1. I think it is important that we start by considering the lawfulness of the entire process of digital identities & whether govt legislation already active related to digital technology has any constitutional basis at all.
2. Black’s Law Dictionary defines “identity” as “Sameness; the fact that a subject, person, or thing before a court is the same as it is represented, claimed, or charged to be. See Burrill, Circ. Ev. 3S2, 453, 031, G44. In patent law.” Like almost everyone in Australia my earliest identifying document is my birth certificate. Not everyone drives & needs a licence. Not everyone travels requiring a passport. We were though all born & most births are registered. We may gather additional documents, but lawfully before a Court we are the same person, but older than when our births were registered. We are a product of the parent(s) that registered, Christened & named us. The birth certificate remains the same through our entire life. Passports & licences become obsolete as we naturally age. Bank accounts & utility providers change. The internet goes down & power turns off but a paper birth certificate retains “sameness” carries on. If paper birth certificates are destroyed, they are replaced by a replica of the same. Even when an identity changes with reassignment or adoption the original registration remains a part of history the same & there is a re-registration. When women marry & their name changes the original registered birth name remains. AKA Also known as “sameness:”. It is this “sameness” that validates lawfulness when we deal with “identity” of a person.
The Australian
Constitution Act 1901 is our primary legal document. There was no “digital” or
even audio-visual technology in 1901. “Digital”
technology is not like paper that birth certificates are printed on. The paper
birth certificate remains the sole possession of the rightful person even if lost.
By 1901 we had 450 common years use of printed paper (ergo common law technology)
& 63 years of birth registrations, but there was nothing digital because it
had not been invented. Whilst common practice can be assumed with paper birth certificates
for identification the same cannot be said for anything digital. A lot of smoke
is being blown but digital technology was not patented until the 1960’s & as
for the photo identities the first digital camera was only invented 1988. This
is new & still evolving technology & not the same as any other technology
even under the communications section s51v. Whilst Parliament has power over
marriages, I see no empowerment to legislate in any way on births or “identity”
& ability to claim common usage regarding digital technology.
In WEF’s New Woke
World, in the last 4 years, we’ve seen attempts to build back better the human identity.
Just to name a few we’ve seen: - 1. letters of the alphabet LGBTIQ; 2. pronouns; 3. Transgender children; 4. non-binary;
5. cats & dog; & now 6. a digital identity. We are moving so fast at
the speed of science, that our public service Dept of Health can no longer
define what a woman is. The times certainly are a changing, when stupid people think
that a snip & a tuck can replace the real science of chromosomes & re-
identify tomato sauce as menstrual blood. 89+% of us don’t identify as LGBTIQ_____ (fill
in the blanks minority grant grabbers), like the Old-World Order identity “sameness”.
6. 1. Lawful “sameness” is not a few months until the next barking mad fad comes along. Constitutionally Australian Parliament House is not empowered by s51 to legislate unless it is for “good order”. Rushing through this latest identity thought bubble from an organisation of multiple foreign members namely WEF is not “good order”. With intent WEF has destabilised sexual “identity” already to the point it is frequently changeable & without lawful “sameness”. Considering our aged population, WEF’s push for sexual identity disorientation shows an economically hostile intent.
(NB: WEF is headed by Klaus Schwab, who is creating his New
World Order. Schwab boasts WEF infiltrates the cabinets of the world & puts
out strategies that include creating economic “shockwaves” to test countries resilience. He wants us all to own nothing & eat bugs. These are the threatening statements of a harmful terrorist. Yet saying
that online now, even though true will likely get you censored by players in
our own Australian Federal Police & cyber defence. It is past time when APH
starts acting in Australian’s interest & not foreign terrorist).
If I try to
change my paper birth certificate details, those changes can be seen. If I try
to erase details & write over them, when the certificate is held up to a
light the paper exposes thinning. This visible thinning of paper at correction
sites has been crucial to validate the authenticity of documents e.g., wills. The same evidentiary
status cannot be afforded to digital documents. Digital documents can be hacked,
changed & copied without detection. Today on my digital computer composing
this submission I ‘ve made multiple amendments that will be invisible to readers
eyes. I have also fended off multiple auto-correct nudges. In a future world where
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will likely caretake our digital identities will my
human face with quirky self-identifying imperfections be respected or will AI
apply the beauty filter, correct or delete my imperfections altogether.
Gallagher has been misleading the Australian public that digital identity is
voluntary. It will require a very lot of expensive computer programming that
will no doubt be paid for by the public purse. It has already had politicians
& public servants expensive time wasted on this foreign thought bubble. Whether the digital identity is opt
in or opt out, all taxpayers are already paying for this rubbish &
that isn’t “voluntary” & questionably empowered.
Across a
lifetime there will be hundreds of instances when govt & private entities
need identity confirmation. That confirmation process is going to cost someone
money. If govt puts itself in the
process public servants will need to do it. Only fools would think that at some
stage govt will not seek to recoup the expenditure. In the past it has been
user pays e.g. bank loan application fees.
Remember the GST
mandate that if GST was introduced there would be no more new taxes & GST
would remain as 10%. Any charge that will certainly
come by stealth of this “voluntary” service
is a tax by another name. This is an attempt
to break the GST mandate by stealth. Increasing taxes for nothing new is not in the interest of Australians. So, who will benefit from this? Let's start with the aforesaid banks, because I seriously doubt they will pass on
savings from the taxpayer picking up identity charges from the loan application
13. 1. Is Australia ready for a digital leap? No. I identify myself as a 2x Labor Data Match Act 1990 Robodebt victim. I’ll be blowed if I’m quiet. Civilians again are being asked to pay for more digital data-mining that again has the capacity to be used for data matching against us. It will be run by the same deck chair shuffling public servants & have the same parties Ministers at the helm. Like all the other Acts it will put a get out of jail free card in for Administrators & Ministers, be poor costed digital technology, set up with the usual non-existent protections, timely accountability & compensation. A digital identity is the key that will open every door & parliament inclusive of public servants cannot be trusted with even the key to the parliamentary prayer booth. APH has still not finished accounting to people it tried to rob with Robodebts. After a Court case & Class Action & let’s not forget the 76 tribunal actions it ignored leading up to both, in 2023 people still sat in jail for debts that were probably illegal. APH has had to be dragged by its proverbial to Robodebt accountability & is still hiding the extent of its criminality as the latest Ombudsman report shows. The next level Royal Commission was set up by Labor to completely cover up the extent of their own unlawfulness in the disaster. Take a good look at the second Ombudsman report “Accountability in Action: identifying, owning and fixing errors” that shows unlawful debts going back to 2003. Does anybody remember a single Labor Minister being questioned in the Royal Commission? I know what I supplied that Royal Commission & Senators do too which is why they slapped a Confidentiality stamp on my Senate Compliance submission & update. So, after Robodebt Aussies are now expected to believe Labor or LNP aided by shuffled senior public servants can be trusted to establish more technology for our interests – Don’t make me laugh! Has anyone seen a single person charged yet for Robodebt? How about Disability, Aged, the Banking Royal Commissions, Paradise & Panama Files shall we keep going?????
15. APH has a dreadful record of civilian data breaches. Digital identities put all a person’s eggs in someone else’s basket. We really will own WEF Schwab’s nothing, because we won’t even have control of our own identity. Australian’s identities will need to be stored somewhere & that means an awful lot of ongoing funding for safe storage maintenance on a permanent basis. Even if the storer trains public servants for the maintenance the storage program will have upgrades & changes requiring further training & onsite testings to keep pace with future security risks. Once our identity data is placed in an expensive to establish program, the maintenance storer has a monopoly. It will take all of about 5 seconds in the contract renewal phase for the maintenance storer to realise it has that monopoly & holds our identities as ransom. Contract renewals are not going to be cheap. If the maintenance storer is useless the cost to shift & start again with someone new will far exceed the useless storers contract renewal costs. After Robodebt motivated savings we know what option the govt will pick. Exposing the data to another new maintainer is in itself an expanded privacy risk & will make identifying breach sources at a later time more difficult. Digital identities are a one shot, get it right first-time pursuit. Show me anywhere APH has succeeded on anything digital after even multiple attempts.
16. In Covid19 we’ve seen many lock-step actions across 5 eye partner countries & others. It is a fair bet similar legislative moves are being made in other countries too. It is naïve to think when major digital companies are multi-nationals, they are going to uniquely develop a program for Australia. What is being proposed is to use Australian public funds to pay for development of something that is probably already on their shelf. If it’s not already on their shelf it soon will be after, because digital multi-national companies globalise. They will likely have an end goal of creating a sympatico global interface store maintained from one place to cut overhead costs. There is no prestige in leading the way in program development. Only a big bill for likely not even the copywrite, because they will want to sell on the patent technology use. Australians will get to be crash test dummies for trials & with our luck in the digital arena I’d start looking at minimising risk now. The more countries or entities that tack on the more appealing it is for hackers. All in one place & sorted easy target for data miners. The more countries that sign on the greater the risk of a global terrorist threat event from a perpetrator.
17. Remember census? We had IBM a major foreign multi-national American digital company pulling its resources from the 175 countries it operates in. It was so out of its depth it had to subcontract out to cover the work of one Bureau. IBM is still getting Australian govt contracts. So, it is anyone’s guess where our govt data is going & from what country remote work is done. In October 2023, Ed Husic Australian Labor announced a Microsoft $5B digital cloud spy cyber shield. Are you joking? Microsoft was charged $20 Million June 2023 for cyber spying & data mining children. Microsoft is another foreign multi-national public traded company. Bill Gates founder is heavily involved in the World Economic Forum (WEF).
20. It is decades past the time when Australia is capable of
becoming a global leader in digital technology. Remove the “marketing slogans &
headlines” you realise the good news is the other countries are all rubbish
too. IBM with 175 countries worth of human resources still pulled a dud. Microsoft
years of new improved versions & patches thereafter. Virus programs &
the many updates. When you consider the number of cyber events that affect
major well-heeled companies you quickly realise you are never going to outrun
the hackers & viruses and it is far too late to enter this arena. The best form
of security is coming out of the Clouds & down to earth.
23. Already in Qld Labor State there has been a ridiculous increase in requirements for identity documents. My recent Qld property purchase required me to pay to get myself identified by my own acting solicitor at Australia Post. Despite being pre-approved for a small loan, because of identity verification methods being tightened as a result of the Australian govt mid contract, I ultimately ended up having to buy the property entirely using my own funds, so I did not default. I opened my bank account at CBA in-branch giving lots of identity documents & have had an online account many years because “which bank” after closing multiple branches is now “where bank”. The newly introduced government identity changes warranted an increased identity document regime that required me to go to a bank for identification & I didn’t have contractual time to arrange that. (
24. Let’s have a good look at how good the
Commonwealth end of this new extra identity data mining brain bubble is working
already for civilians. I’m a disabled wheely
missing a leg & when I go anywhere it costs a $20 lift fee to get me in the
back of a maxi-taxi before it has moved. As aforesaid I attended a local Commonwealth
Australia Post Office to have my identity confirmed for a Qld solicitor I
contracted for a Qld land purchase. For obvious reasons I don’t have a Qld
Transport driver’s licence, but I have a Qld Transport Taxi Subsidy Card. This
is a photo identity issued by the exact same dept that issues the drivers licences.
I also had with me a Commonwealth govt photo
age card, my Disability Support Pension card, Medicare card, utility accounts
in my name & 2x pin no. bank cards one of which is CBA & Australia Post
is their agent. As far as Commonwealth Australia Post Toowoomba Kmart Plaza was
concerned this was insufficient to identity me to my contracted solicitor. I
was told I would have to supply my paper birth certificate for the Australia
Post digital identity process. I went home got my birth certificate & the
next day went to Grand Central Toowoomba’s Australia Post, because I thought
the Kmart Plaza Post Office must not know what they were doing. Even with the
birth certificate & all the other documents I had to have an argument, because
they were hesitant about confirming my identity without a driver’s licence. Just
on travel this run around cost me a $100+ for the identity process to be able
to use a solicitor. Plus, there us a charge of $49 to identify yourself by
Australia Post. Consider s51(xxv) “The
recognition throughout the Commonwealth of the laws, the public Acts and
records, and the judicial proceedings of the States:” How does it
possibly fly as “good order” that I have to pay the Commonwealth to identify me
to get a solicitor to act for me in the State of Qld. Previously this process cost a postage stamp &
a 20 cents photocopy using Justices if the Peace that volunteer. Here’s a tip …
it would be a pretty stupid criminal that
would try to steal & impersonate the identity of a leg amputee. Here’s
another tip…. the birth certificate is paper it is not digital.
25. Many aged & disabled people do not have drivers’ licences. People under the age of 17 can not even get a licence, but they can still have a job, pay tax, hold bank accounts & trade. The identity measures Australian Labor has already implemented at Australia Post is so poorly conceived & out of touch it obviously has no idea what it is doing in this area. It should be kept as far away from the process as possible.
26. After Covid19 hoax it is a proven fact now Labor
Commonwealth will not attempt to control Labor State & both are intent on
controlling us negatively. Despite an
overwhelming majority of Australians voting decisively against the Voice, voters
are all supposed to be affected by misinformation & Labor States are
pompously ignoring the referendum & trying to implement the measures we
expressly voted against - CONTROL! Despite
an overwhelming majority of Australians despising censorship & responding
in droves (2500+) to the ACMA Misinformation or Disinformation inquiry to try
& stop it Australian Labor does not want to hear about that. It is trying to work around our popular desire
for free. It has still only published just over half submissions to the ACMA
inquiry because it is ignoring Australians yet again & making it as difficult
as it can to limit our ability to see the full impact of its pursuit. It is
rebranding & trying to get around the constitution to ram it down our throats
anyway – CONTROL! Despite our Court
system finding that National Cabinet was an unlawful gathering of State &
Federal players with no visibility or accountability – the overwhelming
majority of Labor players are still meeting using public funding for what is essentially
a gathering in s51 bad “order” to plan ways to ignore the Constitution, Courts &
the Australian people – CONTROL. Somehow with this stella recent history
Senator Gallagher wants us to credit Australian & State Labor can be
trusted to not abet one another in the misuse & mission creep of WEF’s “voluntary”
digital identity to strip Aussies of more of their civil rights – RIDICULOUS!
27. The Oxford dictionary
definition of identity says it is “the
fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. It is a fact that I am human. I am a
product of my parents & that is recorded on my paper birth certificate held
by me & accessible 24/7. Like many
people, because new mothers are occupied, my birth was registered by my now
deceased father. When I look upon my birth certificate, I am reminded of his major
part in my birth process. He chose my first name Tracey & passed on his
surname Hoolachan to me. This was as his
father had done for him & his father’s father before that. A ceremonial “sameness”
that gives me my identity the fact of being who I am. You will not take
that away from me or other historic sentimentalists without a fight & there’s
a lot of us.
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