Australia's Digital Identity aka a Digital Passport that Data Matches for More Robodebts
I've lodged this submission today to the inquiry into the Digital Identity. I highly recommend people lodge an objection to this on privacy grounds. You can submit a quick less than 1000 words. Since composing this I have found a link that has more than just the Guide on, but there was enough in the Guide to make my mind up. If anyone needs any help in how to do a submission I'm happy to help
23 October 2021
Inquiry into the need for a Digital Identity.
Thank you for the opportunity to submit to this inquiry.
I will firstly note my disappointment that right off the
back Govt has chosen to try & stifle individuals’ voices yet again. I will remind that individuals include sole
traders & many small business operatives.
I note I had to go hunting for the proposed Bill & came up empty. So,
I have had to wing it using the 46-page Guide to the Bill. By limiting
“Individuals” in submission to only 1OOO words as Organisations get to upload
20MB, in my opinion Govt has failed to show it has given fair consultation on what
will majority affect individuals. It
seems with respect the Minister needs to be reminded that if he is going to
Represent the people (individuals) he should actually enable equal & fair
consultation for them to be able to say something. I’m going to assume that the Govt website is
not operating properly & to that end note I will be uploading it public also
to my personal blog page to ensure the information is not lost.
I have an old TAFE Programming Certificate, Certificate III
in Business Administration & hold a 2017 Diploma of Accounting which
included establishing a secure Accounting Information System in the business
place mindful of privacy. I have worked for
many years as a bookkeeper in various types of business entities &
Ergo I believe I have the experience both as an individual &
in the business workplace to make a contribution.
Yours faithfully,
Tracey Hoolachan
1.1 If
this was for the purpose promoted a safe custody area for personal documents in
case of loss, there would be no need for access by 4 different entities &
certainly no need for an identity exchange. It is fairly obvious that there
would need to be some type of initial onsite verification of identity. That could be done in unison with creation of
the digital identity (DI). A lesson on
management is a self-help tutorial. That leaves only webpage management. I cannot see a need for any other entities
having access other than process auditing agencies.
1.2 Exactly
what participants is “identity exchange” facilitating? This looks remarkably like giving the data
match team a key to the front door.
After Robodebt I think Govt needs to lift its game on privacy.
2.1 The
Oversight Authority is just another unnecessary layer if the DI is for the promoted
purpose of back-up of lost identity papers.
If the instruction for a release is given by its owner after password
access that document can be emailed to either the identity owner or their
nominated receiver. A covering letter within
that email could verify it a digital password document.
2.2 It
is the Minister that picks the candidates for the authority & its committees. Both the current Govt & Opposition have abused
that process for decades. Individuals’ protection agencies are now mostly all duds
filled with a long line of ex political staffers & party stalwarts. E.g., Govt’s latest appointment for the
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Liberal rusted on Lorraine
Finlay (don’t hesitate to ask for more examples even within the same
AHRC). This protection authority will be
stacked like all the others. Unless blind recruitment occurs in selection of senior
personnel & whistle blower protections are in place it will be same ole
same ole.
Accreditation Conditions
3.1 The
Oversight Authority having control over who has access & how much access to
a DI owners personal documents is an overstep. This has all the feel of a data
mining APP & not a tool to genuinely help people.
3.2 The
Oversight Authority having control over which business can access the DI also
gives a trading advantage to large entity businesses. Large entities normally have
the staff resources & quality assured status to quickly adapt to & accommodate
new programmes.
Accredited entity obligations
4.1 There
will be data breaches - Large companies & Govts with expensive online
security have been hacked & this Agency will be hacked too. This is a link to data breaches across
2018-2021. It includes many State Govt
entities & even Microsoft.
This DI agency is putting all the data, identity thieves want, in one big very
tempting candy store. It is assisting them to steal Australians’ data faster. Remember how Census went down & that was
only up open accessfor a short space of time.
4.2 There
will be privacy breaches. In one sweep at DHS Centrelink more than 100 people
were caught breaching privacy. The key
to online privacy within an agency is reduce access to the stored data. The
fewer users with password access to a DI owner’s data the better. The idea that an Oversight Authority can deem
who is trustworthy enough to get access to people’s private information when the
hands-on staff are changing every week is ridiculous. The idea that businesses
will have the same level of control as Govt even more ludicrous. That is before
we consider businesses falling on hard times in a Covid world, cutting corners
& being tempted to misuse their access.
4.3 The
Australian Govt putting itself in the middle of that potential class action for
the stolen assets of over 25 million Australians is akin to rebuilding the
Treasury in the middle of a minefield.
Accredited entity obligations
5.1 Putting
“Trusted” in front of the name of the agency is not nearly enough. Govts past & present have an appalling
history of breaches, privacy & misuse of data. Australians are currently
looking at a lot of businesses that have abused Job Keeper & Govt has
protected those businesses from financial recovery. That is vastly different from the treatment
of individuals under the data match Robodebt Centrelink “overpayment”
debts. The Govt & indeed the
Opposition have an unbalanced system of justice aimed wholly & solely at
protecting themselves & businesses that donate to them at the expense of
5.2 Even
with long jail sentences to back up protections Govt has just found ways to
prevent individuals from getting justice.
As one obvious example Senator Stuart Robert MP himself this bill’s advocate’s
show on Robodebt. I have been trying for
4 years to get an Authorised Review so I can put the information before the
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), of the unlawful privacy breaches by Govt
itself. These arose as a result of data match being used with both an external
private College & a debt collection company. Even if I get the privacy
breaches under the nose of an AAT, I am likely to get an ex- political staffer AAT
Member. Even if I get an AAT Member to determine
breaches occurred, I get swung back to a Minister for Home Affairs who will
determine if they want to pursue a case.
Suspension or Revocation of Accreditation
6.1 Suspensions
or revocation for a cyber security incident are a pointless pursuit. Are you
going to shut down access of all Optus, Microsoft, TPG users who had breaches
per the link at Section 4.1 herein? Or even banks remember that major breach with
the loss of bank statement file of Commonwealth Bank of Australia off the back
of a Fuji Xerox truck? I doubt it. In
fact, in that example shortly after, Australian Parliament House (APH) gave
Fuji Xerox even more work & data to vibe the 2016 election winners. That Census
fail using sub-contractors by IBM got them a $1 billion computer maintenance
contract shortly after. The worse they
are the more they get. The only entities that will lose access will be small businesses,
who will have been put through the hoops, sold a whole lot of feel good, but
useless cyber protections for that access.
6.2 I’ve
no doubt that thanks to Covid19 games there are many businesses that will have
been trading insolvent, but the smaller the business the longer it will take
for that to be recognised by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as in
Australia we have self-reporting for tax. A breach takes a few seconds &
then it’s too late.
Regulation and Oversight
7.1 An Oversight Authority hand picked by the Minister is not an
Oversight Authority, but a mouthpiece of that Minister, reliant on that
Minister for their job. Unless there are blind recruitments with no ministerial
oversight & interference then this is just one big personal data grab with
taxpayers picking up the bill for their own theft.
7.2 “enforce some of the protections in the Bill, such as those related to
choice and deactivation of digital identities”- Govt has an appalling
history of allowing choice. The Cashless
Debit Card for example has had people jumping through hoops and waiting for
months & months on end to opt out.
7.3 “assist users in the event of a digital
identity fraud incident or cyber security incident” – the very fact
Govt has considered this should alert people to its own doubts in its own
security. And based on the Australian Govt’s history with tech this is probably
the only paragraph worth saving from this entire proposal.
7.4 “maintain publicly available
registers showing the details of all accredited entities and onboarded entities”.
Way to go…A loyalty reward scheme for political donors in the making with
expenses born by the public purse.
7.5 “promote and support digital identity matters generally, for
example by engaging in promotional and community awareness programs”. Govt has used enough of taxpayers’ money for
its own free electoral benefits in the Covid19 fiasco. If this was the benefit claimed then a simple
press release, that costs almost nothing, should get enough traction for anyone
capable of benefiting from a digital identity to go to a Govt webpage like all
the other advices from Social Services & ATO.
7.6 “allow an entity to conduct testing in relation to the trusted digital identity system.” – I’m
not seeing there are any privacy benefits for businesses who are opening
themselves up to having potentially a Govt tracker APP on their computers. What I am seeing is in order for businesses
to maintain their own privacy they’d have to get a computer & anti-viral
software solely for running this or taxpayers are going to have to fund those
businesses anti-viral checks/programs. That means increased public purse
expenditure or business expenses reducing their tax liability & public
purse revenue.
8.0 Advisory Board
8.1 Again the Minister picks the
Advisory Board & Committees thereto. So, there is absolutely no independent
source scrutinizing the Ministers actions & motive.
8.2 The Minister’s picks NEVER
afford input or protections for individuals on governance committees. Small
businesses are drowned out by large enterprises. For too long there has been poor representation
in Social Services, Workplace, ATO governance committees. Individuals &
small business make up the bulk of Australian entities. In Covid19 the rose-coloured
glasses went. Instead of creating new stacked committees ALL Ministers
time would be best spent looking at fixing fast all the existing stacked Committees.
8.3 It costs nothing to have a
public inquiry to advise Govt. So why should the public purse have to pick up
the casual wage bill for another bunch of ex political yes men staffers or
donors? Either the Minister knows his job & has done his research on DI
systems or he hasn’t. This has all the earmarks of a cyber sales job, that will
waste more public money. After the fiasco of the CovidSafe APP, I seriously
doubt Govt can even pick good independent cyber advisors. “CSCRC and Data61, a
team of 17 cyber security experts analysed and tested the app, before handing a
technical assessment to the government” (Source: - This committee that includes Jennifer
Westacott of Business Council of Australia who a few years earlier in news
reports announced a $50 Million electoral war-chest to get Liberals elected got
a $50 Million grant. They “independently” kudos’d the CovidSafe APP for a
disease with surface life. Really…
Protection & Additional Privacy Safeguards
Govt & the Opposition have a dreadful history of breaching individual’s privacy
& they have stacked the agencies to cover up for their criminality. These
agencies no longer afford individuals & small business the protections they
should. E.g., Privacy Commissioner’s Andie Blog ruling condoning the breach of the
Robodebt victims’ privacy for publicly fighting her most probably unlawful debt.
Govt has also been targeting public servants that are whistle-blowers of crimes
& the legal consorts using the breach of privacy as a lever. E.g., Richard
Boyle (Source: -
E.g., Witness K & his legal defence Collaery (Source: -
E.g., David McBride (Source: -
The Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office, on two separate occasions doubled over
backwards to avoid the unlawfulness of Robodebt. In my own case an Ombudsman investigator wouldn’t
touch the topic of privacy breaches on Robodebt & my privacy breaches or
even assist me getting the Authorised Review of same. It’s fair to say that there are only few good
agencies left that have not been whipped using the threat of privacy breaches
as with wild abandonment Govt has been stripping citizens privacy everywhere. The involvement of these agencies is totally
worthless & until we get an effective Commonwealth Integrity Commission to
clean up the extensive criminality in Govt enabling access to even more of individuals
private data that can be controlled it may be dangerous for innocent individuals.
9.2 “When
verifying or authenticating an individual, an accredited entity must not
send the user’s attributes to a relying party without the user’s
express consent (e.g., the user may be required to check a tick box).” Huh? Govt
has been giving itself increasing powers to take over people’s online
interactions to the extent they can tick the box, pretending they are me,
themselves. E.g., the Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identity & Disrupt)
Bill on suspicion so it can “modify, add, copy or delete data when investigating serious
online crimes”. Govt with premeditation has created the suspicion itself
with Robodebts using poor unsubstantiated data sources. They ignored AAT 76
times & created an admitted 400K unlawful Centrelink overpayment debts. Proven
with intent they were a serious jailable crime.
(Source: -
“The Bill allows for retention of biometric
information in narrow circumstances to enable limited operational testing
and fraud detection activities.” Governments
“fraud detection” activities include data matching aka Robodebt that has seen
the biggest Govt legal payout since Federation started. Govt has continued to run Robodebt despite it
not using what the Statement of Agreed Facts referred to as “suitable
9.4 “The Bill and TDI rules place controls
on such testing, including requirements for: - approval from the Oversight
Authority” (which is the Minister’s pick); “testing plans” & “only
certain kinds of testing to be undertaken deletion of biometric
information after 14 days.” (Just like we have seen with the Cashless Debit
Welfare Card trial that has been continually extended, with no real positive results
for over 6 years which is over 2 electoral terms – some test hey?).
9.5 “Accredited
entities must not
disclose information about a user’s activities (i.e. the individual’s access
and use of the digital identity services provided by the entity) except
in permitted circumstances such as using the information to provide services or
comply with their obligations.” On all those multi-page fine print documents
that most people gloss over from their banks etc. there is usually a section
that protects the entities from retaining your data for establishing your
future service needs.
9.6 “The
Privacy Act generally permits disclosure of personal information to an enforcement
body if is necessary for an ‘enforcement related activity’.” Only because
the Privacy Commissioner was hired by Govt & “generally” has chosen to
ignore the requirements that when gathering evidence, a search warrant is
required showing reasonable cause for that search. This is so that Govt can not
go on a fishing expedition & target individuals for its own political
9.7 “Accredited
entities must not
use or disclose a person’s digital identity information for
marketing purposes that are unrelated to the digital identity services
they provide to the user.” Disclose to who & what is the point of accrediting
entities at all if they are able to just act as a go-between for other entities
not accredited.
“A participating relying party must not require an individual to
generate or use a digital identity as
a condition of being able to access their services, unless the participating relying party has an
exemption from the Oversight Authority” – Which means that Govt who picked & control the Oversight Authority
can discriminate & limit the trade, services & free movement of privacy
conscious users who choose not to have the DI. A Digital Identity is starting
to look remarkably similar to a Digital Passport that is deeply unpopular.
9.9 “Another protection that will exist in the trusted digital identity
system is the requirement for the existing Services Australia identity
exchange to undertake technical blinding. This protection will be contained
as a condition on Services Australia’s accreditation from the commencement of
the Act.” Australians were given all
sorts of assurances re My Health Record not being accessed by DHS. All that
happened was a name change to Social Services Australia & used the fake Covid19
tests to hide the unlawful access to medical histories.
10.0 Powers
of the Oversight Authority
10.1 “anything else necessary to fulfill its
functions.” – Its powers include going into unlawful Robodebt territory again.
So, I think Govt had better list every single one of those extra powers thank
10.2” For
matters other than the additional Privacy safeguards, the legislation grants
the Oversight Authority powers to: - issue
infringement notices; seek enforceable undertakings; seek injunctions and seek civil
penalties (a financial penalty or a fine) from onboarded entities which commit the following.” I don’t think so. We already have the Australian
Federal Police, that if they had not been completely trashed could be used.
This Oversight Authority is just sounding like a Minister’s personal police
force putting setting its own rules to play by & who it targets.
10.3 $66,000 fine for onboarded entities type individuals for “Failure to comply with directions” of the Minister’s trumped up Oversight Authority; “Failure to comply with notices to produce documents” & “Failure to keep records” that may be a professional breach of confidentiality trust with their own clients e.g., reporters, doctors, lawyers & accountants; “Failure to destroy or de-identify information” which may be evidence against the Minister’s own criminality; “Holding digital information outside Australia” which is the only safe place Australians can go to for justice now. Guess again!
is absolutely no benefit in the Digital Identity for individual Australians or
small businesses. All indications are it’s
been set up to support its unlawful Robodebt attacks on individuals & attack
small businesses for failing to assist them by placing fines on them for
Further the Minister has even
misrepresented the real saving to individual Australians is $0 unless they have
an emergency requiring document replacement. Anyone can get a photocopy of
their personal identity documents for a few cents & have them certified for
free by Justice of the Peace in the community as a true & correct copy. Many solicitors are willing to store these
documents with Wills. Put in a Tupperware container & buried in a hole in
the back garden it is pretty safe from fire & floods for an emergency.
Many Australians should already have
their documents on file at DHS Centrelink.
If the Minister is going to assure Australians it can be trusted to
store further documents maybe start in that Department that continually tells
customers it hasn’t received applications & can’t find notifications on
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