Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024 - Submission
This submission was lodged to APH 30 September 2024 at 5.02pm Sth Australian time.
Australian Parliament House (APH), which includes the
Governor General, is given power to legislate
on communication in the Australian Constitution Act 1901 at s51(v). In 1901 Australia was at war against the
Boer’s & yet no power was given even at war for APH to censor Australian
citizens & residents in their real social life.
This legislation is alleging to be about regulating a service,
but it is an attempt to regulate Australians use of communication within the
social media services. Section s51(v) does not empower the censorship of our communication.
Further such censorship would be a violation of the religious rights of Christians
that are the largest religion in Australia.
KJV John 1:1 “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God.”
KJV 1:12 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become
the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name; ”. We are children of God & Words are God’s
common law bequeath to us as his children.
It is for our God to remove & control our Words when God
wants. Christianity is the largest religion in Australia. Under the Australian
Constitution Act 1901 section 116 the Commonwealth is prohibited from making
any law “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. The Word is our biblical bequeathed
power from God because we were made in his image Genesis 1:26-27. God has exampled
his control of Word with historical examples via Angel Gabriel with Zacharia
& at the Tower of Babel when God is displeased. Qld Court of Appeals found that
legislation prohibiting Sikhs from
wearing ceremonial knives in schools is inconsistent with the Racial
Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth). KJV stands for King James version. It was the
English translation of England’s monarch King James 1. Australia is a constitutional
monarchy of the English/UK monarch who is the head of the Church of England. Australia
in referendum voted to remain a constitutional monarchy. The KJV bible is the bible
used in the traditional parishes. APH legislating this bill would be discriminatingly
saying that Christians have less rights to observe their religion than Sikh’s. Just as the Sikh’s have their right to their daggers, we as
Christians have an equal right to our Word. APH after Cashless welfare/Basic
Card, NDIS, Robodebt & Covid19 should be thanking Christians’ heaven that
we are still choosing to turn cheeks & use Words instead of daggers
As at the 2016 census 49% of Australians declared they
were born overseas or had a parent born overseas. An extremely high number of
Australians are dual nationals by descent. A multicultural Australian
government has no right to censor even indirectly a dual national from having
the free speech rights their other nationality may have. It is the world wide
web not the Australian web.
Under s51(v) APH “Postal, telegraphic, telephonic, and other like services”. “Postal,
telegraphic & telephonic” are services enabling our communications, but not
the private communications of any Australian subject of the constitution. In
1901 these were government owned services & accordingly there was a
necessity for APH to control our asset interest. APH was given power to control:
“postal services”- But it was never given the power to
read our mail. There is a long common law history of seals for letters &
envelopes to ensure our privacy;
“telegrams” - But the sender is fully aware that his
message contents will be read by a government agency. That has to occur for a “telegram”
to be sent. The act of a person personally lodging their “telegram” contents, direct
to the agency is a freewill grant of permission to read the contents to enable
the send. The “telegram” sender pays for the service to send his/her contents
privately to a nominated receiver. APH gave itself the power to censor &
stop telegraphic communications in wartime based on Acts in Acts, but that power
has been long been the subject of debate even in the time of war as the
Solicitor General’s Opinion 16231 clearly shows;
“telephone” - But APH does not have the power to
listen to our telephone conversations unless they have a person specific Court
Order that shows reasonable cause of another crime. That Order & the right of
issue can be challenged in Court;
“other like services”- But the first computer was the Atanasoff-Berry
Computer & was not invented until 1937-1942. The birth of the modern internet
service was not until 1 January 1983 over 80 years after the constitution. First
patents related issued in the 1960’s validating the internet is not like Section
51(v) “other like services”;
“postal services, telegrams, telephone & other
like service” - But despite radio being invented & patented in 1895 & at
least 4 companies developing radios by 1900 it totally missed mention in s51(v).
I argue ACMA’s restrictive licencing of privately
owned radio & television stations is highly questionable. I see absolutely nothing empowers the E-Safety
Commission to exist at all. Further based on s51(v) other Acts like Metadata 2015
and Assistance and Access Bill 2018 have extremely poor constitutional
lawfulness also.
Let’s look at that “voluntary code” ACMA has been running. Pg 3
para 2 Social Media company “X” (formerly Twitter) was booted out of ACMA’s
developed Digital Industry Group Inc (DIGI) collective, because it wouldn’t abide
by it. That doesn’t say to me that this was a “voluntary code”. ACMA was given the lead to act responsibly
with a “voluntary code” guidance, but mission crept itself making their idea of
what was censorship of misinformation into a compulsory participation
requirement with expulsion for any social media entity that did not abide by the
ACMA “voluntary code”. That is an extraordinary abuse of power considering I cannot
see anywhere APH was constitutionally empowered to do anything that may
interfere with citizens free speech on communications services.
Pg 2 para 6 Context of the Bill “Four in five Australians say the spread of misinformation on social media needs to be addressed in Australia, according to the Australian Media Literacy Alliance (AMLA)’s Adult Media Literacy 2024 Report. I had to look up AMLA that I’ve never heard of. It seems they are not as prestigiously well thought of on the world wide web as bill proponents would have you credit. Google in fact gave it a lower search relevance than an Indian gooseberry.
AMLA is an unincorporated group of government funded
entities whose Leadership from its about page is shared between: -
Anita Planchon Chair -
a senior State public Servant with Tasmanian Dept
for Education. Tasmania is the smallest State in Australia & is an island with
a population of about only half a million people. Is this reflective of the
guides that were the key determination on the need to censor me via a Social
Media company? Really?
2. Christine
Evely who is Head of Education of Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI).
Her profile states “She plays a
critical role in the development of onsite and online programs”. My visit to the ACMI pages shows little content that validates
interaction with the internet, but a high involvement with movies. ACMI are partnered
with a CEO digital mentoring program which is a rebrand of persuasive marketing
& propaganda. Another partner is Foundry658 an initiative of the Labor
Victorian Government. Really? I mean Really?
There is no way this survey can be considered unbiased & it is a
promotion for more public service jobs. We also need to consider this report has
a 2024 date. This is 3yrs after ACMA has been leaning on social media users via
it’s “voluntary code” with an active DIGI social media collective since February
2021. Anyone that has run an anti-Covid19 rhetoric feed or group in the Covid
years will know even without the Twitter Files exposure, that there was very
little accurate information on Covid19 that wasn’t being censored. When respondents
are replying to a public service orchestrated love fest survey saying they want
misinformation online to be addressed, they are very nicely saying clean up
your own act. Gooseberries no more!
Pg 3 para 3 “voluntary code” signatories also
raised concerns about the lack of ‘trended data and associated commentary’
specific to the Australian context”. This is a social media on the world wide
web. My concern is that the Australian trended
data is being nudged in my feeds for the benefit of political parties &
lawyers. Considering our legal system includes
common law assumptions & legislation is created on common needs I think
this should be addressed by States Law Society codes & electoral
legislation that prevents political party members/staffers/agents from failing
to identify their allegiance on social media. In Covid19 the worst offenders
were affiliates of Labor to the extent I sent letters to the Victorian
Ombudsman & VEC warning them I was concerned their state election was being
undermined by intentionally harmful trending.
I watched the same happening in The Voice & again it was Labor federally
trying to undermine a fair representation of both sides of the argument &
peer pressure a yes vote. I say this unbiasedly
& declare that though I am a self-confessed long time swinging voter I was
once a member of Labor. Left-wing parties in Covid19 were clearly using lock-step
adherence to international trend terms. Ergo they have foreign allegiance &
I would argue that should void all their Members under Constitution section
44(i) from being electoral candidates. Labor
was encouraging mentally harmfully trending, for their own political &
foreign interests in Covid19 and I am seriously concerned about where Labor
will take this proposed legislation. As participants creating the problem on
social media themselves, perhaps Labor should consider their own party
regulation. Here are examples in Covid19: -
1. Eg “Cooker” - prior to Covid19 this term was used for illicit drug makers. How could ordinary people from various countries start to call people a specific term that had no relevance in Australia by meaning? Answer is they couldn’t unless it was a foreign coordinated adherence. This term was only used by Labor. This was a political attack using the Belfer Centre Election Influencers Playbook Part 1 & 23. In UK a group aligned to the military was confirmed operating by the Defence Secretary called 77th Brigade & was tasked to censor & nudge6. In USA the House Judiciary found Top White House Biden officials assisted by the Harvard Industrial Complex censored USA citizens7. In New Zealand former Covid19 Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern got a nice after politics job at the Harvard Industrial Complex. In Australia it is still happening at the behest obviously of ACMA’s DIGI & our E-Safety Commissioner. Australian Federal Police censored over 4000 social media posts. All acting & I repeat without any visible constitutional power to do so online. That is before I consider the term “Cooker” was used in a mentally harmful manner & with an intent to incite violence ergo not s51 “good order” empowered at all. This term was trended by Victorian Labor the government’s Stateside comrades & instigators of this bill. This was done while the correct information on Covid19 was being censored by the partnership of RMITABC. I caught ABC creating propaganda video in Covid19 & submitted it as part of a submission to an inquiry on Media Diversity. I also lodged a complaint direct to ABC about an RMITABC false factcheck in Covid19. RMIT got a very big donation from the Labor Victorian government. ABC are one of the AMLA alliances. This term is still being used derogatively by Labor;
Eg “Anti-vaxxers” – This is for people who oppose vaccinations. “The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights
agreements underscore that bodily autonomy is a fundamental right.”8. This term was trended on television, radio
& social media & in parliaments under privilege e.g. Labor’s Treasurer Cameron
Dick & Minister9. Eg
Labor’s NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner10. Eg Labor’s former
Premier Mark McGowan’s “extremist
behaviour of some anti-vaxxers”… “is verging on urban terrorism”11 etc
etc. The purpose of
this trend that spanned from one side of the country to the other was to ramp
up hatred of people that exerted their human right to not be part of a Dr
Mengele style crash test dummy experiment of a poorly tested listed poison inoculation
& gene therapy. The mRNA inoculation was rebranded as a vaccine
misinformation in itself for an improved uptake by Australians. The science was
poor, the testing a disgrace, ingredients withheld & it was rushed to
market with no consequences for pharmaceutical companies. People that exerted
their human rights were not “anti-vaxxers” they were just smart & most like
me have had vaccinations before Covid19. This was
misinformation and disinformation (MAD) & again the intention was to harm
& was not s51 “good order”;
Eg “Karen” - This was a USA woman who exerted her rights to protect
her property. It is what we all should be encouraged to do. We are a very big
country & all Australians should be encouraged to stand up & protect it
from external invaders. The term “Karen” was then used to insult people, who exerted
their right to bodily autonomy again & refused to be gagged with masks4.
There was no science behind masks at the start of Covid19. Masks have now been
proven to be totally useless in the wider community & in fact are harmful
to the speech development of babies. This was MAD & again the intention was
to harm & was not s51 “good order”.
4. Eg “Conspiracy theorist”- Qualified medical doctors, scientists, analyst have been defamed in Senate, govts & by public servants on main stream & social media for giving their opinion. We used to call all medical advice, medical opinions. We use to be able to get a second opinions. How do I get a second opinion when APH has been threatening doctors with loss of their licences unless they all sing the same off-key tune I don’t want to listen to. When doctors are willing to give their advice for free & are prepared to lose their jobs to do it, everyone should be sitting up & listening. Instead, unethical politicians & public servants have suspended & removed the licences of good doctors & branded them as “conspiracy theorist”. After 7yrs of Academia with the patient in front of them they gave their medical opinion relevant to the patient they were treating that went against the APH narrative that everyone is medically identical & should be treated exactly the same. Medical Specialists were removed from social media while ACMA DIGI was running its “voluntary code”. Nobel prize winning virology expert Luc Montagnier videos was censored into his grave as ACMA DIGI empowered by Labor supported chants of “conspiracy theorist” for giving his Academia qualified opinion on a virus as a specialist virologist. Every Australian, pays for their chosen medical practitioner’s personal medical opinion via their taxes. Would APH want to step into a legal ring & argue that aborigines are denied their choice to be traditionally treated or to defame them for questioning the disappearance of their right to be traditionally be treated as “conspiracy theorist”? In the New World Order of DIGI, Meta Facebook censored circulation of a free St. John’s Ambulance chart on resuscitation. DIGI Meta Facebook censored the WHO information that natural immunity was robust for the alleged Covid19. DIGI Meta Facebook censored the information from only English-speaking countries a WHO advice that the mRNA inoculation was not recommended for children under 5. Are we seeing a major problem with ACMA DIGI yet???
These trended term examples were not trended by the quiet
Australians. Thousands of quiet Australians didn’t all wake up one day &
decide to trend terms like “anti-vaxxers” for people that had previous vaccinations
from one side of the country to the other. The terms were all trended by Labor with
to a foreign power’s lockstep agenda. These terms were intended
to be mentally harmfully from the start. That is not even close to being s51 “good
None of the MAD censorships on health were empowered in Covid19
because health is subject to s51 too s51xxiiiA. They created mass disorder
& under section 51 APH is empowered only to act for “good order”. “Good order” is not the theft of medical
opinions given freely from qualified real experts in the field. “Good order” is
not the ability for us to consult our friends for their opinions on health
undermining centuries of social tradition greetings in what is social media…”
How do you do?”…”How are you today”…”How are you?” We had every right to discuss our medical
thoughts trained or untrained. In point of fact in real life cancer doctors
encourage even a hands-on approach by untrained medical partners for breasts. Doctors
are the second opinion in many cases.
Pg 3 last paragraph - “The ACMA’s powers are directed
to digital communications platform providers and not individual
end-users.” Rubbish! ACMA should
know full well it has no power to constitutionally censor citizens & this
has been designed to try & get round that by nudging social media companies
to do what is unlawful. The reality is you cannot censor effectively by topic
& certainly not when you have political parties that can trend terms for
different meanings. How do you censor “Cooker” when half of social media are
showing people what they had for dinner.
In Covid19 the focus of censors directly targeted people they
pegged as influencers. I ran a number of tests in Covid19 that formed part of
my accepted public submission to social media & Online Safety no 84. This was one… “1.2.2(i) Early in COVID-19 I
noticed an increase in the use of the word “momentum” in quotes, by certain
people ramping up COVID-19 in Australian media. I ran my own test using Google
search. First, I targeted the word “momentum”. As you would logically expect it
brought up a ridiculous number of references(204million) that would be too
laborious to check through. Then I targeted “momentum” with “COVID-19” &
“Coronavirus”, but we were still in the multi-millions (30million). Finally, I
targeted an individual’s name first & then “momentum”, “COVID-19” &
“Coronavirus”. The more refined search logically resulted in a reduced no. of
found blogs (26.6 thousand). Screen captures on request. I just do not
believe that Facebook & Twitter were not using the same algorithm principle
targeting individuals first as this would reduce down their overhead costs
dramatically. In criminal searches we have laws about doing searches without
valid suspicion & it is logical we should expect the same indiscriminate
searching online & based on evidence of a crime.” Did ACMA or any other public
service agency (& I’m looking directly at the E-Safety Commission),
directly target individuals & compile lists of social media users for that
purpose which is not empowered? Or did the DIGI social media companies target
individuals like me on their own volition nudged on by the “voluntary code”
ACMA developed? In the Senate inquiries of Robodebt the public service passed
off all concerns as measures being motivated in the interest of savings. It did
not matter if what they were doing was illegal. The public service is WEF behavioural
insight nudged to find the cheapest shortest route to achieve the aim. They
would very quickly have arrived, at the same conclusion as me, that it was far
quicker to target individual users & their reposting followers (an act of
guilt by association).
Pg 4 para 1 “Nor does it empower the ACMA to require
digital communications platform providers to remove content or block end-users
from their services, except in the case of content that involves inauthentic
behaviour (for example, coordinated bots, troll farms or fake accounts). Who decides what is inauthentic behaviour
& why am I looking at a list of examples instead of a precise list of all
things ACMA will threaten social media companies with fines with if I discuss
them? We do not need ACMA to enforce the
listed examples. Social Media companies are almost all public traded companies paying
taxes. The number of users, are the “goodwill” declared asset to shareholders
& advertisers. If they are enabling any
of the listed examples, they are already committing offences under other Acts. This bill does not “require” social media
companies to block users, but it does not prohibit them from doing it either. So,
it is trying to enshrine in its proposed legislation that Australians do not
have the free speech & worse that we can be controlled by foreign entities
& APH don’t give a stuff.
Pg 4 para2 “The Bill does not apply to
professional news, content that would reasonably be regarded as parody or
satire, nor the reasonable dissemination of content for any academic, artistic,
scientific or religious purpose.”
“professional news” – Australian newspapers & main stream
television stations have been propped up by government grants for years. There
is almost no professional news any more that is not a monopolised mouthpiece
with news influenced by their few advertisers & government funding. Main
stream media is going broke because Aussies have given up on it. They know when
they are being lied to. Main stream media cannot possibly compete with a world
of citizen reporters armed with mobile phone video cameras in their pockets. Then
we have the latest trend professional news use of artificial intelligence to even
write articles.
“parody”- is not comedic.
It is an impersonation of a person. Unless the person has given their
permission to be impersonated it is another form of identity theft. I see no
reason it shouldn’t be addressed legally as such, but that is not by ACMA. That
should under the Part 9.5 of the Criminal Code Act
1995 (“Criminal Code”) that deals with identity theft.
“reasonable dissemination” – Who decides what is reasonable for us
to talk about? It is pretty clear from Behavioural Australia Team Australia
operating inside PM & Cabinet APH wrongly thinks it has a right to
brainwash nudge us on a whole range of topics. I would remind APH they are
Representatives & Servants of us & that means you work for us. As for the list, Academia in USA is dominated
by political Democrats. More than 10x the number of Democrats to Republicans5.
As social media is mostly generated from USA that gives no democratic voice to
any other political direction from academia. One look at AMLA membership will
tell you what Australia’s Academia of choice will be for a Labor government. We saw a whole lot of AMLA Academia ABC medical
science “experts” fall flat on their face is Covid19. Examples like Mary Louise
McLaws who never appeared in person; always wore black easier for AI creators;
and whose AMLA ABC’s promo for her social media appearance on Q & A drew a
whole lot of social media posters declaring she was the “Voice of Reason”. Call me a “conspiracy theorist” but when she
was the number 1 signatory for a letter sent to promote tests/jabs for a group
of genetic laboratories & I’ve never heard the term before from any average
Aussie she just reeks. Mathematical analysis
is science & yet no-one was allowed to question the numbers on Covid19 even
when Academia qualified like me with a DipAcc with the module budgeting &
forecasting because of the “Public Health” Academia that predicted Covid19
Armageddon with no.’s like 10K when the real no. per ABS was 43 by 31 August 2020.
My estimate in my rejected May 2020 submission was 55 worst case scenario per
cold & flu season. I don’t claim to be an Academia “expert” but maybe with
a 143 IQ & spotting Covid19 hoax Jan 2020 I really deserve to. Maybe I
should create my own Academia College for a ridiculous topic eg “Wheely conspiracy
theorist that got it right”. If I sell enough places, I could call myself a professor
& get govt to support me with a free trip to France that ran the “Sciences
2024” for their Woke Olympics.
Pg 4 para3 - “It is expected that the
ACMA will use a graduated, proportionate and risk-based approach to non-compliance
and enforcement”.
Step 1 “including by issuing formal warnings” – Robodebt Step 1 – sending
out a data match warning letter threatening benefits for non-response &
provision of private & possibly self-incriminating information without a warrant;
Step 2 “remedial directions and infringement notices” – Robodebt Step
2 – even if information was provided sent out debt letters for debts that were
not lawful;
Step 3 – “through to applying for injunctions”, depending on the
particular provision.”. – Robodebt Step 3 – even though debts were not owed
garnisheed money unlawfully off innocent victims;
Step 4 – “and civil penalties” – Robodebt Step 4 – even though
they knew the debts were unlawful Dept of Social Service & Centrelink
formed a partnership with the Australian Federal Police Taskforce Integrity who
were sending text messages threatening people to pay the illegal debts;
Step 5 – “???How many this time????” - Robodebt Step 5– despite
only 300 vulnerable people being agreed to as test subjects (without their
knowledge or additional support they were entitled to under administrative
principles) by 31 August 2018 about 1300 were dead within one year of receiving
a Robodebt. Families of alleged suicide victims addressed the Royal Commission.
McNamara & other public servants in inquiries patted themselves on the back
for achieving “savings” & when questioned on the total lack of lawfulness
of actions all chanted “I never turned my mind to it”.
All of the steps are behavioural insight nudge steps. There is no off switch in a nudge model. Nudgers believe that they are above the law
& go as far as they want. They have a mantra “Doing Good Can Free People to
be Bad”. The nudge controllers choose their aim & then just keep nudging
the non-compliant progressively into compliance. About 70% of Australians voted
against the Voice referendum, but we are still being brainwashed by Labor &
they are ignoring our vote stateside. Why? Elon Musk’s Twitter now X has
already challenged & won a right to stop the censorship of the rest of the world
from news, but we are still being censored in Australia. Why? Why is
multicultural Australia frightened about dual citizens & Australians finding
out what is really going on in Australia. When the government controlled ACMA decides
its model of what it wants to achieve it will then persecute social media DIGI companies
until they comply. It won’t be ACMA directly persecuting “individual” citizens
it will be DIGI social media doing it for them because from what I can see ACMA
is not even constitutionally empowered to exist. The “individual end-users” will be the end
receivers. Centrelink used their intermediatory
Debt Team in Robodebt as ACMA will be using Social Media companies in an
attempt to buffer the lack of unconstitutional lawfulness.
Pg 4 para3 – “The Bill provides scope for
key decisions by the ACMA to be reviewed in the Administrative Review Tribunal
(ART) and the amount of civil penalties payable by digital communications
platform providers for breaches of approved misinformation codes and
misinformation standards would be determined by the courts (up to the maximum
amounts specified in the Bill).” This is a joke surely. The AAT NDIS that I
am currently have an action in was set up because disabled people need fast
decisions. I lodged my Application in
December 2023. The earliest my decision will be arrived at is late October,
because if you have a valid case, they hope you die before its heard. The ART
is a tribunal stacked with political staffers. They are selected by the
government of the day & report their success ratings in beating down cases
from Applicants back to the govt to keep their jobs. The ART has for a long
time had a 2% govt failure rate on helping govt win decisions & that is
probably because 2% is the accepted failure rate for government public service
globally. I’m currently in a NDIS AAT, where the registry is doubling over
backwards for everything NDIS wants & assisting the cover up of NDIS itself
garnisheeing money off me with absolutely no financial basis to do it. The NDIS
solicitor claims NDIS disabled participants have no ACCC Australian Consumer
Law rights & because she’s claiming it AAT has done everything it can to
stall issuing me an Order, I requested weeks ago for debt validation or refund.
Currently Labor’s Attorney General is such a prince of freedom of information
that he has been unsuccessfully has been defending an action to prevent
Ministers leaving office from shredding documents – Well done former Senator Inspector
Rex. In Robodebt there were 76 winning cases & all of them were ignored by
the Secretary. Who has avoided legal repercussions
from the NACC. Just to make it harder
while the Secretary had all the files on those lost cases the information was
censored by the AAT process of not printing AAT1 decisions preventing the ability
to view precedents by other data match victims. I repeat saying you can have an
unbiased AAT review is a joke & this will be used to stall information from
getting out to the public, that will be relevant for electoral determination.
Pg 4 “Financial Impact Statement - The measures in the Bill are
expected to have a minor financial impact on Commonwealth expenditure. Funding
for the ACMA to administer provisions in this Bill was considered in the
2023-24 Budget.” Below is an example of what information looks like on Twitter X social
media about this exact point. Instead of initial estimated costs censored (because
more than probably it will be more) it gives me no.’s & at $3 Million a
year & ongoing operational costs of 16.275M for something not empowered in
the constitution or wanted – no thank you.
Pg 5 Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights.
Queensland has the Human Rights Act 2019 that became effective January
1 2020. They created their own Labor version just in time for Covid19 with section
43 to give Qld Parliament the right to override our international human rights
in the event of a health emergency. It
was preplanned to try & absolve the Qld Labor govt of their crimes against
humanity response Qld Labor implemented later in Covid19. Refer back to pg2 bottom paragraph &
consider the December 2019 date when DIGI first started as an exact match for
the start of Covid19 & Feb 2021 when DIGI launched the Australian Code of Practice on Disinformation and Misinformation
(the “voluntary code”) only two days after the launch of an inoculation never
needed on February 20 2021. All of the censorships have had an end goal of trying
to remove our human rights.
Australia is a ratified signatory of 7 core international human
rights treaties. When Covid19 rose not one Human Rights public official defended
the interest of Australians using it, because they are all politicians’ picks. This
paragraph is totally worthless to protect Australians with & is a mere
international show job so APH is not seen for what they really are.
One of our rights is the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights. Article
1 - 1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right,
they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social
and cultural development. These proposed
amendments are seeking to nudge social media companies to remove our free
determination on how we communicate on social media. There are 142 pages to consider as part of
this bill & only 5 working days & a week end for people to freely self-determine
their response to it. This time frame alone tells you this bill was put forward
in bad faith intent on not giving any time to reasonably consider it.
DIGI collective member Meta Facebook has branded me “dangerous”
for exerting my free determination in a group I am Administrator over that has
Controversy in its advertised name. I have: - no criminal history; served in
defence reserves; I’m a wheely so easily overpowered; I reside in a remote
community with little access to any politicians; sat on a local Council Heritage
Advisory subcommittee; was public relations spokesperson for a local museum;
was a Qld blue card holder so investigated as safe to work with children; was a
deputy rescue leader SES & I have a DipAcc that includes the module
budgeting & forecasting aka modelling. I’m what DIGI “volunteer code”
members approved by senior public servants that are government picks deem is “dangerous”.
I’m politically “dangerous” to senior public servants because I publicly beat
the government’s legal team on data match in the Administrative Appeals
Tribunal 2018 over a year before it was proved illegal in Court & because
of my credentials was able to get mention of the computer faults in the Members
decision. I’ve proved it has been running illegal since inception & that
both Liberals & Labor are implicated despite Labor doubling over backwards
to look innocent. I’m politically “dangerous” because I run a group exposing
the lies of Covid19 on Facebook Meta. I completed the emergency warden training
& spotted Covid was a hoax immediately. Jan/Feb 2020 I screen captured who was
doing it. This information was given to
APH May 2020 & parts reproduced in my published accepted public submission
to Labor’s PM & Cabinet COVID-19 Response Inquiry who gave my submission
the Orwellian no 1984. Many of the entities ramping up the hoax, were financially
compromised Academia & Labor’s PM & Cabinet censored their names in my
submissions. This bill will ensure that Academia can harmfully do the same
again. I haven’t received a cent & have no political interests but I am
compromised by the defamation I’ve received for trying to warn Australians. I’m
compromised because health is a key political election issue. The Belfer Centre
Election Influence Operations Playbook directly identified Covid19 as an
election issue. That should be no surprise in Australia as health always makes
the top 4 election interests of voters12. Ergo when Labor’s MAD bill
plans to control public health discussion as part of Schedule 9, they
are really controlling how we determine our political position on a key electoral
issue offending ICCPR Article 1 for their own interests.
The Covid19 censorships we experienced by DIGI collective members
led to an unprecedented level of ostracism of people like me refusing to take
the listed poison. Qld Labor had a medical apartheid. Vic Labor had police
shooting people with rubber bullets for exerting their ICCPR right to political
protest. Because I have been defamed as being “dangerous” my human rights of
political protest are denied me to this day. Who defamed me? An “IStandWithDan” Labor’s Dan Andrew’s loving
Covid19 troll who reported me to a Labor led Police Department whose Deputy
Commissioner in true neo-Nazi style defamed Christians as anti-vaxx terrorist. As
a disabled wheely, in a remote community now in Coober Pedy SA, as a dual
citizen, I choose to make my stands on the world wide web. Every time there is
a protest or terrorist action my internet is hacked & my social media
access interfered with, because I am tagged as a “dangerous” social media user.
This has been going on for years now. Saturday was the MAD rally in NSW & below
is what my Twitter access looks like viewing former MP Craig Kelly’s feed a
speaker at that rally. I’m in no doubt that this is being orchestrated from
The actions of DIGI under ACMA prevented the free flow of information
denying Aussies all the medical opinions available to them. It was impossible Australians
could have received enough information to make a fully informed medical choice.
The censorships removed the human right to bodily autonomy when they removed
the choices. WHO’s own Situation Reports never proved deadly transmission of
the original alleged novel strain occurred. You never heard that because even
when the DIGI “voluntary code” was active the information was censored by APH
peer pressure. Even though the rest of
the world are having fair inquiries revealing the horrible truth about what
went on in Covid19 Labor are still trying to cover it up. Even the PM & Cabinet COVID-19 Response
Inquiry was used to insult & defame people telling you the truth that
Covid19 was not a threat at all to the overwhelming majority of people. My
submission was published but with the Orwellian 1984 submission number was
censored, because I screen captured the people ramping up the hoax from the
start in Jan/Feb 2020. The censorships hid that the real reason the information
aided & abetted the concealment of toiletpapergate hoaxers. The censorship
hid the RE Despite having that information & the submission of many more Labor
Senators still think its okay to defame us as “conspiracy theorist” &
reject our submissions to Senate inquiries. As aforesaid the Attorney General fought
for the right of Ministers to enable document shredding by Ministers. This is a
post about a recent Freedom of Information to TGA FOI 5286. 73% is redacted. Covid19
was identified in the Belfer Centre playbook as being a key political issue. Our
right to political & civil & health human rights have been trashed by APH
so don’t make me laugh that this bill is even remotely in the interest of human
Under ACMA “voluntary code” DIGI were willing to go all the way
for what was an obvious overblown health threat. China advised they were curing
Covid19 with traditional medicine (the western equivalent of chicken soup)
& UK had downgraded the threat as not a high consequence infectious disease
both March 2020. Australians though were still subjected to an appalling level
of human rights abuses from one side of the country to the other & this bill
like all the farcical inquiries we have seen is yet another attempt to keep the
truth hidden. Even now the censorships in Senates Excess Deaths of submissions wreaks
of a cover up. Saying this Orwellian bill meets even the remotest sniff of
human rights is laughable. According to the Holocaust Museum one of the 12
warning signs of fascism is “Controlled Mass Media”12 & that is
exactly what this bill & Labor with its “Cookers gotta cook” supporters
want to achieve. Look up the signs cause
congratulations, when you are covering up Excess Deaths & trying to stop
Aussies finding out what is being exposed all over the world as the biggest
crime in history you have arrived.
Pg 5 bottom of page last pointer – “approve and register enforceable
misinformation codes that have been developed by sections of the digital
platforms industry, setting out the measures those sections of the industry
will take to reduce the risk of misinformation and disinformation”. The only “risk”
this bill is attempting to minimise, is the legal risk when they try to do it
next time. Political parties talking monkey pox with Senators still
calling people “conspiracy theorists” & censoring from acceptance &
publication in inquiries like Excess Death in APH have learned nothing. They
are parroting party lines instead of representing constituents’ interests &
will do it again for donors.
Pg 6 top of page first pointer “in certain circumstances – for example, if misinformation codes do not adequately protect the Australian community from misinformation and disinformation, determine misinformation standards for sections of the digital platforms industry”. Translation we will make up what we can censor & how we censor whether it is a code or not. In my submission to the NDIS Royal Commission on Covid19 I pointed out that QLD Labor freed from their rights to observe any human rights were making up laws & boasting on their website that they did not have to tell citizens what the new emergency laws were. Federal Labor wants to give social media companies the right to do that so they can censor their political oppositions indefinitely using an underperforming & govt biased AAT.
Pg 6 top of page pointer 2 “make rules requiring digital
communications platform providers to implement and maintain a process for
handling complaints and resolving disputes about misinformation and
disinformation”. Translation make sure the rules we make up, are enforceable and
never see any reasonable review process. Which is exactly what happened in
Robodebt and is exactly what is happening now in NDIS now. Meta formerly
Facebook clearly abiding by ACMA’s “voluntary code” (as they are still members)
retained blackmarks on my Facebook group for well over a year for circulating a
St John’s ambulance chart controversy in its title name of a St John’s
Ambulance resuscitation chart & a George Orwell quote warning about
censorship of free speech. They kept blackmarks on these obvious rubbish against
my group refusing to give me reviews & enabling them to suspend me quicker for
the political advantage of Labor whenever the liked. That does not yell Ridgey DIDG
to me.
Censorships in Covid19 were done with the alleged expertise of the
International Fact-Checking
Network (IFCN) at Poynter. Poynter is a nonprofit media institute and
newsroom. IFCN was only launched in 2015 & in its inaugural year
received a $382,997 for
grant topic “Global Health and Development Awareness and Analysis”.
As Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation were invested in Covid19 vaccines
via CEPI. The entire network was financially biased to promote the vaccines
from the get go. Where was the ethical oversight? Craig Newmark Centre Center
for Ethics and Leadership at Poynter’s made sure that the massive political conflict
of interest didn’t affect Facebook’s health censorship in Covid19. Craig
Newmark supported Barack Obama's election campaign in 2008, volunteering for
him on the campaign trail as an "official technology surrogate”. The
censorships that occurred in Covid19 were at the hands of the IFCN & were
both financially & politically motivated.
Facebook will subcontract to Fact Checkers again because it is financially
risk cheaper for them to do it.
Senior positions in Australia’s
public service are appointed by the Governor General. The Governor General is appointed by
government & that means a political party choice & likely from senior
public servants who are highly motivated to keep public service scandals like eg
Robodebt hidden. It is just ridiculous to expect the same bias that occurred
with IFCN & ACMA’s DIGI “voluntary” compliant social media won’t be
replicated for financial & political benefit of seated governments &
even public service interests.
Pg 7 Human rights implications – As aforesaid discussed Labor stateside has trashed
ICCPR from one side of Australia to the other in Covid19. The fact it is now seeking to add to its list
by limiting ICCPR 17 & 19 & is proud to brag about it is astounding. I’m
a high vulnerable wheely for life amputee who experienced human rights abuses
in Covid19 from Labor State that were specifically designed to see me injected
with a poorly tested listed poison with blood clotting issues that I believe
would have been fatal as my condition has blood circulation issues. Labor is a
disgrace to human rights & I lodged complaints to numerous abuses of my
human rights to the Commissions in Covid19.
Conclusion: - These
are my thoughts from the first 7pages. I matched the ridiculous time frame of 7
days with a 1 page a day response. This bill should never have seen the light
of day from any democratic political & is a disgraceful waste of public resources.
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