COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 and the Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023 submission


15 March 2023


Committee Secretary
Senate Education and Employment Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 and the Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023

Thank you for the opportunity to submit to this inquiry & I wish my submission to be public. My submission may be longer than the usual submissions because I picked up on Covid19 Jan 2020. Some parts will be replicated from other submissions made to various inquiries in & out of Australia.  Links to some of those are in references.  

I believe I am qualified to make the statements made within. I’m a former Deputy Rescue Leader Qld SES. I completed the warden’s certificate to recon any emergency including health. I also did the welfare certificate that covered dealing with emotional trauma & panic in an emergency. I hold a Diploma of Accounting that incls the module Budgeting & Forecasting & also enables me to advise management. I designed & designed & ran a rough, but accurate quantitative COVID19 model myself.

Thank you again for consideration,

Yours faithfully,

Tracey Hoolachan















1.                 INTRODUCTION

1.1.1         All indications are COVID19 response measures were to conceal unauthorised & internationally frowned upon medical gain of function bio-weapon experiments going on at the Wuhan lab. This is no longer one of the censored conspiracy theories. It is supported by the testimony to US Congress of Dr. Robert Redfield Director of the Centres for Disease Control & Prevention. With the release of the Twitter Files in USA & UK’s Matt Hancock’s text messages there is now an avalanche of evidence coming out of UK & USA that COVID19 was a behavioural insight nudge hoax to cover the criminality going on at the lab. Whether the origin of COVID19 is proven to be a lab leak or not, harmful response actions were still done to Australians for the benefit of a foreign entity.  


1.2.1         The golden rule for medicine is “first do no harm”. I will show there was never any need for the vaccine, lockdowns or medical apartheid at all. Income tax & health levies fund our health that sits in s51xxiiiA of the Constitution Act. Commonwealth holds the upper echelon in the duty of health care power structure. It has the onus of responsibility to ensure that health is delivered in s51 “good order”. I can see nowhere in COVID19 States were delegated enforcement powers to create mandates. COVID19 was alleged to be a national viral invasion & ergo is under the constitutional cover of section 119.  National Cabinet was not found to be a lawful entity. I put it to Senate that State Premiers overstepped the mark & have acted unlawfully against their citizens by failing to meet s51 “good order” delivery of health.


1.3.1 This was an alleged “novel” virus that was pre-determined 13 March 2020 to not be a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) by UK Health. An unneeded poorly tested experimental “vaccine” with undisclosed ingredients & no liability protections was bought from foreign entities using public money. I can see absolutely no sign any independent risk assessment was done by ATAGI or TGA.  Even if this vaccine had been acquired with the best intentions, & the data from USA had been valid & uncompromised, the short developmental time & our onshore unique distribution network, for what we were told was a temperature sensitive product, should have still seen safety monitored. I cannot see any sign that was done impartially or efficiently. Australia has been paid a lot of money & given a lot of prestige to health committees for them be a rubber stamp for big pharma.  Aussies including children & pregnant women, have been made big pharma’s no cost, no liability test bunnies. No part of this process or the vaccine itself was “Safe & Effective” & I put it to Senators no part was “good order”.

1.4.1 I’m a wheelie Queenslander. Sunday friends from my peaceful Christian Toowoomba Stand in The Park (SITP) group travelled to a memorial at Warwick’s SITP. It was held to honour royalist & legal historian Steven Harrison.  Mr Harrison walked assisted by a cane & had 7% vision. The Christian bibliophile would have difficulty seeing someone let alone hitting them, but was deemed a threat to society. Mr Harrison was allegedly found dead on the floor of his home after a multi-hour police siege. He’d been reported for odd behaviour. I have seen video of the Qld Deputy Commissioner, discriminatingly ramping up fear of conspiracy theorist, religious extremist & anti-vaxxers & encouraging members of the public to dob them into police.  This tirade followed the Train shootings.   No-one is allowed to ask questions about why a Christian & former teacher, who was a jab for jobs victim, would suddenly become a terrorist. Or ask why there’s an alleged comms blackspot at the Trains CSG lock the gate property. Or ask why the police union were fast out of the blocks to make a purchase claim on the Trains CSG rich property. Those questions raise conspiracy theories and in Queensland thanks to COVID19 it’s police shooting season.


1.5.1 The weekend a fortnight before, I was at the Harristown Baptist Church where they were holding a 2-day Sound the Alarm Conference. The Baptist Church has been in existence since the early 1600’s. They are probably one of the least radical & most highly respected Christian dioceses there is.  The guest speaker was Dr William Bay talking about his medical licence suspension by AHPRA because of the COVID19 hoax. He believes God wants him to oppose his suspension in court based on the removal of all of our medical Informed consent.  The Baptist Pastor finished by giving a brief but good sermon encouraging people to be God’s Watchmen & Sound the Alarm. Are we on the alert to watch for Satan or the Devil in 2023? No! We are watching out for more evil actions from Governments State & Federal.  He is rightfully worried. Ring! Ring! Ring!

1.6.1 I spotted COVID19 was a hoax & that it was for nefarious purposes immediately. I have been warning people since January 2020. The reality of how dangerous things have become in Queensland was driven home to me in the Qld Medical Apartheid. On a day when there were no restrictions, the librarian at the Toowoomba local library tried to get this wheelie arrested for refusing to use the Qld Check-In APP. The Toowoomba Regional Council attempted to cover this atrocity up & lied about restrictions being in place on that day (I have them screen captured). Despite it being an appalling show on human rights, captured no doubt on security camera with the police giving me their card to lodge a human rights complaint, the Qld Human Rights Commission couldn’t run fast enough away from protecting this citizens interests. I later saw the Commissioner’s speech at the inquiry to extend the Medical Apartheid. We have no Human Rights Commission in Queensland but a joke.

1.7.1 After 3yrs of data on alleged response measures being a load of hooey, we are well past the point when, “I didn’t turn my mind to it”, will cut it. Class actions are in final prep stages. It is now overtime for Senators to act in accordance with their positions & help limit further damage to the Commonwealth & citizens. Our coat of arms has an emu head up not an ostrich with its head in sand. It is time to restore the pecking order & legislate so governments can never again abuse the human right of bodily autonomy & free movements or “good order” citizens. We are no longer convicts & you can shove your on a whim health mandates.

 2.                 IT WAS NEVER A REAL THREAT

2.1.1         Immediate Indicators -The ramp up started at 25 Jan 2020 on only 28 dead of cold & flu symptoms in China’s cold & flu season. Australia’s population 26M is a lot smaller than China’s 1.4B. When have we ever seen a cold/flu ramped up on only 28 deaths in cold & flu season? Never! Fear is the biggest killer. A sure way to get hospital wait rooms full & medical resources overwhelmed is to irresponsibly announce a health threat for hypochondriacs. In case it’s forgotten, Jan2020 we were in bushfire recovery from a fire allegedly started by arsonist. COVID19 was not just a hoax. It was an act of terrorism. Kicking us when we were already on ground zero;

2.2.1         At 25 January 2020 details were few. All Australians knew was there was an alleged “novel” disease & that borders had gone up around Hubei 23 January 2020. At that time, we did not know the surface life, incubation period or whether there was person to person transmission. Without this key information how did anyone including the “experts” know there was a threat? Why was media even seeking out “experts” at that time based on what little we did know? Answer - they knew in advance it was going to become a threat because it was a pe-planned event. In 2009 during H1NI China locked down for 60days. Did Australia lock down? No. Are we still alive? Obviously yes;


2.3.1         Australians certainly didn’t know COVID19 was a threat based on real health data coming out of China. Despite Hubei Wuhan being in the middle of an alleged health crisis, threatening life as we know it across the world, Aussie & Chinese health workers all decided to take time out to party.  2 days after an alleged major worldwide health alert allegedly warranting the hard lockdown of 11 million Hubei residents on 23rd January 2020, from 25-26 January 2020 Australia Day long weekend & Chinese New Year emergency responders shut up shop for party time. Australia is a country of disasters & emergencies how many times have we seen calls for emergency first responders to be relieved after serving 24/7 for 5 days. Yet 2 days with adrenilin on high health workers were calling uncle, we need to start practicing our dancing. Across 25 & 26 January 2020 despite communications being in place & WHO situation reports active, there were no daily situation reports coming out of WHO. That was no problem for Bloomberg rag though. It was pumping out figures from anywhere’s guess. Later WHO published reports for the 2 days & they matched Bloomberg’s data. Just a reminder Bloomberg was a Liberal Democrat nominee for Presidential Candidate. Before I was permanently suspended on Twitter I managed to screen capture part of an online tweet thread.

2.4.1         There were only 2 doctors commenting on COVID19 on Twitter in this early period Dr Eric Feigl-Ding & Dr Dena Grayson. Both former Liberal Democrat candidates. The 2 doctors were by design. Ding over the top exaggerating using poorly modelled exponential figures that were obviously wrong & he later retracted. Grayson who was more reserved & put out all the information to heighten fear & withheld key information that could have quickly dispelled it. In the early period COVID19 had not been given an official name & was just being referred to as Coronavirus. As doctors fear could have been quickly stomped on by explaining this was a big family of which the common cold was a part. Both doctors were being played together with a number of trolls/BOTs directing anyone talking COVID19 to them. One of the trolls was @shelhol.

2.5.1         @shelhol & friends started toiletpapergate. Excuse the language, but when I made this tweet I didn’t realise its future significance. @shelhol was setting the seeds about the lack of toilet paper.  Most registered the panic March 2020 with the video of the two women in the supermarket fighting over toilet paper. In reality the seeds were being set February 2020.  Business Insider 11 March 20207 reported Asia as having panic acquisitions mid-February 2020. Few rational people will snap panic. Many Australians may have seen the tweets & news articles on Asia’s shortages, subliminally registered the hints of shortages, but dismissed them until March because until then death allegedly was not at our door. People go through a period of rationalising danger & assessing the risk to oneself. Our first case imported was 2nd March 2020. Until then we saw no risk. @shelhol & friends were also in on a lot of the COVID19 games like elbow shaking (see the tweet below).


2.6.1 By Feb2020 we were told COVID-19 was an A-symptomatic super spreader with surface life & some cases so mild you wouldn’t even know you have it. Consider this rough time line you realise the super spreader deadly virus had been free to frolic with gay abandonment for 54-55 days (nearly 2 months) from when Patient0 developed the strain. Hubei has a population of 11 million. It’s at the centre of a busy plane & train network.  Despite an alleged 14day viable surface life, being carried all over China & beyond, there were no reports from other countries until after the 23 January 2020 Hubei border day. We’re advised UK’s first case same hemisphere was 30 Jan 2020;

 2.7.1         As can be seen in the WHO situation report even at 29 February, 2020, 96% of China’s cases were inside still inside the Hubei province. COVID-19 was neither a super spreader or deadly as most were still alive in Hubei.

2.8.1         Unbeknownst to me, at the same time end of February 2020 using his own methods Sanjeev Sabhlok, insitu at Victorian Govts Finance & Treasury Dept arrived at the same conclusion - COVID19 responses were disproportionate to the threat. He advised his superiors accordingly 28 February 2020.  That is two people using their own data in completely different States arriving at the same conclusion. I would find it utterly extraordinary with Mr Sabhlok’s credentials & the public manner in which he resigned in September 2020, if this wasn’t a topic of discussion by Premier Dan Andrews Cabinet & indeed in National Cabinet. Also that like us all Health Depts & Governments did not know based on data that COVID19 was no threat.


2.9.1         Data from China showed lockdowns wouldn’t work. The second picture below is a section from my rejected Senate submission giving a lockdown time assessment.When you accept that there were 4.7 fortnightly incubation cycles {14 days} you realize the lockdowns were not logical.  If the disease could be stopped by lockdown that would have occurred across the first two cycles.”  In a Ministerial statement UK’s Hancock noted they had tried for eradication also & it had failed8. I just do not credit that the Australian Health Dept was not aware of that.


2.10.1    On 13th March 2020 UK’s Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) met & determined unanimously that COVID19 was not a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID). This was a key decision from a committee of crucial medical influence on COVID19 for UK & ergo Australia as a commonwealth country & defence partner. In my opinion the Australian health department got this information same day & more than likely were given a heads up prior to the meeting.  The National Guidelines for Public Health is indicative of this having occurred as it holds a revised case definition dated 13 March 2020. This was coincidentally also CMO Murphy’s last day in the position.


2.11.1  Five days after the ACDP meeting on 18th March 2020 UK Health Dept published “Status of COVID-19” downgrading COVID19. This date was witnessed also by an independent media group. Same day unlawful National Cabinet formed. By this date there’s no doubt Health Dept & Govt knew COVID19 was not HCID & there was no need for any National Cabinet. There was also no threat from Ruby Princess that allegedly sailed into Sydney the following day 19th March 2020. At a later time, the date of the public statement was changed to 19th March 2020. It is my opinion this was done in an attempt to conceal from Australians that there was never a COVID19 health emergency from the ship.  No Ruby Princess threat means there was no Melbourne hotel threat either. And that leads to the burning question exactly what happened in the nursing homes? National Cabinet who knew COVID19 was no threat were in our faces on the media giving us daily updates on the shipping news. 

2.12.1 How was Australia getting its case numbers? From the PCR test given a gold standard by Doherty’s Institute. Peter Doherty is a Nobel Prize winner for his studies into birds.  We are humans! When I lodged to Royal Commission Feb 2021, I provided screen captures showing Doherty’s were interpreting data from PCR tests in complete contradiction to WHO. Have I mentioned Doherty’s were also in receipt of a $3M donation from Jack Ma to ramp up vaccine uptake. Call me a wacko conspiracy theorist, but I consider $3M is an incredible conflict of interest.  

2.12.2 What Australians were not told is that the genome sequence would have been needed to test for suitability to detect a “novel” virus” & Doherty’s by the dates could not have had the original “novel” coronavirus genome sequence.  Coronavirus is a very big virus family that includes the common cold. Science followers would be well aware the origin of COVID19 has them in a tailspin between the bat cave & the lab leak theories with the latter currently ahead due to Fauci emails & the Twitter Files. WHO has also since 2020 corrected the record noting there was a case a week before our old Patient0 that created the first 30 December 2019 cluster & there was a cluster on 8 December, 2019. The first 13 early cases were from across the river in Wuchang in the Jiangxia district & it’s a different original virus/genomic sequence. Dr John Campbell uploaded to You Tube a video on 17 July, 2021, in which he notes he filmed it 16 July, 2021.

2.12.3 No-one bothered to look back at what that changed original genome sequence meant. The Doherty Gold Standard PCR test was never designed for detecting COVID19 in isolation & never tested for detecting the original genomic sequence because it did not have the original genome sequence. Patients presented at test stations to be tested for COVID19 nothing else. What have they been tested for without their full medical consent? What were the vaccines based on? We were told they had been specially designed for that sequence. In point of fact Doherty’s scored publicity again when it announced 29 January 2020 it was the first to grow the “novel” coronavirus9. Grow what exactly?


2.14.1    15th March, 2020 I completed a 90-day crude model I’d been running. It cost me $2 to prepare it & could have been done with just a pen, paper & maths for Cabinets with limited tool access. Early in the alleged pandemic I profiled the symptoms found them to be an exact match for influenza & pneumonia. I created a simple pro-rata of China’s COVID19 deceased to population for Australia. My estimate was 55-57 at a worst-case scenario. Senate got this data 27 May 2020 when I lodged to Senate Covid. Per ABS based on figures to 31 August 2020 approx 43 people died of COVID19 not with COVID19.  My submission 12 out on deceased estimates, correct om recurrency aka reinfection, correct on heat sensitivity & a whole lot more was rejected in Nov 2020 after all my early health calls were validated 100% correct. It was also included in my Royal Commission Disability submission Part 2.

2.15.1 My Royal Commission was rushed out to try & eat the vaccine & was accepted to both the Disability & Aged Commissions. It was & reviewed by Sanjeev Sabhlok PhD economics & B.SC Physics/Chemistry as “brilliant”.  He liked lot so much he honoured me & asked if he could put it on his personal blog page.  I sent a copy of this to Senate Covid who again snubbed the information. Let me be very clear, a Senate Committee using public purse resources ignored 2x submissions of proven correct information showing COVID19 was not a threat. It censored within its committee a submission showing cyber terrorism was in play in order to ramp up an unnecessary vaccine that was ultimately pushed for children’s usage with no independent validator. The ABS figures had to be reworked because in my opinion a lot of effort went into hiding the real numbers that showed COVID19 was not a HCID. My figure of 55 was 12 out after the first flu season. As at 31st July 2021 nearing the end of the second flu season COVID19 only deaths were 103 (55x2=110).  Dohertys Institute exponential modelling was featured at Senate COVID19 & ergo their Senate submission no doubt accepted unlike mine.  Their prediction was 50,000-150,000.


2.16.1      After many months 8 April 2020 Australia got to see its first models of its own deceased4. This was compiled by Doherty’s Institute under former Health Minister Greg Hunt, who was also a former Director of Strategy at World Economic Forum.  This was pre the 2020 cold & flu season.  It is anyone’s guess what these figures really represented. On the eve of the federal election former PM Morrison who we now know was also Co-Health Minister, was on camera admitting the COVID19 figures being presented to Australians were with COVID19 not because of COVID196


2.16.2      Note again my worked data from ABS at s1.10.1, showing 43 COVID19 deceased as at 31 August 2020. The figures below show a disparity on quantitative deaths & were released 8 April 2020. Australia’s first COVID19 death (imported) was 2 March 2020. ABS clear stats taken from death certificates as at 31st July 2021, 19.5months after the COVID19 start & 16months after Australia’s first deceased was only 103. There were multiple alleged different waves & strains that Aussies were frightened with in that 16month time frame. So, at an average of 6.5 deaths a month (103 deceased divided by 16mths) I call bull on Doherty’s 52-56 deaths for 1 month & 6 days presented to the public 8 April 2020. To be blunt these models look pretty, but are garbage. Doherty’s Institute were one of the accepted Senate Covid “expert” presenters. Their exponentially modelled Australian death rate 50,000-150,000. These models below show that even with months to prepare & actual data Doherty’s modellers couldn’t even reconcile up to 60 deaths.

2.17.1      Every year there are thousands of variant mutations, but their effect on resources is minor. Until 2018, minor viruses were just grouped in with influenza & pneumonia. WHO changed how they were recorded.  Scientists estimate we had 353,341 mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by 30 June, 20201. Imagine how ridiculous on mortality reports it would be to recognise individually each of all these viral diseases. That is what the health depts did with COVID19 though. A minor coronavirus cold variant was plucked from anonymity & ramped up into a deadly threat. That threat was amplified by holding back every mutation therefrom. The public only got a “Variant of Concern” drip fed when uptake was waning. It should have been blatantly obvious from the Wuhan Hubei lockdown there is no way on this planet the drug companies were ever going to be able to outpace the speed of that many mutations. That raises very big questions on whether mandates were ever supported by science. When you look at the real threat COVID19 posed to mortality compared to other morbidity factors it pales into insignificance at 38TH place. Our health budgets have been rorted & Aussies persecuted based on a virtual health nothing.


2.18.1  Our politicians kept telling us they were following the science, but they never told us it was political science they were following. Health science was being changed daily to make it fit for political science purpose.  In fact, Dan Andrews member of the unlawful National Cabinet was outed as having used taxpayer funds to survey Victorians on his COVID19 response pre-election.10 These changes included WHO diagnostic methods.  It didn’t matter that 2x countries courts had found PCR tests useless for COVID19 diagnostics in isolation of everything including fruit juice.  At first there were laboratory tests only. When the symptoms were all found to be exactly match for influenza with pneumonia, the method of diagnosis was changed to include clinical diagnosis. WHO continually changed its clinical diagnosis method to inflate the Armageddon being ramped up by political opportunist until by December 2020 it was so loose a hangover could see you diagnosed with COVID19.  It’s a good job govts across the world were giving bonuses for a COVID19 diagnosis or alcoholism could have been on a few countries records as their biggest health threat in 2020.

2.19.1 22nd December 2020 the latest mutant strain threat for Australia was Avalon. The alleged COVID19 super spreader romped border free till 23 Jan 2020 & yet had managed to avoid Australia like a winter virus plague in the summer of fin yr 2020. Amazingly the “novel” disease that couldn’t be bothered with Australia one summer decided it was a summer virus too in December 2021. This is despite CSIRO having done heat studies on the genome sequence that confirmed China’s earlier findings that COVID19 was heat sensitive. 


2.20.1 By 30th December 2020 I put the data that over 99.98% of the word population had survived the alleged deadly super spreader.   This data was picked up by a US Republican Senator & I was permanently suspended on Twitter. Despite using WHO’s own data & being factually correct & there only being a 0.02 risk of dying of COVID19 unvaccinated without other comorbidities I was censored.  No longer Our ABC ran a story simultaneously to politically promote Chris Bowen that was disguised as a fact check using parts of the data to enable its RMIT ABC arm to censor as misinformation my factually correct post from the internet. For what it was worth I lodged a complaint about this fact check being factually incorrect. ABC did nothing. I have no hesitation in going on record & stating the actions of RMIT ABC fact checkers have aided & abetted what Twitter Files have revealed as being a cyber-attack on individual citizens. Further I have provided examples to Royal Commission I believe show ABC were instrumental in creating & circulating propaganda to inflate fear of COVID19.

2.20.2 My suspension 30 December 2020 was pre the Trump suspensions. A lot of Australians were suspended by Twitter for putting out the correct COVID19 information. At various times Australian Prime Ministers have been called on to comment on their parties’ stance on free speech. For me that isn’t good enough anymore. This Senate is calling for protections from health mandates & discrimination, but as someone censored for 3years for trying to protect Australians our free speech needs to also be legislated for. It is now confirmed from the Twitter Files that me & others have been attacked by cyber forces from a foreign government with an agenda of interfering in Australian politics & our elections.  I note I raised my concerns that this was occurring to the Inquiry into social media & Online Safety11 prior to the Twitter Files release. Also to the Victorian Electoral Commission prior to the Victoria election.  The Twitter Files confirm my contention the censorship was used to interfere with elections.

 2.21.1 Few looked at China’s statistics for the 2nd year. Across the mostly unvaccinated population with more freedoms 6 Jun2020 to 6 Jun2021 (incl. a single winter cold & flu season) only 201 deceased accredited to COVID19. Only two things can account for this dramatic reduction of numbers: - 1. WHO notified of adjustments to the PCR test readings 14 December 2020 & 13 January 2021; & 2. natural immunity must have been robust.

2.22.1 By 30 June 2021 Matt Hancock & Dominic Cummings had both been interviewed by the UK’s Scientific Committee for the Coronavirus Lessons Learned Inquiry.  Revelations from this inquiry validate the involvement of behavioural insight psychologist to exaggerate the threat of COVID19.  Hancock also evaded questions on the “Do Not Resuscitate” notes applied without consent all over the country to vulnerable peoples’ medical files. Currently Hancock has gained the nickname Midazolam Matt. Investigations are underway to establish why a drug used for lethal injections was given to treat people with COVID19. Mike Yeadon has been investigating possibly unlawful deaths in UK using Midazolam14.  UK is not the only country. Similar investigations are underway in France & USA and Australia should be looking at the same activity here.


2.23.1 2nd July 2021 under the new Albanese Labor Government, unlawful National Cabinet comprised of both Labor & Liberal Premiers determined to formulate a National Plan for an exit strategy. Despite a failed initial exponential modelling, failed initial quantitative actual deceased modelling Doherty’s were there again. Boosters, boosters & more boosters & vaccines, vaccines & vaccines in even younger arms despite the information being out that the genome sequence they were prepared for had been all wrong from the start – brought to you at enormous expense by Jack Ma!


2.24.1 Non-essential lockdown mandates, border mandates, social distancing mandates, mask mandates, jabs for jobs mandates Qlders got the lot & all enforced by ridiculously high fines or lost income.  On 17th December 2021 the Palaszczuk Qld Govt announced its Medical Apartheid to persecute the unvaccinated & ostracise us from society even more. Just in case the world thinks this was just a show, Palaszczuk created a whole set of business restrictions enforced by licence removals, arrests & fines for café owners that defied her Apartheid & served me & other unvaccinated eg Bar Wunder. As an unvaccinated Qlder I was denied my right to partake of my share of public assets like libraries, museums, access to shows etc that receive govt grants & permits. Palaszczuk’s father has business interests in genome data12 & stealing genome data without fully informed medical consent is just about the only thing those PCR & RATs are good for. So Palaszcuk’s family has financially profited from COVID19.  Media announcements disclosing this are thin on the ground. Yes, there’s only one Hubei….

2.24.2 The alleged COVID19 stats that warranted this neo-Nazi’s “Vaccine Segregation” sum total 6 Qld deceased. An average of 1 death every 2 months & there’s no mention of ages for this alleged health emergency. There was no health emergency except on paper in Queensland for COVID19. Qld was so overwhelmed by the COVID19 emergency it signed up to take on the Norfolk Is health care. It was all a bunch of lies & our health budget funds were stolen for a hoax.


2.24.3 Palaszczuk’s health dept stars telling us about “Safe & Effective” measures are nudgers like Dr Mackay who think it is okay to treat Queenslanders as vermin & depict them as such in his diagrams & order people around. Then there is Young now Governor of Queensland for the bad works she did in COVID19. Young’s husband was on Pfizer’s gravy train too – another big disclosure miss from media.

2.24.4 This is a picture of me in Qld hospital end of December 2021 during the Medical Apartheid for COVID19 health emergency reasons. I was taken in an ambulance for a non-Covid like condition. On arrival, because of Palaszcuk’s Apartheid regulations I was told unless I wore a mask, they would refuse to treat me & call for police to arrest & have me removed. Just the sort of welcome to make a sick person feel cared for. In 3 days, I had no access to toilets or shower, no access to a wheelchair, was the only born female in a ward of men without an ability to reach curtains for privacy, but I had a mask. Other than 2x failed cannula inserts that swelled both my arms up to twice their normal size the single disposable mask was the only other “treatment” I got in 3days. Masks have now been confirmed by multiple studies to be useless & in point of fact disposables have a life use of max 6hrs. The only “treatment” I received was intent on delivering harm. On the request of a hospital social worker, I went to visit another frail aged (late 70’s) wheelie in the Apartheid on her day2. She was getting the same lack of treatment as me. Despite the hospital phoning me to go, as I was unvaccinated & wouldn’t use the check in tracker APP I had to argue my way in. When you got past reception none of the staff had masks on.  While waiting for a maxi taxi to take me home I took shots of the main entrance patrolled by COVID19 security during the day.  Amazingly COVID19 goes away at night.  Everything Australians were told was a lie. Why legislate to stop health mandates? Because the scum that did this to genuine sick people have no conscience, ethics or morality & will do it again.



2.25.1  30th June 2022 the mandates for Qld Teachers supposedly ended. It was just more lies. Despite the end of mandates State govt advertised jobs were refusing applications from unvaccinated teachers.  Unvaccinated teachers had to reapply for jobs via advertisements that were clearly discriminating on the basis of health & were given no backpay for their dismissals that were a human rights disgrace. The Palaszczuk Labor govt wasn’t finished though. It reached a whole new low breaking every standard of human rights decency Aug 2022. The poor excuse for a govt kicked the already impoverished unvaccinated teachers while they were down & issued fines to 900 unvaccinated teachers for being unvaccinated & returning to work. As long as I live Labor will never get another vote off me & I was a member of Labor. As for students, my queries on vaccination at an external online Qld university course received a response that it was a requirement. So unvaccinated are being discriminated on the basis of health in Qld Universities. Why legislate to stop health mandates? Because they have never stopped in Queensland. They’ve only been rebranded. The low-life scum that could this to hardworking Aussies have no conscience, ethics or morality & will keep doing it. 


2.25.1 27th September, 2022 Jane Halton handed her “independent review” on “the need for public health campaigns around vaccine uptake”. If the Australian Labor govt would have spent a decade looking they couldn’t have found a person more compromised to consider the need for the COVID19 vaccine delivery. Ms Halton was a former Secretary of Dept of Health, a participating member of Bill Gates’ Event201 Plandemic, Chair of CEPI vaccine investors & is reportedly Brett Sutton’s sister-in-law. If Australia paid one cent for this “independent review” it was ripped off.

2.26.1 ABS data 2022 as at 30 September 2022. It is now 34.5months after COVID19 started & in a year COVID19 had allegedly mutated to the world acknowledged milder Omicron strain. For 2yrs the virus trended within the realms of my quantitative model of 55 deaths per flu season (90days). After the vaccine had been widely circulated suddenly we have a jump to 479 when we should have been at approx. 165 (55 x 3 flu seasons). In my opinion this figure is bullsh*t.  Doctors that have opposed the COVID19 is a real threat agenda have been suspended & threatened with deregistration eg in Queensland Dr William Bay. Doctors are forced to report pro COVID19, but even with that the death figure of 479 since the start of COVID19 equates to only 3.2 deaths just for COVID19 per week.  There are no ages in this or the chart at 1.2.4(a). It should also be recognised that we are now entering the aging of the baby boomers (58-76y.o.). However, if this figure of 479 includes the aged naturally passing over then the real threat of COVID19 is reduced even more.

 2.27.1 The date is 23 March 2023 & as of today the first bit of good news is that ATAGI are not recommending boosters for children as it seems there are harmful side effects after all.  What prompted the bought by big pharma ATAGI turn around. Their latest research on vaccine harms?  No! Discovering they have an ounce of humanity? No! They had to be dragged to the table yet again by the latest 22 March 2023 Project Veritas whistle blower release showing Pfizer knew about the Myocarditis risk back in April 2021. Just a reminder Blythe co-chair of ATAGI under the Senate Chaired inquiry of Gallagher gave the nod to the vaccine for 5yo children based on a small study. That was months after the date of these Pfizer documents.  The very fact that ATAGI the group that took lead for approving the vaccine for 5yo’s is now backtracking & conceding side effects & is only doing that as a result of this document release says we have a major problem with ATAGI.  With this knowledge Commonwealth needs to legislate itself & State govts out of the liability equation as fast as it can. Crushing health mandates & returning choice & control aka bodily autonomy & acquisition of fully informed consent firmly to individuals does that. 

2.27.2 Based on the revelations at 2.26.1 I am not the least bit convinced that ATAGI’s recommended vaccine for vulnerables is for the benefit of the vulnerables either. As it currently stands people are being denied medical treatment & transplants that pose a far greater risk than an “exaggerated…beyond the evidence” coronavirus. To be blunt this latest ATAGI update stinks of being a doctors public liability cop out. The public purse will be picking up the financial damages (Medicare/pensions/community housing/carers) for doctors’ stuff ups by them applying a simple death by COVID19 tag.  Let’s not forget that one of the early media COVID19 rampers was Dr Parnis who withheld his Miga Insurance directorship & that he was an old alumni mate of Victoria’s CHO Brett Sutton. It seems a bit rich to me that the same doctors that have helped along the “exaggerated…beyond the evidence” COVID19 hoax will end up getting a nice little insurance saver.  Doctors have already been paid an extra amount for longer sessions to give enough valid information for fully informed consent on the vaccines.  As the vaccine is not “Safe & Effective” & doctors telling people that, have had their licences suspended by AHPRA the ones receiving this bonus have had a sweetener for being ATAGI, AHPRA & TGA’s mouthpiece.


3.1.1 I started debunking the bad science on lockdowns, masks, social distancing, tracker APPs & a whole lot more in my first Royal Commission Part 2 lodged February 2021. There was so much information on that it totalled about 63pages. All of my health calls like my earlier Senate submission have been proven correct. I formerly submit the link to that here and now.

3.2.1 I updated the submission February 2022 with information reaffirming with new research my earlier finds. I also looked further into the behavioural insight nudges. As vaccine information was not available Feb 2021 I addressed that I detail. I formerly & submit the link to the almost 200pgs here

3.3.1 The biggest lesson I learned.  Australian Parliament House has learned nothing from Robodebt. It enabled psychology nudgers who lacked empathy enough they would remove helpline numbers from debt letters to crawl all over the health dept. The senior public servants will keep lying & do everything they can including hurting Aussies in order to conceal their stuff ups.



4.                 CONCLUSION

4.1.1 My opinion lodged to Senate almost 3yrs ago now on 27 May 2020 remains unchanged. COVID19 is now confirmed to be an “exaggerated…beyond the evidence” hoax & my zero trust in govt now has an awful lot of company. The majority of Australian politicians have been silent as a torrent of information has come out about harms of the COVID19 response measures. I have lost count of the times I have seen well researched speeches from a few brave politicians heroically putting forward the true facts on COVID19 harms to empty parliamentary sessions. These same few attacked by vile political staffers on social media after the sessions.  At any time, Senators & Representatives could have shown some dignity & respect of the health of their Constituents & sat & at least listened.  At any time, their Parties could have shown they had an ounce of political honour & educated their members in how to behave to Opposition politicians. How can a House of Review review, if the other side of an argument is not heard. Audi alteram partem (let the other side be heard). How can claims be made of fully informed medical consent being given when no second opinion due to censorship can be heard. Senate has been turned into a rubber stamp for the lower House it hears nothing, nothing. 5yo children have been injected with a medical experiment that is no longer recommended for their age group due to side effects, because the House of Review has played politically deaf & dead for politics.  It is 3am in the morning & I’m finishing off my submission that will probably get rejected again, because it is about COVID19 & factually correct. That means it’s not politically convenient & not what most of the politicians want to hear. When I finish, I will go to sleep & I’ll be able to sleep soundly. Though ignored by the deaf ears that receive my submission, I know I have tried my best for Aussies & others. I have used my strongest voice the mighty pen to scream wake up you are killing Australians with your S-words.






Video mark point is 17:47-23:3





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