Covid19 - Human Rights Complaint 2
December, 2021, Queensland Govt plans to introduce medical apartheid. Whether
it’s another bluff is immaterial to me. I allege Palaszczuk, Young, Miles &
D’Ath “the discriminators” are co-conspirators in the physical & psychologically
harm done to me & other Queenslanders.
I will show
that “the discriminators” have attempted to remove many of my civil rights.
Ultimately, I will show, they have trashed the fundamental human right under
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Part 1 Article 1 “All
peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they
freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic,
social and cultural development.” They have done this using the behavioural psychology “nudge
theory” within Queensland (Qld).
I’m a wheelie & in Covid19 degraded
by the Palaszczuk Govt & Health Dept as a “non-essential”. I was told to
self-isolate aka locked up with threats of fines for months early 2020. Online
food orders either never came or were half delivered with refunds I had to
fight for. When vulnerables screams were
finally heard, “non-essentials” got “preferential shopping”. This really was to
isolate & hide us from the rest of Australians, who they were ramping up to
despise us, with disgusting discriminatory propaganda that started before
Covid19. With things like “OK Boomer”. “Preferential shopping” was just more propaganda.
The preferred hour was when maxi-taxis were pre-booked by school runs &
those overpriced supermarket food boxes for vulnerables, had no fresh food in
abundance in shops.
Palaszczuk & Miles 2020 pumped
out lies & monotonously repeated one liners (a psychological trick) e.g.,
“keeping others safe”. Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)
Section 5(1). How
is disrespecting me as a “non-essential” & locking me up from the
community not less favourable. The only care/help/human contact I can get
because NDIS that their federal political party co-conspirators were bipartisan
in is a disaster, is from the community. “The discriminators” even put my
Allied Health on hold. This was not about “keeping others safe” it was about
exterminating us.
When finally released in March,
2020, disabled like me & the aged were subjected to discrimination from
people who had just lost their jobs & had been psychologically primed that
it was our fault. They lost their jobs for a bunch of “OK Boomers” &
“non-essentials”. Many people looked at the ground when I smiled or glared
& moved away. Their thought processes had been “nudged” to prepare them for
us being expendable. Instead of taking responsibility for their own
incompetence & corruption that brought on the pre-planned Covid19 hoax, “the
discriminators” used us to shield themselves in the propaganda they ramped
Qld Govt has given itself the right
to modify laws without even telling us what the changes are. In force
legislation carries a rider: - “ALERT:
COVID-19 modifications of laws. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020 and extraordinary regulations and
statutory instruments made under that Act modify a significant number of
Queensland laws. Affected legislation operates as modified but the modification
does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, affected in force
legislation does not show the text of the law as modified by this Act or
other modifications. All modifications have a stated expiry date, no later
than 30 April 2022.”
I still can’t see the lawful
mechanism delegating ANY power to Qld Govt from Commonwealth Govt?
National Cabinet was unlawful with no minutes taken. Minister Hunt’s press
releases from Sep 2021 shows consultation not delegation to States. The Communicable Disease Arm Network of
Australia shows no delegation of health control to Qld. Is Commonwealth
Government applying the same process?
I have another Human Right’s complaint
& I’m sure there are going to be more if my local library experience is anything
to go by. My library tried to get me arrested for doing nothing but quoting the
law. When laws can be modified without changing the text, social media our word
of mouth is now censored & “the discriminators” have socially distanced us
from comparing notes, it is a little hard for “non-essentials” like me to
follow them.
The library tried to publicly shame
me for not interacting with a fascist contract tracing APP, despite stating I
considered it a safety risk & ergo an allowable exemption for “Restricted”
businesses. Indeed, it is a safety risk to any sane thinking person to be
tracked like a prisoner on day release in Holocaust II. Fortunately, I still
think people die at an average morbidity age of around 80 so I guess I qualify.
They denied my rightful access to public property for 1hr & withheld my
liberty for about 20mins. I was stood over & threatened for doing nothing
but quoting the text of the law & not Mein Kampf and being peacefully
check-in APP non-compliant. On a day Toowoomba was not a hot zone & there
were no Checklist requirements at libraries they attempted to get me arrested
for quoting text law (unseen modifications aside). The nice policeman gave me
his card & referred me to Human Rights. I’m guessing from the six (6) month
wait list the anti-Covid19 movement is doing far better than I thought.
I spotted Covid19 was a hoax being
perpetrated on all Australians by “the discriminators” & other
co-conspirators January 2020. Across the nearly 2years “the discriminators” have:
- withheld my liberty; gagged us with worthless masks; pushed cr*p PCR tests to
steal DNA (Palaszczuk father is Gene Technology Alliance’s Chairman that’s a
major conflict of interest); and their contact trace APP steals my privacy &
increases ISP costs.
Now they plan to limit my community
participation unless I get a Covid19 vaccine. Covid19 quickly mutates & is re-infectious.
Vaccines will never work. Governor Young’s husband is reported to have got a Pfizer
consultancy another conflict of interest. Nearly 2yrs worth of quantitative data
shows Covid19 is rubbish, was never a super spreader or a high consequence
infectious disease (HCID). Everything Qlders have been told about Covid19 is
lies. I followed the science & quantitatively modelled it properly. “The
discriminators” have lied all along.
27 May, 2020, I submitted to Senate a
simple simulated timeline of Wuhan China’s lockdown. Focussing on surface
life/incubation cycles. It validates lockdowns were pointless. UK also tried lockdowns & failed. Whether
real or my preference fake, Covid19 was always sneaky & reinfectious. There’ll
always be breakthrough infections - Hallelujah. Without coronavirus (common
cold), bacteria would build up in nasal passages instead of being flushed out.
Covid19 was never a HCID in Australia.
Australian Bureau of Statistics Causes of Death, Australia show it was the 38th
cause of mortality 2020. It was downgraded by UK 18 March, 2020 to not HCID 13th
March, 2020 public press release initially dated 18th March 2020.
Consider DDA s5(1). The vaccine was
pharmaceutically tested on healthy 55yo’s. It was NEVER pharmaceutically
tested on people with adverse medical conditions or reduced mobility & ergo
poorer circulation. “The discriminators” are dangerously forcing vulnerables to
use a totally untested vaccine for their adverse medical circumstance. That is
proposing to treat aggrieved disabled person less favourably.
The proposal is to treat, with coerced
informed medical consent, with a dangerous totally untested vaccine. That is
medical experimentation & offends my human right of choice. “The
discriminators” are threatening me with loss of my access to public
buildings/leases & publicly owned goods & chattels therein for
non-compliance. Arguably it’s extortion under the Qld
Criminal Code 1899 s414. Federal trumps State law. This is undue menace
& as a member of the public & shareholder in public assets an
unconstitutional acquisition of my property on s51xxxi unjust terms.
Qld Labor Party was voted out
because they threatened to sell our assets & voted in because they said
they wouldn’t. When Federal law trumps State if GST was deemed mandated by
election, then why is it not a mandate we retain possession of our public
I was born a freeman not a serf. My DNA
is part of my body & proceeds therefrom my property. Acquisition of same
without my fully informed consent is fraud & theft. Possession of stolen
property is equally an offence; misuse of my property is misappropriation &
anyone in possession of my DNA is in receipt of stolen goods. I’ve never
consented to give anyone rights to my DNA & I opted out of My Health
The Hobson’s choice loss of rights
of movement or loss of bodily rights is not acceptable. I do not consent to
either. Further I consider both are have an intent is to cause me loss &
harm. The threats are ergo menacing. Qld Criminal Code 1899 “Section 317 Acts
intended to cause grievous bodily harm and other malicious acts: - 1(a) to maim,
disfigure or disable another person; or …either…(e) in any way unlawfully
wounds, does grievous bodily harm, or transmits a serious disease to, any
person; or”.
DDA “Section 5(2) Neither Qld Govt or Toowoomba Regional Council ever made any “reasonable
adjustments” for me in Covid19. They have used the period to threaten me &
have shown intent to continue. My contacts in 2 years: - a letters threatening fines
for bin returns/not speaking to my garbo (to thank him for returning the bin
from the kerb)/mowing my lawn (I’m on NDIS enough said); email pausing Allied Health;
intimidating fire alarm check 3 people who pressured entry without notice when
I was half naked NB: still no response to the complaint.
I have an entitled Constitutional s51xxiiiA
right to health care, but I was prevented from receipt due to a “nudged” attack
removing our right of self-determination. The Palaszczuk Govt & Qld
Public Service hierarchy including then CHO Young were complicit in harming Queenslanders
by employing behavioural economics/insights encompassing “nudge theory”. 8th November, 2018, there was a
joint AES & AMSRS Qld Symposium on behavioural insights. Qld Govt’s Community Insight’s Team is linked
to UK’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) & also PM & Cabinets
Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA) source: refer Attached.
Case1: Behavioural economic “nudge theory” was only introduced to
Australia 2015/6 it was used in Robodebt where unethically the nudgers removed
helpline phone numbers on the unlawful debt notices that went to vulnerable
people. Result alleged suicides.
Case2: Behavioural insights “nudge theory” first trial in a health
system was Penn
Medicine Nudge Unit 2016. 2017 “Nudge vs
Superbug” was operational in federal health. (It was active in Covid19.) “Nudge theory” letters were rolled out 2017
nudging doctors to under prescribe Opioids. Result CMO Murphy apologized to
doctors as some ceased prescribing pain medications to cancer patients. My leg
was amputated just after the letter. I continually argued for the Opioid pain
medication. I gave NO informed consent to be part of any psychological trial.
I had no “right of self-determination” in pain treatment that was delivered by
a letter signed by Murphy CMO who I never self-determined to treat me.
Covid19 is alleged to be a “novel” pandemic. It would ergo be
negligent to use an experimental untested theory, with already 2x disastrous
results in a real emergency. Australia’s “nudge theory” practices were lockstep
with UK & others. At NO time
did I self-determine or give my informed consent to be part of a mass
behavioural trial.
Case3: Dr Ian Maxwell Mackay - I encountered Mackay
on Twitter, because he had poorly researched Covid19. He missed an early reported media
case mentioning the symptom vomiting, which suggested pneumonia was present in
Covid19 cases. I corrected Mackay & provided him the media reference. In ABS Covid19 mortality stats as at 31
August 2020 released October 2020 showed pneumonia was a comorbidity in 54% of
Covid19 deceased. Attached is Mackay’s own Twitter Pinned Tweet. His Risk
Reduction Diagram Version 4.3 which resembles Swiss cheese & a mouse trap.
Any respectable risk reductionist would reasonably ask (& disclose why)
there were so many failed prior versions. Mackay’s a shining example of “Nudge
Theory”, & why the hierarchy of Qld Health should be sacked & a new
Governor found immediately.
Per Mackay, it’s not the lockdowns causing untold mental harm just the fact they are called
lockdowns & they should be rebranded as “orders”. Others like me would call
his multi-pronged response, a list of punitive & dangerous measures based
on little proven science. A real
emergency response requires keeping people calm & inciting them to anger is
counter-productive. Mackay’s an adjunct associate professor Child Health
Research Centre & Faculty of Medicine at Qld University, yet to him human health
is just treating humans as vermin.
Whether Mackay realises it or not his model is “Nudge Theory”.
The Controller is the Go Green Person barking “orders” to his two groups.
“Nudge Theory” removes ethics from any model & affords the Controller the
illusion of a win at all cost without consequence. Group1 is the Covid19 mouse going away from
the Controller supposedly avoiding the new order “social responsibilities”.
This is better known as running for your lives. Group2 are those in the light
cheese zone of “shared & personal responsibilities” – the brainwashed.
Note bottom left of the picture the naughty corner. The mouse
that won’t conform is finally blocked & isolated. That’s me. I’m what Mackay calls a
“Misinformation Mouse”. I of course
disagree & say I am a Miss Information Mouse. I tried to warn Mackay that Covid19 was not
the threat it was being made out to be. He blocked & censored me (just like
Twitter & Facebook have been blocking & censoring anyone actually
questioning the lack of Covid19 science). His final message a childish mem that
said “I was so wrong”. Who’s looking good now? The fundamental difference
between us, is that I think his science deserves to be seen. So, the science
really can be followed & everyone is afforded the “right of
self-determination”. The right to decide whether they have Swiss cheese or any
cheese they prefer.
In Covid19, the big stick is prodding people to use an unnecessary poorly tested vaccine & to roll up their children’s sleeves as the Go Green Version 4.3 Person Ordered. Just as the modified text is unseen, the instrument wielding the prod is unseen. When you finally realise there’s only one Go Green Person giving orders & everyone else is trapped in a maze, it dawns we’re being played by a fascist Dictator. On that day, if the Miss Information corner is still there, it will look pretty good.
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