Senate Covid Australia - Lodged 27 May 2020

The following is my lodge to the Senate Covid19 headed by Labor Senator Katy Gallagher who is now the Australia's Attorney General.  When you read it you will see I treated this like any potential emergency threat & logically worked the alleged emergency. You will see all my early calls were proven correct.  Even down to my guide call on worse case scenario deceased of 55 per 90 day flu season.  To be very clear this was rejected November 2020 after all my calls on Senate Covid were proven correct.  Submissions accepted were those with ramped up deceased numbers.  Senator Gallagher's committee continued to refuse to accept three of my submissions including one peer reviewed because they were correct. I have made submissions to the Royal Commission Feb 2021 & the update   Her actions evidence her complicity in concealing Covid was an over-exaggerated hoax & show an intent to do harm with the involvement of foreign entities by her pushes for the vaccination of children as young as 5years old. This is a crime under section 5.4 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 & should make her ineligible to be Attorney General.  The over-exaggerated threat is now substantiated by 2x sources. One UK's SPI-B who it was revealed in UK Govt's questioning “exaggerated and cooperated with trying to create a climate of fear beyond the evidence" & Scott Morrison who on the eve of the election is on camera admitting Covid deceased were with Covid not because of Covid ( In the video you will see Morrison shows Premiers of both Labor & Liberal Parties were complicit in misleading the Australian people through their involvement with the National Cabinet. Whether by reckless involvement or otherwise Gallagher is implicated in a criminal offence & indeed any Labor or Liberal have conflicted interests in Covid19 & should not be appointed Attorney General.

27 May 2020

Committee Secretary

Department of the Senate

PO Box 6100

Parliament House

Canberra ACT 2600


Dear Secretary,

RE:  Senate COVID19

Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the inquiry. Other than my contact details I have no problems with my submission being made public.


I believe I am qualified to speak in the areas I have selected.

I have a Dip. Accounting that includes the Budgets & Forecasting module.  For over 10 years I worked as a senior bookkeeper I’m experienced in the interpretation of both quantitative & qualitative data.

I am a wheelie amputee since 2017 & still in recovery from staph & high vulnerable for COVID19 and other infections. I’m NDIS & DSP approved.

I have an old TAFE Prog Certificate & have personally experienced & reported to TIO 2015 the incidence of APP frequency conflicts with mobiles.

I was in Qld State Emergency & before I left was nominated for Section Leader Rescue North Logan. In addition to obviously Rescue with (First Aid), I also completed the Certificates:- "Wardens" which skilled me in reconn assessing emergencies scales & resource needs; "Welfare" how to implement & set-up evacuations & treat hazchem incidents. I have experience in setting up emergency first aid stations; and Rescue evacuation & recovery, street control, hazchem & energy etc. 

For over 10 years I worked in road transport over 4 years of which was in fleet control.

I am not a member of any Political Party and a long tie swinging voter.


As anyone that has followed COVID19 will be aware this event has been bizarre to say the least.  Within the last two years 2.5 years since leaving the hospital post leg amputation I have been assessed by 3 psychologist & 2 psychiatrists. This is as a result of a court case for compensation from same. I'm perfectly normal which considering the new abnormal times is pretty spectacular. In recovery I have been subjected to Robodebt BETA nudgers twice.  One Robodebt I self-defended all the way to AAT1 and won in recovery.  Considering the current environment where people are lining up 1.5metres apart, standing on feet on the floor & I'm watching politicians flapping elbows like chickens to shake hands it's reassuring to have all those assessments.


I’m still ill & was in hospital again in the latter half of 2019. It is the reason I followed COVID19 from early in Jan, 2020. I chose a format different from other modelers focusing on spread to death, to gauge the true risk level. I used MS Paint from the start as it was just for practice to keep my mouse skills up. To be blunt I never considered on numbers it was ever a threat. I continued to monitor it, as I could see it was being played with by a number of groups & political parties. I saw how "toilet paper gate" started.


Yours faithfully,    TRACEY HOOLACHAN









Overview of Countries Studied






China, USA, United Kingdom



Is COVID19 a Real Health Threat?



Background Chart Data



Medical Clues



What Resources Were Missing that should have been available to the Public



Proving COVID19 was not an abnormal health event



Other Health Factors



What was COVID19 all About?





I first became aware of COVID19 like many when reports of the Wuhan Border was closure appeared in the media. While I was in hospital for my leg amputation, I experienced the full "very bad" flu season & was an isolated only patient with Influenza A in a ward of Influenza B.

I have been following all viral medical events myself because of failings in my care from NDIS.  


What made me interested in this "Novel" coronavirus was reported symptoms were identical to a combination of both influenza & pneumonia.  This was China's flu season & with its population 1.44 Billion, the reported deaths 41 were unbelievably low.  Even with Australia's greatly reduced population of about 24.6 Million, have we ever had mass media saturation of a flu-like virus with only 41 deaths in flu season?  No!  Social media, online Twitter trolls leading to online newspapers were full of "Novel" coronavirus.  Why wouldn't they be?  This was a global feeding frenzy and Joe Public was being picked clean for a variety of reasons.
















Though I considered some other countries on request I focused on data from Australia & China, but was drawn into UK and USA considerations because of findings: -



1.1 Australia

1.1(a) I was tweeting my concerns about this being overblown and potential raid on the Australian Stock Exchange January 2020.  Memories may be fuzzy, because we've had the Prime Minister's Office BETA brainwashing us stupid or into suicide, but we have had Bitcoin & other money games coming out of our ears for a few years now.

       1.1(a)(i) The Bureau of Meteorology was so busy killing time in a security cloud they used the computers to mine for Bitcoins. With all that money that we're told has gone into Dept of Home Affairs they can't even monitor Public Servants let alone us;

       1.1(a)(ii) Bitcoin scams involving none other than our own "Twiggy" I'll have an Each-Way Bet on the 2019 election Forrest.  It seems "Twiggy" who likes the media so much he grabbed the podium in a Government Health Announcement doesn't check for parody account fraudsters. I saw the ad many times myself.  It promoted what looked like a pyramid scheme.  He has also been pushing his Cashless Debit Card dream "Indue".  This is an alternative form of income delivery for welfare recipients.  It doesn't seem to deliver anything, but a nice little earner to “Indue” an AMEX/Westpac Business Card look alike costing the Public Purse over $10K per card per year.   I'm seriously struggling with how "Twiggy" was deemed fit to determine safe management of welfare recipients’ money when he was so easily used in a scam himself. In an area of his obvious interest. His unfortunate duping was all made public when there was that major scandal with Wells Fargo and let us not forget about Westpac or is that another BETA memory block achievement;

       1.1(a)(iii) Bitcoins are still plummeting and those people that melted down their gold rings and sold their health stocks for an Emperor's New Coin Collection are now a lot poorer.

       1.1(a)(iv) The mint that printed errors on the $50 note. Collect AUS & collect the alphabet. Why?  Coin collectors and others do not spend collectible coins.  I'm a coin collector myself, but other than higher priced collector mints, general circulation obviously has the effect of reducing spending while stimulus was being called for publicly. 


1.1(b) At the time Australia went into COVID19 it was in the middle of a bushfire disaster. Prime

Minister Scott Morrison was under fire for not cutting short his holiday for the disaster.  The Government was also shielding itself from the fallout from multiple highly questionable financial matters e.g. Paladin, Sports grants and Robodebt now deemed unlawful affecting an estimated 400K citizens and again Cashless Debit Card. There was already Aged Care and Disability Royal Commissions underway with horror stories coming out.  I note the United Special Rapporteur gave a report on some of these and more for Australia.


1.1(c) It's fair to say it was already in the middle of a financial and political turmoil. 




1.2 China


1.2(a) I have had a few friends from China and you can't be a serious history lover and turn a blind eye to how the Chinese have woven themselves into the fabric of the Commonwealth.  My loyalty of course remains with Australia and also United Kingdom as a dual national .  There was nothing I could see from the outside scanning news reports or WHO that told me they were acting  worse than any medical group would be facing a potentially new virus. Like others I saw the scenes of street fumigation and lockdowns I was aware though of China's Four Pest history.  China has a long history of stomping on pests of any kind fast. China had also been experiencing many months of Hong Kong democracy activism and was in hard trade negotiations with President Trump.  I viewed the speed the hospital was built with awe, but did not consider it was related in whole to the virus, but a combination of all these factors.  The numbers were clearly too low to warrant anything major.  I actually considered it was a show of capability for a future trade partner and the people of Hong Kong.  


1.2(b) It's fair to say it was already in the middle of a financial and political turmoil.    




1.3 USA


1.3(a) My family hosted an Exchange Student from Mendocino California. Whilst I'm an opponent of their Gun policies & ANZUS I have no prejudices towards the USA and in fact tweet with a few American's in Twitter Direct Messaging.  At the time COVID19 blew up, Liberal Democrats were running their pre-selection rounds. Health care is a big vote grabber. Trump is downplaying debt statistics. Defence is always a key Republican platform and It has been talking up concerns of the South China Sea routes and China's influence spreading due to its large debt.


1.3(b) It’s fair to say it was already in the middle of a financial and political turmoil.     






1.4(a) Though I consider myself Australian, I am a dual national having been born in England. My relatives are spread across the UK primarily England, Wales and Ireland.  United Kingdom was still riding the wake of Brexit under their new leader Prime Minister Johnson.


1.      4(b) It’s fair to say it was already in the middle of a financial and political turmoil.     








2.1(a) I rarely watch television, but my radio is tuned to ABC Southern Radio day & night.  All day I hear reports from various medical professionals. I am regularly on Twitter & if I see or hear radio reports of interest, I’ll research more info.  As aforesaid COVID19 stood out to me because it was overhyped on radio and in social media. It felt fake. Like a planned exercise. This is covered in further clauses herein. 


2.1(b) The symptoms described early were an exact match to a combination of influenza & pneumonia.  For the call of Coronavirus, a different virus family, it must have been confirmed under the slide in laboratory testing.  Early stages of WHO reporting the confirmed cases were laboratory confirmed.  Later it changed to a combination of laboratory confirmed and clinical diagnosis.  


2.1(c) Even using my simple comparison the numbers never increased to a degree that COVID19 was a serious health threat to Australia.  I continued with the format through the first 92 days (typical flu season), because people of various levels of familiarity with charts were following my tweets.  The format was easy to see a direct comparison to our flu season for real perspective on the threat. I clearly advised I had a DipAcc & was not a Doctor in most tweets.  I used the best data from Government medical sites for my information & there wasn't much initially & it was slow in coming out.





2.1(d) My data assumed Australia had effective Border Control at both seaports and airports.  This was based on an enormous amount of expenditure that has been put in this area.  COVID19 first presents as a cluster put the start date around mid-December based on a 14day incubation.  The borders were not closed until 23 January.  That was a 55day period when people were travelling to Australia, but there was nothing here.  No reports of a new viral outbreak.  This would of course have been carefully checked because we were in the middle of bushfires with possibly unusual health conditions arising from toxic smoke.  This told me immediately it had to be a winter flu season virus and we obviously had plenty of notice to achieve an almost zero infection rate with appropriate border control. I let the numbers run for the full 91day season in case there was a large rebound.  The deaths dropped of course as the formula was an extension of China's decreasing COVID19 confirmed cases and the death statistics as there was no large second wave. Of course, the dead don't come back to life so the deaths without abnormal interference would have been the first milestone (NB) of 57 and 1,692 confirmed had no intervention occurred.  I realized bio security had not been improved by the additional expenditure exampled by Ruby Princess & the nurse from the nursing home.  Even without those events parcels were being received by me from China by air too quickly that the plastic surface life was considered. My estimate of 57 was based on a similar lockdown to China with the assumption the virus was already here. Removing the Ruby Princess factor & nursing home I would have been pretty close.    




2.1(e) During the first 91 days I noticed WHO did a number of changes to its reporting formats.  This included critical changes of method of determination of confirmed cases.  This amplified my belief that this was an exercise & different reporting methods were being trialed.  The last thing anyone would do in a real emergency would do is change formats.  People in a real emergency don't have time to learn a new reporting method. Communication workers may succumb to infection too resulting in lines down to relay new methods and standards.




2.1(f) "Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year." (  Southern Hemisphere's population is about 10-12% of the world's population.  As at WHO situation report 127, 26th May 2020, there are 343 514 deaths and as we are well and truly moving into summer in the Northern Hemisphere the effects of COVID19 as a possible winter virus are unlikely to be equal to a bad flu season.  So why do we still have lockdowns and hype in Australia?  The panic raised by the Medical fraternity in Australia can only be from the total underfunding of health resources and overcrowding in hospitals.   









2.                   2(a) The key clues I looked at to determine if COVID19 was an abnormal health threat were: -


       Q. Is there transmission & how? Direct fluid exchange, Air (inhaled droplets) and surface

       A.  Yes  


       Q. What was the asymptomatic incubation period? This is confirmed now by WHO 2 April 2020 Situ Report as 14days now.  I have continued to observe always assumed surface life to be present based on many reports

       A. 14 days


       Q. When was the first cluster of presents?

       A.  28 December, 2017


       Q. What is an approximate date of patient zero? 28days (cluster) less 14days incubation or rapid onset condition deterioration).

       A.  14-15 December approx. start date.



       Q. If surface life how long?  I have continued to assume surface life to be present based on many reports ( & WHO's Mythbuster on 5G confirms surface life.

       A. For safety assume 14 days.


       Q.  How does the virus behave in heat? Indications are COVID19 hates heat. The initial surface tests above were completed at various temperatures.  They showed the virus faired worse at warmer temperatures. There was an oddity in the first test I saw which determined a longer virus survival on steel than copper.  Both of these surfaces are metallic and nowhere near as porous as cloth. Tests done in the same lab would be under the same humidity conditions. Cooks will know copper kettles heat quicker. The thickness of metal surfaces may also be a consideration.  Another clear sign that COVID19 hates heat was the absence of Australian cases. End of December it was not flu season in Australia. The borders did not close until 23 January from China 5.5 weeks of Chinese visitors, but we had no COVID19.  Cluster cases appearing with flu-like symptoms would have stood out.  If you look at the rest of the world there was nothing until 23 January even in the Northern hemisphere. That was until I raised this in Twitter. Then there was an article coincidentally the same day after that France went in and retested deceased samples & found one case of COVID19 5 May 2020. I note that is over 3 months later France had kept a negative sample of influenza (

       A.  There are further tests still being done, but early tests indicate COVID19 hates heat.  


       Q.  Is COVID19 Recurrent? I made the call very early #COVID19 was recurrent. There were three separate reports in the media of cases from Doctors I based my decision on. (  

       A.  Yes


My tweets were a shared diary recording conclusions I arrived at.  For a global event, the things missing that should have been in place prior to any emergency.


       2.3(a) Historical Data for a minimum of three years ideally five that included mortality data & population for diseases.  Commonwealth Government historical basic data on a similar disease or access to preferably State & territory data totals.  This is basic information that anyone using historic benchmarks e.g. on all diseases in the public domain should have access to.  How can any community group make accurate Public Submissions on health issues if it can't get basic information on health?  This data may have been available in medical programs not accessible to the public.  However, in a real major event, information needs to be out in the public domain fast.  No-one knows who the last men or women standing will be and where information to help can come from. Each & every community with or without a doctor needs to be able to access resources that give them a guide. It needs to be pre-circulated in hard copy format, because we don't know what power or communications will still be manned or access enabled.  I had to rebuild national totals for medical information from various sources to give me milestone determinants to get historical data.


       2.3(b) Accurate information from the National Chief Medical Officer and Minister.  Even after weeks of media saturating the news with reports of COVID19. At no time did I see anything put in the Public domain showing basic information that could have alleviated public panic. China to Australia population ratio 1.44Bil:24.6Mil & Australia is about 80% the size of China. It was a long time before anyone pointed out it was winter and China's flu season. It was a long time before anyone raised Coronavirus was from the virus family of the common cold.  Had this information been given very early COVID19 panic would not have happened. This level of panic to be blunt was created.   This was coronavirus with spread likely to be at the same rate as the flu. I had to rebuild national totals from the information from various sources to give me milestone determinants to get historical data, but it was achievable to show  worse case scenario on lethal severity using quantitative data not "high theoretical" Novel modelling using qualitative data. In my opinion the qualitative data was used because the figures showed very early that COVID19 was not a major threat.  


           2.3(c) A Chief Medical Officer that is totally independent of Government, the Opposition & the

Public Service.  Almost all of the early information I heard from both CMO Murphy and Minister Greg Hunt was poor.  It excluded information from other countries and was poorly researched for what was touted as Novel.  On key things like surface life and recurrence, despite multiple reports from various countries including China all giving what I consider was key information on same these two stood together and both discounted same. The incorrect information from these two increased the panic, because that information was already in the Public domain.  This is a democracy. I am not in the least bit impressed, with any argument that limits my access to health information of any kind as long as I can see the sources.  This paranoia of sharing freely medical information is for the profit of pharmaceutical share traders in a privatized environment.  It should have been stomped on years ago world-wide.  



       2.3(d) Public Libraries. Very early there were reports of low surface life on paper. So why were Libraries that would be a huge reference point for any emergency event not open for socially distanced business.  Bookshops selling books and jigsaws was all good. The excuse that they were new books is garbage.  They have the same chance of having transmission if not more because the shop is smaller. It removed hard copy in print medical reference books and left COVID19 followers to the mercy of online data and news media that were ramping up COVID19 like it was Armageddon.  This to me was a key indicator that COVID19 was faked and most probably testing online media strength. 



       2.3(e) A National First Aid Personal Protection Equipment Book. First Aid classes have limited time to cover this.  Old recommends of a triangular bandage for a mouth mask will now I'm guessing be rethought if not already.  Putting on a fabric mask will of course absorb virus droplets and hold them to the face for longer. I'm not a Doctor but good olde common-sense tells me that is like putting a cloth of Chloroform & holding it to your mouth.  What also wasn't available gloves for me to do that and masks. I improvised my needs from what I could get eg most perfumes are alcohol based for hands & used Peppermint Essence to clean my leg (35% alcohol & consumption safe).  My emergency training tells me it does not matter how much medical supplies you have in an emergency it is never enough. Anyone that has been a First Aider in the workplace knows that medical kit has products that have use by dates.  With all my training with nothing available in the early period I found myself suggesting if someone drops put a clean plastic bag over your head & get them in recovery position (a symptom was vomiting) then step away & phone an ambulance. After research I found a few good suggestions for plastic face shields e.g. one with just a soft drink bottle.  For people with flu-like symptoms there was abundance of sock, G-string masks).  We have First Aid books for emergency medicine.  Why is there no national First Aid Emergency PPE book for items that can be found in many homes? There seems to me a case for a national competition for collating PPE suggestions from recycled materials found in the home & a new Boy Scout/Guide Badge for production.



       2.3(f) Improved Border Control & Defence.  For years I've been raising that our borders are poorly protected for bio-security. It's a pretty impressive list: - Fire ants; Hendra virus, Citrus Canker; Pistol & Boo at high security caught by poodle trimmer; asylum seekers apprehended by beer loving fishermen in FNQ and now Ruby Princess. Contractors qualities are highly questionable (e.g. Paladin the beach shack kings) & often foreign owned (e.g. Serco). It is pretty clear that the sums do not warrant offshore detention & the centres should be shut down.  Real questions should be asked on port lease managements where ownership is foreign.  How do we prevent bio hazard material coming to our shores when we do not have full control of the entry points?  Our biggest bio-security threat as an island is our ports and airports & when they are foreign owned & staff are foreign paid, we have no border control.  Our borders are too big to control. We can however control & monitor air space over our borders most logically by satellite. Not too many people have the capability to take out a satellite signal without it being noticed.  






       2.3(g) Protection of Logical Essential Provisions & Reserves - Neither of the two major supermarkets had adequate food delivery services for people locked down. As a highly vulnerable disabled wheelie in order to get access to a delivery, I had to breach my private DHS CAN No. to get access to the deliveries.  I had to give my health particulars for my food to one supermarket.  There is clearly something wrong when Government sets up a system that involves me having to give private details.  I was locked down & the poorly regulated supermarket saw me paying higher than usual delivery & product costs, limited range of choice, waiting over a week for deliveries and when they arrived, they were missing items on one occasion almost half the order.  I also had a battle for the refund. So called pensioner essential boxes had no fresh vegetables or meat. When I finally had enough of the poor deliveries, I went to the shops in normal hours to see what was going on.  Chicken that was a missing item in my delivery & charged at 6.99kg was abundantly available & being sold at 2.99 per kg. There were no rationed quantities & plenty of choices.  On the way to the shops I noticed places like Pool Suppliers open for trade.  Considering their may well have been a need to disinfect streets and supplies were low on many cleaning items it was illogical this shop was trading to the public a product chlorine that may have been critically needed ( I was gob smacked when I found out that January 2020 while we were in the middle of bushfires meat exports exceeded the same time the prior year. Letting food reserves out of the country at that time must be considered as an element that lead to the meat shortages during the panic buying.



       2.3(h) Trade Limit Controls on Pharmaceutical Sales (Pension Card exempt). It was inevitable that panic would start for medical essentials. I am in staph recovery & my product of choice for cleaning my staph recovery remaining leg is Angel Blue 70% hand sanitizer. That was not available, because of panic buying that should've been controlled early. 



       2.3(i) Quarantine Station - Australia is surrounded by islands and yet when the scramble was on nothing was available, but an offshore detention centre.  This was an obvious political move.  The farcical expenditure of offshore detention was already under the spotlight.



       2.3(j) The Logical Best Health Defence - As they have been trying to find a cure for coronavirus strains for decades it was pretty obvious a jab was not going to be developed in time for this season and probably not many to come.  People panicking enough to be buying a years supply of toilet paper were going to reach for any cure.  Reports of bleach, disinfectant & other horrors should have seen an immediate response suggesting defences of antimicrobial/antibacterial foods and drinks promoted as the best resistance.








2.4(a) I was able to answer if COVID19 was not the health threat it was built up to be conclusively by February 29, 2020.  

       2.4(a)(i) We were advised Wuhan was in hard locked down in their homes & the area barricaded from 23rd January to 28th March, 2020. This period equates to 66 days (9d x Jan + 29d x Feb + 28d Mar). In the first 14d incubation cycle the overwhelming majority of people with asymptomatic COVID19 would have developed symptoms & been encouraged to self-identify. Why?  It is logical that when the highly promoted most vulnerable to severe virus results were the elderly. Anyone that has cared for an elderly person knows you have to deal with infections quickly. 

       2.4(a)(ii) So just to be absolutely generous let's assume some asymptomatic people developed symptoms on the 14th day. By 6th February 2020 everyone in the hard locked down dwelling should have been identified as free or infected with COVID19 or if a resident in the house of an infected person considered be potentially infected & also monitored.  The dwelling is disinfected & residents encouraged to clean for literally their life.  Other contacts would be medical responders who would be being tested as a matter of course.

       2.4(a)(iii) By 19th February 2020 the end of the second cycle all people originally identified as high transmission risks are already in the monitored group.  There was only one unsubstantiated case I saw that reported a 27day incubation. 29 days have passed in lockdown at this time. 

       2.4(a)(iv) By 29th February 2020 an Allowance of a further ten (10) days just to be really safe to cover the potential of 27day incubation as it is a Novel virus.  If this was the virus as described to us all there should have been no more cases that weren't already tracked inside Wuhan.  However, WHO reports still had China on high alert & there were still new cases.  How?

       2.4(a)(v) The lock-down in Wuhan lasted 66 days or 4.7 fortnightly incubation cycles.

2.4(b) Also that the purpose of the lock-downs were unmerited.

    When you accept that there were 4.7 fortnightly incubation cycles you realize the lockdowns were not logical.  If the disease could be stopped by lockdown that would have occurred across the first two cycles. 

2.4(c)   At no time did the COVID19 death statistics run comparative to populations place the disease close to Australia's high flu season.  Here is my current spreadsheet based on historical data.


2.4(d) "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK." This was for the same reason as I arrived at very early the low mortality rate.

19 .  With COVID19 not having a high mortality rate then it would only be a lack of resources. 18 December, 2019 WHO had issued its prediction of a normal flu season (PDF ). With a low mortality rate real questions should be asked why an announcement was made on the same day as COVID19 was downgraded in UK on the need to close our borders the following day 20 March 2020

2.4(e) Contrary to the very viable possibility of using quantitative historical data (what I used) to arrive at the real threat level. I have seen numerous examples of exponential qualitative charts from modeling agencies on "Novel" COVID19.  To quote CMO Murphy these are "highly theoretical".   

2.4(e)(i) WHO samples



        2.4(e)(ii) Australian Government Samples






        2.4(e)(iii) Wandisco UK based consideration of the modeling is just as damning.

        2.4(e)(iv) I have seen multiple attempts now to do global charts & all fail, because each country has its own unique circumstances. Factors to be considered population density, climate, diet, habits, industry, seasons, landlocked or not, import sources, health care availability & standards, high prevalence of other conditions e.g. HIV to name but a few. 



2.5(a) Coronavirus Supplement - This was a health crisis and yet the people who were most at risk physically the aged and disabled did not receive the supplement. Or even a top up to the same level as other welfare recipients.  I note the Greens Senator Siewart made a motion for it to be extended to include the aged and disabled which was actually voted against by Australian Labor and LNP. Many aged and disabled isolated early and we were subjected to utter rubbish treatment from the supermarket delivery services. Already for years we have been subjected to appalling NDIS care, appalling Aged home care pack supplies, appalling Aged residential care & I can now say beyond a shadow of a doubt Australian Parliament House couldn't give a stuff if we lived or died.  The only contact I got from NDIS in the entire time COVID19 was an issue was a phone call 2 days before the Senate COVID19 hearing.  I have had no community support at all. 


2.                   5(b) Behavioral Modification- Anyone that has followed Robodebt will be aware of "nudge" tactics of the Behavioral Economics removing help lines from letters.  What they won't be aware of is PM Scott Morrison has had the Behavioral Economics team working inside his office and they have been crawling all over the health and defence departments When their techniques include picturing a Zen garden and doing various steps which is more akin to self-hypnosis on at least one education project I think an awful lot of questions need to be asked about this groups activities. Currently, people seem to have totally blanked out that the deaths are all mostly within the mortality range. PM Morrison's tactic of repeating phrases, ABC radio mindfulness sessions have been adding to the pre-conditioning.  Of interest was the connection between BETAs Managing Director Tara Oliver and London's BI team who if you scroll down to the bottom of the page are also involved in the UK Cabinet& New York. . This link has more information.  We keep having repeat messages of "We're all in this together" and the "New Normal".  Let me be very clear when the average mortality age is 80 and has been around 80 for a few years when the overwhelming number of deaths is within that normal range this should be called the New Abnormal. (  People have been brainwashed.  I believe the test start of this on social media may have been OK Boomer.

DETERMINATION: While COVID19 may be a genuine Novel Coronavirus I do not believe it was ever the real health threat it was made out to be.  






2.6(a) I've considered multiple scenarios and plausible reasons. I’ve placed details here for the six that I believe will be considered by others. 


       2.6(a)(i) China gave false information on the numbers of affected. Implausible as it was China's flu season. China at any time could have told medical professionals just to treat cases as influenza. 

       Result 1 - On this basis this scenario is improbable.



       2.6(a)(ii) COVID19 was a coordinated global terrorist contamination event.  China was open 5.5 weeks before its lock down, but nothing anywhere else. France has now identified a single case late December, 2019. However, there was no local transmission. There were no reports anywhere until China. Early I considered it being a toxic food poisoning incidence, because of the lack of spread in other countries.  COVID19 however must have been identified under the slide.  Local transmission in nursing homes which with Australia's bio-security policy on food imports should be impossible. It is also illogical that a real life threatening disaster event would have been replaced by propaganda of another life threatening disaster event.

       Result 2 - On this basis this scenario is improbable.



       2.6(a)(iii) It was a fake & planned event to test the emergency preparedness of systems.  I have seen multiple examples of busy nurses across the world dancing.   A variety of countries rewarding essential workers of various kinds.  Since January 2017 I was in hospital three (3) times in Australia. One of which was for the full bad flu season.  This is not what happens in a real event.  You are too busy and your adrenalin has kicked in. When you are not doing a job, you are looking for one and picking up the slack of others.  An event with multiple waves sees you pre-prepping in quiet periods for the next wave. You are still coming down weeks after debriefs. This was a propaganda show of our country is better than yours.  I believe there is every possibility this was a fake & planned event. What does not make sense though is why it was not stopped at "toilet paper gate". Unless that was also a staged event. It was the turning point where panic buying began clearly as realistic needs like disinfectants, canned foods were still plentiful at that time. Any responsible exercise leader would have realized something was abnormal. Realized that people were behaving mentally irrational and the public's mental health was at high risk.  If it was an exercise it would have been stopped.  Allowing unconstitutional s51 disorder to occur would not be an empowered Act. If this was an exercise  the Public Service exampled loud and clear why the Public has no confidence in them or Government.  From my emergency training we are always given a password that if a real emergency occurs, a phone call or two-way message is sent stopping the exercise immediately.  It is illogical that a health emergency preparedness exercise would not have been stopped immediately as it was creating a real mental health emergency.

       Result 3 - On this basis this scenario is a probable start, but it should have concluded long before lock-downs in Australia.  



       2.6(a)(iv) It was a fake & planned event to test Defence & Cyber weaknesses. Australia has been advised it is under self socially distanced isolation lock downs until 10 Million sign up for an APP (to be discussed further in Methodology). This APP was given kudos from CMO Murphy, the Health Minister Hunt, Prime Minister Morrison & more than one Opposition Shadow Ministers. No-one in Australian Parliament House came out & really told people they were signing up for an APP that gave them absolutely no privacy and could be used as evidence against them for a distance breach fine.


       In addition it had a well-publicized clearance from an "independent"  Board that received a $50Million government funding  Board members include BCA who boasted in papers a few years back of a $50 Million war chest to elect the LNP Government - I'm not seeing much independence here.  There's an impressive array of cyber & tech people including a Board member from the signal’s directorate.  You would have to wonder then, why not one on this "independent" board raised signal frequency conflicts, APP conflicts or even bothered to check it was compatible with various platforms before it was launched. COVID19 as described has surface life of up to 9days when were any of the experts going to say that the APP was not fit for purpose because tables & chairs etc. don't send out a mobile frequency. Big questions should really be asked on what expertise was bought off this Board.  Early after launch there were reports of conflicts with health APPS eg Diabetes Australia (  When there is a potential for frequency conflicts with things like pacemakers an improperly tested APP may in fact be dangerous. 10 Million could have signed up for an APP that didn't work Day 1 and all of us could have been allowed released from home detention Day 1. So, let's say it like it is.  We have all been held prisoner in our homes and been blackmailed into downloading the APP for no good reason. Both the Commonwealth and State Governments have obtained financial benefits, politicians media attention for taking our liberty with the menace of fines. 10 Million or 40% of the population is co-incidentally a Government elected majority as children don't vote.  13 May, 2020

 Misha Ketchell of The Conversation reported that 18 days after launch only 5.4 Million had uploaded the APP. I note the low & slow APP take-up says the Public has no confidence in APH in its entirety.  Whilst the APPs total failure may suggest Australia is unprepared for Cyber Defence there is more of a case, that Government is poorly selecting personnel to be at the lead in that change.  History doesn't lie - Robodebt, Centrelink crashes, Census, APP-alling. A lot of good taxpayer money has been spent on rubbish by a Public Service top heavy with ex-political staffers and donor interests.  

(   There is no point trying to work out if there are dead zones if the CovidSafe as the APP itself doesn't work. I am aware in 2019 there were Chatham House deliberations attended by APS hierarchy for the specific purpose of restoring public confidence (




       Australians would be utterly disgusted to find out that while the bushfire & COVID19 major human and financial disasters were unfolding APS hierarchy's first order of business was a pay rise. After many months people affected by bushfires have still had no support, but APS is sitting pretty with their rises thank you very much. After Robodebt, NDIS, Aged Care the APS hierarchy, bushfires and now COVID19 this Australian has well and truly had enough.


       Result 4 - On these bases this scenario shows the public's level of support & willingness to blindly follow its leaders has deteriorated to the point Defence is compromised from within. It is my personal opinion that the poor pre-launch testing of the APP was to raise a case for further funding in Cyber Defence. To go to this extreme tells me the players involved in the APP & review committee would be the last people on the planet I’d trust with Government funds




       2.5(a)(v) It was a faked & planned event for political gains.

At the very start of researching in January, I became aware of a heavy push by two Liberal Democrats of COVID19 being something above the norm.  They were both irresponsible in different ways.  The first Dr Grayson posted accurate information, but only enough to raise fear and nothing reducing it or offering perspective e.g. that coronavirus included the common cold, x number of people die of influenza each year.  The second Dr Ding posted wildly inaccurate estimates that at one time was 3.8. His data was so poorly modeled, he had not even bothered to estimate a reasonable start date mid December 2019 based on presents end of December. I was not the only person to pick up on his poor work. I I also became aware early of a number of trolls & BOTs that were directing people on Twitter to these Doctors’ Twitter pages for COVID19 information.  One of the trolls was @shelhol.  @shelhol started "toilet paper gate" with tweets that dropped the hints on toilet paper shortages in China. Though @shelhol tweets are now protected I screen captured an early tweet of it starting the toilet paper scare  

Dr Eric Feigl Ding is a Doctor of epidemiologist & nutrition. He has no qualifications in virology. I also captured some of his original tweets.  You only find that out when you get to his Tweet thread no. 40 that he was not qualified in virology.  He also had a clear political agenda & I note his Liberal Democrat Candidacy.  I tracked him because I did not credit any responsible Doctor would try to create the level of fear he was. He has since added the blue tick of account holder confirmation.  This is the original tweet link.  On the 28th of January, 2020 Dr Ding actually deleted all the early thread links to the tweets below & replaced them.  This is not the actions of someone with nothing to hide. Here is thread no. 40.  If you click on the thread & scroll up, you'll see he recreated a new no. 2 etc. 

        Dr Dena Grayson was a Liberal Democrat Candidate.  You'll notice I replied to her with more information respectfully.  I could see very early her & Dr Ding were connected.  As a Doctor I would have been expecting her to know that the Coronavirus family included the common cold & if being really reserved relate that to dispel any presumptuous panic. Instead we got accurate information designed to raise panic & anything that showed it was not as lethal as influenza was avoided. The result was two Doctor sources for news reports. 



        When I responded to Tweets from Liberal Democrat followers with valid information on COVID19 I often got trolls pushing Bloomberg news which I noted in early periods consistently gave increased numbers of deaths higher than any other media sources.  I chose ultimately to discount all data from the two Doctors, John Hopkins as I found Bloomberg had made a large donation & Dr Ding I found was also from the Hopkins/Bloomberg Alumni. There has been a continuing battle between Liberal Democrats and Republicans on approaches to COVID19 on Twitter.  


        The other three countries from Australia for reasons previously stated were all in political turmoil. However, in terms of social media and the panic in my opinion it was these two Doctors were the real start of that panic on Twitter. On the Australian front PM Morrison's polls after bushfires was dismal and in a Party that has seen numerous leadership changes he was in an unhealthy position.  What cannot be dismissed is across Australia, UK & USA the three countries all were held by right-wing governments, all on shaky ground & all followed a similar plan of action.  


        Result 5 - It is highly probable that this was a planned event for political gain.  




        2.5(a)(vi) It was a faked & planned for financial interests.  Early in my research I became aware of a number of players my first instinct was this was a stock scam. Over and above the bitcoin games there was also other clear players on the stock exchange doing surprisingly well out of COVID19.  Gilead Pharmaceutical stands out. Here was a company that the "U.S. Government has filed a lawsuit accusing Gilead Sciences of violating patents owned by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services related to Truvada, Gilead’s HIV prevention drug."

( This stock should have sunk faster than a bus in quicksand but enter COVID19 and its stock soared.  (  The Republican Party has had a number of Senators under investigation for stock sales and Senator Richard M. Burr, Republican of North Carolina is still under investigation. (  On the Australian front we have had an APP with an independant review Committee that included Business Council of Australia representative.  The BCA has numerous mining companies in its membership ( Whilst Australians have been locked up, diverted & unable to protest, we have had a $10Billion CSG Mine in the Surat Basin Qld approved.  The reports clearly show this has a 1 in 6 potential of damaging the basin. This will cause pollution to bore water for 300 years in a farming area subject to drought that relies heavily on bore water for survival. Also, the Narrabri #CSG Gas Project. 23,000 citizens, expert submissions 98% of which were against the project.

( Two highly unpopular projects likely to go ahead because we have a PM who loves coal so much, he brought a piece of it into Parliament and one look at the National COVID19 Co-ordination Committee tells you something is seriously wrong with its mining heavy make-up. Health essentials bought by Twiggy (face masks) and Clive Palmer (32.9Mil doses of hydroxychloroquine) miners? Since when did public administration for health reduce to the level, we have to source supplies via private companies?

        Result 6 - It is highly probable that this was a planned event for financial gain & in Australia all signs are for fossil fuel mining interests.  



In Conclusion: - After considering the above in my opinion there is every possibility that the event started as a planned exercise for emergency preparedness.  I think the event may have then been gamed both for private & political gains.  







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