Inquiry into Misinformation or Disinformation Lodged to ACMA 11.54pm 20 August 2023

1.1.0         “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Source King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, John 1:1.  Misinformation or disinformation is based on the opinion of others. Words censored, redacted, suspended, restricted, until they are nudged different, are no longer our Words.  Christian’s believe God punished mortals for their pride in trying to reach heaven’s heights & replace God’s Words with theirs at the Tower of Babel. He divided men’s common Word language into many. It was a lesson that the Word was God’s domain & God’s to control. Our God’s are within us. We all see God in a different way because we are all on different paths in God’s design. When you censor or redact our Words to nudge them you are like the Babylonians at the Tower calling for one Word. The purpose is for your own & not for God’s. Commandment 1 “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

1.1.1 As Christians we respect that the Ten Commandments were God’s orders to us & were set in stone. They are acknowledged by many other religions e.g., Judaism & Islam. They are the basis for our laws & practices that afford Australians “good order” from public servants who are subject to the Criminal Code 1995.  When you censor or redact our Words you are prohibiting the free Godly exercise of our Christian religion in contravention of the Australian Constitution 1901 Section (s)116.

 1.1.2 Census 2021 identifies that 61.1% of Australians, the majority, have a faith. At KJV Luke 1:20. God’s angel Gabriel reaffirmed heaven’s control of the Word. He removed it temporarily from Zacharias (aka Zecharias father of John the Baptist) as a lesson in faithfulness.  He temporarily struck him deaf & dumb for disbelieving. Gabriel did not permanently suspend or restrict Zacharias’s use of Words. It demonstrates Milleniums of common law practice for acceptible justice. Social media companies permanent suspensions & ongoing restrictions fly in the face of our common law rights.

1.1.3 The use & withdrawal of Words is intrinsic in how Christians & others exercise religion. As Christians we demonstrate faithfulness & self control e.g., prayer & vows of silence.  Religions are part of our cultural history. They have woven themselves into our customs traditions.  Would a computer algorithm understand our need for the white lie of Christmas being set at the calendar date it is. Or understand the pleasure parents have with misinformation or disinformation for children with Santa? Our real lives are full of misinformation or disinformation.  How would you answer, “Do I look okay in this dress?” or “Are my wrinkles noticeable?”.  Humans are imperfect unlike our Gods who give us aspirational standards.  Once you start to censor where do you stop?

1.1.4 Our civilizations have developed in real life. They are tangible & should not be artificially ruled from virtual castles in the sky. In the real world, mistakes, misinterpretations & accidents occur. We need real world solutions & real-world intelligence. To spurn the majority 61.1% by attempting to undermine religion’s high place in our Constitution, to appease an Australian 38.9% irreligious minority, is not democracy.  Are we as a majority religious country expected to nudge walk in the footsteps of this week’s latest corporate selling computer algorithm now? Or instead, are we going to get our free constitutional right to walk in the footsteps of our Millenium old Godly Masters? I can tell you what I’ll be voting for & any politician that tries it on will be damned at my voting booth.

1.1.5 We have seen with Robodebt the depths of depravity & inhuman emotions people will be led to If they walk in the footsteps of an algorithm. An algorithm may understand financial savings, but it will never understand soul saving.  Our race has Millenniums of survival history using shared human ingenuity. It is only when health was secreted using misinformation or disinformation in Covid19 things went terribly wrong.

1.1.6 The misinformation or disinformation censorships & redactions on social media started heavily in Covid19.  It was an alleged health emergency. Christian Bibles acknowledge God the Son Jesus was an accredited natural healer & teacher. In KJV John 9:6 Jesus cured a blind man with mud & his spittle.  As Christians we aspire to walk in God the Son’s footsteps. In reverence of Jesus, early hospitals were started by Christian churches. Many of our European Christian festivity periods are centered around the onset of cold & flu seasons. Our festivity traditional food fare includes spicy antimicrobial & antibacterial treats eg honey & clove hams, mulled wine. Both modern medicine (hospitals) & traditional healing (faith/natural) are part of how we s116 “exercise” our religious teachings. We weigh the need & for application of both modern & traditional, because both were exercised by our Christian forbearers. Just as Chinese respect their ancestors wisdom, so do we.  At many of our Australian ceremonies we have the traditional aboriginal welcome to country smoking ceremony.  Burning eucalyptus is very effective in removing fleas that carry disease.  Our local traditions arose from how we survived our own local environments & conditions. Locally grown fruit & vegetables  will always be healthier because they breathed in the same air & dust we breathe & survived. How do you decide what is misinformation or disinformation in health from one source when it is unique to environments? The simple answer is you can’t.

1.1.7 Many Christians chose to Stand in defiance against the Covid19 vaccinations & mandates.  As Christians we are God’s watchers. Our Bible’s teachings, particularly the Words in Revelations, prepared true believers for this time. Using our Words we laid Witness for others. To guide others to the safe path, to the good (Go[o]d) path & away from evil ([D]evil).  We freely share & receive the knowledge we learn. We pray for guidance if we are unsure which to use. Just as a Swami would “exercise” meditation & mindfulness for clarity of thought we as Christians “exercise” the power of prayer for clarity on our problems. We pray to God with our uncensored Words for mercy, miracles or a painless passing to God’s house when mere man has no hope. Censorships, suspensions & restrictions on health in social media related to Covid19 using misinformation & disinformation (man’s algorithmic science) prohibited us from the free exercise of our religion per s116.

1.1.8         The misinformation or disinformation censorships & redactions on social media for Covid19 were an element of religious discrimination.  In addition to using health online censorships, churches were prevented from meeting even outdoors. Christenings, baptisms, weddings & even funerals had limits on attendees ruining lifetime memories whereas casinos & brothels had open houses.    In Qld, the Supreme Court overturned the right of Sikh’s to take daggers into schools, because it is part of how they practice their religion & it is religious discrimination. With this knowledge why should I as a Christian dismiss that this feeler is not religious persecution. What is of a greater risk of giving physical harm, a dagger that can kill someone in real life or christenings, weddings & now bad Words online?

2.2.0 I see no case that “Australian Parliament” was warranted by claims of defence, health emergency or communication to interfere with private civilians’ online communiques. In fact, it is arguable govt has any right to spring board from the constitution to do anything online at all other than regulate possibly how the technology works.

2.2.1 Australian Constitution s51v lists communication services not citizens practices in those services.  The listed services are all 2 way communications that have a clearly defined sender & receiver(s). Further at the time of the constitution these were all expected to be govt funded & owned services. While there is a case that govt owned broadband may qualify there is no case that the practice of public traded or privately owned businesses accessed by operating broadband are under this section enabling control by govt.  Social media has a defined sender but the receivers are like newspapers unknown. Some are regular followers some readers referred by regulars & complete strangers. The social media service acts like a news publisher. Newspapers started circulation in Australia in 1824. Printed media was a known technology but power to control it was not given in s51 of the Constitution.


 2.2.2  While s51v is clearly related to communication methods, centuries of common practice evidences it was never intended to be extended by unscrupulous politicians to censor citizens themselves for their communications. “Postal” services saw wax seals & later envelopes with seals. Public telephone boxes were never guarded with civilians prevented use in even wars. There is a common law expectation that Australians have had every right to privacy free from govt intervention & received quiet enjoyment of their civilian social communications, That includes the right to send angry communications for dis-service & adversity exampled by letters to editors.

 2.2.3                  History for centuries has shown that when govt restricts word use eg aerograms & urges unsealed letters eg Christmas cards it warranted cheaper rates & financial savings. This I would argue shows a fair case that legal compensation is directly due for those who have had their social media enjoyment directly affected by govt’s unwarranted interventions. On sites like Twitter govt has financially harmed civilians right to peacefully trade (service for subscription).  If I subscrbed to a magazine & it was never delivered by post but stolen (aka permanently suspended) or if it was damaged/lost in the post so as content was not fully available (aka censored) no-one would doubt I was entitled to govt compensation. Where is the difference with my permanently suspended subscription Twitter accounts 1.0 & 2.0 now X. If I read something in the magazine that raises anger to the extent I write a letter to the magazines editor I have every expectation that a free speech magazine would take it on the chin but not cancel my subscription reducing its own income.  What I don’t expect & shouldn’t have to, is that govt entities should lean on social media sites to cancel my & others accounts with any rubbish they can. Or that senior public servants would conspire in an attempt to censor or suspend the Voices of Australian civilians in order to cover up murderous crimes like Robodebt & Covid19. Make no mistake that is what we are really talking about in my permanent suspensions & restrictions.


2.2.4 s51v does list “telephonic”, but it is a very big stretch to link it to what we have been encouraged to call Smart Phones. Smart phones are really mini computers. Smart Phones are essentially a personal filing cabinet & device storage cupboard of which the telephone is just one of many features/APPs.  If govt or police wanted to search our cupboards at home they would need a search warrant showing just cause to do same. Govt certainly has never been empowered to tell us how to make our beds, so I’m fascinated to know by what power govt thinks it can legislate how we as civilians wash our dirty linen in public…. Do tell????

 2.2.5         Even in wars & emergencies prior to Covid19 civilians were never deprived the use of telephones or postage. This is exampled by the provision of public unguarded telephone boxes where anonymous users have access without photo identities. The first coin operated phone box was 1899. It was the same year as the start of the Boer War 1899 that lasted until 1902. Few register that when Australia’s constitution came into effect we were involved in a War with the Boers.  Even with that consideration our printed news media was not even considered touchable by govt intervention as part of s51v.

2.2.6         Common practice across the 20th century upholds our right to receive & send uncensored civilian letters, postcards & phone calls interfered with by govts without a warrant showing just cause.  It has also been our right to send out & publicly post angry letters & comments eg angry product/service complaints.  Why then are we not allowed to do that without censorship & suspensions if the subject is politics on social media? If threatening letters is considered criminal then why was the public service enabled for many years under both Labor & LNP to send Robodebt enquiry letters threatening benefits to hundreds of thousands of people with absolutely no basis.  The public pay the costs on the unlawful National Cabinet & yet we still can’t get access to minutes to see what we are paying for. You want to try & censor our communiques online? My answer is think again!

2.2.7 We are no longer a penal colony. People who have committed no crime or even completed their time have every right to expect they have the presumption of innocence & uninterrupted enjoyment of life.  That is clearly not being given if APH are advocating interference in even more of our social media based on suspicion of participation in future events. In real life if there is just cause then it has to be stated to obtain a search warrant. Censorship & suspension of individuals & group suspensions of civilians was not merited in anyway for health or emergency on social media. We have over a century of wars under the constitution that did not warrant emergency response actions previously. Let alone for a hoax.

2.2.8 After seeing Royal Commissions Banking/Aged/Disability/Robodebt, Bushfire Oz & Covid19 what should be clear to any thinking rational person is Australians are overwhelmingly good people oppressed by a rotten to the very core Australian Parliament House (APH). We are not the problem that needs to be censored & suspended as terrorist - you are.  After seeing politicians lie, police back them up & news media play dead in Covid19 hoax, only a fool would trust anyone at APH to ever make legislation ever again. I’m planning to start a new social media account on a Russian owned site Telegram in order to get freer speech than I’m getting after APH’s interference. 

3.1.0 If we as Australians are nudged out of our true emotions & individual modes of expression using the excuse of misinformation or disinformation or for that matter anything else then the ultimate goal by the Australian govt is online assimilation. My family paid to come to Australia after the 1970’s on govt assurances Australia’s future was multiculturalism not assimilation.  My place of birth is ruled by a monarch whose head is also the head of the Church of England. I will not be assimilating anywhere, anytime soon with a bunch of Woke groomers that think it is okay that art shows can now target children with free passes to see cartoons of beastiality14 in Queensland. I am done with unaccountable foreign WHO & WEF & their ideas on what should & should not be censored as a multicultural Australian.   

3.1.1         Christians believe they are born in sin & life is a progression to be one with God. A popular saying is “Christians are not perfect just forgiven”. Christians may use foul language or “corrupt communication” if it is “good to the use of edifying” KJV Ephesians 4:29.

3.1.2         Humans are emotional & one of those emotions is anger. In real life we express that anger with Words all the time. It is part of how we communicate.  Go to any food court & look around. Many people are staring into their phones. Social media is a big part of our lives now. Online angry Words & incitement is unlikely to result in physical harm offline. Call them blogs, tweets or posts, but if you are going to claim “Violent speech” they need to have sound. Call them blogs, tweets or posts, but if you are going to claim they are an “Incitement to violence” the onus of proof is on govts & social media to show a case where that has occurred uniquely. There is no case. We had lone wolf attacks before & mob mentality violence before social media.   “Sticks & stones break one’s bones, but names will never hurt one.” The nursery rhyme & adage has a long history going back to the KJV bible 2Kings 2:23-4, wherein a man persecuted by Words respected God’s right to hold judgement.  There is no common law case that upholds the right of govt to interfere in free speech & no right to create an Act that is stopped by s116. It is impossible through a protective screen of a laptop or smart phone that people can be physically & violently hurt unless they do it to themselves. There is a stronger case can be made that people like me with accounts continually censored, suspended & restricted have been emotionally repressed & psychologically harmed in what is a non-physical social pursuit17

3.1.3         I have only been on social media since Dec 2017. I joined initially to spread my research on the unlawfulness of Robodebt. I knew Nov 15, 2017 the Robodebt computer program was corrupt & the processes were grossly unlawful. I went on to prove it at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal May/June 201820. Yet most of Australian Parliament House (APH) including the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office continued to ignore & cover up the unlawfulness. Australian Federal Police (AFP) were inside DHS Centrelink running Taskforce Integrity & applied pressure to innocent people to pay unlawful debts. APH players tried to threaten & censor those that spoke out on social media like me.  To date my submission & update to Senate is still confidential & even the Royal Commission has only published the covering letter & update & held back on my entire submission there.  The public had been nudged & brainwashed for decades by propaganda like “Dole Bludgers”, “Welfare cheats” & APH likes it that way. My most successful social media posts on Robodebt showed how low DHS were behaving. One was a post with the link showing that Centrelink had systemised unlawful debt recovery post death & another that law changes had progressed to the point govt could legally seize a Robodebt victims burial policy payouts.. Do I think misinformation or disinformation will be “safe & effective” in the hands of APH? Why should I based on its history & lack of morals!

3.1.4         On old Twitter pre-Covid, I recall one day on health, I posted an update on a WHO ebola threat & in another tweet a story of my cat practicing fishing with its paw sat on the edge of the bathtub. The cat post got about a hundred likes & the ebola blog rated only two likes. You can not cut through to edify, if you have no audience. There are millions of posts daily on social media, but the posts that get the most attention quickly on health, are shocking, angry & vulgar. It is exactly the same in real life. Hence we have slapstick, black comedy, naked scenes, shock jock radio hosts, horror stories & even classic literature has its villains.   People that are anti the Covid19 rhetoric, have been forced to use stronger language in blogs, because unless it has been noticed & circulated quickly it is corrupted & censored by factcheckers into invisibility. I’m still trying to decide in Australia if it was a wearing thin of the long lockdowns or the misinformation or disinformation that drew the interest of more people to the health information. They made anti Covid19 information the forbidden fruit.

3.1.5         After Covid19 most of the world is awake to the fact that unethical nudge psychologist have been nudging peoples mentality for big pharma’s profit across media. People were so brainwashed with fear in the early stages of Covid19 they forgot 80yo’s die of old age. We would think nothing of someone administering a blow to the face to calm a hysterical person or to bring someone out of shock. How do you administer a slap in the face online? Angry & vulgar Words administer a very efficient shock which is why they get the most online attention. It is by deeds we are judged as Christians. It is for God to determine what is in our hearts when those Words are used.

3.1.6         In Courts there is a presumption of innocence until a deed is committed.  Even with a verdict of murder their are degrees of guilt as part of the sentence. Consideration is given to self defence & the defence of others. The people in Covid19 that have been censored, suspended & restricted have overwhelmingly been anti-Covid19 bloggers. We were warning others about the risks of taking a poorly tested unnecessary Covid19 listed experimental poison. We have been trying to stop murderers that have continued to promote the poisons uptake for big pharma's profit. That poison has now been proven to never have been “Safe & Effective”.  It is govts & social media companies that have committed acts of harm against us whatever Words we used to break through the unethical brainwashing.

3.1.7      The same team involved in Robodebt nudges Behavioural Economic Team Australia (BETA) were operating “Nudge vs Superbugs” in Covid19. They have been abusing all Australians in social media psychologically & directly by nudging our doctors with experimental psychology since 2017. They are one of the guardrails that have been behind the social media misinformation or disinformation in Covid19. BETA has baton playmates Behavioural Insights Team in United Kingdom (BIT UK). Dec2021 BIT UK was sold to Nesta. Nesta was started by WEF puppet & Gates Foundation grant darling Tony Blair of UK’s “New Labour”. The two companies have had a history together since 2014. “Nudge” was developed by Cass Sunstein a college mate of US Liberal Democrat Obama. Sunstein was appointed head of the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs under Obama & he was Chair of WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health.  Sunstein is also married to Samantha Power who was a frmr Obama rah rah girl & appointed by Biden too as Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Power has been dodging questions from USA Senators recently about USAID funding of Covid19 labs. With the history of the people behind this, it should have been of no surprise to anyone at APH, that Covid19 censorships, suspensions & restrictions have been abused to give Australian Federal & State Labor parties an election advertising social media monopoly. Especially not the World Economic Forum (WEF) eSafety. Commissioner & ACMA.

3.1.8         Nudge is a conglomerate of a number of nasty psychological things:- 1. the Milgram Obedience experiment original devised to see how ordinary German people were turned into murderers that condoned the holocaust.  The research showed people given the right motivation most people could be induced to commit murder & seriously harm to people.; 2. Hypnotic suggestion; 3. The rubber band remember technique.  Only people with evil intent would have rolled this garbage out in human services & health.  

3.1.9         The Belfer Centre’s “The Elections Influence Operations Playbook” Parts 1 & 2 are nudge manuals designed to respond (aka pack attack) social media users for the interest of killing political opponents on social media. Twitter old, Twitter X and Facebook have been all been targeting anyone that opposes Australia’s Labor parties State & Federal. Both have been defaming people & making up their own rules that bears no resemblance to Australian law & little heed of international human rights. They are doing this in order to  remove people from social media to swing a political outcome they want.  I submitted to the eSafety Commission inquiry an in depth look on social media that included the Belfer Center political attacks.  This is available public & explains how they target & respond to citizens & identified Covid19 as a key election issue19. This was lodged before the Twitter files & all of my observations were validated by them. The method the social media users are being attacked is still right out of the Belfer Ctr playbook. The social media companies are still targeting individuals & blogs from people like Kennedy are still almost always disproportionately heavily & biasedly censored by factcheckers.


3.1.10      Misinformation or disinformation got a big boost together as Part 2 of the Harvard Kennedy Belfer Centre’s The Election Influence Operations Playbook for State and Local Election Officials Part 2 subtitle Mis/Disinformation Response Plan. The two volumes extensively cover how to target & respond (aka pack attack) innocent people on social media they identify as election influencers based on their knowledge of political platform topics. Across 2 volumes of the playbook, they advise govts on how to rig elections by getting the innocent influencers censored, permanently suspended & restricted.  I raised the Belfer Centre’s unlawful interference in elections along with detailed samples of the damage censorships were doing in Covid19 as part of a submission to the eSafety Commission inquiry accepted public15. Our WEF eSafety Commissioner did nothing until the truth about the biased Liberal Democrat censorships were coming out via the Twitter Files. It was then she chose to threaten Twitter 2.0 with fines. TwitterX was pushed into the arms of the WEF. 

3.1.11 Let me be very clear, TwitterX with a WEF puppet Linda Yaccarino CEO is back worse than it was under the prior ownership. Musk claiming, he is all about free speech is just blowing a lot of smoke up our proverbials.  I have seen alleged Musk still has control of censorship moderation. If that is the case then either Musk hired Yaccarino as a smoke screen for his own actions or govt interventions. If I was a political party other than Labor I would not trust either Musk & Yaccarino. This opinion is shared by many.  Take a good look at the pictures overpage! Trending in Australia 10.4K angry Aussies inciting violence with #RIPTwitter, because we know where our censorships, suspensions & restrictions have come from.  It’s not shadow banning & censorship on TwitterX. Despite losing a load of members ergo less tweeters, they are having storage space issues which is why perfectly factual tweets of influencers opposing Labor & posting anti Covid material are being deleted quickly…….Yes they really want you to believe that.



3.1.12 TwitterX & Facebook are both foreign companies. Whoever is at the helm, they are operating a business in Australia. They are expected to abide by our laws & guides and certainly by international laws. Guilt by association is considered unlawful in most countries legal systems. Social media are targeting people by association to a political platform topic anti Covid19.  How is that not Guilt by Association? I put it to you that the entire premise of online “factchecking” is an offence to justice as it is based on unlawful guilt by association.   Both Facebook & Twitter are publicly share traded entities. I am struggling to see that what they are both running is a private biased political lovefest that hasn’t been publicly disclosed as part of that share trading.

3.1.13 In real life even in Court, a criminal history is not considered until after a person has been convicted of another crime. On social media if you are identified as an influencer you are instantly jailed with no review & the fact you are an identified influencer is the reason you are charged with anything else they can dig up or manufacture themselves thereafter. Australia is ratified signatories to the International Covenant of Civil & Political Rights (ICCPR2). ICCPR14.2 covers presumption of innocence. Neither TwitterX or Facebook have given the presumption of innocence to people they have attacked with censorships because their fact checking & review processes are virtually non-existent for targeted individuals. Or they are based on the opinion of factcheckers who are poorly qualified in the topics they fact check & do rubbish research. The factcheckers are the judge & jury othemselves & they are financially motivated to never admit they got it wrong. This offends natural justice principle, “No man is a judge in his own cause”.  Accused are given no chance to defend themselves. On TwitterX & Facebook there is no acceptable review process given & in most cases no crime has occurred.

3.1.14 Twitter is now defaming people with a criminal offence “Incitement to violence” & “violent speech” in order to permanently suspend them for political interests.  Facebook has not stopped abusing users with its opinionated fact checkers that are worse in key voting periods.  There is nothing to toss up between TwitterX & Facebook. Many Australian anti Covid groups have had enough & have already shifted to the Russian Telegram. Tell me how it is possibly in Australia’s defence interests that our private info is now being uploaded by us to a cold world enemy because we feel we are being attacked by our own govt?

3.1.15 Related to incitement to violence Section 11.4(2) of the Criminal Code Act 1995,” For the person to be guilty, the person must intend that the offence incited be committed.”  Unless violence has resulted there is no solid case for “Incitement to violence” unless there is an admission of guilt. Intent needs to be proven. If a person even requests a review, it validates there is no admission of guilt.  Even with a deed of violence occurring & an admission by the accused that they committed “Incitement to violence” all factors need to be considered. For example was the accused coerced to make the admission. Twitter & Facebook’s poor supply of timely reviews hold innocent customers social media accounts to ransom for periods that extend well past the period those that admit guilt have to sit it out. That is unethical coercion & when both social media companies increase their censorships shortly before key elections because Labor wants a social media advertising monopoly, electoral interference.  The rationale of a person that actually commits proven violence is another consideration. History has seen many alleged lone wolf attacks before social media was even around.  The merit of proof is arbitrary for a prosecutor to prove & without the actual deed having occurred you know where you can file any claim of “inciting violence”. That means the social media company is publicly defaming people. In the case of reviews being requested, unless a criminal offence has occurred the onus of proof is on the social media company & not their accused to prove they had a valid reason to suspect “Incitement to violence”.


3.1.16 I will show Australians are being given no chance to get their suspensions reviewed on either Facebook or TwitterX. I believe that is as a direct result of the interference in social media by Australian Parliament House (APH) entities for nefarious purposes. Over the last few years Australia has seen APH is riddled with criminality being exposed in Robodebt, NDIS, offshore detention to name but a few places & let’s not forget the latest Covid19.    The only legislation I should be seeing is to prevent social media companies from censoring, suspending, restricting or shadow banning any Australian without a Court Order showing just cause.

4.1.0 Australian Parliament House (APH) have used misinformation or disinformation censorships & suspensions as a weapon on civilians to silence their own unlawfulness getting out. The two main issues I have discussed on social media have been my findings on both Robodebt proven unlawful in Court/Royal Commission and Covid19 being exposed now as a total fraud. That I don’t know which of the unlawful APH actions I  have opposed warranted my social media attacks tells me APH or its agencies are the last place that can be trusted to act in citizens interests. Dept of Home Affairs (DoHA) & Australian Federal Police (AFP) have been knee deep participating in a lot of the criminality going on eg Taskforce Integrity in Robodebt. When I consider PwC in Robodebt & Pfizer/Moderna in Covid19 all are foreign. As an Australian I want to to know why no-one was there to defend my free speech interests for over 4years. Both ACMA & the eSafety Commission have been at best negligent in public office for standing by while social media companies censored Australians. At worst they have abetted the criminality by silently covering it up. With the National Anti-Corruption Commission starting, the timing of the closing date for submissions being brought forward in this inquiry is suspicious to say the least. I argue it was never an empowered Australian Constitution s51  “good order” act to enable the use of any harmful measures against citizens interests for foreign interests. Certainly not for foreign interests in a Constitution that aims to keep them out evidenced by its limitations on decision makers fitness as s44(i)) shows. 

4.1.1         When I read “The Diary of Anne Frank” at school, it never occurred to me to look for the moments of conflict among the hiding place inhabitants. It seems to me that the whole point of the diary was to show the level of hardship the Jewish family were put under as a result of the fascist Nazi’s. My home life taught me, if you look for a fight, you’ll get one. The Frank’s & their neighbours are like any normal family that has niggles & arguments. Children today are being taught to look for conflict, but not how to deal with it.  No-one is controlled or learns resilience by sitting them in a naughty corner & silencing them aka censorship & suspensions. All that does is bottle up the aggression till it explodes.

4.1.2 History is not racism. I’m a Queenslander. Fascism has been infiltrating all major political parties in Australia for a long time now.  We have been nudged to disuse WWII atrocities as examples in debates online using Godwin’s Law. Govts have banned the swastika a religious symbol in various Eurasian, as well as some African and American cultures. These actions have been so we would forget. Why should we? Last time I looked the Allies won both WWI & WWII & we didn’t start either.  In Covid19 we saw statues of heroes like Churchill pushed in the drink, Aussie diggers caged off from memorials on Anzac Day. Queenslanders have been locked up, muzzled with masks & forced into medical experimentation & quarantine camps using a hoax for the greater good of Schwab’s fatherland & a whole lot of treacherous neo-Nazi WEF infiltrators. One listen to the WEF Shwab’s ideal of Aussies owning nothing & being happy should have had a lot of people at APH worried. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been spent on the United Nations to stop fascism rising again & here we are.  Read the Australian Constitution Act s51xxxi & tell me, how putting in legislation to create a WEF propaganda highway to nudge brainwash Aussies out of their property ownership fits with s51 “just terms”.  WEF aims to see Aussies homeless.   A whole lot of nasty thieving fascist went for the gold ring in Covid19 & have been caught out.  No amount of rebranding, no amount of censorship or permanent suspensions will stop our angry Words of Mouth. No amount will ever make us go for WEF’s Fourth Reich Industrial Revolution.  We deserve justice not increased censorship & are brassed off that we are not getting it from public service or a Federal Labor govt that promised us a Royal Commission Covid19.  Queenslanders have had enough of neo-Nazi self-serving & rorting politicians & their appointed public servant heads State & Federal. We are wide awake!  


4.1.3 A million people went from all corners of Australia chanting “Sack them All”. You probably missed the Epic Park protest notices for Canberra February 2022. It’s because despite it being a planned peaceful assembly & Australia being a ratified signatory to international human rights, notices of assembly were censored on social media for distribution under the name misinformation or disinformation. Covid19 an alleged health event remember, has been identified by the Belfer Centre in its playbook as a political issue. Ergo it is fair to consider it was an Australian human rights breach when the information about this gathering & all the others were censored on social media during Covid19 a civil health & political issue. Bloggers have been suspended, censored & restricted by social media companies due to interference by APH as the freedom of information of over 4000 on Covid19 by Dept of Home Affairs shows.  International human rights crime per Articles 21 & 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) that protects our right to peacefully assemble, to freely associate even in protest. No part of this statement limits people’s rights to peacefully assemble offline. No part of this statement limits my right to assemble online & through a piece of plastic unphysical violent protest is all that I can make. What has been going on is human right offences on a huge scale.


4.1.4         Based on the ratio of my Stand in the Park group that attended Epic Park multiply the number of Australians by 10. The protest according to main stream media was a few thousand far right conspiracy theorist attendees. Main stream media were given a very big incentive for Covid hoax to be real with an ACMA licence rebate.  Main stream media didn’t think it was newsworthy that a million everyday Aussies travelled from all parts of Australia because they were sick to death of APH misinformation or disinformation censorships, suspensions & restrictions on social media for discussing health Covid19.  If APH think these 1M people that stayed for a week (& went there to connect) didn’t exchange info, addresses & phone numbers they are joking. If they think those details have not been passed on to the other 9M by Word of mouth they are just plain fools? Of course, they did.  Look at the jab uptake.  By now almost all Aussies know what APH has done to them. There’s nothing like good ole Word of mouth.


4.1.5         Good ole Word of Mouth was why we really got the mask mandates & the restrictions on singing in gatherings & travel.  Unethical behavioural insight psychologists (BETA in PM & Cabinet) use these measures to increase the power of the ”Nudge” controller. The speaker is the one who is not gagged by a mask. The person that can travel everywhere is not the person lock-up.  The Words remembered most are those chanted repeatedly - We’re All in This Together – Doing it for others – Build Back better. It is how we learn, how things are impressed on our minds 1x1=1 2x1=2…Democratic govts are elected to represent our free speech & public servants are charged with serving us. Almost all have been party to trying to remove control of Australians free speech. This inquiry & push to legislate to limit our free is more of that. The mandates though have exposed a much darker agenda of what is to come. I will remind APH that political parties must have an approved Constitution. Liberal Party recognise free speech in their Constitution at section 2d(iii) & Labor at Part B 5(n). The Nationals cover democracy & liberty at section 2.1(iii) & Greens Basic Charter Democracy goes further “to increase public participation in political, social and economic decision making” – the public need to be fully informed of their options for that to occur. Should any of these parties bring legislation or vote for legislation to limit free speech in any way then the validity of their party status at the last Federal election (held after the start of Covid19 & in the middle of the censorships) should be put under lawful scrutiny.  Party registrations, electoral funds & memberships are tied to their Constitutions & acting out of step with core objectives could be deemed fraud.


4.1.6         Few would sit quiet if “The Diary of Anne Frank” was censored with the inhabitants’ anger removed in case they incite violence.  We accept that this is a book of her story & respect she should be able to tell her story in her Words. In the overwhelming majority of rational thinking readers, the book’s Words are unlikely to incite untethered violence. Severe mental health as at 2020-2021 per the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHW) affects only 5% of people. Accommodating that 5% by psychologically attacking 95% of us online till we to join them is some kinda dumb.  If Anne Frank got to tell her story in her Words, conflict included, in the publishing medium of her day, why are social media users censored & suspended in the publishing medium of their day.  Where is the difference? The difference is that a bunch of criminals at APH are frightened about the consequences to themselves if their unlawfulness gets out.


4.1.7         On TwitterX there is a facility that you can turn off comments & on Facebook, groups can be private. Profiles can be anonymous. The people that don’t use these facilities leave themselves open to feedback. They should expect to get booed & heckled as well as “liked” for poor. Real humans though should not have to expect that they are booed & heckled by anonymous sock puppets that are political trolls/BOTs, nudge psychologist or from APH staff members attacking them. Do any of these heckles from real people in parliamentary Question Time incite physical violence & they are in the same room? No, because they are real people & are not unidentifiable sock puppets that can be sued.   I am a former Labor member & from what I have seen in Australia across 5years the social media interventions have been for the clear bias of Australian Labor Party & their State affiliates & Greens.


5.1.0         Misinformation or disinformation first got traction in Australians’ use of social media as a result of a single Australian, alleged extremist Brenton Harrison Tarrant. No-one in Australia doubted New Zealand’s former Labour PM Jacinda Ardern’s WEF’s Young Global Leader’s narrative. Ardern in Covid19 told us herself on Covid19 she is the “single source of truth” & to dismiss anyone else.  Where is Ardern now? She hurriedly resigned & made a fast get away, when the truth of Covid hoax was starting to be exposed in New Zealand. She is in situ at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center (BKC) for Internet and Society. Just like the Belfer Centre that was exposed in US Courts for interfering in elections with its playbook, BKC is part of what the Twitter Files refer to as the Censorship Industrial Complex.

5.1.1 Australian terrorism is officially recognised by Our World Data as <.01%12.  Tarrant was a lone wolf terrorist. Tarrant allegedly uploaded a video in the act & made a manifesto, police apprehended him (on the way to a third site) & he gave a confession we are told was uncoerced. If there wasn’t such a body of evidence online because he wasn’t permanently suspended would Tarrant be in jail now? If Tarrant had been in a restricted or shadow banned group how would authorities have found out about it? If social media was the recruitment/incitement threat alleged, why was he there by himself?  After all the propaganda games we’ve seen lately we all know the video etc. can be faked & most politicians best work is lying.  Was it real? If it was real & online violence incited violence in others where were the copycats? Port Arthur, Lindt Café, NZ were all lone wolf incidents. Australia’s terrorism history gives more of a case that people identified as a potential risk should be encouraged to be online where they are part of a community that bring them back to reason & get their anger out of their system.  This is not America. In Australia, if the gun control laws are worth keeping there should be no reason for social media interference of user accounts.


5.1.2         Members of TwitterX Musk & Facebook Zuckerberg have been giving a demonstration lately on just how ridiculous the notion is, that online violence translates to offline violence.  The on again off again uncensored cage fight has been played out to millions of their followers & a press gallery.  Do we have violence in the streets? No!  The fear of online incitement of violence has been overblown & exaggerated by cyber security salesmen, unethical nudge psychologists & members of APH to cover up their own nefarious actions.   

5.1.3         Epic Park Aussies even children were fired upon by Australian Federal Police (AFP) using long range acoustic devices (LRAD) - I saw the burns on returned attendees myself. In Senate questioning with Sen. Antic Reece Kershaw AFP covered the topic of crowd sizes & provided a photo of the LRAD used. Kershaw took the question on notice (QoN)17.  Just a reminder Kershaw displayed his press prowess in Senate questioning on the morning of “Redact” when he managed to miss the front page of every newspaper in Australia. After Robodebt & Covid19 it is overtime Kershaw opened his eyes & woke up to himself. That people were physically harmed was not misinformation & disinformation. Not My ABC brushed that aside. ABC are partners with RMIT in RMIT ABC Fact Check. They are one of the 3 Australian fact checkers with an alleged global accreditation. To be blunt their independent accredited status is bullsh*t. There is no federal accreditation for factcheckers in USA & International Fact Check Network (IFCN) is aligned to USA’s Poynter who was a huge financial donor to USA’s Obama Liberal Democrats. RMIT got a whopping big $43M grant from Dan Andrews Victorian Labor to additionally prejudice their position even more.  RMIT’s Misinformation or Disinformation accreditation is 40 minutes total. BUT you’ll be thrilled to know that their partner ABC endorses the incredibly longer free 90-minute session that gives out badges to students so they can Belfer Centre pack attack Aussies. Personally, I think a lot referrals to NACC should be in order for RMIT ABC public servant educators for the harm they have done in Covid19. That is before I consider the influence of Buttrose being in adverts for Pfizer & Dr Swan’s Tonic Media funding. After years of neglect of health care, years of impoverishment with welfare, years of thievery like Cashless Debit Card, like Robodebt, like Covid19, it is the public servants & politicians actions that incite us to anger.  Own it!  Whether the anger is in the streets like in France, on roads like tractors in Holland, like trucks in Canada no amount of censorship, suspensions & restrictions will stop Word of mouth. Justice is coming. You can choose whether the violence is safely online or untethered. Note the factcheck. Tell me what kind of a message shooting children broadcasts to you!

5.1.4         We’ve already seen what a disaster RMIT ABC has made of Covid19 fact checking & let’s not forget all those lost defamation cases. Let’s have a good look at what factual expertise you get from a 90-minute bang for buck qualifying session. Below is an e.g., of one of RMIT ABC’s latest misinformation or disinformation factchecks on Robodebt.  It is nothing but an opinion. Their opinion. The data is incomplete & is biased for their own interests. ABC’s coverage of Robodebt was a disgrace. Robodebt was proven in Court unlawful & is probably the biggest crimes in Australia since Federation. You would barely know that if you watched ABC. Let’s say it like it really is with the Robodebt Royal Commission rubber stamping the appalling level of criminality, ABC are now trying to cover news negligence. The factcheckers reached an all-time low 4 August 2023 when they factchecked the harm done that includes the alleged Robodebt suicides - aren’t they precious. The fact check is correct that based on DHS Centrelink data 2030 people were dead within 12mths of getting a Robodebt per a Question on Notice (QoN) from Senator Siewert. Also, it was correct that received data was only for the period 1 July 2016 to 31 October 2018. What is crucial to note though about the data is that DHS were only given permission to run a Robodebt trial on 300 vulnerable people (aged/disabled). This means that 1730 of the people deceased were deemed by Centrelink to be healthy enough they were on Newstart where they could be subjected to Mutual Obligations aka Work for the Dole.  Also, as a trial & with the knowledge they were vulnerable the Secretary was bound by section 8 Principles in the Administration Act to accommodate the 300 vulnerable individuals & ensure they were carefully monitored.  From personal experience of fighting a data match debt in AAT, in recovery from a leg amputation I can tell you that did not happen. Further had it been done, I’m sure if the 300 were all deceased, DHS would have been quick to include that information in the response to the QoN to reduce the impact of that horrendous 2030 deceased figure. For the sake of numbers though I’m going to assume all 300 vulnerables did die of natural causes. That still leaves 1730 individuals identified by DHS Centrelink themselves as healthy & not vulnerable dead within 12mths of getting a Robodebt.  They died of something. 1Jul 2016 to 31Oct 2018 equates to 28mths (61.79 deceased per month). Remove 15% to allow for accidental death (4.4% car + 1.4% work [WFD]+ home & other?). That gives us an estimated 1471 mysteries as at 31st October 2018. Still an incredibly high number.  I note the fact check does not include a sample of the offending tweets that would show a timeline for the posts or the context that so perturbed the fact checker that it raised this piece years later.  Robodebt continued full pace after the QoN data ceased 31st October 3018. Slowing only with the Amato decision in November 2019. So, add on another 12mths ergo pro rata 40mths @ 61.79 = 2472 healthy individuals. Remove 15% again for accidental deaths & it gives us pro rata an estimated 2101 healthy below retirement age, deceased within 12mths of getting a Robodebt as at 31st October 2019. 3.5+yrs before this fact check.  This fact check in itself is missing the context of the dates of the blogs. Without the blogs dates there is no way to tell whether the 2,030 deaths figure spread by some was in the data ballpark (2101) at the time they were posted. The fact check was based on an unsubstantiated claim of the contents of the original post, years after it was relevant & missing key information. It is trash.

6.1.0 My crime according to WEF’s puppet TwitterX was “violent speech”. “You may not threaten, glorify, or express a desire for harm or violence”. I didn’t do any of those things. I edited a swear word “f*cking”. I‘ve supplied in numerous govt submissions proof to back up my statements that Covid was a hoax & links were at my pinned tweet for anyone that wanted to follow my comments benefit. My tweet shows an intent to prevent harm to toddlers. I do not call for unbridled violence but courts & then gallows. Make no mistake that is where a lot will be going that have ramped up Covid hoax. The death penalty is still on the table in many countries including some States in USA & Australia has extradition with many of those countries. My tweet used language consistent if not more restrained than other users, who don’t seem to care about Courts in the capital, punishment equation on the topic of Covid19 as seen below.  The unjust level of my suspension is because I’m an identified political influencer. In English that means I really can prove Labor are upto their necks in Covid19 & Robodebt criminality too. My account was Belfer Centre politically targeted by Labor 5 July, 2023 less than 2 weeks out from the Fadden Qld election held 15 July 2023 because they were hoping to capitalise on the Royal Commission Robodebt report. All of my social media account attacks have been done by Labor.  Labor State Premiers were party to Covid19 hoax. I was targeted & suspended because I can prove Covid19 was a crime with intent to murder from the start.  No part of my tweet was racial, so section 11.4(2) of the Criminal Code Act 1995 would be the only basis upon which to make an allegation of “violent speech” under Australian law & I’ve already debunked that herein. This comment made by TwitterX is defamatory & the withdrawal of my services using it total bullsh*t. The tweet that got me permanently suspended has followed 4yrs of targeted assaults across Twitter & Facebook by Dan Andrews Victorian Labor & ALP entities. Labor were enabled to do this aided by APH public servants  & fact checkers.


6.1.1         In real life any Court would require proof that actual physical violence had occurred. In real life consideration would be given to the validity of the accuser & their claims. I paid a subscription for free speech. My accuser was a non-subscribing parody account of my own democracydemon2 account. The parody account was set up to attack anyone I communicated with that might consider my Robodebt/Covid19 data & is more than probably Labor, because Labor is also guilty as hell on both. (I would be delighted to provide anyone at APH proof of this statement & have been sending out submissions in that regard for 5years now to various inquiries).  I reported the parody account was harmful a month before I was permanently suspended & defamed for ”violent speech“ & “inciting violence” by the harmful parody account. It is more than probably on the payroll of criminals in APH. Note the picture of the thank you letter from TwitterX sent to the parody account same day 5 July 2023 my account was suspended. They didn’t even bother to look at the name of the accuser. When I lodged my request for a review, I first got an email telling me there was a 5-7day wait (hardly surprising the morning after the 4th of July). 2 minutes after receipt of that I got another email telling me I’d had a review & my account was permanently suspended. I was never going to get a real review thanks to the pressure that has been put on social media companies by entities from APH.  I have lodged other reviews since & if a real review process was present, it should be a no brainer that a parody account that you have reported yourself as being harmful, cannot report you. Note f*cking isn’t censored in the “parody” account profile. Note the alleged “parody” account is encouraging a court action directly against me & yet unlike my tweet this fake account has not been removed for violence.  See also the comment “I am back to COOK”. This is a direct incitement of violence against me personally as for months Victorian Labor trended things like “Cookers going to burn” to the point I lodged a complaint with the acting whip.  The parody account is still on Twitter allowed to defame me, threaten me with harm & use my photos without my permission. This is the  new improved TwitterX for Australian users under a Labor govt supported by a WEF eSafety Commissioner under the WEF puppet CEO Yaccarino’s version of free speech without violence. Oh but it gets better. Despite not supplying the service that was promoted by Musk as having no permanent suspensions for a free speech platform I have to apply to get my subscription stopped from coming out of my account. Call me stupid but that is fraud & theft by TwitterX. Before I consider the real incitement to do me social media harm came from APH.


6.1.2 Let’s have a look at that parody account that TwitterX thought was just fine & dandy to keep targeting me & wouldn’t remove. The parody account that took offence at my “violent speech”.  Note its free & colourful language. Supposedly this account was threatened by ”violent speech” from me. Note it defaming me as a racist for exerting my political right to have an opinion on the Voice. Anyone that has seen my lodges to Senate Cashless Welfare Card inquiries know that me being a racist is utter garbage. I’ve also done work previously for the Indigenous Business Association. Because I refused to engage with this warped individual this vile parody targeted 2x happily married non-Labor men I regularly communicated on politics with on Twitter public. It’s not online stalking when it is an Australian State Labor govt assaulting you. It continually baited me to respond to it because it knew it was never going to get blocked whatever it did. One of the favourite tricks these scum do, is privately message you vile comments & then delete them so you can’t report the tweet.

6.1.3         Now that you’ve seen my vile anonymous accuser that is protected by Labor, the social media factcheckers/review moderators & AFP, tell me how you think (& I quote here the approved safe by TwitterX parody account so I can’t be accused of “violent speech”),  “removing the giant f*cking stick up all our *ssholes”, can be achieved without anger in the rest of Australians that isn’t doped out on Canberra’s special ciggies?


6.1.4         Of course according to Twitter there were other reports of my violence from other quality sources. (Made one parody account you can bet they’ve made others). When I lodged to Royal Commission I included a sample of another troll/ BOT assigned to target me @ewik04461021. Erik aka Witcher is another out of Dan Andrews online target assault teams stable. I used Witcher to show the level of Belfer Center attacks I was getting for raising Covid19 was a hoax.  It is a high probability Witcher has US links but it regularly used #IStandWithDan (Dan Andrews supporter tag). It’s early posts were just about me & its account was created Feb 2020 in Covid19 to attack me because I spotted the hoax early Jan 2020. It has followed me across 2x Twitter accounts now inciting scum like the parody account. It alleges Robodebt connection but that is highly improbable it would have set up an account well before Feb2020 if that was its real interest. Here it is rejoicing at my TwitterX suspension.

6.1.5         Dan Andrews & Labor have been running a number of Belfer targeting teams directed mainly by @ChristyDanFan, MarleyMae (multi a/c’s) & @PRGuy17.  I’ve reported the profile @ChristyDanFan team multiple times for really inciting violence but it hasn’t been permanently removed by Twitter. TwitterX rarely censors or suspends any of them longer than a day because they promote Dan Andrews & Labor Govts. TwitterX applies the “Sticks & stones” rules on these accounts & hangs everyone else without reviews that report them. TwitterX has what are called trusted partners like RMIT ABC fact checkers. Andrews $43M grant to RMIT using taxpayer money really bought a lot of trust at TwitterX & also the last election for Labor. For months & months the Labor Party trended the term cookers. I reported them multiple times to Twitter. I wasted my time & emailed to the Victorian Party whip holder for them to control their mentally harmful members, but when they can rig an election & they did (I also alerted the VEC they were doing Belfer targeting before the Victorian election), they don’t give a stuff.  A simple Twitter search can give you a small taste of what we “anti-vaxed” had for months & months. At any time, Premier Dan Andrews could have stopped what was a harmful inciteful defamatory & derogatory attack on people who exerted their international human right to bodily autonomy by a simple statement that he does not endorse the identities in anyway – but him & Labor do.  Labor are in govt & they will harm anyone including 5yo children with a jab they don’t need to stay there. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder & misinformation or disinformation is in the eye of the office holder. Unless you go higher & I plan to. 


6.1.6         ACMA financed the media’s desire for Covid19 reality with its licence rebate. Nothing was done about ABC that was clearly showing propaganda & ramping up the hoax.  The WEF puppet eSafety Commissioner did nothing until the real experts & real facts were coming out on Twitter social media via the Twitter Files. All good though by APH because Dictator Dan who dodged human rights abuse findings by the Victorian Ombudsman gets to trend again now thanks to his nice big bribe to RMIT. Did it possibly miss ACMA & the eSafety Commissioners consideration that RMITABC Factcheckers & Australia’s Cyber Security Research and Innovation (CSRI)16   may have been totally corrupted by this set up? If not why not?

6.1.7         People posting Covid19 have mostly fled Facebook altogether.  I run one of the few groups left that has stayed public but been continually Belfer Centre attacked & my group has been on Facebook restriction so long now I’ve stopped counting. My first Twitter account was Belfer Ctr targeted for posting on Robodebt pointing out Labor was as heavily involved as LNP & Covid19 hoax from January 2020. It was permanently suspended December 2020 for trying to save Aussie lives & warning people not to take the jab.  I rejoined when Musk fraudulently promoted his no permanent suspensions & free speech. I paid for a subscription & like many others know now we were conned.  TwitterX is another WEF nudge game & if I was an insurance company insuring a loss failure, I’d be worried.

6.1.8         Here’s my last 2x factchecker blackmarks to keep my Facebook group restricted & its visibility at the back of the bus using misinformation or disinformation. My group has grown by Word of mouth. Facebook rating is that I have been circulating false information which means they are defaming me & calling me a liar. The first is video of Member of the European Parliament Rob Roos questioning Pfizer on Covid19 transmission. The second is for circulating an article by molecular biologist Klaus Steger PhD a former Professor with a research focus on the genetic at Uni of Giessen for 23years. A p*ssant globally poorly qualified 90min accredited fact checker gets to interfere with politics, censor real experts on health & defame me & clearly from this inquiry you want more of this? Here’s what I think ----LAWYER UP!


7.1.0 I’m a former State Emergency Service warden deputy rescue leader & have a DipAcc that enabled me to model Covid19 correctly. Australians like me, trained to recon an emergency (even health emergency), were silenced by govt & social media. As a fully trained warden I am socially obligated to report. I’ve been warning people that Covid was a hoax since January 2020. I am still being censored permanently suspended & restricted on Covid19 because I screen captured people starting all moves like toiletpapergate/elbow handshakes & correctly modelled the real deceased numbers. Covid19 was a crime from the start & one where a lot of people in APH like in Robodebt knew the harm they would do. Every medication comes with side effects & sees allergic reactions. There was no deadly super spreader threat & National Cabinet knew that before all the Australian measures.


7.1.1 “Safe & Effective” the uncensored message was complete lies. The latest study from Switzerland shows 1 in 35 or 2.8% of Australians jabbed have most probably been heart injured by myocarditis as a result. That’s just one of the side effects & there’s multiple pages of them.  On an 80% targeted jab rate of adults, it equates to 477 996 seriously harmed or dead Aussies. Thanks to a bought main stream media & social media censorships, these victims had no access to warnings about what is referred to as a vaccine, but is really a listed experimental poorly tested poison. A lot of people like me tried to tell everyone that it was a listed poison on social media, but the factcheckers censored, suspended & restricted us from using the correct term to get more poisonous needles in arms to warped chants of “Safe & effective”.  It didn’t matter if the information was true. It was censored as harmful misinformation or disinformation because big pharma likes it that way & rort money speaks louder than dead Aussies. Now in most countries media has been shamed into letting the truth of what has gone on in Covid come out, but Australia has a robo public service. The same robo public service that thought it was okay to gloat on ABC online about the death of the AIDs health hero & Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier. His obituary saw him savagely defamed as a crackpot Covid19 conspiracy theorist for trying to save lives. The same public service that ignored Mike Yeardon ex Director & VP of Pfizer defamed as a far-right tin foil hat theorist. Dr Thomas Binder qualified virologist 35yrs experience locked up as insane & defamed. Why give the truth sayers a hearing when you can create home grown human health experts like at bird vet expert Doherty’s Institute that could not even reconcile 60 dead bodies in modelling after 3months of data. An institute that gave a gold standard to a PCR test that has been proven in 2 different countries Courts to not know the difference between live & dead virus or fruit juice & the virus. Oh & have I mentioned an institute that got $3M to ramp up jab intake. Thousands of Australians are injured or dead. Thousands have had their careers destroyed, online enjoyment irreparably harmed because of the lies told by various APH politicians & public servants to cover up the damage they did with their misinformation or disinformation as the bodies racked up.  The public servants covering up now in Dr John Campbell words “at best in my view negligent at worse I don’t want even to think about it”. At over 400,000 victims harmed we are back in Robodebt territory & all I’m seeing is all corners of APH covering their own tails & yet again by clamping down on the victims & the people trying to minimise the harm APH is doing.

8.1.0 In real life I can defend myself with equal measure inside any privately owned business operating in Australia. Why am I not able to defend myself likewise on TwitterX & for that matter Facebook too?  Why do I rate a permanent suspension?  TwitterX advertises reviews. I paid for a subscription & I should be able to get a fair review not a fraudulent confidence job. I was permanently suspended allegedly for “violent speech” I arguably did not make by the laws of this country. I was reported by what is a vile parody account & got no review. Whether by setting the atmosphere with 4000 interventions by the DoHA or by direct instructions APH has s51 unconstitutionally violently incited the attacks on me an Australian citizen. That is certainly is not defence of the realm & is not s51 “good order”. 

8.1.1There is a reasonable case that minors & in Australia (below 18 years of age or an equivalent mental age) should protected until they are capable of the resilience that is necessary with age. There is no case though that mature adults should have their words censored, be suspended or be restricted in any form of pursuit that advertises itself as social. That would be false advertising.   Mature adults should be allowed to freely emote as they would offline.  As a wheelie with reduced access to the community I have every right to expect that my main daily access to the community social media is a normal one.  One where I am able to emote & receive the same emotive responses I would have in a real-life conversation. Instead, what should be human uncensored contact, on social media has become an algorithm & A.I. cesspool with the strings pulled by govt. Even putting aside s116 I see no power given to APH in the constitution to have any control of computers.  One look at govt’s interference in social media in Covid19 using an alleged health emergency has shown it to be a physically harmful disaster, for the benefit of foreign entities & ergo was never s51 “good order” so never empowered to make.

8.1.2         We already had gun restriction laws, Metadata 2015 Act when govt bipartisan got to know which websites we visited & telcos ordered to keep 2years history of our moves.  Then 2018 Australians were lied to again by both govt & the bipartisan Shorten opposition & told there was an imminent terrorist threat. Trumpets heralded Assistance & Access Bill 2018 aka AABill.  Its aim that Aussie IT developers made backdoor portals into companies’ software so they could invade civilians’ privacy even more15.


8.1.3         When you look at Metadata & AABill & the moves that result in people like me that is frequently censored, permanently suspended & restricted by the two main Aussie social media sites you realise the laws were never about the protection of citizens. They were wholly & solely to stop the truth on the level of APH unlawfulness getting out.  Social media was an APH mission creep end goal all along. Here we are our Covid19 hoax mask gags are finally off just in time for ACMA & the eSafety Commissioner (another WEF mate) to threaten social media into censoring us. I allege there is a fair case the “Australian Parliament” has never had the power to make any laws about how we behave in social media. It is highly debatable “and any other like services” is relevant to social media companies. Further its actions in interfering in our social media accounts constitutes interference in a trade deal (subscription for service). Just as I would expect legislative Acts to be consistent with the Constitution so would I expect foreign public share traded companies operating in Australia e.g., Facebook & Twitter to abide by the Australian Constitution Act.  As a user I have personally experienced disgraceful attacks of my social media freedoms on Twitter & Facebook. These attacks have been enabled & I consider incited by the actions of the eSafety Commissioner, ACMA & the Dept of Home Affairs.  

 9.1.1         Conclusion – We’re asked to trust you & you don’t even have the decency to give us the full response time before cutting it short & trying to gag us.  I have about another 60pgs of reasons why APH should be kept out of decent Australians lives as much as possible. It’s a big NO from me.












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