before COVID-19 I had little knowledge of WHO so I had no preconceived notions.  As a branch of the United Nations though I would have every right to expect that they would not have been hellfire intent on helping fascism & all its ugliness rise & be repeated in my lifetime.  Exampled by actions like: -

·         the appointment of Cass Sunstein propaganda brainwashing nudger as Chairperson of WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health;

·         backing up the lockdowns, masked gaging & social distancing that had absolutely no medical history or benefit but were just outright punitive

·         endorsing mass genome testing & lying about the real purpose of the PCR tests;

·         endorsing medical experimentation with an unnecessary dangerous vaccine.


3.1.1(k)(ii) At 3.1.1(b)(ix) I noted my insurmountable moment with WHO when it changed the original genome sequence of the vaccine under pressure.  In RC P2 at 2.3.6(b)(i) I commented on the looseness of WHO’s COVID-19 clinical diagnosis symptoms. All along in COVID-19 from the very start WHO inflated the threat of COVID-19.  In China it changed from lab testing to clinical diagnosis.  This was when it had to know the symptoms were the same as flu/pneumonia in their flu season.  It totally ignoring prior influenza protocols. Its pushing of testing, testing, testing, when it had to know with sources available to it that the PCR tests were not designed for that purpose.  WHOs focussing on a few mutations, because if people knew there were hundreds of thousands out there, that they had survived, they would not be as frightened.  In a court of law, I would have no hesitation in stating WHO did everything it could to over-exaggerate the fear of COVID-19 & I believe in Australian terms considering the timing was bushfires for nefarious harmful purposes.

 3.1.1(k)(iii) 10 May 2021, World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report on Natural Immunity conceding there is natural immunity for COVID-19. You won’t have seen much of this on Social or Main Stream Media. In fact, I’ve repeatedly had to chase new hyperlinks for the Natural Immunity paper. World Health Organisation (WHO) or its agents just keep moving this paper after I circulate its link on social media. Ergo I have no alternative, but to provide the link to an older news release on immunity passports that has a hyperlink to the dated 10 May 2021 within.1 Should it disappear from there also, I have taken the liberty of screen capturing it across 3x screenshots. Should I get a formal order or request I can supply it to the Commission to avoid any copywrite restrictions. The moving of this document of course hinders the ability of me & others from promoting this critical information. WHO would rather you get vaccinated for Big Pharma’s profit with a vaccine that doesn’t work than build than trust your natural immunity that in studies has been proven better. This natural immunity document moves by WHO is not the first critical document moved by WHO just after I circulated it in social media. On Twitter WHO’s poor criteria for a COVID-19 positive diagnosis & also the Influenza Pandemic Response Protocols prior to COVID-19 were also shifted. These were all essential documents, so why would you move them in a Pandemic? There is only one reason because they showed all the response measures had no medical/emergency basis & the vaccines were not necessary. WHO would rather we be vaccinated with a dangerous poorly tested vaccine costing us millions than sip a glass of fruit juice in the sunshine that costs us & our health budgets virtually nothing.

3.1.1(k)(iv) WHO’s Natural Immunity paper1shows a large polar spectrum of 90-99% on natural immunity protection.  It is a save our WHO butt spectrum. The vaccine pharmaceutical tests showed 90-95% effectiveness tested on healthy under 55yo. This group is not the high-risk over 70 with co-morbidities age group. WHO has extended the natural immunity spectrum to make the vaccine look viable. From RC P2 again…. 99.98% survival rate with a year of data for a highly lethal asymptomatic super spreader means you do not have to guess on the percentage of natural immunity. The very fact healthy under 55yo’s had a potentially 10% negative reaction & the vaccine had not obviously been tested for long term effects, should have seen the vaccines scrapped immediately for everyone. At 90% efficacy 1:10 or 10% (90% minus 100%) failure on a healthy test group of younger bodies not in the risk group is dreadful odds for a vaccine that by the statistics was not deadly to the overwhelming majority of people of all ages. The vaccine was an unwarranted unethical medical treatment. 

3.1.1(k)(v) The large 90-99% spectrum in WHO’s Natural Immunity paper is to trick your mind to registering a false assumption of an average half way between spectrum poles 90 & 99%. At first glance our brains register half way between as 95%. In reality half way is 94.5%.  Our brains were tricked because of our habitual shopping round ups/downs to the 5 cents. You don’t see the natural immunity spectrum put at the side of the vaccine spectrum. Seeing both together makes it clear natural immunity is the most successful.


3.1.1(k)(vi) If given the quantitative 99.98% end of 2020 survival rate, your mind rounds up to 100%. An ethical health circular in a health emergency would not falsely inflate a health threat. What better way of dispelling the panic than putting out the statistics showing you have almost no chance of dying of COVID-19 without a vaccine. These figures were nowhere on WHO’s Natural Immunity paper. They wanted to continue to inflate the panic. Just as they did at the start of COVID-19 when they kept changing the Clinical Diagnosis criteria, until you could be diagnosed Covid positive, with a hangover.  Big Pharma’s COVID-19 vaccine success spectrum 90-95% fares poorly on a comparison to 100%. Finding the spectrum centre 92.5% offers a round down/up to the 5 cents that gives either 90 (glass half empty persona) or 95 (glass half full). Even at the 95% efficacy, it’s nowhere near as effective as natural immunity for COVID-19. In my opinion the 10 May 2021 Natural Immunity paper, was carefully scripted to avoid the 99.98% survival data & promote the experimental vaccine uptake.  Instead of admitting natural immunity was safer for COVID-19, WHO’s paper does everything it can to make an unnecessary vaccine look good. 


3.1.1(k)(vii) The information in this picture is three different ways of presenting a comparison between first natural immunity reported based on WHO’s data & second the acquired immunity from vaccination advised by the Pharma companies & WHO.  Plainly presented when put side by side there is no doubt that natural immunity is statistically a far better, safer & obviously more cost-efficient medical option for COVID-19 & that makes WHO’s obscuring of this data disgraceful. When every vaccine is known to have risks from side effects it is unconscionable of any health organisation to do what was done.

3.1.1(k)(viii) The 10 May 2021 report was not the only information on natural immunity WHO tried to bury. In the latter half of 2020 when a vaccine was declared to be a number of anti-Covid researchers on Twitter were tweeting on the removal of natural immunity & natural acquired immunity in many of the referenced definitions on the WHO website. In my opinion this was purposefully done, to dissuade people from considering the very real potential there was already good robust natural immunity. Here’s an example of that action amending a definition. The first Q & A Detail response was 9 June 2020. Note it refers to “immunity developed from previous infection”. Fast forward to mid-November 2020, when the push for the vaccine was on. WHO removed the possibility of natural immunity from the equation misinforming people that the only protection was via the vaccine. This was over 11months from patient0; the Wuhan lockdown did not occur until over a month after patient0 23 Jan2020; surface life on plastic airbags in cargo friendly temperatures had been forgotten for months circulating the alleged virus worldwide. WHO & everyone else had survivor numbers from the virus just using the world’s population to those many cases, cases, cases. With their medical resources It had to know, there had to be robust natural immunity.

3.1.1(k)(ix) Think back to first few months of COVID-19. Remember all the wildly unrealistic exponential modellers predicting tens of thousands of deaths. 1 person infects 6 people, 6 people each infect another 6 people etc etc. People were continuing to get surface life even inside their lockdown homes from their superfast delivered plastic wrapped deliveries from China & elsewhere for months. Where were the modellers November 2020 when this definition was rebranded? Anyone modelling COVID-19 should have realised if they were alive in November 2020 by even their own flawed models there had to be natural immunity from this alleged highly lethal super spreader. They were nowhere. Pride! I put it to you the lockdowns in Australia were not to save us, they were to stop people realising there was good robust natural immunity so they wouldn’t take the vaccination….the surface life on super-fast airbags prove that. Because of the excessive fact checkers on social media & those fact check riders on all posts mentioning COVID-19 & the vaccine directing people to WHO, the lack of discussion on main stream & social media about natural immunity WHO’s action in removing information on same was tantamount to removing the critical information necessary to give informed consent in the alleged COVID-19. Images from RC P2.

 3.1.1(k)(x) Now a new study suggests the common cold may protect you from COVID-19106-natural acquired immunity. This theory isn’t new. In RC P2 at 2.4.2(b)(xii) I concentrated on pneumonia, because my instincts told me it was being ignored & was being included in COVID-19 stats. “My tweet on a suggestion to consider cowpox to smallpox (how we got the cure) as bovine pneumonia to human pneumonia has been removed.” Cowpox is to smallpox as a Common Cold (same family) is to COVID-19. It is building immunity by reducing sensitivity. Just like some people with food allergies under medical supervision can have their food allergy sensitivity cured by introducing them gradually to the food starting with small then increasing quantities. At first, I looked into the history of how colds may have evolved. After a while, I realised colds & the increased prevalence in winter was a natural process. If we did not have colds & sneezes how would our nasal passages be cleaned of dust & bacteria. Why more colds in winter, simple, because the cold air makes it harder to breath by restricting our upper airways. We mostly breathe through our nose, but a cold that blocks our nose as it cleans with mucus forces us to breathe through the mouth. When we expel carbon dioxide in the cold, we can see it because it is warmer than the cold air. You don't see much mist when you breathe from your nose in cold air though do you. Our mouth is prewarmed for the intake of air. When the nasal passages are cleaned from the mucus it is in peak condition to perform again. I remember reading a chapter from the autobiographical fiction Laura Ingalls Wilder book, These Happy Golden Years, where the horses nearly died from the nasal passages freezing over. We are the genetic descendants of ancestors that survived an ice age. It is not unrealistic to consider our species developed with a body that could function in that harsh environment. Going from Australia’s summer to UK’s winter for the first day I felt the cold but after that I acclimatised. Natural bodily reactions & coping mechanisms, natural immunity & sensitivity building, natural medicines & cures has been part of our history of survival for millenniums. It is logical that there will always be genetic throwbacks & weakening of our immunities as we age, but as long as we keep being exposed to each other reducing our sensitivities are bodies will not evolve losing the power to react to immunities which would spell the demise of humans. WHO has done everything it could to destroy our natural immunity with the rubbish of social distancing & masks. Medically it has a lot to answer for.

3.1.1(k)(xi) WHO’s use of its own inhouse medical jargon (e.g., a bad cold equals COVID-19) & acronyms, is utterly useless for Joe Citizen’s searches. In light of UK Hancock’s verbal dancing on DNR questioning I went searching on WHO for its Do Not Resuscitate protocols. “Do Not Resuscitate” Nothing found. “Resuscitation” No; “Mouth-to-Mouth” No; “CPR” No; & “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation” No. I’m still looking for anything even remotely linked to this topic.  Go looking for mask studies, that by WHO’s own protocols are not recommended in the wider community having inconclusive research results. There are plenty of videos on WHO to recommend their use. 

3.1.1(k)(xii) One battle with Facebook 24 June 2021 shows what a team Facebook are with WHO’s agenda.  I was trying to put out info from a WHO directive that “Children should not be vaccinated at the moment”. It was deleted by Facebook fact checkers as false.    It is hard to judge whether it is Facebook’s fact checkers that are debased, but my instinct tells me it is both Facebook & WHO working together. My Facebook blog was a warning about giving the vaccine to children.  It included: -

·         a direct quote from a WHO advice on who should have the vaccine

·          a direct link to the WHO webpage

·         I blocked the logo in case of copywrite


3.1.1(k)(xiii) Why was my post deleted? Because it was popular & would have harmed the sale of vaxes to children. Shortly after I uploaded the original post WHO re-wrote the directive & issued an English version last updated on 22 June 2021 to reflect 15 June 2021 SAGE interim recommendations on the Pfizer/BionTech COVID-19 vaccine.NB: Cass Sunstein is in situ at WHO & was also working at BIT UK who are part of UK’s SAGE. SAGE is involved with SPI-B who “exaggerated” the threat of COVID-19 beyond the reality.  WHO rewrote only the English-speaking version. They didn’t change the other language versions though.  It’s only English-speaking children WHO want drugged up to the eyeballs, with an unnecessary dangerous vaccine & its many boosters none of which will work.   My check of the Spanish version as late as 24th July 2021 showed their version still had the warning not to vaccinate children at the moment Por el momento, los niños no deberían vacunarse”.

3.1.1(k)(xiv) My blog was 100% correct at the time it was posted.  After WHO rewrote the English version, fact checkers re fact checked my blogged warning as firstly false, then missing context (it had the original link to the original WHO site release), so they could delete the warning altogether.  Let me be very clear WHO were prepared to endanger the life of children from English speaking countries showing clear racial discrimination against the same.  WHO’s current advices are warning against the vaccine for any children other than those at high risk. Too late, they were caught hands down.   There was absolutely no threat to the overwhelming majority of Australia’s children from COVID-19.  The whole point of a World Health Organisation (WHO) is that they develop world best health Standards. If countries cannot afford those Standards that is at the peril of their Govts. US Senator Ron Johnson panel discussion, "Why are they vaccinating our children? Because once it is on the vaccine umm once it on the childhood schedule, they are no longer liable for injury"110.  Australian taxpayers are paying WHO to be a protection racket for foreign companies at the peril of our children’s lives & that is so not okay in my book.


3.1.1(k)(xv) WHO have received millions annually from Australia. In 2018-9 WHO received from Australia alone $18.2M. I can’t see anything beneficial they did in COVID-19.  What kind of an organisation doing health, has to censor the comments of health & welfare professionals & advocates?  WHO’s medical capabilities are a false illusion of the behavioural economist they employ. They have been blocking anyone questioning their lack of medical ability & abandoned decades old tested medical science for bat voodoo.  I’m one of their blocked, because I really have followed the science & their lack of it. Lockdowns, masks, social distancing & vaccines were never needed or a traditional treatment approach for the scenario we were presented with. In the first Facebook picture below, it was taken incognito (“incognito” top right & dark top).  Note at the bottom I can Like Comment & Share.  The second picture is identifying myself on Facebook.  Note at the bottom “You can’t comment on this post at this time”. I’m prevented from responding, as my comments show WHO’s COVID-19 measures are rubbish.  This is an offshoot of the UN does this look like free speech?  WHO are receiving funding from Australia’s public purse & this goes for ABC & politicians as well. How bloody dare they be allowed to block us when we are calling out their incompetence & potential corruption? They are on our payroll & that means they work for us.

3.1.1(k)(xvi) The management of WHO’s steering committee lacked the capability to lead an emergency health event. WHO’s use of behavioural economic ‘nudge’ already seen to be fatally flawed for mass roll-out by the Australian opioid fiasco was a dangerous emergency management decision. COVID-19 called for potentially novel sources of information & open minds. What we got from WHO was bombastic nudgers to cover up the WHO steering committee’s own lack of knowledge in even its own historical health procedures.  Even as recently as this year they have continued to attack qualified doctors & real experts to cover their own lack of ability.  They opted for a blatantly wrong medical direction that discouraged any form of treatment including as I’ve shown even basic first aid. Even after WHO’s supposed internal performance review, they still are showing a pompous disregard of the science on even basic things like masks to cover their own tails. They are completely devoid of any moral medical ethics.  They were paid high salaries to get it right the first time & they abysmally failed.

 3.1.1(k)(xvii) The deaths from the vaccine are worse than COVID-19 deaths26. First do no harm! From 1Jan-1Jul 2021 Covid deaths 1 is to 335 vaccine deaths. There’s a 1 in 217 chance of a measurable adverse reaction.  As at 29 June, 2021 Murdoch Research reported, There have been no recorded COVID-19 associated deaths in children under 19 years of age in Australia.”27   Pictured data from the Great Australia Party.  Sharing this got me another black fact check.

3.1.1(k)(xviii) WHO’s medical incompetence and/or corruption & its insistence on dominance of the health messages across social media, has negatively affected social media’s value for any & all health information. Twitter & Facebook have been directing users to WHO with their riders. This has incurred all internet service provider users not on an unlimited package deal a financial loss for all those unwanted riders & “opinions” (they are not fact checks) they have to click through to get to the posts they want to read.

 3.1.1(k)(xix) Far from upholding the UN’s human rights principles that people are not used for medical experimentation, WHO has done exactly that. It has continued to promote masks & social distancing, shown in RC P2 as untested strategies contradicting decades of medical research & damaging natural immunity. WHO’s been dead in the water on condemning harmful lockdown measures & its news releases reflect that28.  Continuing the vaccines to any group when it is a clear failure is an abomination in Public Health.  Use of behavioural psychologist to brainwash people & the interference of social media accounts of real experts has been a clear attack on peoples’ medical rights to fully information upon which they can give full informed medical consent. Not one part of WHO’s activities in COVID-19 was in line with the United Nations (UN) medical treatment of people under the Nuremberg Code. Neither does it fit the UN’s charter as we are in a declared war on terrorism with COVID-19 getting its operating power under a Biosecurity Act 2015. WHO has breached the Nuremburg Code on medical experimentation & more, every chance it could get.  WHO ergo obtained & was given Australia’s membership & monies under false premise enabling it to be voided & I’d say Australia would have a fair case to recover any monies spent. Considering they thought it was honky Dorey to let our mostly English-speaking children be Big Pharma’s crash test dummies for unnecessary dangerous vaccines we should bloody well drag them into a court if need be.

3.1.1(k)(xx) The first thing an emergency responder learns is to keep themselves safe.  They encourage members of the public to do the same & call emergency responders for assistance who will assess the situation to see if it is safe to perform a rescue. This is so first responders do not have a bigger emergency to deal with if others get into trouble while trying to assist. When I heard repeatedly WHO, public service health officials & politicians saying on the radio & on internet videos “Keep others safe” I at first thought they had absolutely no idea what they were doing.  This was never an emergency protocol instruction for the reason stated. I now believe they knew what they were saying & this was solely for behavioural brainwashing modification.  This though put the “others” in the firing line for emotional reprisals from people rightly averse to the list of punitive, dangerous measures they dished out in COVID-19.  I don’t think this was a coincidence & in my opinion WHO & a lot of others should be brought to task for their part in inciting the hostile treatment & increased discrimination me & other disabled people have experienced in COVID-19.

 3.1.1(k)(xxi) Part 5.4—Harming Australians   WHO is a body external to Australia. People in Australia have been mentally & physically harmed.  Anyone that cooperated with WHO should fall under consideration of this section of the Criminal Code.

 3.1.1(l) World Economic Forum

3.1.1(l)(i) “Build Back Better” is a policy of World Economic Forum (WEF) that in the guise of establishing what they say is a “better balance between efficiency and resilience in everything from financial management to supply chain configuration”87.  In reality when you read their goals it is really about creating a bunch of monopolies & transferring more wealth to the banks. Our banks are a poorly regulated bunch that have only just had a butterfly wing clip job done on them.  I have yet to see a single banking executive criminally charged as a result of the Banking Royal Commission findings & ASIC fines are a drop in the bucket to the cream they have been taking.  By admission WEF has purposefully been creating shockwaves to test the resiliance of economies. Economic “shockwaves” are a hostile act & I question why the actions have not gone under the scrutiny of terroism. 

3.1.1(l)(ii) Right at the start of COVID-19 it felt like a planned exercise to me.  I noted the same in RC P2 section 2.4.2(I) & in my Senate Covid submission lodged 27 May 2020 at section 2.1(a).  This was not an exercise though. In exercise you would not have incapacitated first responders.  You would want to monitor their performance.  This was a viscious maneavolent attack on the economy & citizens for financial gain. When you consider our country has been financially broken & the health system that has emerged one where knocking off the vulnerables is honky dory (DNR’s), what kind of lunacy would give them the reins to rebuild any society. They should be in jail period along with the traitorous Govts that let them do this. Lloyds Corporate Brokers in 201796 estimated small to medium business contributed 57% of Australia’s GDP.  If we get rid of most of the businesses in Australia how many people are going to be working & earning to be able to afford to even shop in the monopolised businesses left. There will be a whole lot on the way below the poverty line welfare based on 70% businesses (those still in business that is) downsizing in BIT’s own survey.   COVID-19 locked up all those owners & workers & let’s say it like it really is, has been killing them with the unnecessay vaccine they are forcing people to get.  Who exactly are we pursuing “Building Back Better” policies for.  

3.1.1(l)(iii) “Build Back Better” has already impregnated its way into Australia, NSW has a Build Back Better Tool Kit on their Public Service Commission webpage.  The docx for “Helping your team to build a new normal” wouldn’t open or work for me. So, it’s sort of feeling very much like the old normal.  NSW State is where behavioural economics BIT first made its appearance in Australia. With the peer pressure the behavioural economics apply the influence will have a flow on effect to other State & Federal Govts. The biggest shockwave is the major parties in our Govts & the Oppositions State & Federal have bi-partisan been in on this.  They have been undermining our economy for their foreign interest donors.  We are part of the United Nations & in light of our Courts & Tribunals being stacked I can see the merit of remaining with it for access to International Criminal Court.   I question what if anything we have got from WEF founded in 1971.  Seems to me our economy has been on a downhill slide since that time.  I’ll be covering the other dead wood World Health Organisation (WHO) in the next section.  

3.1.1(m) Medical Censorship in Social Media

3.1.1(m)(i) Before COVID-19 on Twitter I got more responses from a cat fishing in my bath tub, than from retweeting an ABC Ebola outbreak article.  After COVID-19 I watched articles on other health issues like disability getting even less retweets than before. This is because me & other health advocates were regularly suspended, because we were also posting anti-COVID-19 data.  Unless we have a social media that gives an uncensored, but promoted voice on health matters, we will never get an increase to our health budgets.  Health voices are invisible in the virtual world unless they are from the sponsors & that means Big Pharma is always winning as the public health purse is getting poorer. Shortfalls in healthcare people don’t see they won’t call to be addressed or investigate.  Only when bad health care affects them or a family member will they start to pay attention & start speaking out.  What politicians don’t see they won’t deal with either. if they directed by their own political donors Big Pharma to only see one health direction & only see one health direction being sought by social media respondents, they will only give us back one health response. That of Big Pharmas.  When health budgets are a limited purse letting Big Pharma who are motivated to increase their own profits is just plain stupid.  Allowing social media & their alleged “independent” fact checkers that clearly have funding paths to Big Pharma sponsors or politicians whose strings are being pulled is equally ridiculous. We expect that advertisements are clearly flagged as such & the very fact social media is using subliminal advertising for Big Pharma is not acceptable & calls for regulation in the interest of health.


3.1.1(m)(ii) I ended up being permanently suspended on Twitter, but not until after the company played a lot of nasty games with me.  They lied & told me my suspension was because they couldn’t find my account. I proved they could by changing my password. Then they lied about letting me open up a new account, still saying they couldn’t find my old one. As soon as I did that, Twitter suspended the new account. The resemblance of Twitter’s compliance nudge patterns could have been dismissed as coincidental, as could Zients exposed to nudge practices as shown at 3.1.1(j)(xvii) being on the Twitter Board.  What isn’t coincidental though is Twitter Legal who are involved in the Twitter reviews are contributors to part 1 & 2 of the Belfer Centre “The Election Influence Operations Playbook”.


3.1.1(m)(iii) Dr. Shiva is an independent US politician & in his current court action he found that US Govt & State Govt players are having Twitter throw people off their sites using a portal for “Trusted Twitter Partnership” members122. Twitter is applying the “The Election Influence Operations Playbook” Part 1 & 2 from the Harvard Kennedy School, aka Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Cambridge MA which lists Twitter Legal as a Contributor.  WHO, Govt & State entities can use their access to target any political issue they want & apply behavioural economics through that portal?  They identify “Influencers” on the political issue & coordinate cyber terrorist attacks against them.  Part 1 page 8 of “The Election Influence Operations Playbook” shows they have identified COVID-19 as an election issue. Twitter and/or its Trusted Partners have been using the portal access to remove all potential arguments & “influencers” (political opponents & in the case of COVID-19 really “independent” health advocates) they choose.


3.1.1(m)(iv) Twitter and/or its Trusted Partner Portal users have been targeting innocent citizens for social & mental harm on their site for political & probably financial gain. These targeted attacks are not gentle, but coordinated teams pack attacking.  In Part 2 of “The Election Influence Operations Playbook”123 the term “target” is used 21 times & “respond” 29 times subtitled “the Mis/Disinformation Response Plan”. I have experienced the nudge teams now in both Robodebt & COVID-19.  Twitter is a foreign company that is targeting & attacking Australian citizens. While I could say affecting our elections for health may be for foreign health interests Robodebt is without doubt a home-based issue.  That means we more than probably have Trusted Partners in Australian Parliament House (APH).  The most likely place for them to be is inside Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA) who are, as aforesaid, in PM & Cabinet. 

3.1.1(m)(v) There is also though a high probability there are Members/Senators or their staffers who are also Trusted Partners & as Twitter is a foreign company that allegiance means these Member/Senator Trusted Partners are in breach of the Constitution Section 44(1).

3.1.1(m)(vi) Twitters nudge compliance methods incredibly resemble the same as those being described as a military grade cyber-attack by ethical psychologists now in UK.  In light of the harm that targeting COVID-19 has done, I would also direct the Commission specifically to Part 5.4 – Harming Australians sections 115.3 & 115.4 of the Criminal Code Act 1995.

 3.1.1(m)(vii) After being effectively blocked on Twitter I started posting to a Facebook account I had rarely used previously.  I set up a group “COVID-19-CONTROVERSY NOT CONSPIRACY”.  Surprise, surprise, I am having exactly the same patterns of censorship of COVID-19 as I experienced on Twitter.  The compliance process & application of progressively punitive nudges until complete blocking are almost identical cross both Twitter & Facebook. Twitter’s Playbook process use keywords in the compliance identification process & Facebook whistle-blowers claim the same keyword process is used on Facebook.  I’m going to go further though & show that “influencers” are being identified first & then all their comments are targeted & attacked. I am going to show using my Facebook fact checks that my fact checks are not the random selection of a computer, but a malicious cyber-bullying for political gain.

3.1.1(m)(viii) A few years back health was identified in Australia as one of the top four political issues for voters.  We are entering an aged population, which of course means that will increase.  Companies therefore, interfering with our health information are interfering in our elections.  Twitter & Facebook are targeting people they determine can influence peoples’ thoughts on what is identified as a top electoral political issue - health.  You can be targeted by these companies like a terrorist for being a health & welfare advocate, because your comments on health & welfare can influence elections.  I am posting anti-COVID-19 vaccine informationIt doesn’t matter if my influence is intent on achieving a positive health outcome (enabling access to information to make a fully informed medical decision).  It doesn’t matter that I am not gaining financially, personally or politically (swinging voter) & declaring honestly my experience & qualifications in the areas I comment on.  Or, that I have been 100% correct on medical assumptions evidentially submitted to Australian Senate as early as 27 May, 2020.  Twitter & Facebook only care about how, as a swinging voter in a country, where we can easily have a hung Parliament, I can influence an election.  They will stop at nothing to nudge threaten & silence those voices that can potentially influence the cross-bench who may hold the balance of power. Whilst entities can pre-buy by donation the old major parties, they cannot predict or afford to pre-buy a whole country of potential cross-benchers.  A swinging voter representative of current views of the centre is likely to attract like-minded individuals.  A single contact can make us an “influencer”, but for health advocates in an environment where “COVID-19” is a targeted platform our posts make us politically dangerous if we oppose the Twitter or the Trusted Partners platform stance.

 3.1.1(m)(ix) When I started the group, though anyone was able to join, at first, I restricted all other comments to test exactly that people were joining the group to hear my comments & not using it to promote a political agenda that may sway thought processes.  I posted a lot of material debunking the threat of COVID-19 (now validated) & the threat of the COVID-19 measures (now validated).  My anti-COVID-19 material was not because I am anti-vax (I wasn’t but I am now) or have a political agenda, but because I had a health agenda.  All the responses in COVID-19 were wrong for the scenario we were given.  Facebook does not want my anti-COVID-19 information to be seen so I have been the subject of targeting by them with a lot of absurd fact checks.  Below is a fact check warning – it is a George Orwell quote. This was a test & Facebook failed.  It didn’t matter what I posted in this period I was going to be blocked. Every time there is a terrorist attack, an election or a large COVID-19 protest I am suspended for 7days before. The same was occurring in Twitter, because these fascist maniacs, consider people, willing to stand up & help others to stand up for their United Nations human rights are terrorist. That is censorship for political gain.  No democratic entity would program the targeting of keywords of literature promoting free speech.  

3.1.1(m)(x) Facebook lie to you & tell you, if you disagree with their decision you can get a review - Wrong you rarely can.  You have 2 ways of getting a review one from Facebook & in over a year I have had multiple rubbish fact checks & only been able to get 3.  They rarely give them & they lie about you getting a review from one of their many “independent” fact checkers. The fact checkers never acknowledge your posts at all.  The fact checks are not fact checks, but opinions as Facebook admitted in court.  How do you debate someone’s opinion that is borne out of financial graft instead of morality – you can’t.  The fact checkers are the non- “independent” caboose on Big Pharma’s gravy train.  The fact checkers are not being done by medically qualified or experienced people.  Even if you gave them the science, they wouldn’t know what to do with it or say it was missing the context of their opinion that they have to show to get paid & repeat custom. There are multiple fact checkers because as long as there is a nice big pool of corrupt fact checkers Facebook or Twitter can dangle the loss of their work over their heads to get the right amount of fact check bias out of them.


3.1.1(m)(xi) Facebook tells you, in some case you can get the restrictions to your group removed if you disagree with a fact check – Wrong they are lying like all blackmailers.  As a Public Group Administrator, Facebook uses the number of facts checks I get (& can’t get reviewed) to threaten me that unless I delete posts that contradicts their opinionated political narrative, they will reduce my groups visibility status.  Additionally, as a public group member those fact checks are visible to others. Ergo, their opinion is publicly & falsely defaming me to anyone that accesses my group.  My last disagreement (1 of the 3 reviews I have had) was found in my favour, but they still did not restore my group.  Me & others still left on Facebook have been shadow ban restricted yet again for another 90 days, because we have a federal election coming up in May 2022.  Facebook are interfering in our upcoming election. Facebook tells you, in some cases you can get the restrictions to your group removed by “removing misinformation”. This is a lie & blackmail to get you to delete your accurate comment that goes against their sponsors/Twitter Partners health directions’ wrong opinion. Once the test was done, I deleted the George Orwell post & others that were not of relevance to COVID-19, but it did not restore my Facebook standing in anyway. Note in the picture below all the posts “no longer available”.  If I have shared a blog, I would have checked it out before I circulated it & it was more than probably accurate.  These are blogs that Groups & individuals have deleted in a vain attempt to restore their status. They buckled from exerting their right to free speech after pressure from Facebook. As long as me & others are blocked, they have a fully censored politically controlled social media environment & that is the way Facebook wants it. 

3.1.1(m)(xii) Every anti-COVID-19 group & posting individual has been viciously attacked by Facebook.  Many groups try at first to go private to appease the fact checkers.  Most are leaving.  Facebook lost billions recently, they are going to lose a lot more.  More people are waking up every day & if Facebook had one ounce of moral fibre it would be removing all of its restrictions, suspensions & deleting all its COVID-19 fact checks, but it doesn’t have a slither.   Every day I see more & more groups sick & tired of creating a new group or going private in the hope they can avoid the Facebook censors. The group below is another.  They went private so the contents are only for group members, monitor every comment going into the group, tell people not to use obvious keywords & not to repost media, but to put it in comments. Still, then the administrators are being viciously attacked & suspended every few weeks, because they are anti-COVID-19.  My group is public still but restricted, which means few will ever find it by a Facebook search. I am disrespected at the back of the Facebook bus. Despite this, I am regularly pushed to have an event, which no-one except regular group contributors would ever know about because at the back of the bus there are not too many viewers. Anyone that attended an event I organise on behalf of the group would be targeted & attacked by Facebook & the content would be ripped to shreds alleging “Missing Context”.  I haven’t sent out a single invite, because I would be no better than a WWII Nazi collaborator. I warn people about the risk of joining my group & exposing themselves to the treatment I have had. I have seen a number of USA politicians saying they don’t want to regulate social media. Why not? There is no way that Twitter & Facebook are offering a free speech environment. They only have one big free ad for their sponsors & they are not showing those subliminal sponsors & Trusted Partners in detail anywhere on their site.  I would regulate the hell out of them, with fines for each & every offence of applying their opinionated bias. They will turn up to everyone of those reviews, because if they don’t, they would automatically wear a fine or risk being deregistered.

3.1.1(m)(xiii) See the picture below “If a group repeatedly shares false news, Facebook may push all of that group’s content down in the News Feed, which may mean that fewer people visit the group.”  This is threatening shadow banning my comments from even people, who freely & uninvited joined my group to read my comments about health & welfare. If my group comments offended people at any time they could leave the group or block me. At no time have I invited a single person to join my group. They came referred by other people & joined.  My groups fact checks are to build up the fact check numbers to a point Facebook can shadow ban me. I have seen multiple Facebook anti-COVID-19 groups suffer the same fate. Sharing a single video of 5x US Republican Senators making a press statement on the lies in COVID-19, earned me about 4x false fact checks & a threat that unless I removed the original post I would be restricted.  I am still on restriction, because I will never remove the post & succumb to threatening blackmail tactics censoring my voice for politics.  

3.1.1(m)(xiv) Once you are identified as an “influencer” if fact checkers could claim “Missing Context”, because you didn’t give the meaning of the word “the” they would. About once a month. I’ll repost a blog from Robert F. Kennedy Jnr from Children’s Health Defence. When I do that, I know whatever it is, I will get a false fact check. In a group called COVID-19-CONTROVERSY NOT CONSPIRACY how possibly can even group members be seen to have fully informed consent rights, when a second alternate opinion cannot even be seen to be discussed. Christopher Columbus sailed off the end of the earth & the medical world is now completely flat on social media. 


3.1.1(m)(xv) Both Facebook & Twitter are operating the same dangerous Cass Sunstein/Richard Thaler nudge model.  They have divided social media into 2x groups pro COVID-19 & anti-COVID-19 & have begun using increasingly punitive measures with no consideration of consequences, morality or law to target & attack the anti-COVID-19 group at the whim of the fascist controller’s opinion.  Ultimately, suspensions & blocking is putting them in the same misinformation corner as in Dr Mackay’s diagram. There are no reviews, because they know they are both wrong. Have been wrong from the start. The point of their review process is just to inflict more psychological harm on you to have you jumping for the higher hole in the cheese maze. Just like in Mackay’s diagram it is a one-way street with no exit - the controller’s way or the highway.  I am in no doubt that Facebook & Twitter’s unprecedented level of censorship of anti-COVID-19 material have made them both complicit in the behavioural insight cybercrimes of COVID-19. 


3.1.1(m)(xvi) Australia’s internet interference was increased after the NZ terrorist.  Well before now, any decent communications adviser, should’ve advised using keywords is just plain dumb for tracking terrorism. I can dismiss there being any valid homeland security need for this application being imposed on citizens. In general conversation, many things can set off a key word alarm e.g., bomber = bomber jacket. There are too many variables in language & then there are slang/alias terms created daily. A quick check of anti-Covid bloggers reveals already they are using urban slang synonyms to work around the obvious keywords. Instead of vaccines most are using things like jabs, jabby jabby the list of aliases is endless.  Marijuana in this link references 41 aliases inclusive of “bomber”.125 Inevitably people recognise their blogs are being fact check banned when the use certain words & use an alternative. This would make the dialogue of real terrorist harder to pick up on.  Further if you get a real bomber using an alternate term in blogs e.g., plastic fantastic referring to plastic explosive instead of a credit card, how could you avoid creating an element of doubt in the court arena about text message contents for showing premeditation. 

 3.1.1(m)(xvii) Even if you can find a keyword synonym or hashtag used by a terrorist group, there would be no guarantee that all the people using them are terrorists. They may be hitching onto a popular group feed. A simple search of coronavirus on Twitter allowed many tweeters to see different hashtags. Adopting those hashtags guaranteed bloggers an increased circulation.  I had a number of groups offered to let me regularly use their tags to show alliances on social media in order to get more retweets on Twitter on topics. I rarely used them unless my topic was directly relevant to their group.  Using them doesn’t make you a terrorist just a smart advertiser for your voice.  Rusted on group supporters & collective rusted-ons are usually easy to spot even without alliance hashtags or banners.  They have almost no personal comments or observations on their retweets or posts & retweet from the same limited sources repeatedly. The object is to get the topic trending.  If it is trending main stream media will pick up the topic increasing the reach.  Political party rusted ons are the worse abusers of this which is why I believe political party members should be compelled to show their memberships in profiles. Suspicious accounts are those that quickly get numerous followers/friends with few posts, because they are usually all BOTs, they have a lot of pictures but no comments.

 3.1.1(m)(xviii) Health affects everyone. How do you identify a terrorist when everyone is affected by health issues? The simple answer is you can’t.  Almost every man & his boomer (dog) on the internet would’ve used keywords like Coronavirus, COVID-19 & vaccine at some time over across 2020 & 2021.  Even using a combination of words is worthless on hot topics, unless words & users are caught early before trend words attract hitch-hikers e.g., “Karen”.  People adopt to family sayings, mis-sayings patterns of speech with regular exposure to words – you know, you know, you know.  How could you target keywords & then let the keyword searches indiscriminately lead you from there to the so-called misinformation spreaders? Not without an awful lot of resources & both Facebook & Twitter have cried poor for staff to do reviews even when requested.  It is illogical that is what happens & not what I have been observed on Facebook or Twitters.  COVID-19 is health & welfare in an emergency. You would have to be thick as a brick not to realise the people likely to be posting avidly on this topic would be those that are trained to be first responders.

 3.1.1(m)(xix) The George Orwell above holds no COVID-19 keywords, but was still targeted because Facebook did not target a keyword, but me as an individual. Below is a crystal-clear example that validates my claim that in COVID-19 Facebook has been targeting individuals & not posts. I reposted exactly the same blog that another blogger posted 7hrs before me.  After less than half an hour it was not just fact checked false, but harmful.  This is an alleged Pfizer whistle-blower, whistle-blowing the harmful Pfizer production processes.  My comment gets listed as a “violation history” with a note “Your post goes against Facebook’s Community Standards on misinformation that could cause physical harm” (harm to Facebook & fact checkers that is).

3.1.1(m)(xx) Early in COVID-19 I noticed an increase in the use of the word “momentum” in quotes, by certain people ramping up COVID-19 in Australian media.  I ran my own test using Google search.  First, I targeted the word “momentum”. As you would logically expect it brought up a ridiculous number of references(204million) that would be too laborious to check through.  Then I targeted the word with a combination of words, but we are still in the multi-millions (30million).  Finally, I targeted an individual’s name & then “momentum” COVID-19 & Coronavirus. The more refined search logically resulted in reduced no. of found blogs (26.6thousand).  I just do not believe that Facebook & Twitter were not using the same principle & for political purposes as this would reduce down costs dramatically.  In criminal searches we have laws about doing searches without valid suspicion.  It is also logical that we should expect Facebook & Twitter to target blogs that it deemed as false & remove them as soon as possible.  Facebook doesn’t do that though.  Facebook leaves those blogs & applies fact checks only on some individuals that share (don’t create the blog) & based only on its own opinions. This wreaks unjust targeted entrapment. Neither Facebook or Twitter are not even attempting to emulate what are a common search processes in their detection of people they are defaming as misinformation spreaders with their opinionated fact checksWhen some countries are considering legislation making it criminal to spread misinformation, with the appalling array of clearly bought & biased fact checkers for both Twitter & Facebook this is like the crooked cop on the beat planting false evidence on innocent people. 

3.1.1(m)(xxi) We are now in the lead up to the Australian election & I like many anti-COVID19 am on a 3month suspension on Facebook. Health & welfare is identified as being one of the top 4 political interests of voters so by silencing us they are already interfering in our election.  I also noted a pattern of increased popularity interruptions at Robodebt key moments e.g., when a news article was coming out on Robodebt in the run up to court cases.  Whilst the elections could be advantageous for a foreign country Robodebt was definitely for the benefit of the Australian Govt, Opposition & the Public Service.

 3. 1.1(m)(xxii) In a democracy we acknowledge that you need both sides of an argument so that you can arrive at the careful considered best policy. It is why we have both a Govt & Opposition, to hear all sides of an argument. Politicians use social media to gain an idea of the public’s views on issues & the Trusted Partners are contaminating that. Every citizen of a democratic country has the right to be an electoral candidate of their Govts & as we are all potential political candidates shouldn’t we all have the same equal right to opportunities to advance our public profile as already seated members & Senators.  What is being done here is controlling not just elections, but unfairly targeting potential candidates shadow banning them from the pool. Our constitution allows for common law considerations. How can we see what is common if it has been censored to suit the Trusted Partnerships’ interests?   If we cannot see full information on any issue, we will always have a poorer standard of Govt & laws, than it is our right to receive.  The higher questions that should be asked, is


·         why any entity has been enabled to have a “Trusted Twitter Partnership” on policy matters like health anyway.  In health in many countries, capable adults are entitled to decide their own medical treatment & that decision should be from fully informed consent not one-sided information.


·         when we are in the middle of what is being described as a Crime Against Humanity abetted by use of “military grade psychological warfare” are the blocks/suspensions/censorship/deletion of blogs not being considered as disposal of evidence & disturbing a crime scene?

3.1.1(m)(xxiii) As part of my research on Facebook & Twitter I don’t just read cover articles but also the comments to those articles.  One of the things I noticed was a manipulation of the “Like” responses by Facebook to my anti-COVID-19 comments, which increases the visual appeal of pro-COVID-19 bloggers comments to articles.   This falsely affects the level of popularity of community responses. This has been happening on many anti-COVID-19 blog responses even when keywords are avoided. Note the subliminal peer pressure in my screen capture below.  By reducing the number of “Likes” Facebook is visually decreasing its popularity & read worthiness.  It gets a lower interest count & when Facebook compresses a hot article based on space showing only a few “most relevant” responses the comment effectively disappears unless people click on a button to expand the feed for more responses. Most people won’t do that.  So, Facebook has within its programming an ability to enforce the original content of an article with supporting responses & neutralise the effect of any news issue by raising the profile of posts negative to that news issue & limiting positive responses.  This is yet another form of censorship control & while it does afford a free speech platform it does not respect the equality in the rights of Facebook users within that free speech platform so it is discriminatory.  

3.1.1(m)(xxiv) The popularity of a blog determines whether it goes viral & gets more attention from other media & sites. Below is a picture of my Ch9 Online Robodebt win news article being picked up by Trendolizer.  This was generated based on the speed of people on Twitter liking the blog on Twitter. Following being picked up by Trendolizer the story was reproduced by hundreds of newspapers across the world.  When Facebook manipulates the popularity of blog comments for its personal interests, it doesn’t just contaminate its own site. It creates a ripple effect across the world that has the potential to debase common law globally.  At 3.1.1(j)(xxviii) I showed that the Observatory had been set up to use crowds of BOTs to target vaccine hesitancy.  When they post an article their AI BOTs are already primed to support their blog. So human beings are not only fighting Facebook to get their health & welfare opinions heard but AI entities that don’t need health & welfare in the first instance.


3.1.1(m)(xxv) The disparity with which COVID-19 pro-vaccination bloggers are treated by both Twitter/Facebook partners is breathtaking. In the first picture below there is a video blog from the Financial Times127.   It features Bill Gates who is a financial investor in vaccines. Bill Gates foundation donates to CEPI who funds the laboratory to check the safety of the vaccines UK126. The Financial Times video repost is using obvious keywords.  “Vaccine” was ignored by optical character recognition in the picture. “Vaccines”, “vaccine” & “Coronavirus” was used in text.  If the keyword targeting was being indiscriminately applied by a computer, I would be seeing at the very least the redirect rider to WHO on the bottom of the Gates article, but I’m not.  Despite numerous references that should have been picked up by a keyword scanner there is no recognition.  This video really is “Misleading” & “Missing Context” information.  It refers to variants, but does not tell you that variants, are almost aways less of a threat or the same level as the original disease.  It does not tell you that COVID-19 is not a High Consequence Infectious Disease.  Note my fact check underneath the picture below that correctly advises of the inconsistency in treatment of a pro & con material.  It supposedly gets the rider underneath redirecting people to WHO for information about vaccines as a keyword detection. The Financial Times article should have been fact checked “Misleading” as it is “Missing Context”, but it wasn’t.  (All vaccines may go through many checks, but it only needs one fail for the vaccine to be a killer.  It is also “False”, because you are not generally monitored for longer than quarter of an hour at the vaccination sites in Australia.  The reported serious side effects occur days later, when if you have them, you are at home & hopefully well enough to phone an ambulance).  


3.1.1(m)(xxvi)    The so-called independent fact checker system is just plain b*llshit & dangerous.  As shown in many examples now they overuse “Missing Context” to define a false or misleading fact check based on opinion. Below is an example of fact checkers at work. COVID-19 was downgraded by UK Government in March 2020.  There is a public announcement that still appears on the UK Govts website with links & the link to same was supplied in RC P2.  Despite this being on a Govt health website, a public announcement therefore not obtained by nefarious methods & despite posts having a weblink to same this has been fact is fact checked false & was deleted alleged as “Missing Context”.  This post & hundreds more like it, have been treated in the same manner by Facebook fact checkers. Their activities have continued to enforce the highly unethical actions of allegedly unlawful COVID-19 measures.  Sighting blogs on the real low threat of COVID19 may have defused a lot of the global panic & over-exaggerated fear of COVID-19. Few people though got to see the suppressed information in these posts.  This information was critical information for the consideration of the necessity of the vaccines.  In light of the fear that was ramped up & the damage caused to health there is no doubt in my mind that the fact checkers were highly complicit in creating mass trauma, disruption & considering the suicides should be considered under the same criminal laws we would deal with other cyber terrorist where mass deceased are the result.

3.1.1(m)(xxvii) Here is Facebook fact checkers,  They are again bankrolled by Big Pharma.  Johnson & Johnson.  This bunch upset so many with their totally biased opinionated fact checks, bloggers fought back & fact checked their independence128.  Factcheck.Org released a comment on their “independence” basically saying it’s all good they can be trusted, because they have independent fact checker professionals to back up their non-independent Big Pharma love fest129.

3.1.1(m)(xxviii) Of course, the fact checkers lied.  I did my own fact check on their “independent” professionals.  One of the “independents” was on the CDC (who as at 18 Feb2022 were still trying to claim masks were okay for the general public) & another links back to Dr Feigl-Ding’s old stomping ground Harvard Chan School of Public Health.  He was one of the two ex-Liberal Democrat candidate doctors I identified in my Part RC P2 as ramping up COVID-19 at the start.  Dr Ding was a faculty member130.  I'm also including another link purely to show an affiliation between Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health with John Hopkins131.  John Hopkins received an enormous donation from Michael Bloomberg in 2018, just because it's his old alumni & nothing to do with him being a Liberal Democrat's runner for Presidential candidacy132. Michael Bloomberg is primary owner of the rag Bloomberg that I noted was leading WHO by the nose on deceased numbers across the Australia Day long weekend of 2020 as covered in RC P2 at 2.4.1(e). If Facebook was genuinely naïve on the blatant bias of at any time it could have reversed all the fact check nudges done by restoring the status of many groups.  It never did that & has failed a social contract to uphold a duty of care in its virtual environment.


3.1.1(m)(xxix) Australian fact checkers include RMIT ABC Fact Check which is in partnership with Your Corrupted by LNP ABC. You remember ABC was the television station I raised creating their own propaganda in RC P2.  ABC has also been giving a lot of free space for Blackrock Wesfarmers in their COVID-19 propaganda noted in RC P2 which just wreaks when you consider Blackrock has been approving the BlackRock’s vaccines. ABC gets to do its own internal review of its complaints process.  That is despite its owners, the public in case you have forgotten, wanting an external review.  And despite me noting in my Senate Media submission & RC P2: - it was creating false propaganda; ignoring complaints about that false propaganda; & re-running it despite it encouraging abuse, having a total lack of fact & being for the benefit of a political party & Wesfarmers.  That I have been very vocal may be why I am having problems with fact checkers on Facebook.  Looking at the deceased numbers of the vaccine compared to COVID-19 deaths Ita & the Board had better call it a day & someone else should be getting the results of that “independent” review.  After a brief online statement, shortly after one of my posts asking questions no-one wants to answer Ita’s Wesfarmers ABC News said it was limiting the number of comments on articles on its ABC News Facebook page.  In reality this was really just targeting anti-COVID-19 responders & giving a free pass to the crooks ramping up the hoax using BOTs. Anti-Covid vaccine advocators are totally blocked from even commenting & providing anti-Covid vaccine information on ABC’s Facebook News page. Even if anti-Covid vaccine responders wait for a new comment to come out on their page, they are blocked from responding immediately, because they cannot beat the pre-programmed BOTs.  Real bloggers don’t have hundreds of pre-programmed Ooohs & Aaahs at the ready136.  Since Ita took the helm, it has only been our ABC when it is payday.


3.1.1(m)(xxx) Then another of Australia’s Fact Checkers is Australian Associated Press.  Their exact ownership following the sale in June 2020 is unknown per Wikipedia. They are running AAP Newswire as a not-for-profit tax dodge err “independent” fact check arm. You can be assured of that “independent” accredited status because they are members of International Fact Checkers Network. Until you read the next paragraph that is). Finally, the Conversation Australia whose fact check assessor is American. In fairness though to Conversation Australia, I have not personally seen them active on fact checking COVID-19 topics. These 3 are supposedly are Australian independent fact checkers – what a joke! The overwhelming majority of fact checks from AAP & RMIT ABC have been totally garbage, totally pro-Covid, totally politically biased & some are downright harmful & dangerous.


3.1.1(m)(xxxi) The “oversight” bodies for the “independent” fact checkers are just plain politically biased. Most of the fact checkers are all from the same media/financially sponsored stables & back each other up on blogs that are really damaging to the pro-vaccine agenda. Facebook’s fact checkers often boast they are accredited fact checkers of Independent International Fact Checkers Network (IFCN). However, IFCN is a division of Poynter Institute which Wikipedia reports got a $1M donation from Poynter Foundation to help it along the way with Politifact. Poynter Foundation has Board Member Craig Alexander Newmark who is a big donor for Democrats & helped Obama in his election campaign116. You can literally file IFCN in the bin as an independent accredited body.  It doesn’t matter how many times Facebook wants to tell me they are using “independent fact checkers” to use as a buffer against its health censorship. In health care & we are talking about health information, there is a duty of care & Facebook is responsible for its subcontract fact checkers in the interference in the delivery of it.


3.1.1(m)(xxxii) Facebook has a big pool of fact checkers to choose from as news media jobs are becoming scarcer. Facebook can buy & have their independent buffers.  I seriously doubt that Facebook did not know IFCN was not independent.  Or that creating a large pool of hungry shark fact checkers after the Facebook bucks, would not buy control of their political leanings on topics. If I was seeing pro-COVID-19 fact checks I would not be raising this, but I’m not. In a year & a half I have yet to see one single pro -Covid post fact checked.  Why?  In my opinion if you want work for Facebook, you give them what they want. Fact checks have been blatently tilted to promote USA Liberal Democrat’s political platform & it has indiscriminately been used to attack foreign political landscapes also.

 3.1.1(m)(xxxiii) It’s obvious in any review of the spam flag of my resuscitation post in s3.1.1(d)(vi) any respectable independent reviewer would find in my favour.  Also the posts from qualified medical experts that have been fact checked false by reporters.  This though would restore my group’s standing & visibility & when the whole point is to target people for political gain that is never going to happen. My group & other anti-Covid groups have been on a permanent restricted circulation & with the number of COVID-19 groups on Facebook that means a death sentence for growth.  When all the things we were told were facts are now being proven to be lies & Facebook & Twitter have both continued to cover up the truth to the detriment of others, their actions are aiding & abetting a crime.  If someone removed a warning label from arsenic so someone would drink it, there would be no doubt it was murder. Facebook & Twitter have been removing health warnings on COVID-19 for 2years & no-one at either has been charged.

3.1.1(m)(xxxiv) I have considered the effect of Facebook & Twitter’s obviously biased COVID-19 censorship for political gain on people mentally disabled & tried to envisage whether they would be capable of disseminating fact from fiction.  I don’t believe they would be able to.  Indeed, I don’t believe most people casually participating in Facebook or Twitter that don’t research outside of their focused paths are ever going to know the COVID-19 games that both Twitter & Facebook have been up to.  Australian politicians primed Australians by telling them to dismiss people speaking about COVID-19 as tin foil hat conspiracy theorists.  For those awake to the games, we waste our ISP plan megabytes clicking through the fact check notices that are nothing, but medically unqualified clap trap.  I don’t believe the culture at either Twitter or Facebook will change – I believe they are so full of themselves they don’t see they have done anything wrong.  As long as Australians continue to access these 2 sites, unaware of the culture behind them, Twitter & Facebook will continue to brainwash Australians in their virtual propaganda arenas.  Europe regulated Facebook & Facebook threatened to quit Europe. They said words to the effect of up yours Facebook & posted their reply on Twitter. I think we need to go further & consider their actions under the Crimes Acts & Criminal Code & send a message to all social media companies, that Australian citizens free speech & elections are a non-negotiable line in the sand for social media sites.  What are we losing if unless we agree with Facebook or Twitter we are censored? It is not free speech when unless you are pro-Covid you have fact checkers talking over the top of you.

3.1.1(n) Universities Behavioural Economics, Genomics Etc

3.1.1(n)(i) There are reports that many Australian universities have been involved in the Wuhan Laboratory Gain of Function (GOF) research22.  Senator Canavan said the Morrison government should immediately suspend any gain-of-function research or experiments involving potential pandemic pathogens. “Serious questions have been raised that gain-of-function may be the reason we have a global pandemic so it would be absolutely irresponsible to ­continue such funding when there is a risk of it causing another pandemic,” Senator Canavan said”.  In the same article another star from my RC P2 turns up. Prof Raina McIntyre of 10,000 Bird Flu/Covid deaths fame with concerns again.  I’m right there with Senator Canavan on defunding the universities so-called research, until the level of their COVID-19 complicity is known. The universities have overstepped the mark & a lot of questions should be asked about the Deans & Boards of the Universities that have funding unethical research against the interest of Australians.


3.1.1(n)(ii) I raised Mary Louise McLaws was part of the Uni collectives’ conflict of interest with genome testers in RC P2 Section 2.6.2(b).  One of my Facebook Fact Checker targeting days was due to posing questions to ABC’s Q & A’s social media page promoting Prof. McLaws to her promo Q&A appearance Q & A 25th June 2021. These are questions ABC should have long ago asked to qualify the independence & unconflicted status of any “expert” medical advisor before appearances. McLaws was on Q & A to ramp up the lockdowns.  McLaws has ramped up unnecessary bodgie genomic tests, untested masks, unproven social distancing/lockdowns & the vaccines.  All have been found to be useless and mentally & physically harmful. 


3.1.1(n)(iii) Everything McLaws has promoted has been shown to be harmful & yet until very recently she has still had plenty of free ABC airtime. McLaws recently promoted on her webpage that she has left University of NSW & has brain cancer. Let me be crystal clear… I have seen her lying constantly in COVID-19 to promote too many unproven, untested, dangerous medical interventions like masks & lockdowns – I just do not care.  I find it incredibly convenient, that when the efficacy of the vaccines is starting to crumble, she is disappearing off into the sunset. McLaws and/or who is behind her should be accountable.  Hitler is reported to have had Parkinson’s, but that does not make his actions any less vile or accountable.  Here is McLaws on Twitter ramping up the vaccine for 11-15yo’s. This group has had almost no risk of dying of COVID-19, unless highly immune compromised. She has risked all the lives of these children pushing an experimental vaccine with abnormally high side effect result at 45%. This was months before it was run past our Govt administrations.  McLaws is one Big Genome testers/Vaccines darling & her ABC appearances should have been billed not free.

3.1.1(n)(iv) In the reference link Prof McLaws is videoed in to Channel 742talking up your need for a “booster”.  No-one called it a 3rd vaccine, because rebranding it created a mental division in the quantity of shots you were being asked to take.  Even before the full roll-out of the second vaccine she was ramping up a third shot, because she already knew the second vaccine was not working.  All along McLaws lied to Australians & knew she was ramping up tests & vaccines for a highly recurrent aka re-infectious coronavirus variant, which was not lethal enough to kill the majority of people.  These are the actions of an unethical medical practitioner, promoting an unnecessary medical intervention. McLaws or whoever is driving her, should lose any licences/registrations they have.  At the time I saw this post the new Health Secretary for UK had been double vaxed & just tested positive for COVID-19.  Australian media never covered that.  We have had plenty of “breakthroughs” & even Pfizer admits the vaccines don’t work. The reason they don’t work is the same reason we still don’t have a cure to the common cold. The Coronavirus family mutates too fast. This was covered in my Senate Submission 27 May 2020 (see pic below) & in RC P2 Section 7 - 2.4.9 Apr 4 2020. The information was in the public domain as to recurrency well before Australia signed any agreements for the vaccines. Further the Govt had the data from both China & UK that should have told it vaccines were pointless. This was fraud from the beginning. Get a vaccine for COVID-19 & you are signing up for a lifetime of boosters that will always have “breakthroughs” until you are dead or choose to stop getting them. At that time, you will have to cross your fingers that your immune system, has not been damaged or become lazy because of all the vaccines & boosters.  You will still get COVID-19 variants, because there are millions of them. The claim that vaccines, that were probably even developed with the wrong original gene sequence, have done anything beneficial is rubbish. So is the argument that the vaccine will protect us from reinfection of a different strain/mutation that will most likely be weaker.48  In COVID-19 all the response measures have been harmful & against the will of those awake to know it.

3.1.1(n)(v) I still have access to ABC’s Q & A Facebook page. Here’s my unanswered questions. When I submitted my unique questions, that no-one else was asking, someone reported my post to Facebook as spam. So, I reposted the comment noting that effect & added another question. The original post was returned shortly after & the spam report disappeared. So, I know exactly where my social media fact checking problems are originating from by the speed of the return of the original post. Considering the Twitter/Facebook Partnership & ABC’s partnership in RMIT ABC fact checkers, it is my opinion consideration should be given to ascertaining what level of interference ABC has been exerting on Facebook & that an “independent” inquiry into ABC is held to establish the level of political interference it has been using in its fact checking.

3.1.1(n)(vi) Who is getting access to our genomic/medical data under the guise of the COVID-19 testing? Why was the public never given that information? How was informed medical consent received without that information being clearly given in the first instance?  Health departments are governed by different political Party Ministers at any given time. Govts choose the senior public servants. We have every right as a public to be demanding ABC a public asset, with staff on the public payroll, interrogate any political Party’s governance of the health portfolio & actions as it is in the public’s best interests.  Genomic/medical data is the public’s personal property. It is an asset with a value & we can demand payment for participation in medical tests. As a collective we are all entitled to be informed all the information not just information relevant to either the Govt or ABC’s perspective, but relevant to us.


3.1.1(n)(vii) Despite Q & A being a face the audience show as is usual with McLaws’ instead of being a personal appearance she was televised in. A quick scan shows she is almost always in black because that colour is great for a cut & paste job for a sock puppet.  Without even looking into their individual Facebook profiles, I can see many comments on McLaws appearance promo on the Q & A Facebook page that are indicative of being from BOTs/pushers.  The object of these BOTs/pushers comments, are to get a post trending & in the case of a false identity give a false sense of popularity & reality.  In a quick scan without me looking closely at other bloggers in less than 60 blogs four online pushers jump out using the keywords “voice of reason” to describe Prof McLaws.  How many people do you know would use that phrase to describe someone off the cuff? It’s a behavioural economic psychology term for influencers & these are BOT/pushers are artificially nudging up her popularity so she/it will trend. For health though this is an unethical use of psychology as she/it is using behavioural economic peer pressure to get a result that is contrary to people’s personal rational choice using these BOTs/pushers comments.  Considering the level this has gone to, its time the Australian medical regulatory board for psychologist got off their *rses & look into the need to deregistering behavioural insight nudge practitioners.


3.1.1(n)(viii) 7 Nov 2021 the NSW government announced in the Australian it was starting an RNA pilot manufacturing facility as a collaboration of the universities, government and industry. Vice-chancellors of these institutions (UNSW & University of Sydney - the two universities I made the connections to in the ramping up of COVID-19) & I note one vice chancellors is Mark Scott formerly of bought by Wesfarmers ABC, were formerly considered139.  Personally, it seems a bit rich to me, that the universities whose professors ramped this hoax up, with free propaganda space on ABC, while defaming me & other anti-Covid fact bloggers getting us suspended/banned & ruining our social media access will be profiting from COVID-19 unnecessary vaccinations.


3.1.1(n)(ix) In RC P2 I made connections between UNSW & University of Sydney people nudging up COVID-19.  3 December, 2021 it was business as usual for Australians with more of their private health information data-mined.  APH has been enabling the collation of the private information & transfer into foreign hands of Australians information for a long time

·         Eg Keeping quiet about My Health Record ex-boss Jim Birch’s conflict of interest Australian Digital Health Agency & foreign company Serco on My Health Record140.

Serco has been given the contracts to handle the telephone calls & therefore has access to the files of National Disability Insurance Service.  This company has defence service medical contracts. In UK it has had the test & trace program for COVID-19155. Serco has a huge conflict of interest as it co owns the company Viapath that is involved in genome sequencing for profit.  Additionally, it has an appalling record of screwing public funds with former directors charged by UK Government for overcharging the Dept of Justice for the care of dead bodies among other things

·         Eg  My Health Record “The Australian National Audit Office review said the cybersecurity and privacy risks were not properly managed or considered by the Australian Digital Health Agency, which oversees the national electronic heath records143.”

·          Eg “Amazon Web Services (AWS) was handed the data storage contract for Australia's COVID-19 contact tracing app in April. With AWS headquartered in the United States, concerns over the security of the data had been raised, with fears the data could be accessed by US law enforcement.”144  AWS is owned by Amazon who among top shareholders is BlackRock.  Your CovidSafe movements have unsafely gone to a private company in another country.

·          I lodged public to an inquiry proposing amendments on reporting to Census by former soldiers of their health particulars - Details of the Census and Statistics Amendment (Statistical Information) Regulations 2019.  In my opinion all Australians should be terrified of the Govt having their private information169


The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201142, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.  Refer to RC P2 on Dr Ding & Bloomberg connections & also s3.1.1(m)(xxii) herein.  Also, Bill Gates at 3.1.1(m)(xvii).


3.1.1(o) Law & Not “Good Order” Australian COVID-19 Style

3.1.1(o)(i) Free Community Legal Assistance -The law council got a $20million rise to their 2019-2020 budget, but they’re budget’s already picking up the shrapnel of Govts epic failures like Robodebt & NDIS. They estimated a $310 million shortfall p.a. “to provide adequate access to justice to Australians at risk.”41.   We effectively have no legal aid. I’m reminded of the public service hierarchy that in Robodebt used their positions to access unlimited public funds to defend 76+ actions they had to know were unlawful in Tribunal while defenders had virtually no legal aid. They misused public money to conceal their unlawfulness. 


3.1.1(o)(ii) Pro Bono Solicitors - Serene Teffaha is now deregistered by the Victorian Legal Services Board (VSLB) solicitor37&39.  Ms Teffaha to her credit, was mounting a mostly pro bono national advocation/class action for COVID-19 that included Melbourne Towers human rights victims (from the Victorian Ombudsman’s investigation).  This got her activities poured over & she was deregistered by VSLB. This was a national class action & ergo should have come under Commonwealth Law not State in the first instance.  When pro bona civil rights solicitors that gamble their own money ergo a cost-efficient way for members of the public being targeted by regulatory bodies something is very wrong with legal oversight bodies. How just is it that citizens are forced to legally fight bad Govts, who are using unlimited amounts of our money to defend themselves against us.  It is not just. It is just plain wrong & justice needs to take off the bloody blindfold & look at who the real criminals are now. 


3.1.1(o)(iii) Legal Regulatory Bodies

·                     The VSLB was enabled to indiscriminately freeze all monies in a Commonwealth Bank Trust a/c of a national class action that included deposits from clients who resided in other States & whose cases had no connection to the State of Victoria. This was done without clients’ permission or prior notification. Money held in a trust account is held on behalf of clients until the solicitor makes a claim to the client that they agree to for payment of services rendered.  What right did VSLB have to seize control of other parties’ money?  Money that Ms Teffaha may have had a rightful claim for. VSLB clearly had no knowledge of Ms Teffaha’s client agreements or they would have known who the clients were & would have been enabled to contact them to make restitution. Instead, they posted a notice on another solicitor’s website seeking details.

·                     How was VSLB, a state law body, enabled to lawfully instruct a commonwealth entity to withhold monies in a trust account that really had nothing to do with them?  If my read of "Theft" under s72 & s73 of the Victorian Crimes Act 1958 is correct, the Board would have had to have known there was no way it would be able to locate interstate clients by the seizure. Therefore, said seizure crossed the line.   The advertising for Class Activists (of which I am one), to come forward & identify themselves in order to get their own money back, smacks to me of a highly unethical calling for a breach of solicitor/client privilege using undue menace.  This was a clear attempt to pervert the course of justice in a health matter.

·                     After unsuccessfully attempts at a response as to where my money was from VSLB, I approached the Commonwealth Bank & got no joy initially there. They did tell me however they had had an Order from VLSB. I can see no basis upon which VSLB would have had a legal right to get Orders related to interstate parties’ money without their consent or knowledge.  I lodged a complaint to Australian Financial Complaints Authority & as a result received my refund as a loyal customer service non-repayable gift after the complaint from my bank. None of the other Class Activists were refunded & the trust a/c to my knowledge remains frozen. If the intention was to protect clients’ interests, an Order instructing the bank to reverse all transfers in to the trust a/c could have done that.

·                     The action by VSLB in my opinion was intended to identify class activist, discredit Ms Teffaha & with the publicity intimidate other pro bono solicitors from pursuing COVID-19 actions.  Whilst happy to get my money returned, my legal advocacy action has been damaged by the constraints on funding as other Class Activists have had their funds withheld. If the bank had followed a lawfully issued Order, then it is clearly within legislation & any other health class action brought against a Govt has the potential of being harmed by other trust a/c freeze at a legal board’s whim. Further if clients now want to redeposit their money in Ms Teffaha action, (the only pro bono action stepping up for victims at this time), they are doing so without any legal framework or protections. When you consider the number of disability actions where people fight the Govt, this manoeuvre by any regulatory body perverting justice should be stomped on.


3.1.1(o)(iv) Unions – Instead of doing what unions are supposed to do, stand up for their members rights, they have shown themselves to be mostly a dreadful corrupt bought show. From nurses, teachers’ unions to sell-out Sally at AWU they have all failed to stand up to the mandates & protect their members human rights on many fronts in COVID-19. I don’t blame construction rank & file one bit for storming the CFMEU building to gain entry to get answers out of Setka. Their paid dues paid for both Setka & the building.  If I had a union leader okaying lock downs & mandatory vaccines for a stunt for a political party, I’d be a little angry too.  How did our monopoly media report it, “It’s believed the violent protest was infiltrated by right-wing extremists”. Are we seeing a pattern here? After months of lock- ups Victorian construction workers were reported by media as the lucky ones who should words to the effect of suck it up. These lucky ones got to work in a high disability risk job, while their other immediate family members were deemed “non-essential” workers meaning they supported would’ve had to support them too. The reality is if the building workers have their own home, it’s probably mortgaged, rented & reliant on more than one income to fund it. They were working poorer like many others no thanks to their unions going along with this hoax.


3.1.1(o)(v) Churches – Victoria followed Canada’s actions & arrested a leader for holding a service on Sunday in an open-air park & police attacking parishioners as they peacefully leave after instruction47.  Weddings disrupted with social distancing & limit on attendees & masked kodak moments to remind them for life.  The cruellest thing I’ve seen pictures of a socially distanced funeral where people at their mental lowest having just lost their loved ones couldn’t be comforted by family & friends. That some churches went along with this instead of standing up together against this says why they have a lot of empty spaces on their benches. Yeathough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil unless COVID-19 is at my side – not the same is it? Consider section 109 “When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid”. The constitution prevents the Commonwealth from making laws prohibiting the free exercise of any religion but the States have just ignored all the laws.


3.1.1(o)(vi) Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) – My contact with AHRC. It’s all good if disabled & aged are discriminated in the Coronavirus Support in a health disaster, because it was legislated that way.  Do Not Resuscitate this argument again Tracey Goodbye.  There is a new Human Right’s Commissioner appointed by the Liberal Party since my last contact with AHRC.  To send a message that it is no business as usual at AHRC they hired Finlay formerly of the Western Australian Liberal Women’s Council, who has previously run for preselection as a candidate for the Liberal Party.

 3.1.1(o)(vii) National Cabinet – This was formed the very same day 13 March, 2020 as the disease was downgraded by the UK Govts Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ADCP). This formed part of the UK Dept of Health formal decision that I saw was publicly uploaded on the 18 March 2020 downgrading COVID-19 to the status of not a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID).  This public purse funded so-called National Cabinet that has been dishing out orders for 2 years was found unlawful in August 2021.  No minutes, no scrutiny, but the public purse has been picking up the tab. Why did it take nearly 2yrs for an unlawful body who literally usurped the power of Parliament to be found unlawful & why have all members of this unlawful Cabinet not gone under scrutiny for treachery & treason?  All the harm that has been done to citizens started with this Cabinet & was for the benefit of foreign & private entities. WHO, Behavioural Insights UK, foreign pharmaceutical & genome sequence companies, miners the list goes on. This was no mistake. COVID-19 was a premeditated cyber-attack intended to harm Australians financially. This was intended to cripple our health structures & ergo was designed to do harm to me & others needing access to that health care.  Everyone round that National Cabinet table has more than probably committed offences under the Criminal Code Act 1995 for their participation in the lockdowns, mask & pushing those unnecessary vaccines etc. They are mostly all ALP & LNP or their picks & are compromised financially by their mining & donor interests. I can’t see any of their measures are internationally lawful in any capacity or even in Australia because they would never be able to prove in a Court of Law that COVID-19 was ever a real & “novel” threat. National Cabinet determinations get my Rapid Response FU. I want to know how much is being rorted out by the National Cabinet.


3.1.1(o)(viii) Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) – In RC P2 at section 2.4.2(m) “The Australian Stock Exchange did nothing to protect Australians interests”.  And in RC P2 at 2.4.2(b)(v) I reproduced part of my May 2020 Senate submission showing some of the stock exchange games between Big Pharma & mining.  As a result of Australia printing more money in 2020, the more money we have floating around the country has caused the buying power of that money to reduce – inflation.  What does that mean the wages workers receive is actually worth less. The superannuation accounts we all hold are now worth less. When I was on Twitter, I tagged a number of suspicious moves to ASX I saw in 2019 & 2020.  I am not trained in investments but these moves were so blatant the ASX should have stepped in & they did absolutely nothing. All our superannuation accounts have been robbed & for people that will be retiring likely with disabilities this is going to be a financial heal disaster. 

3.1.1(o)(ix) Dept of Home Affairs – Utterly useless!   In RC P2 I from Border Control that doesn’t know where the border is exampled by its whistle blown intention to do visa checks on Melbourne streets to hopeless bush fire responses to using Australian Federal Police (AFP) as Robodebt bagman. In my opinion this entire Ministry should be shutdown.  Now we have blatant criminality in COVID-19 & the AFP are nowhere to be found unless they are doing media raids.   Putting the AFP under the control of the Minister for the Dept of Home Affairs instead of it keeping its independence has been a travesty of law & order.


3.1.1(o)(x) Members & Senators - What I am looking at is a handful of Senators & Members speaking out in the interest of Australians despite an unprecedent amount of evidence in the public domain that multiple crimes have occurred.  Parliament has barely sat & when the few politicians that raise COVID-19 atrocities appear they talk to an empty room.  Craig Kelly MP had to leave the Liberal Party to put out anti-COVID-19 information. What does it say, that a Member, elected to be a Representative of the people, not the Party has to leave a Party, to speak out about a fraud going on hurting constituents?  Craig Kelly MP is now an Independent.  He has had his Social Media accounts banned by Twitter. It is pretty obvious who those Twitter trusted partners are.  Kelly was seconded in his motion against vaccine passports by George Christensen MP who has already lodged his resignation from the Liberals. Senator Gerard Rennick has been defying the Liberal Party, Senator Malcolm Roberts a Cross Bencher for One Nation Party has been asking good questions.  Matt Canavan Nationals & few others. Llew O’Brien MP supported Kelly’s push for debate on the vaccine mandates.  This number is pathetic considering all the people at APH. Everyone else is working double time to keep this farce up. After two years we are not talking an imminent super spreader virus threat on death numbers like 103 nationally, but Crimes Against Humanity.


3.1.1(o)(xi) Senate the House of Review - I’m placing this link to my accepted public Senate inquiry Disability Payments Submission 123 here. It was held up first because of first establishing whether I wanted it public or not (this was in the covering letter).  Then I emailed to find out why it failed to appear on the website on the date I had been advised it would appear. It was remedied later.  To get anything into Senate that refers to COVID-19, when you tell the truth is nigh on impossible. When you have a Govt & quiet bipartisan Opposition that sets up an unconstitutional National Cabinet, have a COVID-19 Committee top heavy with mutual bipartisan mining donor interests, all done under the unwarranted activation of the Biosecurity Act 2015, for a virus all bipartisan had to know was NOT a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) to be expected I suppose.  I made this Submission to raise my disappointment to bipartisan LNP & ALP Senators voting against a show motion to rectify the disgraceful discrimination in welfare coronavirus support for aged, disabled & vets. That the vulnerables who were continually used by the bipartisan LNP & ALP as shields to deflect the anger off them were pegged as non-essentials & given two pathetic one-off $750 payments that was really just their cost-of-living rise held back from them was unconscionable. That other welfare recipients received an additional $550 a fortnight welfare for nearly a year in comparison & Senate after it had this pointed out to them wouldn’t even vote for a show motion of support to rectify this discrimination tells me this appalling bunch have to go. I’m not asking I am demanding that someone instructs that waste of space political jobs for the boys & girls Australian Human Right Commission to raise an action against the bipartisan Parties now or be shut down. While we are at it as political parties, they have been collecting donations under a dot org status with Constitutions that indicate inclusiveness. This is clearly not the case after what I saw happen with the vote where’s ASIC & AEC? 

 3.1.1(o)(xii) Auditor General – The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) is the one of the few offices I can see that is actual pulling its weight, reporting unbiasedly & giving joe public good value for their money.  Appointed by former PM Malcolm Turnbull LNP Govt, the current Auditor General has been an exemplary leader of the Office.  I have seen a number of ANAO Officers in Senate inquiries speaking freely about their findings to the benefit of Australians & if the Office had a lesser individual at the helm, I doubt that would have been encouraged.  The fact this Office has had its budget cut for doing a good job & it has continued to battle on should be recognised.  It is not good Order that any office that is performing in the best interest of Australians should blackmailed by corrupt, negligent Govts holding them to financial ransom.  The funding for this Dept should be increased & secured in legislature with CPI increases, because it is going to have a lot of work looking at the amount of unlawfulness that has been going on in COVID-19.  Further it is my opinion that the Auditor General should have the power to direct the Attorney General to act on criminal matters that are accounting based.  Attorney Generals are appointed from within Govts that are more than probably grossly corrupt. 

3.1.1(o)(xii) Attorney General - Our Attorney General is a Member appointed from within the elected Government. To get re-elected with the help of Party funding it goes without saying that our Attorney General is not going to bite the hand that feeds it

·         Christian Porter Liberal Party 20 December 2017 – 30 March 2021 - He was the first Attorney General in place in COVID-19. With the stellar history of being Minister for Social Services Sep2015-Nov2017, the former Attorney General has a lot of skeletons in his closet.  He finally resigned from politics after being embroiled in a defamation action with ABC as he fought off alleged rape allegations. Proven or unproven on that score is immaterial.  Porter should be facing justice for his part in unlawful Robodebt. The first thing I would have expected from any lawyer considering there was a $16.2Million feasibility study of a project (Robodebt) would be that lawyer considered its lawfulness.  Not only didn’t he do that, but all indications are he ignored the AAT warnings of its unlawfulness too.  There were at least 5 reports on the unlawfulness alone from Prof Terry Carney AO the longest serving AAT Member at the time who participated in the writing of the Social Security Act 19919.  Porter was also caught lying by the media giving Robodebt a glowing report card of the success of Robodebt.  When a freedom of information report was done by ABC it showed he had not even accessed the figures10. Porter has signed off on charges for a number of whistle blowers & upstanding people raising crimes as exampled in Part 2 Section 2.4.2(b)(vi) for the obvious benefit of the Liberal Party.  Porter sat pretty quiet as LNP implemented the Biosecurity Act 2015 on false premise as shown in Part 2 Section 2.

·         Michaelia Cash Liberal Party 30 March 2021-current.  She is the second Attorney General in COVID-19.  Formerly Assistant Minister for Immigration & Border Protection 18 Sep 2013-21 Sep 2015 she was in at the start with Minister (8 September 2013 – 23 December 2014) & now PM Morrison on Operation Sovereign Borders.  This was one massive rip off of taxpayers money with e.g.’s like a Cambodian Offshore Detention centre deal $55 Million that served a total of 7 refugees at its peak & also the hire of suspicious middlemen contractors like Paladin with multi-million dollar contracts whose head office was a beach shack.  She has continued the attacks on whistle blowers.

·         I sent a letter to the Attorney General’s office raising my concern that unvaccinated were in some States being prevented from scrutineering152.  I received a letter back regarding employees. The office does not seem to know that scrutineers are unpaid Party volunteers.  Votes need to be seen to be counted fairly & it is an utter abuse of electoral process, that people are being blackmailed into taking an experimental vaccine in order to validate electoral counts are true.  The last 2x federal elections the Australian Electoral Commission has overseen have been shockers. The 2016 winning candidates were vibed by a computer & 2019 all the polls & even the bookies paid out on Liberals losing. Our elections are being rigged. They need to be watched. We are now in an election year & people are still brainwashed as a result of the behavioural economic games that have been played on them.  The people least likely to be brainwashed are those that have resisted the vaccination.  In order for a fair count, they absolutely cannot be prevented from scrutineering the count. 

3.1.1(o)(xiii) A Small Portion of The Rest of the World – I am aware of only two attempts by Australians to work on an International Criminal Court (ICC) action, but many countries are in the process of lodging multiple actions. Ultimately the ICC will have to act & be seen to deliver real justice or it & the United Nation will be finished.

·                     UK Gov Members put man-slaughter on the table in Dominic Cummings’ COVID-19 Q1013. The actions done in Australia have been exactly the same & worse.  Ex- policeman Mark Sexton reported UK Govt for murder & Crimes Against Humanity to the police40. Dr Fuellmich lodged a Crimes Against Humanity Action43.

·                     The Indian Bar Association is going forward with actions against the Chief Scientist of WHO that incl s302 (punishment for murder), 304(II) (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) related to COVID-19.  In their words the whole world only now knows that the emperor is wearing no clothes at all

·                     12 June 2020 5X US Republican Senators publicly united for a video announcing a major investigation & saying United States Senate today announced: 'Corona is a lie'!50. Sharing this link got me fact check blackmarks that have since been removed.

·                     Representatives of the WWII Holocaust families took a petition to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for COVID-19 to be investigated as a Crime Against Humanity. Reuters fact checked the reports on this false enabling all articles to be pulled104.  The fact check claims the original post was “Missing Context’, because despite the fact the request for an action was accepted by the ICC, they did not give a full explanation on what that meant.  If the fact checkers want to pull an article that is true this is what they do.  If they can’t disprove the context their opinion deems if there is enough context.  If there is enough context & you have used a link they pull the lot & claim you are using spam.  As an accepted investigation the whole point of publicity is so that witnesses will come forward to give evidence.  


·         Refer again 3.1.1(h)(xiv) Children’s Health Defence Senior Lawyer - Anna De Buisseret63.


3.1.1(o)(xiv) Already Australian citizens have started their own laissez faire committees for investigations, have been crowd funding justice & have as aforesaid formed new anti-COVID-19 political parties have formed.  The new Parties are united in 6 policies: - 1. Anti-COVID-19 measures out & a return to the old normal; 2. Putting all 4 major Parties last on the ballot papers; 3. Restoring the Constitution to its former glory; 4. Getting a Federal ICAC at the earliest possible time; & 5. Getting every single one of the criminals behind COVID-19 tried for treachery & treason. Sounds like a winning bunch of policies to me. No-one really cares if the new Parties are good economic managers, because if you have nothing left to manage after decades of unlawful rorting you have nothing to lose.  Think two words “retrospective justice” & you can take it to the people’s bank that we will be going the crooked politicians’ personal wealth. Looking at this list really the incumbents don’t have much to achieve to be an improvement on this do they: - 

·         rigged elections & suspend unvaccinated elected MP’s;

·         tried to brainwash us out of my Section51xxiiiA fully paid health & welfare entitlements;

·         legislated removal of our IT privacy, falsified details on our files, took over our personal social media pages to plant false evidence on us & removed our medical & other privacy;

·         gagged us long-term with dangerous masks;

·         locked us up & demeaned us as “non essentials” under threat of fines;

·         fined businesses from serving us because we would not take a dangerous vaccine;

·         continually put our Constitutionally entitled medical care on hold with annual health card & COVID-19 games;

·         tagged us like prisoners with an APP & passports;

·         stuck swabs up our nose harming nasal membranes to steal our genomic sequence;

·         used us for medical experime
ntation as they lied about the risks & had social media hide the risks in their Twitter & Facebook partnerships;

·         threatened our access to society, any chance of employment, access to education, travel & even essential food supply unless we sign away our rights to be part of a proven dangerous medical experiment;

·         aligned themselves with promoters of mis-applying Do Not Resuscitate to “non-essentials” & discouraging even bystanders from attempting DRABC.

·         Using terrorist response police forces to cyber brainwash us, beat us up, shoot at us with rubber bullets & use military weapons if we peacefully protest against all of the above

·         Constitution Section 51 none of this was an empowered right of any Govt, because it is not “good order” to try & kill your own citizens for foreign powers interests.


3.1.1(o)(xv) Pauline Hansen’s One Nation Party (PHON) has been calling for a Royal Commission on COVID-19.  Govt recently changed the Act to limit investigations therein, Govt gets to pick the Committees & from our Royal Commission on banking that has not seen a single person charged I’m not seeing section 51 “good order”.  There are two principles of Natural Justice & one is “Audi alteram partem” translation “Listen to the other side”. The Govt & bipartisan Opposition stopped listening to the other side a long time ago. Natural justice first principle “Nemo judex in casua sua” translation no-one a judge in his own cause. Govt picks the Attorney General, Courts judges, Tribunal members & Royal Commissioners to suit their cause desired outcome. Whilst I admire the stand PHON has been taking in COVID-19 when prolonged torture, manslaughter & pre-mediated mass murder are all on the table a Royal Commission where the guilty will do a deal yet again for no incriminations is not on.  They have gone too far this time.


3.1.1(p) Covid 19 Update Conclusion

3.1.1(p)(i) In COVID-19 essential & non-essential people were identified & split.  It is pretty clear where Australian Parliament House (APH) put disabled & aged - in the same non-essential expendable bin we were put in years ago: -

·         2+yrs waiting lists for home care for over 10years is both of our Fed. Govt & Opposition’s fault;

·         Starvation & abuse in care & dreadful supervision in residential & private home care to the level we have Royal Commission for both did not happen overnight;

·         NDIS that has plenty of money for everyone but most of the actual participants;

·         20yrs of damning reports sat with nothing done;

·         knowing people were under cared for & yet in COVID-19 encouraging even more home carers to jump ship from home caring to Jobseeker by leaving them off the Coronavirus Supplement list along with aged & disabled - unconscionable;

·         enabling a run, on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), so that even if disabled & aged tried to treat themselves they couldn’t afford to do it. No PPE for our carers;

·         unwarranted mentally harmful lockdowns/masks & physically dangerous & unnecessary vaccines/masks/distance;

·         slowly starving disabled & aged vulnerable locked up in their homes by those undersupplied priority & essential box shopping with overcharged food deliveries;

·         threatening non-essential people with fines & arrests for breaking lockdowns;

·         not even a f*cking disabled telephone help-line for those left stranded without help in their homes;

·         stopping medical care at hospitals & frightening people from going to their doctors;

·         almost every year we have cyclones, bushfires yet Australia clearly has not had even the bare bones of a plan for aged & disabled;

·         now propaganda about an unnecessary experimental vaccine & a separate one for aged & disable pushed early that had never been tested on aged/comorbidity groups. 

·         Over 8K less COVID-19 Support less than other welfare recipients;


3.1.1(p)(ii) How do you stop the total chaos that is about to happen as a result of an aged/disabled & increased COVID-19 poverty tsunami about to hit? You acknowledge that our political Parties are broken by corruption, not acting for the intent of Commonwealth “good order”, trying at every stage to undermine our Constitution and get rid of them. Like you would any bad administrative delivery system.  Can the Commonwealth & the Constitution survive without Parties absolutely!  We do it prior to every election when Government steps down for a transition period.

3.1.1(p)(iii) I’ve presented information already that shows since 2016 Governments were not properly elected as a direct result of the changes to our voting system enabling Parties led by their noses by their donors to control our Senate.  They were not elected in “good order” if a computer had to pick the winner the voting system was not “good order” & should have been done again reversing the Act changes clearly found to be flawed in practice. That both Govt & the Opposition had to know about the failure of the election count makes them complicit in a greater fraud than COVID-19.  Our public service hierarchy has been picked by Govt & Opposition & with rare exceptions like the defunded Auditor General’s Office they are just as corrupt.

3.1.1(p)(iii) The only part of our Constitution that refers to “Party” in the sense of it being defined as being a political party is in Casual Vacancies Part 1 Section II 15 that I note was changed in 1977. The 1977 referendum question was It is proposed to alter the Constitution to ensure that Senate elections are held at the same time as House of Representatives elections.  Do you approve the proposed law?”  The intent of this clause was to have the election for both houses on the same day.  When we still have bi-elections changing of our casual vacancies for Senate in the Constitution was a massive unlawful overstep. All other references to the term “party” are in the context of it being person(s) in a legal event.  Our Senate strength of the house of review has gradually been removed before our eyes & I would argue not constitutionally.

3.1.1(p)(iv) If this country is to survive the real health disaster APH has to change.  Idealistic republicanism, where we have more of the same rorters at the helm without a constitution creating an easier rort vehicle under Presidential veto better known as a dictatorship is not the answer.  In Australian history the constitution embracing the Westminster system has shown it can stand for decades evidenced by only 8 successful referendum changes in 120 years.  As for Parties, when you look at history, they have continued to break from within themselves due to their factions.  Once you acknowledge enabling the existence of political Parties creates a smaller cheaper number of entities to for the corrupt to but you realise the answer is simple – you have to get rid of Parties in the interest of Australian’s health. 

 3.1.1(p)(v) Both Govt and a silent Opposition have been complicit in brainwashing citizens using behavioural economic nudges and rigged computer elections.  They will not change.  We are talking about a Liberal National Party Govt that all voted “OK to be White” because they had a Party text message instruction. We are talking about a Govt & Opposition both willing to Party vote in Senate that disabled and aged people got less COVID-19 welfare in a health crisis than others. We are talking about a Govt & Opposition, complicit with their State counterparts pulled COVID-19.  They have stacked the public service hierarchy & multiple committees with jobs for their mates & turned APH to the biggest, boosiest, knocking shop in Australia.  They are not worthy of their positions.  Every single Member & Senator of the four major Parties has to go & relying on an election when they have rigged them is just stupid.

 3.1.1(p)(vi) When I’ve seen nature documentaries a herd of antelopes is only immune from a hunting lion by the speed the herd can runThe vulnerables & young are sacrificed to slow the lion down.  That is the real herd immunity.  Evidence of a plandemic?  The list above & the ever-growing deaths & thievery are from an Australian Parliament House that couldn’t care less about non-essential citizens, just about getting caught.  Making the killing more efficient was a natural progression. With a traffic light DNR list you too can lockstep pass the buck & empty those care beds pronto.   Just sanitise your hands of the vermin after singing Happy Birthday to the New Order – a perfect solution or should I say a Final Solution.




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