Part 2

Section 1 - COVID19 is an overblown threat!


2.1.1 I hold a DipAcc that includes the module Budgeting & Forecasting. I’m also a former State Emergency Service Deputy Rescue Leader & Specialist Flood Boat Crew Member.  I completed the welfare & wardens’ courses.  Part of the training for welfare was to manage evacuation centres in any emergency event & part of wardens to run reconnaissance on an emergency.


2.1.2 COVID19 was never a greater health threat than seasonal influenza. 25 January, 2020, I posted on Twitter accordingly.  At that time, it was being nudged up on nothing.  It was China’s flu season & their population 1.44 Billion. The media frenzy was disproportionate for only 28 frail aged/ chronic deceased.



2.1.3 I hereby submit a portion of a submission I made to Senate May 27th, 2020, that shows conclusively COVID19 was never a high consequence infectious disease (HCID). 


2.4(a) I was able to answer if COVID19 was not the health threat it was built up to be conclusively by February 29, 2020.  

               2.4(a)(i) We were advised Wuhan was in hard locked down in their homes & the area barricaded from 23rd January to 28th March, 2020. This period equates to 66 days (9d x Jan + 29d x Feb + 28d Mar). In the first 14d incubation cycle the overwhelming majority of people with asymptomatic COVID19 would have developed symptoms & been encouraged to self-identify. Why?  It is logical that when the highly promoted most vulnerable to severe virus results were the elderly. Anyone that has cared for an elderly person knows you have to deal with infections quickly.

               2.4(a)(ii) So just to be absolutely generous let's assume some asymptomatic people developed symptoms on the 14th day. By 6th February 2020 everyone in the hard locked down dwelling should have been identified as free or infected with COVID19 or if a resident in the house of an infected person considered be potentially infected & also monitored.  The dwelling is disinfected & residents encouraged to clean for literally their life.  Other contacts would be medical responders who would be being tested as a matter of course.

               2.4(a)(iii) By 19th February 2020 the end of the second cycle all people originally identified as high transmission risks are already in the monitored group.  There was only one unsubstantiated case I saw that reported a 27day incubation. 29 days have passed in lockdown at this time. 

               2.4(a)(iv) By 29th February 2020 an Allowance of a further ten (10) days just to be really safe to cover the potential of 27day incubation as it is a Novel virus.  If this was the virus as described to us all there should have been no more cases that weren't already tracked inside Wuhan.  However, WHO reports still had China on high alert & there were still new cases.  How?

               2.4(a)(v) The lock-down in Wuhan lasted 66 days or 4.7 fortnightly incubation cycles.

2.4(b) Also that the purpose of the lock-downs were unmerited.

         When you accept that there were 4.7 fortnightly incubation cycles you realize the lockdowns were not logical.  If the disease could be stopped by lockdown that would have occurred across the first two cycles. 


2.1.4 COVID19 is the Coronavirus family.  Figures quoted already include a large range of other conditions including pneumonia.  It has the same clinical symptoms as influenza of the Orthomyxoviridae family which has the common complication lung infection pneumonia.  The only difference, additional symptoms some allege experienced loss of taste/smell35 & “brain fog”.  However, both of these symptoms are linked to Post Traumatic Stress Disease (PTSD).  Vasterling et al. (2000) found that “compared to veterans free of PTSD, veterans diagnosed with PTSD exhibited some olfactory deficit”34 & researchers have already linked PTSD to the long COVID brain fog2.  Considering all the reports of COVID19 hair you realise how wide spread the terror has been. The common cold is the same Coronavirus family as COVID19.  It is recurrent & you can have 2-3 colds a year.  Early there were reports of COVID19 recurrency aka reinfection & reactivation.  This has since been confirmed in medical review37.  Considering the 4.7 Chinese lockdown cycles per the Senate submission & reports of fast recurrency it was highly probable that COVID19 was not High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) as everyone inside the lockdown zone would have been dead.  This also meant the pursuit of control by vaccination on China’s data was pointless.  The only question was the majority of Australia’s population also likely to already have innate immunity, aka natural or genetic immunity in the majority of its own population.


2.1.5 Alarm bells should’ve rung immediately: -


2.1.5(a) Wuhan’s border was open to 23 Jan202031. The first COVID19 cluster was 28-30 Dec 2019. There was up to a 14day incubation/surface life so counting back Patient0 was approximately 15 Dec 2019 (some have claimed earlier).  From assumed Patient0 on 15 Dec 2020 to 23 Jan 2020, there were 39 days divide them by the 14-day incubation/surface life & we have 2.78 cycles for disease reproduction to have occurred.  We were told this was a highly contagious, lethal virus that wasn’t the normal flu, but it was nowhere other than China;


2.1.5(a)(i) Chinese tourists & plastic airbags/stretch-wrap parcels entering UK & the first UK case (same season/hemisphere) wasn’t until 31st Jan202030;  


2.1.5(a)(ii) Australia, only got its first case of person-to-person transmission 2nd Mar2020 source Dr Kerry Chant, NSW Chief Medical Officer3.  This is when we were entering colder months & is typical of a cold & flu season early start.


2.1.5(b) by WHO’s situation reports on 29 February, 2020, by applying the same percentage of deceased number to China’s population to Australia’s annual flu season the numbers showed COVID19 was not as lethal as influenza;


2.1.5(c) exponential modellers ignored the low numbers of cases outside of Hubei province in China itself.  Across 39 days of open borders within China, despite a busy transit network with packed trains weaving surface life & carrying human incubators as at WHO situation report 29February, 2020, there were only 4% of deaths were outside Hubei in the rest of China, 96% were inside Hubei. This was clearly not a super spreader.


2.1.6 It is also highly unlikely China was hiding numbers.  If China wanted to hide COVID19 it could’ve just reclassified cases influenza/pneumonia, because the symptoms are the same.


2.1.7 Australia’s own local statistics have never borne out any claim COVID19 is more lethal than influenza & pneumonia: -


2.1.7(a) Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) report “COVID-19 Mortality” 31 Aug202032.  72.7% of people who died from COVID-19 had pre-existing chronic conditions certified on the death certificate.”  And, of the 674 deaths 94.36% were over 70 years of age. Considering the National Health Survey 2018 First Results “Chronic Conditions” finding of 11.5% of people with more than one chronic condition it is not hard to envision what made up the 5.64% remaining when we’d been choking on bushfire smoke January 2020 weakening lungs;


2.1.7(b) In 2017, influenza/pneumonia deaths globally totalled 3.1 Mil36.  In 2020 COVID19, (that clearly already incl.’s pneumonia as seen in Australia’s figs in 2.1.7(a)) only totalled 1.7 Million.


2.1.7(c) Consider the bar graph above of 674 laboratory confirmed deaths as at 31st August, 2020.  The symptoms are identical to influenza/pneumonia so inflating the cases by that 8 is just absurd. 515 were below 80 y.o.  674 – 515 = 159 below 80yo.  72.7% (key statistic below) had pre-existing chronic conditions. 159 x 72.7% = 115.59.  159 – 116 = 43 people not frail aged or chronic that died of laboratory diagnosed COVID19 in cold & flu season.  It should be also remembered some of the deaths were imported cases.

2.1.8(d) The picture at 2.1.6(d)(i) is part of a rough model I tweeted daily.  The source data was WHO Situation Reports & I just tweaked the calculation with the new data: -

2.1.8(d)(i) As seen at the bottom of the first box I predicted 55 deceased for Australia across 90 days with no interventions.  Australia had a ridiculous level of medical interventions that  has financially damaged the livelihoods of many sending them into poverty.  The long term physical mental damage this has caused is cataclysmic.  The people now frightened of Australian doctors is reflected in the over 50% surveyed that are averse to the promnoted vaccine.  At 26 Feb 2020 I estimated deaths equated to 57.  This was the turning point in China’s season end & no’s were in decline.  At the end of the 90% period the figure for an Australian season using China’s data & my simple formulae was 55.  I was 12 out.  In a Court of law I would have no hesitation in stating my opinion the lock ups were to hide COVID19 was not a threat from the start.

2.1.8(d)(ii) As shown at 2.1.4, COVID19 had similar symptoms to influenza ergo it was logical to follow the influenza protocols.  Consulting with the source country in containment is Step 1 WHO Controller Rapid Response Protocol for Influenza.  As an observer not in a contained country Jan 2020 I followed the source infected/contained China from WHO Situation Reports. I continued to use these as my source as:- I found the WHO dashboard often updated at time I needed to access data; the dashboard poorly reflected deceased & had nothing indicating historical record keeping; & was alarmist in presentation as focused on cases instead of deaths.  Bottom left graph was ridiculously alarmist.  In an emergency panic kills most.

2.1.8(d)(iii) When China’s figures were questioned, I continued, but added UK & USA information to my research.  I kept the same format for the first 90days, which equates to a typical flu season period. I just added notes to the bottom.  My tools were a $2 calculator.  I used MS Paint instead of excel, because I was practicing my graphic skills as well as my budgeting & forecasting. NB: This could’ve been done everywhere computer or no computer.

 2.1.8(d)(iv) Unlike the exponential qualitative modellers, I believed it was possible to quantitatively model COVID19 using influenza as a benchmark with newspaper reports on prior years flu no.’s to gauge severity & it would be more accurate.  I believe it is possible to quantitatively model any disease to gauge threat levels using this method.

2.1.9 Good common-sense should have people querying why this summer people are getting COVID19, but last summer when Wuhan borders were open & with all the Chinese tourists, we had no transmission. People over 70 don’t die from old age.  People are brainwashed & when behavioural economic “Nudge Theory” steps are like self-hypnosis the full extent of the damage done should get a very big spotlight.


2.1.10 Australians overall health & medical care has been degraded by patients terrified from going to their doctors & Commonwealth itself ceased for a period allied health & elective surgery. There will be a tsunami of deaths from people getting heart & cancer diagnosis too late.  When I consider the Liberal National Party coalition tried to stop provision of some diagnosis under Medicare a few years back their involvement wreaks.  Libraries were closed & health data online was virtually non-existent & unconsolidated. Consider with virtually no inside health data, attacked, defamed & continually Twitter suspended & I was only 12 deceased out across a population of 24.6 Million. Something is criminally wrong with Australian Parliament House (APYH) & State Govts experts too. I went to the viewed the hospital carparks in early March in Toowoomba they were all virtually empty.



2.1.11 I lodged a lot of data to Senate COVID19 May 27 2020, that’s been buried as correspondence, because it is 100% correct. Anyone calling out this hoax is being discredited as a far-right conspiracy theorist.  This is being done for the interests of a whole lot of profiteers & clearly not Australians who are both financially & health wise poorer.  The actions are therefore not Constitutional s51 “good order” & therefore were never empowered. 



2.1.12 So who does Senate COVID listen to?


2.1.12(a)(i) Brendon Murphy CMO by an unbelievable co-incidence had his last day holding the post of Chief Medical Officer 13 March 2020.  This is the same day UK Govt’s Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ADCP) met & formalised the downgrading of COVID19 as not HCID (this is covered in detail at Section 2.2).


2.1.12(a)(ii) On his last day of office, he wrote to physicians to push them to use the CDNA National Guidelines instead of WHO protocols for a pandemic.  Here is a Revision History note at 13 March 2020 the “Contact Management”.


2.1.12(a)(iii) At 2.3.4 (b)(iii) is a WHO chart that shows contact tracing should not be done in any circumstance for influenza. Also note in the revisions 12 January 2021 the push to prioritise “whole genome sequencing”.

2.1.12(b) Doherty Institute = 50,000-150,000 potential deaths result of qualitative exponential models.  Note Patterson’s comment “and we understand that was not a prediction”.  Based on the quantitative data I saw this figure is too ridiculous to be called anything.  I have a Diploma of Accounting that includes Budgeting & Forecasting. Exponential modelling is part of forecasting.  There are primarily 2 categories quantitative & qualitative.  Quantitative is more reliable as it uses historical data to predict future trends.  Qualitative is used when historical data is not available.  Despite a lot of people trying to up the ante of exponential modelling on COVID19 into the more reliable category of quantitative modelling, they can’t because COVID19 was a “Novel” disease. Quantitative modelling requires history of the disease & COVID19, is “Novel” with no history. Doherty Institute & others could have upped the ante like me & took it from being Qualitative “Novel” to Quantitative, by linking it to influenza & then tweaking the model by inclusion of additional symptoms as found for resource need estimates.  It is my belief they did not do that because it showed all along COVID19 was low risk.  With everything from tracing to vaccines Doherty Institute’s been getting grants. Doherty’s Institute are discussed further.


2.1.12(c) Dr Raina MacIntyre = 10,000 death “prediction” per Dr Collignon in Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 - 25/06/2020. She is a dual-specialist physician with training in epidemiology and modelling.  Her PhD is in Epidemiology. This piece from the - Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic83.  Dr Raina MacIntyre predicted 10,000 deaths.  It’s her magic number.  Here she’s featured in 2009’s swine flu Prof. Raina MacIntyre: If we look at deaths that are directly related to influenza and also to pneumonia, we could be looking at anything in the ballpark of 10,000 deaths. 10,000 to 20,000 deaths. — ABC Radio, The World Today, 15th July, 2009”.81   When the final tallies were in “by February 2010, there were more than 5000 people hospitalised & nearly 200 deaths due to pandemic flu.” Are we seeing a pattern? She’s also heads of Biosecurity at Kirby Institute which has a member Prof John Kaldor on Communicable Disease Network Australia (CDNA).  MacIntyre discussed further herein. 


2.1.12(d) Dr Collignon – few hundred prediction in the Canberra Times article dated 2 April, 2020.  The Financial Review reported Dr Collignon Feb 24, 2020 “The mortality rate of COVID-19 may be far lower than currently thought. My guess is about 0.3 per cent, which is still high if the virus spreads widely. In a million people that would mean 3,000 deaths.  With our population at 24.6Mil x 3000 that equates to 73,800 (more than a few hundred).  In fairness to Dr Collignon had I not been practicing my forecasting skills I wouldn’t have lifted up my calculator for COVID19 either.  It is pretty clear by April he was trying to stop panic in the Canberra Times article. 


Part 2 Section 2 – UK Health deems COVID19 is not a High Consequence Infectious Disease March 2020.

2.2.1 As aforesaid 13th March, 2020 the UK Govts Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ADCP) met and determined COVID19 was not a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID).  There’s no way when ACDP has a defence rep that key advice wouldn’t have been advance relayed to defence partners by the latest 16th March, 2020.


2.2.2 This date was well before Ruby Princess and the Melbourne Hotel events.  So why was the Biosecurity Act activated on 18th March, 2020.  There are many times people are put on alert & then told to stand down with short notice.  If this was the health event, we were told, I just don’t believe the Federal Health Minister & Chief Medical Officer didn’t know by 18th March, 2020, that COVID19 was not a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID).



2.2.2(a) ACDP met 13th March, 20206.   I can confirm from Govt sites a meeting took place. As a pensioner FREEdom of Information data costs means I can’t validate these Minutes or the 2.2.2(b) letter, but the timing fits with an 18th March media release.  My source is one of the conspiracy theorists, people are urged to block. NB: UK’s “Fifteenth SAGE meeting on Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19 13 March 2020” was held same day.

2.2.2(b) The ACDP letter subsequent to the instructions in the minutes.



2.2.2(c) UK Governments Guidance release7.  This is the UK Health Dept public notice advising COVID19 is no longer considered to be a High Con-sequence Infectious Disease (HCID) in UK & still available on its website.  It is dated 19th March 2020.  You’ll note it supports the pre-existence of the ACDP advice.

2.2.2(d) When I first saw the UK downgrade pictured in 2.2.2(c) on their Govt website, it was dated 18th March, 2020. Not 19 March 2020.  In my opinion the change was done to conceal the Commonwealth’s prior knowledge of the downgrade of COVID19 from HCID.


2.2.2(e) I was not the only person saw the 18 March 2020 date. Fusework media saw the date too.  Article “When the 'Cure' is more disruptive than the Virus” - Opinion 9:16AM, 24 April 202019 note the 18 March 2020 date (this screen capture’s the header article).  The link is to the UK media release at 2.2.2 now dated 19 March, 2020.


2.2.3 NZ Media Release link New Zealand border closure notice & dated 14 March, 2020.  New Zealand (NZ) is 13 hours ahead of UK & 3 hours ahead of Sydney Australia. I believe there’s a possibility in light of the weekend being 14th & 15th March & weather reasons dominating message flows its plausible Ruby Princess may have left NZ unaware of ACDP UK meeting, as bad weather may have gained priority in emergency communications.


2.2.4 In stark contrast I don’t credit APH was not aware the virus was not HCID by 18th March 2020, when the Biosecurity Act 2015 was activated. As aforesaid based on the UK ACDP membership that includes Neil Ferguson & defence representatives I’d be astounded if the Australian Govt, as a defence partner didn’t have downgrade info by 16th Mar 2020 & probably 13th March.


2.2.5 On 15 June 2020, a petition No EN1514 of 328 signatures was sent requesting the emergency measures instituted on 18 March 2020 under the Biosecurity Act 2015 be removed.  Based on the information above the Australian Govt had no COVID19 basis to activate the Biosecurity Act 2015 in the first place & in my opinion there should be an inquiry on why it was really called.  This petition was dated 3 months after Government had to know COVID19 was low virulent compared to the influenza/pneumonia historical statistics.  The denial of this petition validates the Government’s enaction of the Biosecurity Act was for nefarious purposes, against the Constitutions Section 51 “good order” for health and ergo not empowered. The reply from Health Minister Greg Hunt to Ken Dowd I saw was just plain laughable considering the data available at the time of the petition.  In my opinion Govts actions were no mistake. In media release 8 December 2020 the Biosecurity Act was extended again to 17 March, 2021.  This is based on nothing, but lies.


2.2.6 On 20 March 2020 the Australian Government ignored its own data, the data from China & ignored the advices from UK & it ignored the recommended protocols on borders for an influenza like disease 2.3.4 (b)(iii).  To be very clear the Commonwealth Govt closed Australia’s borders based on absolutely nothing.   


2.2.7 I do not believe the 20 March 2020 date was coincidental.  In my opinion it was done to divert the media’s attention from the fact the Government bipartisan with the Opposition were bringing in Social Security changes to merge health & welfare Departments.  These changes in line with the deeply unpopular McClure Report included the stopping of the category for Sickness Benefits & Widows Pensions. Just about the last thing that should be done in a real health pandemic on humanitarian grounds.   McClure was a former Mission Australia top floorer.  Mission Australia was a Job Service Provider & had a financial interest in a report that increased the number of people of Newstart now known as Job Seeker. 


2.2.6 In Australia, our social security is an entitled right, because it is a paid right.


2.2.6(a) Across 1943-46 a fund called the National Welfare Fund was created supported by a series of Acts.  Australians agreed to an increased tax burden in exchange for referendum changes to include additional social security.  The Social Security Act 1947 was born which was the forerunner to our current Social Security Act 1991.  Menzies closed the purpose specific trust a/c in 1950 & transferred the high surplus 50Mil Pounds to Consolidated Revenue where it could earn interest.  With inflation today that would be worth today that would be worth $1.8Bil ergo financially viable. The additional taxes continued to be collected direct to Consolidated Revenue as part of income tax. Govts since have charged additional taxes e.g., Medicare levy, smokers levy for something that was already paid for & poorly supplied e.g., we still do not have free dental care, home care packs are poorly supplied for aged & disabled & homelessness is increasing.


2.2.6(b) The information was widely circulated & set the common expected returns for their constitutional referendum change.  When Sickness Benefits was removed aside from subjecting people with things like cancer to the disgracefully managed Job Seeker, they committed a “whittling “of promised benefits that were an advertised cornerstone for the referendum72.  It is just not good enough that the 2 Parties involved in a purpose specific tax increase have mismanaged health & welfare funds, had people work as slaves on work for the dole for their own prepaid benefits, fostered a housing policy that have seen homelessness grow now have attempted to brainwash Australians out of their health care using COVID19.  It is my opinion they have not just committed a “breach of trust with the whole Australian nation”71, but crimes against humanity.




Part 2 Section 3 - COVID19 Protocol Missteps

2.3.1 “the physician must be able to tell the antecedentsknow the present, and foretell the futuremust mediate these things, and have two special objects in view with regard to diseasenamely, to do good or to do no harm (Hippocrates, 400 B.C.).  COVID19 was described as a “Novel” disease.  The same symptoms to influenza/pneumonia means it must be diagnosed as a Coronavirus in a lab. Under a slide so to speak.  The patient history is the antecedents or how you presented before the medical problem being treated.  A reasonable person would expect that as COVID19 has the same symptoms as influenza/ pneumonia, COVID19 received the same treatment as influenza/pneumonia with respect to the patients’ medical history.  Anything else was an alarmist/experimental treatment & unless the patients morbidity status was directly severely threatened a last resort & an undue medical intervention.


2.3.2 Influenza Response Protocol, for WHO as a controller is to “consult with the affected country & external experts”1.  External experts are not a Chief Health Officer directing doctors to follow CDNA, which in turn referred people back to their home States.  Either this was an international Pandemic or it wasn’t.  Our taxes are paid to the Common-wealth Govt. Healthcare’s their Constitutional responsibility per s51xxiii & s51xxiii(A).  Jan 2020
Australia was not in containment, but the minute it was 20 March, 2020, it was reasonable to assume the health of all Australians was under the Commonwealth control.  That means consulting or observing the external experts & following protocols.



2.3.3 In my opinion Australia’s health response was grossly disproportionate to the data from China, UK & its own data.  China’s data, was under question, but Australia also had UK’s data. UK is part of the Commonwealth Northern hemisphere, a defence partner, has a similar health system & language.  Nothing I saw tells me the Australian Govt or its States did that or if they did, they ignored it.   Even if we were an affected country you consult with outside experts, as your rationality can be affected.  In my opinion an awful lot of people used what was a false alarm to further their own ends. This is at the long, long end of: - unlawful e.g., Robodebt; racist e.g., offshore detention,

OK to be white vote, cashless debit card; discriminatory e.g., no support for aged/disabled in COVID19; privacy & human rights attacks e.g., Metadata 2015, e.g., AABill 2018.  Real deaths & not from Covid Hoax are mounting up.  This is an appalling history from any Parliament.


2.3.4 Here’s some of the questions I put to Senate Media. I decided I’d look up the science myself, because it was clear no-one would answer my questions: -


2.3.4(a) What’s the difference between surface life on plastic bank notes & plastic cards? None!  In COVID19, private companies were enabled to ban use of our national minted legal currency.  Aside from increasing Australians data-mining risks, transaction processing fees of foreign companies resulted in money needlessly going overseas when we want every cent staying here. 


2.3.4(b) Where’s the science for masks? I can’t find a single medical review worth rescuing from toilet paper reserves, validating mask use for non-symptomatic people in the community: -

2.3.4 (b)(i) COVID19 has the same symptoms as influenza & pneumonia. Australian Senate COVID19 Coalition Senators' dissenting report Response to interim finding 2.2 – part 2 para7 “From the symptoms and what we know about emergence of viruses at the human animal interface it was an educated assumption that the virus was likely to be an influenza virus or influenza-like virus. If you check ABS morbidity stats pre 2017 you can see what we know of as good ole flu, is a combination of influenza/pneumonia. COVID19 though we’re told is a Coronavirus same family as a common cold.  So, all hail the new story oops “Novel” Coronavirus so Big Pharma can sell a worthless vaccination. Let’s all be terrified by a bad cold that can result in pneumonia if you are frail aged or chronic. 


2.3.4(b)(ii) No support for masks in the WHO Rapid Response Protocol Influenza 200710 Pg17.

This was only 2 years after bird flu total dead end of 2015 only 7418.

2.3.4 (b)(iii) No support for masks in Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk & impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza11 Pg3 - Recommendations on the use of NPIs by severity level – It’s not HCID refer para 2.3.2 herein. Ergo no masks.

Consider the list of “Not recommended in any circumstances”. Australia has totally ignored this list.


2.3.5(b)(iv) No support for masking of healthy people in WHO’s Guidance use in the context of COVID-19 Interim guidance 1 December 2020 - “Limited & inconsistent scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of masking of healthy people in the community”1 Pg8.  In addition to this recent “large randomised community trial” showing no difference of masked to unmasked. Australia has to consider the open borders between us & the Chinese until 23 January, 2020 & the virus importation via Chinese tourist & surface life holding plastic air freight from China.

2.3.5(b)(v) There was a large hospital-based study comparing medical masks to the cloth masks the community has been pushed to use. Cloth masks were found to be even less effective than medical masks in a hospital setting by comparison. Dr Raina McIntyre (who I note was questioned by Senate on her absurd prediction of 10,000 Australian COVID19 dead) would be aware of this study - she was on the team20.  The vast majority of people can’t afford medical masks for everyday use. So why has she & her other medical associates talked up this rubbish when the best line of defence was improving the food intake with a focus on antibacterial & antimicrobial foods?  The community does not get tax deductions like medical personnel for PPE, they have been conned into buying a dud. 


2.3.5(b)(vi) Why has the information that you can catch virus via the eyes25 been ignored? This makes masks for the general population totally worthless when the virus has surface life.  Still a high number of behavioural economists continue to Cass Sunstein nudge up masks use in the community42.



2.3.5(c) Where’s the science on social distancing?


2.3.5(c)(i) The UK’s SAGE meeting no 15 on Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19), 13th March 2020”44. Nothing in these minutes indicates any result-based science on social distancing. 

 25. The behavioural science points to openly explaining to the public where the greatest risks lie and what individuals can do to reduce their own risk, even if this is ahead of measures announced by the Government.”

 “27. Greater transparency will help people understand personal risk and enable personal agency, send useful signals about risk in general and build public trust. Citizens should be treated as rational actors, capable of taking decisions for themselves and managing personal risk.”

“28. There is some evidence that people find quarantining harder to comply with the longer it goes on. The evidence is not strong but the effect is intuitive. There is no comparable evidence for social distancing measures, but experience suggests it is harder to comply with a challenging behaviour over a long period than over a short period.”


2.3.5(c)(ii) What is the health purpose of social distancing at 1.5Metres when sneeze droplets can travel over 6 metres41?


2.3.5(c)(iii) One COVID19 period research paper even shows social distancing is harmful for natural immunity displayed by a rise in dengue fever13.



2.3.5(d) What risk assessment risk reviews were done as part of COVID19?


2.3.5(d)(i) A lone wolf terrorist wearing a mask is harder to identify & that social distance just gives terrorist shooters clearer kill shots of targets?


2.3.5(d)(ii) A $50 Million grant over 5 years was given to an “independent” committee Cyber Security CRC4 to keep us cyber safe so why did we keep hearing about Russian/Chinese actors?  The cyber geniuses at CRC gave an “independent” kudos to COVIDSafe a contact trace mobile phone for virus with surface life of up to 14 days.  What sort of cyber experts don’t know you can’t get mobile phone signals from fixtures & fittings.  COVIDSafe was later found to conflict with health APP’s.  In 2016, I had a mobile phone stopped dead, when I got within 5-6 meters of my computer when a mobile USB modem stick was in use. After research I realised it was due to a signal conflict & they could interfere with pacemakers. I warned everyone that would listen TIO. Real questions should be asked why an APP for contract tracing health wasn’t even tested safe for signal conflicts with health devices. Disabled, aged & chronically ill are the highly vulnerable most likely to download COVIDSafe. Imagine also people going en mass to doctors or hospitals with various mobile devices with the APP creating various conflicts. Australians have every right to know exactly what their health money bought & especially when one of the Govts big donors BCA is represented on this committee. 


2.3.5(d)(iii) There were a lot of COVID19 social media propaganda tweets, showing Chinese people collapsing in the streets39. WHO commented to Snopes38, this was “Atypical” a medical term for abnormal? These would however, be typical of a signal conflict with a pacemaker causing fainting68.  COVIDSafe was definitely no health APP & in light of COVID19 occurring while two Royal Commissions for abuses to aged & disabled are happening affecting those groups & no plans being made for these groups serious questions should be asked on exactly what Australians were being cyber prepared for.  Start with asking the Health Secretary that disposed of her Sports Rort notebooks while a Royal Commission was on the cards, for any details of pre-planned epidemic/pandemics.  I don’t credit the publicity given to that was coincidental & when you realise COVID19 is also an overblown threat it’s a good start.


2.3.5(d)(iv) Contact tracing was “Not recommended in any circumstances” per Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk & impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza11the chart6 at 2.3.4 (b)(iii).  This is because the Nazis in WWII used medical records to contact trace more Jewish victims.  COVIDSafe that was also not fit for the promoted purpose56 was promoted as a contract trace APP.  In addition to testing the tests Doherty Institute’s Professor Doherty, Nobel prize winning bird vet gave this APP a thumbs up at its promotional launch.


2.3.6 Since the Senate submission there’s more questions on PCR tests.

2.3.6(a) Where’s the science that PCR tests work for mass testing of COVID19 in the community?


2.3.6(a)(i) The COVID19 test regime shows what a farce they are.  People have been unpaid crash test dummies for the test itself.  This test’s not fit for the purpose it was promoted namely COVID19 testing of patients.  Government paid a grant to Doherty Institute to test our tests, but per Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Available evidence on the performance of COVID-19 tests mainly comes from symptomatic patients, and their clinical role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear”49. 


2.3.6(b) Symptoms are the same as influenza & pneumonia & it’s less lethal.  We don’t test for that so why are we testing for COVID19?  


2.3.6(b)(i) I considered “WHO COVID-19: Case Definitions” in my opinion it’s so loose a hangover could be misdiagnosed COVID19.  My tweet riled the behavioural economist trolling me, because it was 100% correct.  The old WHO version pictured was deleted shortly after, & 16 Dec 2020 a more visually appealing version (same garbage) was released (below).  Note also the orange Bullet point D “Death, not otherwise explained” & ask how residential home numbers are added now we’re immortal.

2.3.6(d) Does anyone know how to use PCR tests, let alone if they are fit for purpose?

 2.3.6(d)(i) Per WHO’s news item 20 January 2021,”as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positives increases52.  Put simply, the healthier you are, the more chance you have of getting a positive test for COVID19.  Seems to me we bought a rubbish test for COVID19 detection, like the rubbish masks, like the rubbish CovidSafe APP & a rushed vaccine for a non-HCID virus which is rubbish. NB: An IVD analyses human samples e.g., blood/saliva.


 2.3.6(d)(ii) Further, to establish COVID19 positivity, note the bottom paragraph in picture in the preceding section. Testers pretty much have to do a full medical workover & access to your full medical history.  This should be private with your doctor. How are they getting access to the info to validate those tests?  None of the full medical workover looks remotely like what drive-by testing stations would have access to.  This is just one big extraordinary health data mining confidence trick.


2.3.6(d)(iii) Compare WHO’s advice in 2.2.7(a)(ii) to Doherty’s Institute though “PCR tests are positive very early on in the infection and become negative with clearance of the virus”46.  It is the polar opposite of WHO’s advice.

2.3.6(a)(iv) There was no basis for the use of the PCR tests & the only other purpose of those tests was for genome sequencing under the guise of contact tracing for COVID1951.  It has not been an acceptable protocol for 60+ years.  I don’t believe Federal/State Chief Medical Officers didn’t know this.  In light of CDNA revisions and the 12 January 2021 the push to prioritise “whole genome sequencing” a lot of questions should be asked what games CDNA have really been up to.  The CDNA is full of health department staff from all States that also weave into the Human Services Department.  In Section 2.5 I will show the Dept of Human Services has not been above trashing the law.



2.3.7 Who in Govt authorised genome data testing as part of COVID19?


2.3.7(a)(i) genome data testing data can be saved for prosperity unfairly affecting the insured status of off-springs forever via increased policy costs & denied claims based on genetic history.  Many of our insurance premiums are underwritten by foreign companies & Australians have spoken loud & clear about wanting Medicare to stay.  The public health budget picks up the health & welfare bill on insurance shortfalls.  This will ultimately result in costing the Australian Treasury billions more in the future.  There is no way this could be deemed Section 51 “good order” & therefore I put it to you was unlawful at the start.


2.3.7(a)(ii) One of the big COVID19 pushers is Dr Stephen Parnis & I note Dr Brett Sutton’s endorsement for Public Health in his Linkedin profile95.  Parnis is an ex-President of Victorian branch of Australian Medical Association (AMA) & he was VP of AMA Federally. Another link shows history with the Australian Medical Board who licence doctors96. Due to television, he got a very big Twitter following for all his COVID19 fear nudge media. The focus was all on his ex-VP of Federal AMA. He conveniently missed off his Twitter profile & TV appearances his directorial interests in MIGA a health insurance company.  That’s an awful lot of peer pressure for discouraging doctors from speaking out.


2.3.7(a)(iii) Insurance companies crying poor from this longevity have received policy payments longer.  They have had savings along the way from medical advances like detection of cancer causations e.g., asbestos removal reducing claims. Reduction in smoking related conditions.  Did any of those savings result in reduced premiums?  I think it is overtime insurance companies had a very lot of regulation.


2.3.6(a)(v) Australians poor download of COVIDSafe APP shows they don’t trust APH one bit on safe data retention.  Australian’s received a lot of data on My Health Record & had to physically opt out. Free of being unduly frightened to death by COVID19 brainwashing, millions of Australians decided they didn’t want their health details kept by any Govt. When consider data & this link54 on the substantial donations from various insurance sources to the major parties I struggle to arrive at any result other than COVID19 was wilfully intended to cause Australians loss for political donors.  What was done with C0VID19 genetic tests was a disrespectful assault of their free will medical choice using undue menace & intended to cause them loss of their medical privacy. It screams offences under the Criminal Code Act 1995 Part 7.5—Unwarranted demands Division 139.


Part 2 Section 4 - Other COVIDeo “Novel” Productions

2.4.1 Australia’s modelling.

2.4.1(a) The Australian Govt models were amateurish rubbish. Note the top line Doherty Institute did the models too.  Considering the level of maths needed for pharmacology I’d be frightened of anything coming out of this bunch.

2.4.1(a)(i) I had to ruler check this bar chart no.’s, as bars didn’t even have labels. The numbers did not tally with the total number of dead declared. I’d been putting out a rough model from the beginning of the year. Australia’s models were not released until 8 April, 2020.  I knew immediately the models, were low grade rubbish.  The charts were not produced by an integrated accounting information system, that would have had fail safe warnings for data entry personnel alerting them to incomplete fields resulting in imbalances.


2.4.1(a)(ii)   Some charts were jumbled lines impossible to read, others indistinguishable colours. Recruitment of aged retired medics likely visually impaired was canvassed if the Pandemic drained resources.  Imagine them trying to interpret from this.  The CDNA full of health & human service department public servant hierarchy has approved millions in grants to Doherty Institute & what I am looking at is a poor basic level Excel.   These models came out months after COVID19 started.   They got $3.2 Mil from Jack Ma Foundation to expedite a vaccine47.     Still want to roll up your sleeve?

2.4.1(a)(iii) I spasmodically rechecked charts they just got worse.

2.4.2 Australia’s official emergency broadcaster ABC.

2.4.2(a) We pay for ABC Board’s grants, because we need a reliable trustworthy independent national emergency broadcaster.  COVID19 is a health emergency. What has been delivered one big private financial interest show running multiple subliminal ads for Bunnings to Bidets.  Real medical conditions, like back problems, got yoga recommends which is AMA’s 2nd grade treatment.  That tells me the entire ABC Board & Ms Buttrose should go fast. A lot of aged and disabled people rely on good prompt data & what was served up on the ABC news website was private ads & propaganda timed to coincide with elections. 

2.4.2(a)(i) A doppleganger2x separate news reports and 1x subliminal ad for Bunnings. I’ve had to run the risk of being sued for copyright breaches to raise this garbage that shouldn’t have happened in the first place on any emergency broadcaster.


2.4.2(a)(ii) This news story was run more than once 4 months apart. The second time was the day of the Groom By-election.  It is encouraging the discrimination of anti-maskers (that I showed above are totally worthless & may actually be harmful for natural immunity) & people called “Karen”. Yet again it’s another Bunnings ad.


2.4.2(b) ABC Coronacast & Tonic Media

2.4.2(b)(i) After seeing one batsh*t pangolin crazy ABC Norman Swan session on the pandemic’s source I admit to having to look up what a pangolin actually is.  It’s a Stephen King, Kingdom Hospital, Antubis lookalike.  COVID19 propaganda has had people in UK, clapping the sky like King’s Tommy Knockers, in USA reliving King’s Pet Cemetery zombies and run through the gambit of disaster movies & crime.  Weekend at Burnie’s was the hiatus & considering the missing dead in the Govt’ modelling well timed.  Pangolin are an endangered species, which is probably why we’re having difficulty finding anyone infected with COVID19 that hasn’t had a faulty PCR test result. 


2.4.2(b)(iii) Another member of Tonic’s Board Peter Josephs AM. This Blackdog Chairman mustn’t have warned Swan about lockdown mental health dangers.  He also Chairs the Health Science Alliance at University of NSW.  It gets lots of grant money for what is a “small” charity now down to 20 volunteers48.  So, what’s the Health Science Alliance (HSA)? There’s a HSA Biobank50 at Sydney University and in light of the nasty bunch of Professors therefrom, that have been trolling & having me repeatedly suspended & defaming me on a public access website Twitter I would bet my bottom dollar they are aligned. 

2.4.2(b)(iv) So what’s so bad about a cancer biobank?  We’ve all had relatives affected by cancer.  My great grandma mum’s side died of breast cancer. This is not about cancer, but increasing genetical research using cancer as the veneer for their agenda. This bunch care so little about cancer that when Allied Health & Elective Surgery (incl’s heart surgery) was placed on hold they kept on nudging up the COVID19 fear.  Cancer groups have been screaming because diagnostics are greatly reduced since COVID19, because people are frightened of going to doctors. They have used peoples caring emotions against them by talking up e.g., “keeping others safe”.  In reality they didn’t do any of that.  There wasn’t even a plan for aged in COVID19 per the Royal Commission Aged.  As a disabled NDIS approved wheely I can attest they did nothing for us & disability carers were even left without any PPE.  Aged & Disabled with their Home Carers were discriminated against in COVID19 & got less than 10% of the additional COVID19 support other welfare recipients received.   All other medical conditions were trashed to enrich their own selfish design of what medicine looks like.  Do they really sound like who you can trust to them to ethically manage genetic research?  Not to me, but Peter Josephs AM is also Chair of the Ethics Committee, so I guess that it’s not an issue. Nor is there a conflict of interest with, per Bloomberg93 his current Chairmanship of WA gold mining company Dominion Mining.  We’ll just ignore & block, like we’ve been COVID19 nudged to, that extremely detailed medical review in the British Journal of Cancer regarding increased cancer in WA Gold miners9



2.4.2(b)(v) Just by another unbelievable coincidence Mr Andrew Forrest who purchased those unsuitable & medically unnecessary masks for COVID19 via his Minderoo Foundation has a Dominion Mining link.  Mr Forrest, I note was behind the push for the racially discriminatory grossly overpriced Cashless Debit Card that costs about 10K per card per welfare recipient for no real benefits.  I have lodged Senate submissions that were accepted public107 &108 that has a lot more information on this including the Liberal National Party politician links. Mr Andrew Forrest gave a huge donation to his own Foundation Minderoo which means he can claim it as a deduction for tax purposes a process I think should be look at very closely. This portion from article by Nick Evans of The West Australian Tue, 1 November 2016 3:22PM “Forrest ramps up onshore oil and gas exposure ”Squadron Energy will team up with privately-held Goshawk Energy - chaired by former Dominion Petroleum chief executive Michael Garland - to form a joint venture, 80 per cent controlled by Mr Forrest’s company, to apply for “a number” of onshore Special Prospecting Authorities from the State Government.” During COVID19 Goshawk partnered with Global Gas and Oil Limited111.  When I realised COVID19 was a hoax I ran through a number of scenarios & touched on how top-heavy mining was around COVID19 in my submission accepted as correspondence.  I note the COVID19 Committee is top heavy with mining interests & Mr Andrew Forrest was a donor to both the Liberals & Labor in the 2019 election110. In fact, while we were all self-isolating (translation threatened with fines if we left our homes) mining contracts were being signed everywhere risking rural towns & farmers bore water for most of rural Australia. Below is a part of my submission to Senate COVID19.  In light of signs this was planned before 2020, I find it incredibly fruitious all the land was cleared by bushfires for mining exploratives. 

2.4.2(b)(vi) I have looked at a number of whistle blowers that have been unfairly charged & targeted before COVID19. Julian Assange still in jail his family into nuclear energy.  Bernard Collaery Barrister & former Attorney General & Witness K the East Timorese Spy Scandal about the health & welfare of a friendly neighbour oil & gas international law.  Mr David McBride not just the decent an army solicitor who outed the horrendous Afghan file scandal, but his father was pursued by Dr Norman Swan over Thalidomide. Richard Boyle the ATO whistle blower who raised the unethical treatment of ATO small business owners & individual taxpayers.  Me ex ADF Reservist, served on a local Council Sub-Committee a long-time welfare advocate who use to have an old website Carers Allied that first outed E-Health the forerunner name of My Health Record for its poor privacy clauses, called out the Cashless Debit Card immediately I heard Forrest’s first speech on ABC’s My Space & was an early advocate for solar energy over fossil fuels. My Robodebt Social Welfare & the AAT (my second case).  All of us standing & fighting for law & order in our own corners and fighting for the health & welfare of citizens as best we can.  Tell me how we do that peacefully when APH itself can be bought by miners & corporate interests who care so little about the health & welfare of Australians they could pull COVID19?  Tell me how we get5 justice when good Judges & Members like Professor Terry Carney longest serving AAT member let go after decades of honourable service to citizens for ruling according to law can be replaced by ex-political staffers?  Those new Judges & Members & even our Governor General picked by “Representatives” bought by the very corruption that has created COVID19? When Fuji Xerox can vibe our election winner these thieves haven’t even left us with the power of our vote them at the ballot boxes.


2.4.2(b)(vii) This excerpt “Introducing Research Initiatives into Healthcare: What Do Doctors Think?”73 has more information on the HSA Biobank.  Does this even sound like it is even what doctors really support?
“Some senior doctors reflected broadly on the benefits that participation in biobanking may bring to their department and the hospital at large (8). Only one doctor mentioned a potential benefit for hospital doctors. In contrast, other doctors saw little benefit for themselves and felt that this reduced their motivation to participate in the initiative. In addition, the stakeholders were unable to describe any ways in which the hospital doctors may benefit, albeit recognizing this as a barrier to the implementation process.”


2.4.2(b)(viii) In reality, cancer research already has had billions donated to it. You only need to look at Govts continual pushes for Medicare Co-Payment, long homecare packs/surgery wait lists to know Govt’s giving nothing for our health so why give grants to this Biobank? More money’s not the solution. Real doctors instead of psychologist stopping us getting real doctors is.  A non-existent COVID19 that Swan & his Coronacast have helped egg up, just wasted health budgets countrywide & terrified people away from doctors & cancer tests.  That was ignored. Do these people sound like they really give a stuff about cancer62?


2.4.2(b)(ix) Genetical research opens far more dark corridors than it closes e.g., enabling illegal body harvesters64.  As humans we should all have every right to decide for ourselves if we participate in any medical test & what medical interventions are given us. That choice should be full informed & that consent freely given from undue menace not presented to us at a time when we are sick & our rationality impaired by circumstance.  We as patients have the right to fully informed consented freewill choice of our medical treatment. In Australia we’re also entitled to get a second opinion.  If we disagree with a first doctor’s approach to out treatment, how do we get a second opinion when all doctors have been subjected to the behavioural economists psychologically brainwashing & peer pressuring them to under treat all patients the same to save a dollar? Think about how we’ve been treated for over a year now.  Locked up for their con.  Jobs taken/businesses closed at their whim.  Ordered where to stand, where we can eat. Lied to. None of this says this bunch of politicians, genetical researchers & behavioural economist should have access to anyone’s data or Govt funding. 


2.4.2(b)(x) The reality is we are now living longer than our ancestors.  Cancers &
other conditions like e.g., Alzheimer’s will increase as that evolution was not natural.  Across our lives we’ve already had various medical interventions e.g., blood pressure medications, pacemakers, transplants & surgery that probably would have killed us well before now if left untreated.  The difference between those interventions and COVID19 is the decision on best treatment was made by un-nudged doctor who had not had their freewill removed by psychological prompts from Government & the radio or tv. The difference between those interventions and COVID19 was those interventions were for a real medical threat.


2.4.2(b)(xi) I am not qualified in immunology, but I have very big questions when information I read tells me vaccines should be stored within a range of between +2 & +8 degrees and we are told the COVID19 vaccine for a disease that is not HCID is has to be stored in freezers conducive for genetic experiments.  I want to know exactly what we have bought because it looks to me like these freezers are more about serving other interests.

2.4.2(b)(xii) Mr Yeardon, for 6 yrs. he was a Vice President of Pfizer & was their Chief Scientist. It’s Pfizer’s vaccination Australians will be getting.  He has been warning about vaccines for COVID19 since March 2020. He likens his attacks as a witch-hunt.  He’s a swinging voter like me & now branded as a right winger.  Many losing their free speech & being attacked on Twitter are going to alternate sites that have far right histories to put the info out.  This will of course mean the left wing will ultimately die & we can say farewell to democracy & prepare to welcome a fascist dictatorship. He’s confirmed my conclusion that most people already had natural immunity. My tweet on a suggestion to consider cowpox to smallpox (how we got the cure) as bovine pneumonia to human pneumonia has been removed.  It’s too radical a proposition to consider that cow’s milk drinkers (Chinese aren’t big dairy consumers), may be getting more than calcium from that glass of milk. Our children who drink a lot of milk are the ones least affected by COVID19 go figure.



2.4.2(b)(xiii) This is Dr Bender.  Dr Binder is qualified in immunology & virology with 32 years’ experience, a decent & brave man.  He knew what he was being told about the tests was all wrong & stood up with honour for us all and has kept going despite extreme pressure.  He’s been shunned, arrested & they even put him in a psychiatric ward for speaking out about COVID19.  All that, because he believes in the oath he took as a Doctor & puts our care above all else.  Good Doctors, loyal to their profession, are being terrorised to peer pressure others. The behavioural economists call these nudges. He’s my kind of Doctor.  He should be everyone’s kind of Doctor.  Medicine is a fight against diseases, pain & budgets in the real world.  It is hard to know whether he is a real Doctor or not, I’ve included a You Tube of a podcast interview112, but that doesn’t matter to me we’ll probably never meet.  He represents what I want of a real Doctor.  A Doctor that won’t roll-over & will stand up for me and treat me according to my best interest.  A circular letter from a Govt CMO nudged up by behavioural economist is not acting in my interest is not fighting for me & my health needs.  Medicine is not banging pans or clapping the sky to herald in a virtual world era of virtually no care.  It should be Doctors Orders not New World Dis-Order98.

2.4.2(b)(xii) My decision on my medical treatment was made from my own calculations, but it was supported by a lot of research from places that would normally be dismissed like Mr Monotti.  He is an Italian film producer who works in movies.  He’s spent years researching the history of medicine for his movie Book of Vision.  He arrived at the same conclusion as me following his own research that building natural immunity is the best protection.  His medicine Vitamin D sunlight.  In 2011-2012 when I was a Carer, I lodged an AAT that included information on the necessity of access to Vitamin D as part of homecare of my Carer Receiver a frail aged arthritic & asthma sufferer.  I briefly touched on it again pre COVID2019 in my Senate Submission 284 accepted public101.  Vitamin D is not just important for bones. Research paper “The effects of vitamin D within the lungs include increased secretion of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin, decreased chemokine production, inhibition of dendritic cell activation and alteration of T cell activation. These cellular effects are important for host responses against infection and the development of allergic lung diseases like asthma100.

2.4.3 From online commercial stations media sites. 


2.4.3(a) If the media is to be believed this shop was raided by police for opening against COVID19 regulations. Those regulations also include wearing masks.

2.4.4 From International Social Media Tweeters.


2.4.4(a) The propaganda has been so great tweeters have banded together to play spot the fakes.  There have been multiple shots of fake staged vaccine launches & as aforesaid fake fainters.

2.4.5 There was a lot of market propaganda tests feelers before COVID19 started.  OK Boomer for aged discrimination.  Also, a disabled supposedly homeless male wheely sleeping on the ground perfectly clean kit.  No real wheelie would get down onto a ground, they couldn’t stand up from. These were all in 2019.  I’m convinced the COVID19 planning on this goes back before 2020.




Part 2 Section 5 - Australia’s Behavioural Economist & Nudging COVID19 & Robodebt


2.5.1 Nudge theory use in public health. 


2.5.1(a) Nudge theory use in public health is only new.  “Nudge” a book by Cass Sunstein & Richard Thaler only came out in 2008. “The idea is that people often do not make decisions in their best interest and therefore they should be nudged toward better decisions by those who are more knowledgeable70.“  In my opinion any Govt that is democratically elected to be “Representative” of their people, should be jailed for allowing this pompous insulting dictatorial theory to be used on its citizens in the first instant.


2.5.1(b) The New England Journal of Medicine, Although behavioral economists have been drawing attention to health care’s choice architecture for some time,1 to our knowledge, no nudge unit has been formed within a health care system.  In 2016, we launched the Penn Medicine Nudge Unit to systematically develop and test approaches using nudges to improve health care delivery.”.  First test in health in 2016.


2.5.1(c) “Nudge” works to the design & purpose of a Controller, who splits people into 2 groups those willing to obey or be compliant with the Controllers model & those not willing to obey or be compliant with their model.  They then use increasingly punitive nudges against non-compliant until they break & obey or get banned altogether.  In health care this is a disgraceful abuse of human rights.  As aforesaid For patients it removes their free will informed consent. Applied to doctors, if all doctors are nudged to behave & prescribe to the controller’s design how do patients ever get their right to a second alternate opinion?


2.5.1(d) Supposedly Nudge is a new technique, but it resembles an old one self-hypnosis.  Consider a hypnosis show, where people are told to do ridiculous things for the audience’s amusement (picture yourself now being told shake elbows).


2.5.1(d)(i) STEP 1 - A Hypnotist or Controller takes an audience of willing participants invested by ticket prices. In COVID19 we’re all invested as staying alive is a self-preservation instinct.


2.5.1(d)(ii) STEP 2 - The Hypnotist or Controller tests the group to see who are the best subjects to persuade for his task some are easily persuadable Group1 and the weakest subjects are Group2.  We’re told it started January.  In my opinion it started before.  Cast what’s left of minds back.  There were ridiculous things happening in 2019 e.g., OK Boomer. It is my opinion these were market test feelers to see which demographics could be the largest voices to support age discrimination.  Make no mistake when aged, disabled & their home care givers were the so called vulnerable that were isolated off, did not get the fortnightly COVID19 support like other welfare recipients & were deemed not in the essential worker cohort they were definitely Group2.  The fact is despite months of warnings before our flu season there was no plan in place for the most vulnerable people in the community aged & disabled.  So, the question becomes exactly what were Group 1 being primed up to do?  I’m a wheelie amputee. I went out early March 2020, because my priority delivered food was almost non-existent.  One prepaid order of $115.00 half delivered 6 days after I wanted it.  Few in the supermarket looked at me & those that did were angry with me.  This was as a direct result of the Govt deflecting the blame for their own actions on to us.

2.5.1(d)(iii) STEP3 - Once the Hypnotist or Controller has identified those most easily persuaded it has them concentrate on something that confuses the brain to the static environment around them a watch.  As it swings back & forward the Hypnotist or Controller continually dominates their attention with the same messages over & over again picture yourself in a safe place.  The Hypnotist keeps talking to them until sooner or later the subject’s brains snap by the altered visual reality of the watch and they reach for help from a voice that has been repeatedly talking about safe places.  In COVID19 we have had Ruby Princess or Hotels. Then which State border. Then which mask when we should have been told masks are not necessary.  Now which vaccine and with the morbidity age statistics we should be hearing a lot of people telling us no vaccine for COVID19 is necessary.  All this has been to have people’s minds swinging from one side to another just as if they were looking at a watch.  Radio, tv, & politicians repeating the same message day after day, “We’re All in this Together”, “I’m focused saving lives”, “Keeping us safe”.  The lockdowns are a blatant brainwashing enforcement technique the Stockholm effect and the masks promote submission.  People have lost all sense of reality.  We no longer die of old age we die of COVID19 & it was the fault of people infecting us with a cold.  Covid hair, Covid dreams, Covid headaches – all symptoms of brainwashing.


2.5.1(e) One of the tricks of behavioural economists in “Nudge”, is putting the good stuff up front & hiding the bad stuff at the back of it.  It’s called EAST - Easy, Attractive, Simple, Timely 58.  In the Old-World Order, we use to call it false & deceptive marketing.  “Attractive” is like the HSA Biolab treating cancer while downplaying its deeply unpopular genetic research.  “Attractive” is like Doherty’s Institute pushing a COVID19 test that is really genome sequencing Australians.  The “Attractive” is far easier to sell than they want your blood, tissue & medical history for genetic experiments, free & timely given when your rationality is incapacitated by your medical condition.  Timely because you may realise other medical trial participants are paid. Timely because you may have a chance to think about all the negatives genetic research can bring about.


2.5.1(f) In COVID19 we are seeing another example of why it should never be used in health & welfare.  I have watched on as an unprecedented level of behavioural economist nudgers have been launched on an unsuspecting world.  Even now behavioural economists are nudging up a disease that is not being HCID & despite an increasing number of people realising it they won’t stop & admit they got it wrong.  They have had no problems talking up a whole lot of medical interventions that are just plain unnecessary and ergo deadly to save their own skins.


2.5.2 The Commonwealth Govt Health Department launched “Nudge vs Superbug” June 2017.


2.5.2(a) June 2017 letters were sent out aimed at getting doctors to reduce their prescriptions to their patients63.  At this time “Nudge” per 2.5.1(b) was still experimental in public health. 


2.5.2(b) A year before the letters were sent out the Liberal National Party coalition were denying Mediscare was real.  Additionally, remember the Trans Pacific Partnership we didn’t want as thousands would lose jobs/businesses. It was ratified 31st October, 2018.  The only thing we got assurances that our medicines would not go up in price.  If you’re not prescribed any medication from your nudge brainwashed doctors, the cost is arbitrary isn’t it?   In ref61 is Biden with ex Liberal PM Turnbull talking up the Trans Pacific Partnership.  What’s the bet that will be signed by Americans as soon as the public is fully gagged by his masks.  Looks to me like both Americans & Aussies health & futures have been sold down the river61.


2.5.2(c) In the Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman Compliance review, behavioural economists’ involvement in removal of helpline phone no.’s in Robodebt was revealed. Very big flags, should have been raised questioning its ethical use.  Any reasonable person looking at the lack of empathy it was able to evoke in Robodebt by February 2017, should have said it was not suitable for public health & welfare.  I just do not accept that when behavioral economics was applied in both Robodebt & the Health Department that the word on its humungous failure wasn’t common knowledge.  It should never have been rolled out in the Health Department in June 2017 period.


2.5.3 The OCI design period for Robodebt was from 2015 to 1 July 2016 when the accounts started to go out.   This is when the behavioural economists must have been involved.  I recognised exactly the same patterns & sometimes the same troll players turning up in COVID19 as I experienced fighting DHS Centrelink’s Robodebt Compliance in COVID19: -


2.5.3(a) Robodebt debts were mostly total fiction & a financial data phishing expedition.  COVID19 is mostly total fiction & a medical data phishing expedition. 


2.5.3(b) Help & information sources were removed.  As aforesaid helpline phone numbers were removed in Robodebt & staff were told to just keep processing the debts whatever the evidence they were wrong.  In COVID19 information that should have been at ABS on influenza & pneumonia statistics wasn’t there.  Libraries with peer reviewed medical volumes were closed. Despite an abundance of statistics that show COVID19 is not HCID it is still going. 


2.5.3(c) Pre COVID19 Media nudges.  Before the start of Robodebt politicians nudged up the welfare cheat rhetoric & dole bludger.  Before the start of COVID19 we had “OK Boomer” that was nothing less than encouraging aged discrimination.


2.5.3(d) Both set behavioural economic test groups for nudging. Robodebt Compliant & Non-Compliant. COVID19 believers & non-believers.


2.5.3(e) Para 3 Senator Patrick, “I’m suggesting maybe there’s a conscious decision to push people towards the digital interface”.60   Govt launched its online digital doctor. People frightened from going to their real doctors & those under Allied Health & carded for Elective Surgery had it took away for their hoax. 


2.5.3(f) Robodebt set breach zones in Dept of Human Services (DHS) Centrelink. In COVID19 those zones for nudging punishments have taken the form of social distancing, masks, vaccinations, fines, attacks to our internet privacies, defaming people as right-wing conspiracy theorist & loss of free speech on social media if you are capable of proving COVID19 is not HCID, because it shows a lot of people should be facing Crimes Against Humanity charges.  Australia’s laws changed so that terrorist could be held & charged on suspicion & yet here we are with an awful lot of politicians terrorising people with a disease not HCID and nothing is being done.


2.5.3(g) Nudge vs Superbug gets an update in COVID19

2.5.3(g)(i) All along COVID19 felt the same to me as Robodebt.  I knew from the style of the troll attacks I was getting “Nudge vs Superbug” was active in COVID19.  So, I decided to do more research on BETA & realised they were also in other Departments.  The patterns & responses were the same across a few other countries so I knew they were being coordinated & working together.  I made the connection between Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA) operating out of the PM’s Cabinet Office103 & Behavioural Insights operating in UK’s Cabinet104 29 April 2020 via Tara Oliver.

2.5.3(g)(ii) Cass Sunstein is clearly working for BI106& is also the Chairperson of WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health105.

2.5.3(g)(iii) the new update 21 September, 2020103. came out just after I tweeted on 12 September, 2020, the link between them all & more.  When you look at all the countries, they work with it really has been the biggest show on earth.

2.5.3(g)(iv) The people talking up “Nudge vs Superbugs” want you to believe that they nudged your Doctor to prescribe less medications to help fight antimicrobial resistance. That’s the COVIDbrain (KISS) “Attractive” part.  Now for the Realistic & Nasty Ugly part, because I’ve been a health & welfare advocate over 10+ years.  Left & right in the name of budget “savings” for their corporate donors the Commonwealth has been: - 1. starving Australians & making them homeless on Newstart for 26 years; 2.  forcing people to do Work for the Dole on Newstart & breaching them for no reason with wild abandonment; 3. Extended the retirement age to 67 & wanted to increase it to 70. Considering 94% of COVID19 deaths are over 70 I think we should have a real big think about that retirement age; 4. extending the “trial” of the disgraceful rort Cashless Debit Card 6yrs (2xelectoral terms) at an obscene $10K per card per year to a company Board rich with ex pollies. That has reduced the birthweight of babies; 5. sitting on aged homecare waiting lists 2 years+ long over 10 years; 6. running long term offshore detention camps for refugees; 7. targeting our health privacy every way they could; 8. charging media & whistle blowers; 9. overseeing the State of Aged Care Residential Homes a Royal Commission shocker; overseeing dreadful disability care & NDIS for years another Royal Commission interrupted; 10. stopping people’s health care card for no reason years; 11. dragging out Disability Support Pensions; 12. Approvals; voting against aged and disabled getting the same level of coronavirus support (90% less difference) approvals. 13. underpaying home carers & making it almost impossible for them to get the full Carer Payment.  14. Shutting down sickness benefits, when they amalgamated departments 20 March 2020 (timed to coincide with the Australian border close to divert media’s attention.  Keeping it “Simple” APH have been utter !@#$%^&.





The September edition admitting the connection to Behavioural Insights (BI) UK came out just after I did this tweet.  Yet again it can’t be seen on Twitter anymore, because I used unreliable sources (the Australian PM & UK Cabinet’s & BI’s direct website). 

Thank goodness for Mr Google

And her links with Behavioural Insights UK


I maintain “Nudge Theory” is totally in conflict with Australian’s medical rights for six reasons: -


1. Whilst the models are basically market test practices the participants be them Patients or Doctors are unknowing, unpaid participants in that medical test;

2. Patients are entitled to choose their medical practitioner not have an unseen unqualified person treating them via the doctor;

3. We’re entitled to a second opinion.  If it’s nudged the same as the first, we’ve been denied it;

4. We are entitled to receive full information on any medical interventions & their consequences in order to give our fully informed medical consent;

5. Australian’s are also entitled to full information in how their health data is used and when behavioural economist will ultimately have to show their results, we should be entitled to see how the privacy was treated in that process before any project is commenced;

6. It places a high burden on patients the victims of malpractice to prove liability.  Is a nudged by Government Doctor liable of malpractice from under-prescribing pain/antibiotic medication or nudging a lesser treatment?


2.5.4 A case Against Nudge.


2.5.4(a) For those like me that know their rights & have continued to challenge DHS unlawfulness nudges just keep going.  Almost as soon as I applied to Dept of Human Services (DHS), for Disability Support Pension (DSP) as a new amputee wheely for life (leg amputated July 2017), DHS started a co-ordinated tag team assault of me.  This included rent assistance stoppage for no reason, refusal to accept hospital issued medical certificate, 3x different forms for my superannuation withdrawal on medical grounds (none of which were ever approved in a manner I could get my money when I needed it, while I was in hospital).  At one stage one of my doctor’s was so disgusted when DHS who kept refusing to admit they had received forms he walked it to the other side of the hospital so he could get a special fax confirmation. I had to complain about these actions from my hospital bed. I advised I’d be lodging a formal complaint when I got out.


2.5.4(b) My Robodebt enquiry letter was dated my hospital discharge into home nursing Transition Care date. It was based on nothing.  They lied about the purpose of their enquiries demanded info without any warrant & threatened my benefits.  Despite me resupplying a proof of enrolment (that should’ve already been on file & I very strongly suspect was deleted along with other items –this was raised in my AAT application), they sent me a data match debt claiming I was not an enrolled student for over $5.7K.  I had one senior officer admit in review he knew I was an enrolled student (the only subject of my a/c), but unless I gave permission for him to breach my privacy with unnamed third parties, I’d have a long-drawn-out credit process.  I was still in Hospital Transition & the nurse was worried, because I was so angry it was affecting my health. She asked if I wanted to speak to a psychologist & I agreed.  Within 10 minutes of him seeing my file, he was on the phone trying to get me a solicitor.


2.5.4(c) Christmas 2017 when Transition Care nursing & most doctors were on holidays, they stopped my health card again. I note every single Christmas since my leg amputation I have had games with my health card. When they returned to work the head nurse & a social worker arranged with Centrelink that I be placed in Managed Service Personnel for my protection from the Australian Government.  4 days after I lodged what was a winning Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Application on 1 April 2018, the staff in Managed Service Personnel assigned for my protection were replaced. Centrelink did this so they could continue to nudge up the pressure on me.  


2.5.4(d) Within a short period DHS started their assaults again. Despite me having notified my objections to repays in writing previously, my debt being in review & quoting the Guide 3 times, the MSP Officer threatened unless I agreed to $15 repays (on a debt they knew I didn’t owe), I’d have $127 per fortnight deducted from my benefits. 


2.5.4(e) Some of the data I’ve provided to Senate Compliance shows my second Robodebt was purposely manufactured & falsely tagged on the Govts computer to imply I was guilty of a debt that was due to their own failure to process a notification timely.   I believe this was done for the express purpose of flagging me for further nudge assaults by DHS.


2.5.4(f) Despite 76 advices from AAT, a Court Case showing it’s unlawful, Robodebt Class Action that settled $1.2Bil to Commonwealth’s detriment & winning full waive at AAT & not just on my health basis, they’ve continued to attack me & no doubt others.  I self-defended & went public so others could use my research to fight their debts too. I tried to get credits for everyone, but only won my waive at AAT June 2018, so, kept fighting for others. After I won, they still took another repay & despite them having unlawfully taken the money in the first place I had to fight to get my money back.  I reported this to the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office as the forced repayments were systemic with other people, I could see being forced to pay the same $15 amount.  The investigator fell on a sword to cover up for DHS Centrelink.


2.5.4(g) The more you fight them the nastier nudges you get.  They are not gentle; they are mental assaults. I am 100% certain their influence could have driven people to the alleged linked suicides. I’ve had a lot of trolls telling me I should let it go.  Why should I?  They tried to fit me up for a crime that has a jail sentence enough to warrant loss of my dual citizenship. They didn’t let it go even when they knew I was innocent.  I won’t stop till they face Court for their actions. Still to this day despite proving myself innocent at AAT, Robodebt being found unlawful I’m trapped in MSP, because while there they can refuse to give me reviews that will enable me to taking all their other unlawful actions against me to AAT.  Australian Federal Police was inside Centrelink as Taskforce Integrity. Yet they ignored they were acting as a heavy for the biggest fraud in Govt Administration in the history of Federation.  In Robodebt they still won’t accept what they did was unlawful. Secretary Campbell got an OAM & a promotion & calls Robodebt “
“legal insufficiency”102.  
To quote Mr Jason McNamara in Senate inquiry regarding Robodebt now proven in Court unlawful, But I don’t think we would agree with the proposition that the project hasn’t gone well. & I’m looking at savings.”69. 



2.5.4(h) Mr Jason McNamara was in at the start of the Behavioural Economics Team Australia (BETA).  COVID19 felt the same to me as Robodebt, because both had the same Controlling influence from the start.   After his stint in the PM’s cabinet, he was Acting Team Leader BETA first assistant Secretary & went on after to be a General Manager of Services Australia in WA.  400K offences, alleged suicides & no-one charged, because we cannot get justice in Australia. COVID19 ditto!





Part 2 Section 6 - Behavioural Economist Nudging COVID19 Worldwide

2.6.1 My personal political troll.

2.6.1(a)(i) In both Robodebt & COVID19 me & others have been defamed & attacked online as being crazy conspiracy theorist for giving correct information.  This is being done both by people who have received grant funding via Commonwealth & State Govt agencies/contractors and are political staffers. This is how behavioural economics gets its positive results by frightening off dissenters.  This is how “Nudge vs Superbug” worked through COVID19 gets its positive results, by lies, deceit, coverups & “bullying very vulnerable people” (Gavin Silbert former Chief Crown Prosecutor QC re Robodebt). They isolate people & pack attack them.  I’m a swinging voter who will not support in anyway any political Party that lie, cheat & rip off Australians. I get assaulted by al of the major Parties’ rusted ons & staffers for telling the truth – what does that say about APH & our State Govts!  Here’s one of COVID19 troll/BOTs. It is an alias of one of the behavioural economist teams & this one is into US Democrats & Dan Andrews.  It was reported in my Senate COVID19 Submission along with a few others & is still alive & kicking on Twitter. 

2.6.1(a)(ii) Witcher has been assigned to attack me on Twitter.  Everyday me & others are subjected to these monsters on Govt & political party staffer payrolls either directly or indirectly in the form of cyber security grants.  We are belittled humiliated & really do waste our time making Submissions to Senate, because those inquiries are rigged before we get to submit. We keep submitting because we hope one day justice will come & someone will have our record of events on file.  APH wreaks corruption from all corners.  We support each other through their attacks as we fight for Australians right to an honest Govt that abides by our Constitution.  We have to fight this scum in addition to their unlawful acts & governance, because their own parties are so crooked, they employ these bast*rds to cover their tail.  The Public’s representation on the health & welfare governance committees is pathetic.  It says why the Liberal, National & Australian Labor Parties should all be deregistered bipartisan Federally & all those grants that have been handed out scoured over. The only hope that Australia will ever be forced to clean up its act is if we can name & shame their corruption publicly in Senate submissions.  Senate must be forced to accept all individuals’ submissions public where permitted or they will never be heled to account.  Electoral candidates that are independents & cross benchers do not have the resources to source the information that is buried as co9rrespondence.  It creates an electoral imbalance.

2.6.1(c) Consider “several businesses associated with scandal plagued Fuji Xerox have been placed into ‘External Administration” announced under COVID19 cover 6 September 202078. This foreign owned group of companies have a clear working relationship with the Commonwealth Bank exampled by that privacy breach of 20 Million Commonwealth Bank account 2010-6 statements79.  CBA are major donors to Liberal, National & Australian Labor Parties.   Fuji Xerox vibed the Australian Government election winners 201681 & the process was repeated 2019. This “External Administration” was just before the release of the Auditor General’s latest AEC Financial Disclosures Report80 that at Section 10 noted “There is insufficient evidence that annual and election returns are accurate and complete”. It is arguable anyone has sat Constitutionally since the 2016 election (before COVID19 grants). If justice must be seen to be done then surely the candidates elected to set the laws behind that justice must be seen as constitutionally fit & proper candidates to set those laws.  If justice must be seen to be done then surely the votes that elect the lawmakers must all be seen to be counted.  Crimes Against Humanity actions are already being prepared for COVID19.  APH will not avoid scrutiny or have any protection from hurried laws made.

2.6.1(d)(i) Here’s Witcher again. Note the “#IStandWithDan” tag.  This is a tag of Premier Dan Andrews supporters.  Remember that human rights breach finding against the Victorian Govt? As shown at 2.1.7(a & b) COVID19 incls. Pneumonia, but pneumonia is not included in Witcher’s statistics.  My tweet is 100% accurate, but shows COVID19 to be the hoax it is so is invisible & I’m suspended.  A tweeting troll using an alias & supporting a Premier who has promoted human rights abuses in COVID19 gets carte blanche.

2.6.1(d)(ii) You can see that date Aug 8 Right hand side mid-way up.  I added correctly flu to pneumonia because pneumonia was already included with COVID19 for a fair comparison.  I opted for the 650K & not the lower spectrum 290K.  This was for many reasons.  I factored the aged population & the world was in austerity almost everywhere reducing health budgets.  In Australia we had extra problems with the effect of bushfire smoke compromising lungs as it takes 12months for them to fully recover & also el nino coming to an end meaning more viral diseases with increased rain.  I saw a lot of reporter sessions, but I didn’t see a single reporter ask Andrews the right questions.  E.g. Why as a former Minister for Health (August 2007 – December 2010) he didn’t know prior to 2018 what we know as “flu” was a combination of influenza & pneumonia?  Prior to 2018 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) were often represented linking them together, because pneumonia is a common complication.  In my opinion Premier Andrews just kept referring to influenza exclusive of pneumonia to falsely inflate the threat in comparison to COVID19.



2.6.2 Commonwealth grant funded trolls


2.6.2(a) This is Prof McCaffery Uni of Syd behavioural economist74. She is a Director at Sydney Health Literacy Lab75.   When you look at this Lab’s funding you realise it’s grants are almost all from Commonwealth Government directly or Commonwealth agencies eg National Health and Medical Research Council Grants (NHMRC).  Picture 1 is her defaming me as irresponsible on my use of sources, which I note were screen shots straight from Govt sites & the Immunisation Coalition a dot org who keep influenza statistics to promote the flu vaccine.  Of course now as per Picture 2 you can’t see that anymore, because thanks to this behavioural economic nudge team I’m suspended again. MacIntyre who has a clear interest in “genetic epidemiology”77..  Here is McCaffery’s joint paper on nudging doctors treatments.


2.6.2(b) Professor Mary L McLaws like McCaffrey is a nudge practitioner.  The link below is McLaws promoting using nudges to peer pressure compliance by doctors.  The combination of removing by banning dissenters is an amazingly great way to get a positive nudge test result isn’t it.  We have a shortage of doctors & nurses & the reality is most people in a bad work place will just leave.  Whilst I acknowledge McLaws is noted as being on the WHO Infection prevention and control COVID-19 sub-committee for Guidance when that same group has two “expert” advisory sub-committees and she is not on either being given an expert tag by ABC is a massive overreach76.   Google McLaws name on the WHO website and there is only one joint paper her name appears connected to.  Neither McCaffrey or MacIntyre get a mention in their own name anywhere on WHO.  McLaws is no. 1 spot on Pathology Technology Australia letter with a membership that includes genome testers.  This means she has a serious interest in keeping COVID19 going. .


2.6.2(c) Prof Raina McIntyre, who predicted 10K deaths (Ref 

2.1.11(c)) is linked to this both via joint research papers. 

2.6.2(d) In my opinion all three have undeservedly been given extraordinary access to the public broadcaster ABC for COVID19.  In light of the propaganda, clear links to Commonwealth Govt, & let’s say it like it really is total bullsh*t quality level of health information serious questions should be asked about them all & what their real agenda is.


2.6.2(e) This link has not been thoroughly checked  yet for links, but it shows the profile owner Turner has clear links to Mccaffrey, MacIntyre & McLaws (are there any more Scottish names we’ve missed).  There are just too many double bill appearances I can dismiss MacIntyre & McLaws as not being a double act, but McCaffrey is definitely up there too.  If on ABC people see 2 experts they expect they are getting 2 independent5 opinions.  These 3 are research partners

2.6.2(f) This article clearly shows both McLaws & MacIntyre talking up masks together. I can only view this tweet now.  I am suspended yet again due to Raina McIntyre & this bunch of self-interest profiteers.  I can’t supply the information to counteract the false poorly researched medical information they are putting out as demonstrated at 2.3.4(b), There is absolutely no basis in public health to promote mask use to healthy people in the community.  These unethical Professors continue to promote each other’s comments.  These Professors are training our future doctors & the behavioural economist who Govts will have nudging our doctors to not care for us as individuals. These Professors are undermining all principles of good health care & as a citizen I am disgusted their projects they are getting grants & getting a lot of free airtime on ABC. 

2.6.2(g) Hypothetically, if a motor vehicle driver is under the influence of alcohol & has an accident harming someone, the driver is automatically presumed guilty of the offence.  That is unless he can show he was given the alcohol that affected his judgement without his knowledge.  If a doctor under prescribes or recommends less anti-biotics & the patient is detrimentally affected, if unbeknownst to the doctor he/she was affected by subliminal nudges funded by the Commonwealth Govt & capable of affecting their rational decision making where would that liability be fairly placed?  I’d start thinking about that because there are going to be a lot of people with too late diagnoses.  Part 2 of my Royal Commission is going to my solicitor & any & every Class Action I hear about.  I am not impressed that my Twitter account hasw been suspended


2.6.2(f) I’m a highly vulnerable wheely.  My above knee amputation was 18th July, 2017.  This was just over a month after the first nudge letter went out. All through my stay in hospital I had to have a fight to get my pain medication.  I keep wondering, if my doctors were nudged to under prescribe me.  There is no way on this planet I will trust another doctor or nurse to give me a vaccine for flu or COVID19.  The majority have stayed quiet & let politicians do this to Australians.  Tests, masks, lockups even now they are watching on silent as we are being nudged to have a totally unnecessary vaccine.   Their silence supports an agenda to do harm first.  It is an extraordinary assault on Australians’ mentally & physically.  Whilst they had no obligation to speak out by the Doctors Duty of Care65, I wonder whether their inaction is akin to that of any bystander failing to provide assistance to the best of their ability knowing a physical assault was taking place.  What I am sure of 100% is there have been enough doctors internationally speaking out they would have had a perfect claim to the Good Samaritan defence & ignore it.


Part 2 Section 7 COVID19 A History in Tweets

2.4.1(a) Jan 25 2020

I was calling this out as an overblown threat very early.  The Wuhan borders closed on the 23 Jan 2020. This is tweet was 2 days after.  You’ll note I included my numbers & my source link was WHO from the start. These numbers were based on the 24th January 2020 data.  At this stage I had looked at the transit networks & was still working on symptoms.  There was only one decent article with relevant data Mamamia, Belinda Jepson 22 January, 2020 featuring Prof Sanjaya Senanayake.97 The first cluster presents started 28 December, 2019 with the incubation information I counted back the quoted 10-14 days & decided on 15th December 2019 for my patient0.  For my statistics. 


2.4.1(b) By the time of this next tweet, 10.44PM WHO report for the 25th January 2020 had come out reporting 41 deaths.   Dr Gray is one of two ex-Liberal Democrat candidates drove Twitter’s panic.  In my

opinion her & Dr Ding were working

together.  She omitted obvious

medical details e.g., coronavirus

same family as common cold family that would’ve dispelled panic. She was quoting ridiculous statistics.


2.4.1(c) The death rate appears high early because the highly vulnerable quickly succumb & present early & bad. Reports of the early case histories featured in a Mamamia article14 agreed with the usual progression of a winter virus.  I’ve been pushing for first aid courses in schools.  We are entering the aging of the baby boomers.  A lot of children are cared for by their elderly relatives, while parents work. Not only will this be a good way to prepare them for an emergency event or death a nation of first aiders easing the burden on carers & medical staff will be a handy thing when the aged population really kicks in.


2.4.1(d) Ding gave wild overblown statistics & then retracted them or as in this case both15.  He admits he has no qualifications after a feed of 40 tweets that most tweeters would have lost interest in. On the 28th of January, 2020 Dr Ding actually deleted the original thread link15 to the tweet above the picture & replaced them with a new thread16.  This is not the actions of someone with nothing to hide.


2.4.1(e) I also became aware early of a number of trolls & BOTs that were directing people on Twitter to Drs Grayson & Ding in Twitter.  This was despite their information being highly questionable. These are incognito, but I noticed there were a number of trolls including @shelhol that were clearly directing people to both Drs Grayson & Ding.  

Note Shelhol tweet feed retweeting them on with Dr Grayson & @thespybrief who leads you to another website rag for $10per month.



Jan 26 2020

I am on yet another Twitter suspension. My tweets are being deleted & considering I was one of only a few picked up this was a hoax being nudged up to create fear as early as January 2020 history is being deleted in active Court cases. This Tweets existence can only be viewed now via Google’s description. I was commenting that, because there had been no rises in deaths, they must have been celebrating Chinese New Year or Australia Day long week end instead of updating statistics at WHO. 

Bloomberg online was already quoting 56 dead.  So where was it getting the figures from?

There was another Tweeter Chris

2.4.2 (f) Though @shelhol tweets are now protected I screen captured it starting toiletpapergate in the link below.  I can’t even view the tweet on Google.  As Twitter is now behaving in a hostile manner to anyone with early history on COVID19 I am more than happy to prepare an affidavit at any-time related to this if Twitter has deleted it.


2.4.2(g).  This is my second suspension for no reason.  The last time was for quoting the Clint Eastwood movie “Hang Em High” about the hanging judge re the Robodebt.  It’s a movie term relates to stiff justice. This time same I have no reason.  I don’t follow American politics.  I know I have various versions of Trump’s name blocked & I think Biden’s name as well.  This is to keep my tweet feed clear for Australian content.


2.4.2(h) I have only one new UK Tweeter who shows an alliance to Trump I am aware of. She claims to nursing experience & is anti-COVID19.  Though I was aware she was new to Twitter Australia & probably a troll her UK status & medical info was info & her opposition to Boris etc made her a keen tweeter.  I have no problems sharing my info & have with many countries.  I’d do it again.  A real disease threat would not respect borders.  If it was real, I would want it stopped before it got to Australia.  Her medical info links were good.  


2.4.2(i) Australia was a contained area with closed borders.  It’s standard pandemic influenza rapid protocol to consult an external infected source (country outside our border).  Australia’s best infected consul by language health systems & alliance was of course UK.  What I saw though was a lot of bad data, that did not fit with logic & common sense everywhere other than UK Govt Health Dept notification.  Up to early February I thought it was an emergency exercise, then I thought maybe a stunt so people knew what war was like (the Anniversary). What I am 100% sure of though, it was never a lethal virus.  How do you weed out the bad info everywhere?  Local knowledge motivated Govt naysayers.


2.4.2(j) My latest Twitter suspension is due to a nasty piece of work Chandra Raina MacIntyre who along with a pack of dangerous behavioural economic “Nudge” practitioner Professors have been suppressing good information & pumping out total unsubstantiated garbage for their own financial interests over Australians. Per Dr Collignon at Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 25/06/2020,Raina had a prediction of 10,000 deaths before the end of May.” This Professor predicted 10,000 deaths based on nothing, but still got a Senate platform to spout more of her garbage.


2.4.2(k) That this bunch of Professors are all still getting airspace on ABC to Nudge up this rubbish beggar’s belief.  That they have received a lot of Govt funding is criminal.  Even now they are being given airspace to nudge up their fear & that will corrupt our election process too.  When did we ever see any flu numbers total on from the last year? So, tell me why COVID19 reports this year on ABC are including last year’s numbers to drive panic yet again?  What is occurring here is disturbance of the peace & State Govt’s should be charging an awful lot of people to get to the truth. 


2.4.2(l) You would have to wonder how MacIntyre who was so off base got to be a witness at the Senate inquiry.  The Chairperson was the Opposition Australian Labor Party Senator Gallagher.  This Senator is so far right she has overtaken the Liberal Party. Memorable moments in Senate her leading the vote against a Royal Commission show on Robodebt.  Can someone explain to me how the biggest Govt administration crime in the history of Federation doesn’t get a Royal Commission instantly?  Also, a bi-partisan vote against aged/disabled and their home carers getting the same non-discriminatory support as other welfare recipients.  She is not the only Labor pollie that have gone big on this hoax.  Chris Bowen gave a very big kudos to COVIDSafe APPalling & a junk mail piece of propaganda I believe was created to discredit factual information that the virus was not HCID.



2.4.2(m) Yet again like Robodebt, what is happening is a crime & instead of doing what should be done our Govt, Opposition & public servants are all more interested in their own self-interests than protecting Australians.  Our future King was diagnosed with COVID19 that is a hoax.  Does no-one consider that this is an incredible danger to the stability of the Commonwealth & for that matter all heads of States worldwide? People have lost their jobs & livelihoods & what I’m seeing in that so called Senate inquiry is cover tail.  The amalgamation of Commonwealth Depts & privatisation has been a disaster.  Australian Federal Police (AFP) as an independent investigation agency (now part of Home Affairs), has it directly implicated in unlawful Robodebt from the involvement Taskforce Integrity with Centrelink & then there’s the ABC raid.  Then consider an Attorney General Christian Porter implicated strongly in Robodebt handing out charges to whistle blower Australians. The Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office did somersaults to avoid the unlawfulness of Robodebt. Where have Australians got that they can report any crime related to APH that isn’t corrupted. In my Senate COVID19 I touched on a number of unbelievable stock moves. The Australian Stock Exchange did nothing to protect Australians interests either & I’ll bet a lot of the above got rich out of COVID19.


2.4.3(a) Jan 27 2020

2 days after an emergency lockdown death took a holiday.  If this was a real emergency all leave would have been cancelled.  The lines of communication from inside the Wuhan lockdown zone must have been open as the first couple of updates for WHO came through. Note at the bottom another tweeter commented. The pictures again suspension blocked out.  All my tweets include applicable weblink sources. Govt & newspapers can example their source data, violent or not with info given accreditation, every book etc is able to use references if they give the sources.  Individuals though are censored even on health now.

2.4.3(b) Jan 30 2020

These tweet shows at this time I had already identified key info.  I’d researched the virus family traits & already made the connection to flu season based on symptoms, which in 2017 was really a combination of both influenza & pneumonia as the statistics were grouped together.  I had also foreseen the start of human transmission. I’d determined the high probability it was a winter virus.  This put the area’s most likely worse affected as the colder zones & ways to slow its spread simply

turn up the heat. I’m not a doctor but there was never any doubt in my mind that pneumonia was also a factor because of vomiting. 




2.4.3(c)    Jan 31, 2020

5 Feb 2020 1 of 3

All of the tweets of stats for the first 90 days (typical flu season) from 15th Dec 2019 are blocked, but include similar data.  Note WHO’s Confirmed Case definition was included.  If they were only using PCR tests “irrespective of clinical signs & symptoms” in light of all the backtracks, all the original numbers may be suspect. I never thought based on the statistics COVID19 would last, but something was off right at the start.  So I roughed out a quantitative model to keep my hand.  Everyone else was using qualitative exponential, which was ridiculous, because worldwide there are too many variables.   I used MSPaint instead of excel because I was practicing my mouse control.  I would’ve switched to excel, but people were already my stats so I kept the original format.  WHO situation report 4 Feb 2020.


2.4.3(d)      5 Feb 2020 2 of 3

Note the top of this picture the direct link for the data source for infections.  I kept presenting both the infections & the deceased together so people could get perspective.


2.4.4 March 2020

After months of self-quarantining as a non-essential worker, a short food delivery gave me an excuse to go shopping early March 2020. I checked out the carparks at the hospitals too.  I didn’t need to go inside they were empty.  On the way, was a pool shop open for normal trade.  Qld Toowoomba in winter, so mozzies in untreated pool water was not a high critical need.  If this was a real viral emergency chlorine is an essential PPE. Nothing told me Govt was planning for a deadly virus.  When I got to the shops few looked at me & those that did were angry.  It was pretty clear they blamed me (in a wheelchair) for their treatment thanks to all that keeping others safe.


2.4.5  10 March 2020

This tweet & others earlier can’t even be view on Twitter behind an incognito window.  Thank you at least Mr Google.  At March 10, Aussies were still getting plastic airbags from China.  I knew in Jan2020 COVID19 was not a threat, because instead of cases, cases, cases, I was only interested in death no.’s, recovery times, incubation period, surface life & recurrency. Qantas grounded its planes same day27. The cluster present Hubei Wuhan was end of Dec 2019. So, on incubation period/surface life 14 days the virus was already here. If the super spreader threat claimed just by virtue of busy airports & postie parcel post spread, we already had a high local penetration everywhere. If COVID19 was HCID & not seasonal the death rate in Australia by 29 Feb2020 would have been bad. It wasn’t. Shortly after my tweet baggage handlers in SA tested positive for COVID1927.


2.4.5  11 March 2020

Commenting on the many differences between cultures for predicting reproduction of any diseases. One of the biggest mistakes I spotted in many exponential data models was the false assumption the Southern hemisphere had a comparable size population to the Northern hemisphere.

2.4.6  15 March 2020

Note the comment in the last 2x boxes. WHO had noted a turn in China& by this time Govt would’ve been receiving ACDP advices.  1st March & only 1X death imported. Later I realised Govt was incl’g  pneumonia with COVID19.  All media just compared to influenza & I believe it was purposefully done.  Pneumonia’s the more lethal complication. By the end of Feb2020 Australia’s Govts State & Federal should’ve known COVID19 was not a threat & was a winter virus or aged & disabled would’ve been affected earlier. We’ve now got COVID19 supposedly here again in summer. I’d really have to be in Avalon (fairyland) to credit a virus can pick which season year it wants to appear.


2.4.7 March 27 2020.

This tweet’s only available incognito.  I was in hospital for all the flu season & familiar with logistical hardship of keeping different strains separate. (People can get more than one simultaneously). COVID 19 would have added to that however mild.  Good hotels would have done that

as separate toilets.  I can’t access my other tweets, but they show I also pushed the need for good aircon & reminded on cleaning filters due to bushfire smoke. In bushfires I was giving info on car aircon signals ergo aware of the problem. 



2.4.8(a) March 29 2020

I’d predicted the need to rollout the flu shot early. I can’t take credit for the Hotel Hospital suggestion was from another country, but it was a good suggestion.  WHO Euro predictions (UK is in Europe & who we should have been using as our guide by protocol) were predicting a nothing unusual flu season, “However, no significant excess all-cause mortality data has been observed to date that coincides with increased influenza activity” 24.


2.4.8(b) I stayed in hospital end of 2019. For a non-peak period, the resources then were a disgrace.  If it was reflective of other hospitals it’s clear to me why a panic was on.  I’ve wondered whether health resources were redirected to aged care, because of the Royal Commission into Aging.


2.4.8(c) Food & PPE restrictions should have been implemented January.  We already had bushfire emergency restrictions on PPE Jan it was a no brainer.  We exported more beef in Jan2020 than Jan2019 as Aussies had no meat later in supermarkets later. 


2.4.8(d) Those so-called essential boxes arranged for pensioners & disabled had no fresh fruit & vegetables.  The priority shopping hour was useless for wheelies as we need maxi-taxis that give priority to school children in the morning.

2.4.9 Apr 4 2020

At this time, I knew 100% COVID19 was no threat.  I could see a lot of people, who should have known better were dangerously nudging up a medical non-event to create a panic. Very early I realised people were pushing a vaccine there was absolutely no need for & worthless, because all indications were from many reports it was recurrent.  About the only thing was to boost the system fast.  Hot non-alcoholic mulled wine is full of antimicrobial & antibacterial ingredients.


.2.4.10(a) 27 April 2020

Min. Greg Hunt gave false info on COVIDSafe APP & his info on COVID19 I saw I knew was all along.   He has an appalling record on health privacy.  He hid Birch was simultaneously consulting to Serco while in a senior My Health Record role.  Hunt blatantly misled Australians telling them My Health Record wouldn’t be accessible by Centrelink staff. It’s pretty obvious the intention was to merge all Depts per the McClure report.

2.4.11 29 April 2020

I’ve seen a lot of studies now & they all confirm my January suspicions COVID19 was typical of other Coronavirus, not a risk to most & hates heat ergo a winter virus26. This tweet was based on an early Feb 2020 study the Chinese did. Considering it was done on the hop a patient’s dwelling it was good but had a happy accident.  2 diff metals steel & copper had different surface life. It confirmed my suspicion it was a winter virus. Metals are non-porous. But copper heats faster than steel.  So, the virus ergo had a shorter life in heat. Of course, thickness of metal would account too for active virus life.





2.4.12 June 14 2020

I think I was one of the few voices not blaming China.

2.4.13 Jul 20, 2020

Everyone I have researched that has talked up COVID19 has been financially or politically gaining from it in Australia. 


2.4.14 Dec 1, 2020

What does it say that in Australia we have to fight the health & welfare corruption as much as we fight the emergencies?  We are in summer & yet we supposedly have cases, cases, cases again when we had nothing last summer, because they want to profit from a vaccine.


2.4.14 Dec 30, 2020

This tweet got me suspended by Prof Raina MacIntyre & her mates.  Remember that 10,000 prediction, remember that mask information, remember the pushes for a vaccine. I had to rebuild my tweet to put it out on other sites.  Note my use of the term surviving COVID19.  If you get out of any emergency without a scratch under the Oxford dictionary you are survivor.  The top box is Worldometer’s estimate of the population as at 29 December, 2020. The second box is WHO’s global total COVID2019 as at 29 December, 2020. (Bear in mind in COVID19 they have been doing what has never been done before continuing totals into a new year & into a new cold & flu season to increase your fear).  My tweet showed the statistics proving the vaccine was not necessary for the vast majority of the population.  Further, the vaccine had not even been tested on people over 55 that are the risk group.  These people have been pushing an unnecessary, untested medical intervention.  They are responsible for virtually stopping other medical treatment while we have bought a whole lot of freezers using public funds for no doubt their other private interests78.

























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